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We Defeated The Demon King And Disbanded Without Any Conflict – Chapter 16

.。.:✧ The Mage Who Uncovered the Truth ✧:.。.

Translated By Arcane Translations
Translator: Yuziro




“Huh? …Sola?”

Back at the academy, the first thing I saw was the red-haired Archmage.

After confirming no one else was around, I responded to Sola calling me so casually.

I couldn’t care less about formalities, but if anyone found out I was on a first-name basis with Sola, I’d be publicly executed.

No doubt about it.



“What happened between you and Rain Garden?”

What happened?

Well, something did happen.

But it wasn’t something worth hiding, so I answered truthfully.

“We went to the labyrinth together… oh, right, Rain got distracted and got paralyzed. I treated her.”


Something felt off.

Her flat, emotionless voice sent chills down my spine.

An unexplainable fear made me shiver.


Sola kept repeating my name, as if expecting a particular answer.

I couldn’t read her expression, hidden behind her usual stoic mask.

But I could sense something was wrong with her magical wavelength.

It was erratic, like sparks dancing around a bonfire – Sola’s immense power, barely being contained.

“-… …- – – -… …”

An incantation. A string of repeating syllables and phrases I couldn’t comprehend.

Sola, chanting multiple sounds simultaneously, finished the spell and gently extended her hand towards me.

Refined magic pulsed from her fingertips, forming a new shape.

The light from the sun vanished, plunging me into momentary darkness.

An unpleasant sensation, then a flash of light filled my vision.

I looked around, but this… this wasn’t any place I recognized.

Putting aside the fact that there were still places unknown to me, someone who had traveled the entire continent, the atmosphere itself was chilling, sending shivers down my spine.

Then, I heard it…


A voice.

Sola’s voice, echoing within the confines of this unfamiliar space.

Her usually emotionless, calm voice…

Now sounded terrifying.

“Um… what is this…?”

“I apologize.”

Her apology held no warmth, no regret.

It felt… like an apology for something that was about to happen, rather than something that had already transpired.


My name again.

I didn’t respond.

I couldn’t.

The oppressive pressure from her erratic magical flow sealed my lips.

Sola, without another word, walked towards me.

My body refused to obey.

Whether bound by magic or something else, I couldn’t move a muscle.

All I could do was feel her approach, her touch as she gently caressed my face.

Like a treasured porcelain doll, she traced her fingers along my skin, then reached for the tightly wound bandages covering my eyes.


My voice was cold, a clear warning to cease her actions.

But she didn’t respond.

She had made up her mind.


Why now?

No answers came to mind.

Seeing her like this, so unlike the Al Sola I knew, left me reeling, my thoughts in disarray.

I knew I couldn’t hide it forever, but being forced to reveal it like this… it left a bitter taste in my mouth.

But my feelings held no sway over her actions.

The knot loosened.

The pressure that had been constricting me eased, and my blurry vision began to clear.

Al Sola came into focus.

A face I hadn’t seen in a long time.

Her fiery red hair… It was the same.

She seemed… small.

Her eyes… like a bottomless abyss, devoid of any reflection.

Those vacant black pupils stared right at me.

She saw me.

Me, stripped bare, my true face exposed for her to see.

I had braced myself for disgust, for revulsion.

But as our gazes met, a spark ignited in her eyes, chasing away the emptiness.

And then, tears welled up in those large, black eyes.

This wasn’t the reaction I expected.

But I found my voice.


“Can you… re-wrap these?”

“Wh-what happened… why… why…”

Her voice cracked, fragmented questions expressing her shock and confusion.

I didn’t answer.

I couldn’t undo what she had seen, but I wasn’t going to desperately hide it either.

As I had thought before, I was just a little afraid to reveal it, not ashamed.

“I… I’m sorry. I…”

“It’s not your fault.”

I cut her off, my tone curt. She had done nothing wrong. No one had.

The sight of my exposed face must have been a shock.

She muttered the incantation for a healing spell – useless without any magic to fuel it – and gently caressed my face with her small hand.

“Why… why does it have to be like this…?”

Her soft sobs echoed through the vast, empty space.

But there was no reason for her to be sad about my personal circumstances.

I regained control of my arm, picked up the bandages, and tightly covered my eyes once more.

The returning darkness brought with it a sense of security.

“Don’t you dare tell anyone about this, alright?”


“It’s nothing to be proud of, is it?”

Sola fell silent at my words.

She didn’t respond verbally, but a slow nod was enough.

As I turned to leave, she looked up, her head hung low, and approached me.

“Why… are you avoiding me?”

“It’s not… it’s not that. I’ll tell you later, okay?”

I wasn’t ready yet.

Talking about it now… I was afraid I’d drown in my own self-pity.

I didn’t want to acknowledge the ugliness within me, the jealousy I harbored towards my own comrades, so I kept my reasons to myself.

Our conversation ended there.

Sola remained rooted to the spot, speechless.

I opened the only door and stepped outside.

We were somewhere in Hidin, in an alley I didn’t recognize.

Being caught wandering around outside would be troublesome.

Better head back to the academy quickly.

As I turned to leave, an arrogant voice rang out.

“Ha. Haha! As expected, trash stays trash! Look, senior! I warned him, and yet here he is, lurking in an alleyway!”

Prion Colson… was it?

He emerged from the alley, bumping into me as if by chance, and immediately launched into his self-righteous tirade, playing it up for whoever was beside him.

I saw a silhouette with a ponytail.

Probably a senior from the Disciplinary Committee.

I bowed my head, intending to apologize and leave.

“Sorry about that. I had some… business to take care of.”

“Business? Emerging from an alleyway like that… you must mean soliciting prostitutes, right?”

Well, technically I was having a depressing conversation with the academy professor and Archmage, Sola.

But they wouldn’t believe me anyway.

Besides, if word got out that Sola and I were alone in an alleyway… it would only lead to more unwanted rumors.

“…Is that true?” the senior ~probably~ asked.

“Absolutely! That suspicious bastard wouldn’t hesitate to stoop that low!”

Prion chimed in, but the senior ignored him, waiting for my response.


I denied it, but I had no excuse.

Any further questioning, and I’d be speechless.

Then, I’d be branded as the academy student who moonlighted as a prostitute…

“Hmm. I see. Very well.”

“But Senior! Don’t you see…?”

“Listen well, Prion Colson. Your arrogance knows no bounds. Judging people based on appearances and trying to create a hierarchy… that is your flaw. And I will correct it.”

The senior grabbed Prion by the collar and dragged him towards the academy.

Seeing those two bicker as they disappeared down the street… it somehow eased the tension in my chest.

But one thing was clear: it was best to keep my distance from Sola for a while.



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We Defeated The Demon King And Disbanded Without Any Conflict

We Defeated The Demon King And Disbanded Without Any Conflict

Score 9.6
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Artist: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
There probably wasn't any conflict. They probably disbanded perfectly, marking the end of the story.


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3 days ago

Ohhhh. Damn

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not work with dark mode