Translated By Arcane Translations
Translator: Mod7
“Leviathan! Leviathan is angry!”
A fisherman shouted, his voice trembling. His words were enough to ignite a wave of fear through the crowd. The citizens murmured anxiously.
“This is just the beginning! A greater disaster will befall the city!”
Ted’s words, spoken like a prophecy, fueled their panic. He was right. If they did nothing, a greater disaster would come.
But we were going to stop it.
“Thank you! We’re grateful that the Hero Candidates have graced our city with their presence during the festival!”
The captain of the guard approached us and bowed. He was a middle-aged man with a stern, imposing demeanor.
“I don’t understand what’s happening. This has never happened before…”
He muttered.
“Leviathan is angry!”
Ted shouted to the crowd.
“I told you! There’s a dragon in Atlan!”
“That old man is at it again.”
“He’s senile. Just ignore him.”
The guards frowned.
“What do you think? Is he telling the truth?”
The captain looked at us.
“Yes. Leviathan is angry.”
I replied calmly.
Ted puffed his chest out proudly.
“Why is the dragon angry? Do you know?”
“Yes, we do. And we’re working on resolving the issue.”
The captain asked urgently.
“A thief raided the dragon’s nest. We defeated the thief, but that wasn’t enough to appease Leviathan’s wrath. We’re on our way to return the stolen treasure.”
I explained calmly.
“Where are you going? Don’t tell me…”
“Atlan, the ancient ruins.”
“Atlan? Atlan is a legend… So, you’re saying the only way to stop this disaster…”
“Is for us to go to Atlan.”
The captain of the guard massaged his temples.
“What will happen if you don’t return the treasure?”
“First, it was the Lizardmen. Next, it will be stronger monsters. Draconians and Sea Serpents. And then… the Kraken.”
I was certain about the Sea Serpents.
But I wasn’t sure about the Kraken. In the original story, Arthur and Sonny had gone to Atlan after the Sea Serpent attack.
“So… you want us to believe in the existence of Atlan?”
“Believe what you want. But why would we lie about this?”
“What kind of treasure are we talking about?”
I glanced at Arthur, Sepia, and Vivian. They were listening intently.
“I can’t tell you the details, but… it’s a dragon’s treasure.”
“You can’t tell me the details…? Ah, I understand.”
The captain nodded. He seemed to understand that revealing the nature of the treasure would put us in danger.
Thieves might target us.
And if the treasure was stolen again, Airasvan would be destroyed.
“I understand. The fate of Airasvan rests in your hands. Please return the treasure safely.”
“We will.”
“When are you leaving? It looks like another storm is approaching…”
I didn’t hesitate.
“We’re leaving now.”
“The sooner we leave, the less damage the city will suffer. But we need Ted’s help to get to Atlan.”
The captain glanced at Ted.
“Yes. He knows how to get to Atlan. He’s been there before.”
“I see… Ted, I apologize for doubting you. Please, for the sake of the city, guide these heroes to Atlan.”
The captain bowed to Ted.
Ted, who had been ridiculed and dismissed as a crazy old man, looked at the crowd.
“This city’s only hope is you and these Hero Candidates.”
Ted thought for a moment. I knew he would agree, so I suppressed a smile.
“So, you believe me now?”
“…Yes, I do. I’ve never seen anything like this before. Only a dragon could cause such a disaster.”
Ted grinned.
“Alright! I was born and raised in this city. I’ll do what I can!”
“Thank you, Ted.”
“Let’s go! I know the way to Atlan better than anyone!”
Ted thumped his chest proudly as Arthur thanked him.
We boarded Ted’s ship. He had refused the ship offered by the captain of the guard.
He said he was more comfortable with his own ship.
He was a stubborn old man. He steered his ship towards the stormy sea.
“Are you sure this is safe?”
Sepia muttered anxiously. The ship looked like a tiny raft compared to the massive waves.
“If you’re scared, you can stay here.”
“I-I’m going! I’m just… a little worried…”
I ignored her and looked at Arthur and Vivian. Arthur nodded resolutely. Vivian would follow Sepia anywhere.
“Let’s go! To Atlan, the legendary ruins!”
Ted, the true sailor, shouted.
We sailed towards the waterspout. The ship rocked violently. After about fifteen minutes,
“Ugh… Ethan, Vivian… I feel sick… Help me…”
Sepia was seasick. She had started by saying she felt a little dizzy, but now she was clinging to the railing, her face pale.
“Just hold on, Sepia. We’ll be there soon.”
“How soon?”
“Thirty minutes?”
“Thirty minutes?! I have to endure this for another thirty minutes?!”
I had underestimated the time. Sepia’s face was green. Arthur didn’t look too good either. Vivian, however, seemed unaffected. We rowed, following Ted’s instructions.
“I’m starting to feel a little queasy too…”
Even Vivian, who was playing the “Innocent Vivi” card, was starting to feel sick.
“Hahaha! You’re all so weak! Are landlubbers always this frail?”
Ted boasted.
“The cold north wind makes strong sailors!”
North wind? We’re in the south. I didn’t bother correcting him. He probably thought I was too seasick to talk.
“Sailing in a storm makes you stronger! Hahaha!”
The journey to Atlan was going to be hell. Mostly because of Ted’s constant bragging.
“Ethan, are you okay?”
Sepia’s breasts were pressed against the railing.
“Me? I’m fine.”
I felt a little dizzy, but I could handle it. Sepia, however, looked like she was about to pass out.
We hadn’t even reached the storm yet.
“Brace yourselves! This is just the beginning!”
The ship entered the storm zone. The rain intensified. A few fish were swept into the air by the wind.
The ship rocked violently.
“Ugh… I feel sick…”
Sepia collapsed onto the deck, unable to stand.
“Sorry, guys… I can’t… I’m going to pass out…”
She passed out almost immediately.
“Okay, get some rest.”
The ship continued to rock. It was difficult to maintain balance in the strong wind. I lowered my center of gravity. A few fish landed on the deck.
“A storm like this can’t stop me!”
Ted roared, as if he were battling the storm itself.
He was completely unhinged.
“Come on, you pathetic storm! I’m a sailor who rows through storms and whirlpools! You can’t defeat me!”
He might not be defeated, but Sepia definitely was. Arthur and I were also feeling the effects of the storm.
I swatted a few flying fish off the deck. They either fell back into the sea or landed on the deck again.
One of the fish, an octopus, landed on Sepia.
Sepia’s eyes snapped open.
“Ewww! An octopus! It’s so slimy and disgusting!”
She acted like she had never touched an octopus before.
“Vivian! Ethan! Arthur! Help me! Get it off me!”
I crawled over to Sepia and tried to grab the octopus, but it was too slippery.
Damn it.
The octopus landed on Sepia’s chest, its tentacles clinging to her skin.
“Ewww! It’s so slimy and sticky! Get it off me! Please!”
Sepia’s screams were loud enough to be heard over the storm.
With a voice like that, she could be a battlefield commander.
She could rally an army with those screams. The ship lurched, and I lost my balance and fell.
“I am! I am! A sailor of the sea! I won’t be stopped by wind or rain or whirlpools! Hey! I am! I am! A sailor of the sea!”
Ted was singing now. He was completely insane.
“I am! I am! A sailor of the sea! I won’t be stopped by snow or storms! Hey!”
Why did that song have four verses? It wasn’t even the national anthem.
“Vivian! Help me! It’s stuck to me!”
I crawled towards Sepia, her high-pitched screams assaulting my eardrums.
“Vivian, hurry!”
“Yes, my lady! Just a moment.”
Vivian, carefully maintaining her balance on the rocking deck, approached Sepia. The ship lurched again, and Sepia and Vivian ended up in a rather… compromising position. Vivian, biting her lip, pulled the octopus off Sepia.
The octopus sprayed ink at them. Vivian lost her balance and fell to the deck.
“Damn it!”
I grabbed the octopus and threw it into the sea.
“Ethan! Vivian! I can’t see!”
Sepia was panicking, frantically wiping the ink from her eyes.
“My lady, here’s a handkerchief! Use this!”
“Oh, okay! Like this? Like this?”
I helped her wipe the ink from her face. The storm, the octopus, Ted’s terrible singing, and the seasickness were taking their toll.
Arthur had created a mana shield in front of him. Fish bounced off the shield and fell back into the sea.
Ah, why didn’t I think of that?
“Thank you, guys… I can finally see… What is that?”
What the…?
I followed Sepia’s gaze. My premonition was never wrong.
A flock of flying fish was heading towards us.
This wasn’t in the original story. They were Stormfish.
Damn it, did we leave too early?
“Come on, Stormfish! You can’t defeat me!”
I suddenly felt a newfound respect for the thief. He had stolen the egg despite facing these monsters.
Maybe he was the strongest thief in the world.
The Stormfish circled above us, their eyes gleaming menacingly. Why were these creatures, who were only briefly mentioned in Tia’s side story, appearing now?
If I remembered correctly, there was a brief mention of a trading company’s ship encountering Stormfish.
“Damn it.”
I drew my sword. Sepia was trying to maintain her balance, but she was in no condition to fight.
“Sepia, just stay down.”
I steadied myself on the rocking deck. One of the Stormfish, presumably the leader, gestured towards the others.
“A sailor is not defeated by a storm!”
Ted roared, his pride as a sailor on full display.
“Come on, you bastards! I won’t be defeated!”
Could you please be defeated?
Ted swung his oar, striking the lead Stormfish. He swung again and again, like a baseball player hitting a home run.
Thwack! Thwack! Thwack!
Wow, he was actually pretty good! I take back what I said!
“A sailor is not defeated!”
“That’s right! A sailor is not defeated!”
“Come on, you bastards!”
I also stood up, my sword raised. The Stormfish that attacked me were sliced in half.
“Everyone, get down! I’ll take care of this!”
Arthur struggled to his feet and unleashed his golden mana. Not blue mana this time, but golden mana.
Arthur could use either blue or golden mana.
And it was rare for him to use his golden mana. He must have felt a strong sense of danger, comparable to facing a demon.
A brilliant light illuminated the area, dispelling the darkness of the storm.
And for some reason,
I also seemed to have lost my mind. The light triggered my inner chuunibyou.
‘Go forth! My true protagonist! Ultimate weapon! Excalibur!’
A wave of holy energy swept through the Stormfish, obliterating them. Vivian stared at Arthur, her eyes wide with surprise.
See that, true heroine? That’s the power of your true master, Arthur Pendragon.