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There Are Too Many Backstories in This Possession Novel – Chapter 55

.。.:✧ Gaunis (3) ✧:.。.

Translated By Arcane Translations
Translator: TushChen



Today was the best day!

Gaunis finally got her hands on the limited spring dessert sold only in the imperial capital.

Not only that, but the new romance novel she had purchased through the Celestial Network had also arrived.

Though she had no intention of dating herself because it was bothersome, she loved reading romance novels.

That’s the kind of constellation Gaunis was.

She had been like that when she was human and even when she became a constellation and elevated her status. In any case, she detested anything troublesome.

‘If only I couldn’t live forever, I wouldn’t have become a constellation.’

This was the thought Gaunis had when she first became a constellation.

There was a reason why such a Gaunis could become such a high-ranking constellation. It was ‘luck’.

Gaunis’ luck was so good it was overflowing.

From when she was born as a human until now, luck has always followed Gaunis.

Everything turned out well just because Gaunis was there, from small bets to significant events.

Thanks to Gaunis’ incredible luck, it was all that she, who hadn’t built up any strength, became a constellation that only powerful beings could become.

If Gaunis had been a little more diligent, had a desire for power, and been greedy, she might have been called ‘Gaunis, the Goddess of Fortune.’

Of course, Gaunis was not at all a diligent constellation.

She was a homebody who loved lounging around at home.

So even when she haphazardly chose a hero candidate who turned out to be an excellent one, Gaunis thought:

‘As expected, I’m lucky.’

Even though she chose carelessly, she had picked such a good hero candidate.

This child would increase her fame instead of her.

The constellation’s name would naturally spread as the hero candidate’s fame grew.

The constellation that chose that hero candidate could obtain money needed for transactions between constellations called ‘star stones.’

“When I gather a lot, I can go shopping…”

Gaunis was dreaming about what to do when she gathered starstones.

She had planned to welcome that child in a dignified manner when he later entered the academy.

Then, seeing her beautiful and majestic appearance, the hero candidate would bow profoundly and offer respect.


That was an amusing thought.

However, things started to go wrong when she chose that hero candidate.

One day, her hero candidate began to harbor inexplicable hatred towards her.

Gaunis, who could read the thoughts of her hero candidate to some extent, tried to find out why.

But Gaunis couldn’t understand the reason at all.

She just thought it was an absurd and unjustified resentment.

He even thought of splitting her in half if he met her.

“Ah, I drew a blank.”

Gaunis admitted that she had drawn a blank for the first time.

It could happen once in a while!

She just wouldn’t meet a hero candidate with such vicious thoughts!

The hero candidate’s first contact attempt happened just as Gaunis was turning the first page of the romance novel that had arrived today.

Of course, Gaunis flatly refused.

‘Why would I see someone who says they don’t like me?’

That was that.

And while she was focusing on the story again, a second visit request came in.

‘So persistent. How annoying! Ah, if this alone is irritating, how annoying must it be for those who became ‘gods.’ There must be tons of humans who constantly pester them like this.’

Mere humans.

They couldn’t even enter her dwelling without permission.

Gaunis again rejected her chosen hero candidate’s entry with a sneer curling at the corner of her mouth.

Then, she devoted herself again to reading her enjoyable romance novel with delicious desserts in her cozy nest.

Until someone knocked on the door not long after.




Gaunis frantically retreated to the upper part of the canopy bed.

She was still on the bed, though.

It was an appropriate attitude to show when encountering an armed robber.


I walked calmly towards Gaunis.

Gaunis trembled as she looked at me, then suddenly shouted in a majestic voice.

“Stop! Insolent one!”

“Would I stop?”

I raised my sword.

How long had I been thinking about beating up this damn woman who created the system!

As I started chasing her, trampling through the dirty room with my sword raised, Gaunis hurriedly exited the bed and ran away.

“Who are youuu!”

“I’m the hero candidate you chose!”

“That’s not what I meant! Go away!”

Gaunis was quicker than expected.

Since using magic in a constellation’s dwelling wasn’t easy, I had to catch up with just physical ability.

Fortunately, it wasn’t too tricky.

Unlike other constellations, Gaunis didn’t become a constellation because of superior physical ability, magic power, or skills.

She just became one because of good luck!

In other words, her physical ability was no different from that of an ordinary girl without training.

Having caught up right behind Gaunis, I swung my sword towards her head.

Just before, the sword fell on her head.


Gaunis stepped on a spatula that had somehow fallen on the floor.

‘Why was that there…’

And then a dress caught on the spatula flew into the air, and that dress flew onto my face and covered it.


Thanks to my blocked vision, the sword missed Gaunis and struck right next to her feet.


At Gaunis’ belated scream, I thought my eardrums would burst.

“Who are you?!! Why are you doing this to me?!”

A cry close to sobbing rang out continuously.

As expected of Gaunis.

A being who has luck following her just by existing.

I didn’t think I could catch her just by chasing her.

“…You should know that well.”

At my threatening voice, I heard her swallow hard in fear.

I roughly threw the dress on the floor and swung my sword again at Gaunis, who was on the verge of crying.


The necklace that Gaunis threw randomly at me, widely missing, hit a ball that was coincidentally lying on the floor, bouncing and hitting the back of my head.

Of course, the sword missed Gaunis again and went wide.


Still, I continued to swing at Gaunis.

The sword flew accurately toward Gaunis several times.

The problem was that an event caused by coincidence prevented the attack each time.


After this happened several times, Gaunis seemed to gradually realize the situation.

Her characteristic mocking, arrogant laugh flowed from her lips.

“Ah…ahahahaha! Of course. How could a mortal possibly harm me? What delusion made you come all the way here? Pfft!”

Gaunis was no longer afraid of me at all.

Instead, she was mocking me, confident I could never touch her.

“You can’t catch me anyway, right? I don’t know why you’re doing this… but even if I just stand here, you can’t catch me! Never!! Nyeh nyeh nyeh. Loser, loser! Stupid~!”

Gaunis started taunting in her beautiful voice, which sounded like singing.

The heat was slowly rising to my head.

Frustratingly, it was true.

Gaunis, who became a constellation solely through ‘luck,’ was protected by luck.

Therefore, I wouldn’t be able to harm her.

‘Luck’ can only exist if there is ‘misfortune.’

So, occasionally, things that could be called ‘misfortune’ happened to her, like me right now.

However, not long after, her luck would turn that misfortune around.

As a result, all events would turn into a favorable flow for her.

Just like now.

So what?

It was a fact I already knew, wasn’t it?

Therefore, I had naturally prepared countermeasures for what I knew.

“That’s right.”

I stopped swinging my sword and readily admitted it.

Gaunis, who had widened her eyes in surprise, soon had a sneer on her lips.

“What? Why do you admit it so easily? That’s no fun. Ah, right. As expected, mortals are just at that level.”

Gaunis said, lightly waving her hand as if shooing away an annoying fly.

“If you know you can’t touch me, hurry back to the ground where you live. Stupid.”

And as if teasing, she brought her hand to her mouth and smiled softly.

“Foolish hero candidate.”


This is what I’ve been waiting for until now.

That arrogant constellation realizes she’s safe and becomes overconfident at this moment.

Even though I knew it, I couldn’t help getting heated up.

I gripped the strongest sword according to the setting in my hand so tightly I felt I might crush it.


⚙ System Notification ⚙

Activating the ability of the strongest sword according to the setting.

Due to the Investigator of Settings’ special ability being LV6, there are some restrictions on using the strongest weapon according to the setting.

Usage time limit: 30 minutes.

Punisher of Arrogance

A demonic sword stained with the blood of a demon king who was confident in being the strongest and let their guard down.

This sword exerts its effect when the target thinks their ability is superior and lets their guard down.

It cuts off the very factor that makes the target arrogant and temporarily stops that function.

Strength is relative. Weakening the opponent is the way to become the strongest.

When I activated the ability of the strongest sword, the sword was dyed a reddish color with an ominous sheen.


Gaunis seemed to realize something had changed, so she tilted her head slightly.

Tied in two pigtails, her pink hair slid smoothly down her round shoulders.

But soon, she seemed to judge that such a change in the sword wouldn’t threaten her.

“Why are you raising that sword again? You can’t touch me anyway, right? Loser. Stupid. Stupid~!”

Gaunis burst out laughing as if amused.

It was almost at the level of guffawing. She was laughing so hard that tears were forming in her eyes.

I smiled kindly at such a Gaunis.

As the sword’s ability activated, the flow of luck surrounding Gaunis began to become visible.

Gaunis was blessed by the threads of fate in this world.

These threads of fate could lead all ‘causality’ around her to good fortune.

It was one of the significant flows of this world that even constellations rarely appropriately recognized.

Because she received the blessing of these threads of fate, all events around Gaunis ultimately turned into ‘luck.’

I swung my sword not at Gaunis but at the blessing of the threads of fate surrounding her.


There was a sound of something breaking.

It was the moment when the blessing of luck surrounding her temporarily disappeared.

“What? Now you can’t even swing your sword properly? Well, you’re far from skilled enough to touch a pretty and cute constellation like me. 100 years…? No, maybe 1000 years?”

Gaunis was busy mocking me without knowing what had happened.

“I don’t know what I saw in you when I chose you. You’re a dud. D…”

At that moment, I swung my sword again.

This time, luck didn’t protect Gaunis.

A few strands of pink hair fluttered in front of Gaunis’ eyes.


Gaunis collapsed to the floor as if her legs had lost strength.

“Does luck still seem to be on your side?”

Gaunis looked up at me with a pale face.

Transparent droplets began to well up in Gaunis’ pink eyes.

This strike must have been the first real threat she had felt in her long life.

“First, I’ll teach you how to apologize properly. After that, I have a few things I want to ask.”

Starting with why this constellation, who found everything bothersome, went through the trouble of creating the system.

I had seen the credits on the system window once.

Most of the names of the five creators listed in the credits were processed to be unreadable.

However, for some reason, there was one person whose name I could clearly recognize.

🌟 Credits 🌟





Constellation Gaunis♡

Even with that detestable heart.



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There Are Too Many Backstories in This Possession Novel

There Are Too Many Backstories in This Possession Novel

Score 9.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Artist: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
I’ve entered a novel world with so much backstory the author fried their brain. All of the heroines are trying to kill me, whether they intend to or not


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