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There Are Too Many Backstories in This Possession Novel – Chapter 48

.。.:✧ The Unfinished Mirror Therapy ✧:.。.

Translated By Arcane Translations
Translator: TushChen



I descended the dark stairs, carrying a tray filled with fragrant food.

‘Room for Good Children’

Standing before the black iron door with that inscription, I checked the breathing sounds from inside through my Sensory Expansion special ability.

I could hear pitiful gasping and moaning.

The Room for Good Children was originally a room that only appeared in the background settings.

It was said to have been a room meant to confine rebellious students of the academy and thoroughly make them into good children.

Still, it quickly disappeared due to protests from the nobles.

Other than that, this room had no separate settings, which allowed me to fill in many settings.

Livia was sitting on the ‘Good Child Chair’ inside that room.

I had given one set to that chair.

It was a setting where if someone sat on that chair when the room’s owner wasn’t present, they would see hallucinations based on what they feared most.

Since Livia had been sitting there for about 6 hours, she must be in quite a desperate mental state.


As I opened the thick black iron door and entered, Livia’s sobbing grew louder.

Livia was sitting on the Good Child Chair’s thick iron chair, her hands and feet tied.

Livia, who had been shedding tears profusely, pleaded as if realizing I had entered.

“Se-Senior… Senior.”

It was a voice as if she had received salvation.

I smiled kindly and put down the tray I had brought on the bed.

“Senior… sob… please.”

While hearing Livia’s urging voice, I approached her leisurely.

Then I gently wiped her eye area, which had become red and swollen from constantly shedding tears.

As my finger touched her swollen eyes, Livia let out a small moan as if it stung.

“Did you wait?”

At my question, Livia nodded repeatedly.

“I waited. Senior, Senior. I kept hoping you would come quickly. Constantly…”

Livia’s sky-colored eyes contained nothing but pure truth.

Seeing her trembling shoulders and lower lip that had been bitten several times until it bled, I could tell how much she had been suffering.

Hiding my sympathetic feelings, I wiped away more of Livia’s tears.

“It seems you had a hard time.”

“Yes. So please, untie me. I don’t want to see this anymore!”

Livia burst into loud sobs.

“Should I?”

I smiled faintly at such a Livia.

“Then, have you reflected enough now?”

“Yes, yes. I’ve reflected enough.”

Tears flowed from her finely trembling eyes no matter how much I wiped them.

Her moist voice was also full of crying.

“Hmm, it doesn’t seem like you’ve reflected yet. You haven’t even apologized.”

At my words, Livia tensed her shoulders with a start. Her eyes darkened, and her pupils began to tremble anxiously.

“I’m sorry, Senior. Sob… I was wrong!”

Livia started apologizing frantically, thinking I wouldn’t untie her if things continued like this.

“For what?”

I asked coldly.

Livia looked at me with desperate eyes at my chilly voice and racked her brain.

She seemed to try her best to recall what she had done wrong and why she was sitting here.

“…I, I didn’t think only of Senior. I thought of others besides Senior. I’m sorry. Sob… I’m sorry.”

Tears flowed endlessly from Livia’s eyes.

I gently patted her eyes with a handkerchief.

I felt genuinely sorry for her.

“What else?”

Livia looked at me, panting pitifully, and rolled her eyes.

Seeing her trying hard to squeeze out an answer with her small head was quite cute.

Yet it was pitiful to see Livia, who was so strong outside, lose her strength and desperately try to wring out wisdom.

I gently touched her damp cheek and quietly waited, listening to her breathing.

“I, I talked and laughed with other men… and…”


“And… and… sob… I’m sorry, Senior. I don’t know. I don’t know. I was wrong.”

I let out a quiet sigh.

“You tried to kill someone other than me, didn’t you? I told you before, did you forget?”

Livia shook her head at my question.

She shook it desperately and burst into tears.

“No, no. It’s not that I forgot… I’m just, just so scared. Senior. Senior…”

Livia busily rubbed her cheek against my hand that was on her cheek.

As if my touch was her only escape.

I left my hand to Livia, hoping she would momentarily find comfort.

“You’re so scared, why did you do it then?”

“I didn’t know. I’m sorry. I’ll never do it again. I’ll really only look at Senior, only Senior.”


“Yes! Sob… sob!”

Listening to Livia’s desperate crying, I hesitated for a moment.

I couldn’t be sure if she had been appropriately educated yet.

Anyway, I was going to fill the entire week with confinement.

Still, now Livia really looked in danger.

It’s not like I was doing this because I really wanted to.

I slowly untied Livia from the chair.

Of course, Livia’s arms and legs still had handcuffs and shackles made of Yoseok.

Livia, who had become a little free, immediately threw herself into my arms.

Livia’s tears immediately dampened my chest, where Livia buried her face.

I gently stroked Livia’s stiffly tensed back along her spine.

After comforting Livia as if soothing a child, I whispered gently in her ear.

“Shh, stop. Stop. It’s okay.”

Livia clung to me for a long time, making sobbing sounds.

As her crying gradually subsided and became mild hiccups, I gently stroked Livia’s hair.

“Livia. Look up.”

Livia looked up at me at my command.

Livia’s azure eyelashes, darkened by tears, were trembling finely.

I lightly fixed Livia’s disheveled bangs and tucked her hair behind her ear.

Then I kissed Livia’s tear-stained cheek once.

“Don’t do wrong next time.”


Livia moved her trembling hand and tightly gripped the hem of my clothes.

As the clothes wrinkled, her pitiful hand turned white.

“Are you… forgiving me?”

Seeing her try to open her teary eyes as cutely as possible, it seemed her mask hadn’t been shattered yet.

I wiped away Livia’s tears that had flowed again and stroked her soft cheek.

It was still heartbreaking to watch Livia flinch and tremble in fear.

“Just a little more. If you prove that Livia has become a good child.”

Livia breathed heavily at my words.

“Se-Senior. I really…”

“No. Not yet.”

I kissed Livia’s cheek again.

And I gave a feather-light kiss to her tear-stained eyes as well.

“Livia needs to become a good child a little more.”

I intended to shatter all the masks inside Livia.

Right now, Livia was no different from acting.

After breaking all her masks, I needed to instill in Livia’s deep psyche what would happen if she touched me or those around me.

Livia burst into tears again as if shocked.

“You’re crying again. You shouldn’t cry often. You need to drink some water.”

I thought I shouldn’t feed her until she calmed down.

After some time had passed, Livia’s crying subsided again. I thought this should be enough.

“Shall we eat now?”

Livia nodded in my arms, making hiccuping sounds.

As she became more and more obedient and cute, I grasped Livia’s chin and tickled it slightly.

Livia made “uh” and “huh” sounds as she staggered, ticklish.

After being sufficiently satisfied, I put my hand under Livia’s thigh, lifted her up, and moved her to the bed where I had laid a mattress.

“Wait a moment.”

Then I turned around and picked up the tray I had left on the table.

The food on the tray was quite cold, but I could easily make it warm again with magic.

“Livia. Let’s eat.”

Livia nodded weakly.

From just that, she didn’t seem hungry.

However, Livia had already been starving for two days.

I sat next to Livia with the tray and casually tapped my knee.

Livia stared at me blankly for a moment with her watery eyes, not understanding what I meant.

“Sit here.”

“I-I can eat by myself…”

“It’ll be uncomfortable with handcuffs on your hands. Come on. Sit here.”

Livia moved slowly, hesitating.

Sitting on my lap with her legs stretched out, Livia immediately clung to me, tightly gripping the hem of my clothes.

She seemed afraid of when I might put her back in that chair again.

Silly Livia.

If you become a good child, you don’t have to worry about that.

“Livia. Ah.”

At my words, Livia hesitated before opening her mouth.

I carefully cooled the soup on the spoon and gently poured it into Livia’s mouth.

Although Livia initially seemed to feel some aversion, after the first spoonful, she seemed to realize her hunger.

From then on, she opened her mouth like a baby bird for everything I gave her.

Clank. Clatter.

Only the sound of lips and teeth hitting metal, Livia swallowing food, and occasional sniffling echoed in the room.

Livia glanced at me, her beautiful eyes trembling finely.

No joke, Livia taking each bite while watching my reactions was extremely lovable to the point of…


I paused while pouring food into Livia’s mouth, feeling a chill.

What was I just thinking?

Could it be that I… have I gazed into the abyss for too long?

Because I suddenly stopped, soup dripped from Livia’s mouth as she drank it.

I immediately came to my senses, wiped Livia’s mouth with a handkerchief, and helped her finish the soup.

However, Livia had already choked.

She seemed scared, thinking she had done something wrong.

As Livia coughed painfully, her face reddening, I hurriedly helped her drink some water.

Only after drinking water for a while did Livia catch her breath, her eyes filled with tears.

“I’m, I’m sorry. I’m sorry, Senior… I… I did wrong…”

“No, no.”

I lightly kissed her forehead and patted her back.

“You’re misunderstanding something. I don’t punish for things like this.”

“Yes. Thank you, Senior.”

Livia clung to me, nodding her head repeatedly.

Thank you, she says.

It’s not over yet.

I tightly embraced her as she kept murmuring, “Thank you, Senior,” as if she was genuinely grateful.

Until Livia winced slightly in pain.

I knew that her mask wasn’t completely shattered yet.

So, I considered putting her in the chair again after she had rested enough.

…Sorry, Livia.

I kissed her forehead again as she clung to me.

This, too, was starting to feel familiar with practice.



Yuria was holding her breath, having witnessed something shocking.

Yuria had been hiding in the lounge where she thought Leonhart and Caiden would have their secret meeting.

She thought she needed to see it with her eyes to ensure their relationship.

However, Yuria ended up witnessing something even more dangerous.

‘A secret passage?’

To think there was a secret passage in the dormitory lounge that even Yuria didn’t know about.

Leonhart disappeared down those stairs.

Caiden, who remained in the lounge, leaned against the wall and started keeping watch for anyone coming.

Yuria felt betrayed by both Leonhart and Caiden.

Whatever they were plotting, it clearly smelled of serious crime.

About an hour later, the passage opened again, and Leonhart walked out.

“Let’s go, Senior. Thank you for waiting.”

Leonhart said gently.


Caiden nodded and firmly grasped Leonhart’s sleeve.

The gesture of seeking support looked almost like that of a girl.

‘Is that… really Caiden?’

Yuria was momentarily confused, recalling Caiden’s usually gallant appearance.

Although she hadn’t caught clear evidence, the atmosphere between those two was strange.

While Yuria held her breath, the two quickly left the lounge.

Even after that, Yuria cautiously hid for about 10 more minutes before getting up from under the table where she had been hiding.

Then, with tense steps, she pushed up the third candlestick, replicating what Leonhart had done.

Sure enough, the secret passage was revealed.

A pitch-black passage without light gaped open like the entrance to hell.

“…What’s down there?”

Yuria slowly extended her foot down the stairs, enveloped in tension.

With each step, an ominous feeling crept up her spine.

Click. Click.

And finally, Yuria reached the end of the stairs.

There was a door in front of Yuria’s eyes.


Yuria felt a chill at the door made of Yoseok.

Why would such a door be necessary on earth when this wasn’t even a prison?

‘Room for Good Children’

Reading that sign, Yuria tilted her head slightly.

What kind of room was this used for?

Judging by the name alone, it seemed like a room given to good children.

Then, Yuria’s skin crawled at the sound of crying from the room.

There was someone in this room.

And they were crying.

A lot.

“Oh my god.”

Yuria hurriedly placed her hand on the door, unaware of the watchful eyes observing her.



TL/N: Are we really sure that Livia is the Yandere here? Oh, how the turntables. That’s one way to deal with a Yandere, you can out-yandere them.



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There Are Too Many Backstories in This Possession Novel

There Are Too Many Backstories in This Possession Novel

Score 9.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Artist: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
I’ve entered a novel world with so much backstory the author fried their brain. All of the heroines are trying to kill me, whether they intend to or not


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