Translated By Arcane Translations
Translator: Mod7
July. The heat of summer was stifling.
As if nothing had happened the night before, Master’s expression was unchanged. It felt like a midsummer night’s dream.
“Ethan, did you sleep well?”
Master’s question brought back memories of the hot spring.
“Yes, Master. I slept well.”
“I didn’t sleep very well.”
“…Why not, Master?”
Master smiled faintly and leaned closer, whispering,
“It’s all because of your… skillful techniques.”
I closed my eyes.
I knew she was a bold woman, dedicated to her beliefs. But this blatant morning flirtation…
“What are you thinking about? I couldn’t sleep because I was so proud of your impressive swordsmanship.”
Her ability to change the subject was masterful. She was definitely enjoying this.
“Ethan, follow me.”
Sylvia led me to a storage room and handed me something.
“What is this?”
It was old and rusty…
“It was my mother’s.”
I almost made a disrespectful remark.
I looked closer. The Linchester family crest was engraved on it. It was a ring.
“Your mother must have had excellent taste.”
“Yes, she was a wonderful woman. But I’m not sure if she was a good mother.”
“My mother died because of a demon. Or rather, she borrowed a demon’s power to save the people of Linchester from a magical beast.”
I knew the story from the novel, but I didn’t know the details. It had only been a brief, one-sentence summary.
“And after the deal, she became… a Death Knight. Unable to live or die by her own will.”
“My father, who arrived late, was the one who… ended her suffering.”
Only Sylvia’s mother had died during the magical beast attack. Everyone else in the village had survived.
Sylvia recounted the events in a calm, even tone.
As though the painful memories no longer held any power over her.
“I was seven years old. My mother’s last words were simple.”
“‘Destroy the demons’… right?”
“Yes. Destroy the demons. And those words became both my destiny and my shackles. I swore that day that I would destroy all demons, as long as I lived.”
Sylvia’s voice was devoid of emotion.
Her mother’s body had been cremated to prevent her from being resurrected as an undead. And this ring was the only thing Sylvia had been able to retrieve from her mother’s hand.
“For five years, I wielded my sword fueled by hatred for the demons. And for another five years, I resented my mother for her choice. It took me eight years to finally understand her.”
Sylvia smiled, a bitter smile.
She placed the ring in my hand.
“I am your master. I’m not a good teacher. I’m inexperienced and lack the wisdom of a seasoned mentor.”
I wanted to say something.
But I hesitated, afraid of saying the wrong thing and causing her more pain.
“But please… keep the promise you made yesterday. Never make a deal with a demon. If you want your master to live a long life, please promise me that.”
I nodded.
‘If you ever fall to evil, I will cut you down. And then I will follow you in death. That is my way.’
Her words from last night echoed in my mind.
“Master… but this is your mother’s…”
“I don’t have a mother. Her name was erased from the family records. You can have it.”
Sylvia paused, then continued,
“It’s enchanted.”
“Enchanted? What does it do?”
“It’s… it might sound strange, but it’s said to bring good luck.”
Good luck?
If it worked like Arthur’s luck, it would be an incredible artifact.
I should ask Arthur to check it with his system.
“It’s time to resume our training.”
We headed to the training grounds.
I saw several disciples practicing the Linchester swordsmanship on our way to the private training grounds.
The Linchester family had built their reputation on martial prowess.
Many people learned their swordsmanship, even if they weren’t Sylvia’s disciples.
I felt their gazes on me as I walked beside Master.
We arrived at the training grounds, and Master brought out several items from the storage room. Sandbags?
They were heavy. I could hear the thud as they hit the ground.
“Put these on.”
“What are these?”
“Lead weights.”
They were designed to be worn on the wrists, ankles, and waist. I put them on, and my body felt heavy, as though I were wearing lead weights. Well, I was wearing lead weights.
“Wear them for the rest of the month.”
“Is this the special training you mentioned?”
She had forbidden me from using mana during the last training session.
I had only been allowed to use mana when practicing the Linchester Swordsmanship.
And after the training, I had to suppress my mana again. And when I finally released it, I felt incredibly powerful.
This time, it was weight training. I was curious about how much they weighed.
“Wear them even while you sleep.”
“What about when I bathe?”
“…Do as you please.”
Master cleared her throat and pulled out the Rod of Discipline.
“I’ve taught you five forms: Flash Strike, Sword Soul, Swift Sword, Sword Dance, and Severing Strike. You should be able to defeat most opponents with these techniques.”
She counted them off on her fingers.
“I’ll teach you five more forms this summer.”
Our training began. The lead weights were heavier than I expected, slowing my movements.
“You’re slower than I expected. Again.”
I swung my sword again, feeling Master’s critical gaze on me.
The Rod of Discipline came flying towards me. I instinctively blocked it with my wooden sword. Master glared at me.
“You’re only fast when you’re blocking. That’s not what I taught you.”
Master shook her head, a disappointed expression on her face.
Several days passed, filled with physical training, practicing sword forms, and image training, all without releasing mana.
Master wasn’t always present. She had other duties, and people often came to visit her.
I was on my way to refill my water bottle when I stopped. I heard whispers coming from around the corner. It was a group of disciples.
“That black-haired guy… he’s Sylvia’s disciple?”
“I heard they’re engaged.”
“Connections… The Linchester family isn’t what it used to be.”
They were gossiping about me, their voices loud enough for me to hear.
“Damn, I’m good in bed too. Maybe I should have seduced her.”
“You’re crazy. Hehe. But is that guy even good in bed? He looks weak.”
“Sylvia must be desperate at her age…”
My fists clenched.
They had crossed the line.
They had crossed the line big time.
I could tolerate insults directed at me, but I wouldn’t stand for them disrespecting Master.
I picked up my wooden sword and walked towards them. They looked at me, their eyes widening in surprise.
They glanced around, then reached for their swords.
“If you have a problem, challenge me to a duel.”
“What did you say?”
“Stop your pathetic gossiping, fueled by jealousy.”
My words seemed to have startled them. They hesitated, then smirked.
“We’ll take you on, all three of us.”
They must have thought I was weak because I wasn’t releasing my mana and was wearing those ridiculous lead weights.
Two wooden swords came flying towards me. They were reinforced with metal, so they could easily crush a normal person’s skull.
And they were infused with mana.
I didn’t even bother using a sword form. I simply stepped back, then leaped forward. I didn’t even need to draw my sword.
‘One-hit KO!’
I grabbed one of the swords and punched the attacker in the face.
The lead weights made my fist heavy and powerful. I blocked the other two swords with the one I was holding.
‘Rib-crushing kick!’
I threw the attacker to the ground and kicked him in the ribs. I heard a sickening crack.
The remaining disciple hesitated, looking at his injured comrades.
You’re the worst of the bunch.
“What? You said you’re good in bed? Want to try me?”
I threw my wooden sword at his legs. He crumpled to the ground.
“P-please, spare me!”
“Your teeth or your nose. Choose.”
“I said, choose.”
Since you can’t decide, I’ll choose for you. Your teeth. I punched him in the face. He collapsed, blood gushing from his nose.
“Get out of here before I kill you. And don’t let me see your faces again.”
They scrambled to their feet and ran away. I should probably pick up his teeth. Oh well, he’ll come back for them later.
I refilled my water bottle and returned to the training grounds. Master frowned at me.
“Did you fight someone? You didn’t fall, did you?”
“Your fingers are bleeding. Are you trying to lie to your master again?”
I hid my hand behind my back. My fingers were bleeding.
I must have scraped them against his teeth.
“Yes, I got into a fight.”
Master’s tone was indifferent. She didn’t press the issue.
“Aren’t you going to ask me what happened?”
“If you fought someone, it must have been for a good reason.”
Her tone suggested it was obvious.
I couldn’t help but chuckle.