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The Protagonists Of The Novel Escaped – Chapter 56

.。.:✧ Imperial Turmoil (3) ✧:.。.

Translated By Arcane Translations
Translator: TushChen



The fall of the Empire was imminent.

The scene of mountains of corpses and seas of blood, filled with horrific deaths, spoke to this.

Monsters from the chaos realm were rampaging.

Street battles between imperial forces and rebel armies continued to repeat.

Ruins that had turned to ashes.

Shouts and screams coming from all directions.

The Valtarian Empire, which had committed war crimes under the pretext of subjugating the vicious cult forces, had fallen into the cycle of karmic retribution.

Moreover, wasn’t the ruler of the Empire a tyrant who had purged numerous political enemies to seize power?

There was no need to feel guilty.

It was merely returning the karma they had accumulated so far.


The old man who had turned the Empire’s significant capital into a scene from hell raised his head.

He cast an emotionless gaze.

Even at the moment of realizing vengeance for his compatriots, he only felt emptiness.

“Strategist! Ludmilla has appeared again!”

“…So she’s finally shown up.”

A crimson beam shot up into the sky dyed pitch-black, then plunged down onto a monster from the chaos realm.

With a fierce impact sound, the monster lost its balance and collapsed.

The Apostles of the Disaster God watching the scene showed shocked reactions.

It was unbelievable.

To think the Iron Nail Dragon would fall in one blow.

The sharp metal pieces covering the Iron Nail Dragon-like armor melted under the Red Dragon’s heat.

The sight of the monster screaming as its entire body melted struck fear into the cult followers.

“The Red Dragon of the Empire…!”

“Indeed, one of the Seven Strongest in the Empire.”

An immeasurable, transcendent power that tends to erase all kinds of hostility.

Seeing Ludmilla rampaging, the cult followers stepped back, seemingly losing the will to fight.


On the verge of death, the Iron Nail Dragon tried to stand up using its powerful regenerative abilities.

At that, Ludmilla beat, cutting off the monster’s breath.

Two monsters remained.

Three Iron Nail Dragons had burned to death in the blink of an eye.

She likely intended to quickly suppress the chaos and return to the imperial palace.

The strategist signaled the priest-knights, instructing them to prepare a secret measure.

‘To attempt a decoy strategy against a monster belonging to the Seven Strongest in the Empire… In the past, I wouldn’t have even dared to consider such a suicidal act.’

Having spent 3 years in the chaos realm, he knew nothing about the Saintess Party.


He knew well about the reputation of the Seven Strongest in the Empire.

The seven powerhouses who had commanded the continent.

The current balance of power had been established due to these transcendent monsters boasting absolute military might.

The Seven Strongest in the Empire, who created mountains of corpses and seas of blood every time they participated in battle, were like an unreachable sanctuary that should never be confronted.

“It’s time for the Red Dragon of the Empire to fall.”

She was undoubtedly the strongest but not invincible.

If the priests of the Disaster God put in their total effort, they could buy some time.

They would trap the Red Dragon.

The passage to the chaos realm that had summoned the vicious Iron Nail Dragons began to move.

Currently, Ludmilla was preoccupied with subjugating monsters and rescuing citizens.

Therefore, she hadn’t realized that she had entered the center of the passage connected to the chaotic realm.



Edanant, who had parted with Ludmilla, took urgent steps to enter the imperial palace.

As expected,

The imperial palace was in a state no different from pandemonium.

Nobles hostile to the Valtarian Imperial Family had raised a rebellion.

Like the fierce hand-to-hand combat repeating in the streets, the fight between imperial forces and rebel armies was also intensifying in the imperial palace.

“Slay all the traitors!”

“Kill the emperor! Kill the emperor!!”

Edanant drew Aldebaran as he quickly ran through the corridor.

And he continued to cut down the enemies who had suddenly attacked the imperial palace while advancing inside.

What had happened to Elizaveta and Rue?

Anxiety welled up every time he heard sharp screams.

Perhaps they were isolated in the banquet hall.

According to the plan, Elizaveta and Rue should have been attending the banquet comfortably.

That’s why he felt even more anxious.

‘If subversives who hate the emperor have raised a rebellion, they will undoubtedly focus on targeting the banquet hall. It’s an opportunity to annihilate all the great nobles loyal to the Valtarian Imperial Family.

As if to prove his ominous intuition, the number of rebel soldiers increased as he approached the banquet hall.

Edanant broke through the densely packed troops like a tank crossing the battlefield.

He quickly became covered in blood.

But Edanant didn’t stop and advanced in a straight line.

“It’s the holy sword user!”

“He’s a monster, fall back for now!”

As the rebel soldiers retreated, he saw a barricade blocking the banquet hall.

It was surely an obstacle hastily set up by the great nobles to stop the rebel army.

He leaped high over the barricade.

Dumbfounded faces appeared.

As he entered the banquet hall, he made eye contact with nobles dressed in splendid attire.

Indeed, they never dreamed the rebel army would raise an insurrection.

The small number of knights guarding the banquet hall spoke to this.

It was too pitiful to be the force guarding the great nobles who boasted absolute power.

“Edan! Edan!”


A familiar voice was heard.

Upon seeing the girl with light green hair, Edanant sighed in relief.

It was Rue.

And beside her were Elizaveta and the Luinongs.

Although they were surrounded by the rebel army and isolated in the banquet hall, fortunately, they were safe.

Edanant approached Elizaveta, paid his respects, and rechecked their condition.

“What exactly is going on? Soldiers suddenly invaded and fighting broke out…”

“Nobles hostile to the Valtarian Imperial Family have raised a rebellion.”

“A-A rebellion?! Just which bastards…!”

“We mustn’t act rashly. It’s actually safer to stay in the banquet hall.”

Fierce fighting between imperial forces and the rebel army continued.

Lacking confidence in evacuating many people immediately, Edanant urged them to remain where they were.

He looked at the Luinongs.

The fairies of paradise should be able to create a barrier surrounding the banquet hall.

Broyan would surely not stand by and watch her beloved Luinongs face danger.

If Rue and the Luinongs prayed together, she would undoubtedly help with a miracle through mystery.

“I’m heading to His Majesty the Emperor now.”

“What about sister Mila?”

“She’s dealing with enemies outside. So she won’t be able to come right away.”


The guardian of the imperial family had briefly left the imperial palace.

Through Edanant’s explanation, Elizaveta realized it was a critical situation.

The nobles who had been expecting the Red Dragon to sweep away all the rebel forces also began to murmur upon hearing Edanant’s words.

Fear spread like a plague as they knew nothing about the outside situation.

The nobles’ feelings were understandable.

They had always entrusted their safety to Ludmilla.

But now, there was no time to comfort the nobles.

Edanant, who had been reassuring Rue while holding her hand, finally stood up.

“I’m entrusting Princess Elizaveta to you.”

“Just trust me! No… trust us Luinongs!”

He pleaded with an earnest voice.

At that, the tiny fairy puffed out her chest and shrugged her shoulders.

She seemed reliable.

He smiled as he looked at his partner, who had always been a source of strength.

“We’ll protect the princess…!”

“God! If we ask God, she will listen!”

As if responding to Rue’s bold appearance, the Luinongs united and raised their fists high.

At that, Elizaveta stroked the heads of the cute and loyal fairies.

“We’ll be fine. So go to Father. Isabel will probably be there too. I’ll try to persuade the nobles somehow.”


He had no choice but to entrust them.

It was indeed an irresponsible and complacent decision.

He looked at Elizaveta and Rue with eyes full of anxiety.

The lingering attachment was too great to cold-heartedly turn away for the sake of the more significant cause.

His feet wouldn’t move, and he bit his lip hard while his shoulders trembled.

“Don’t worry. It’ll be alright, Edanant.”


The Platinum Princess whispered in a voice tinged with maternal love as she gently embraced Edanant.

The warm sensation in her embrace melted away the anxiety trembling pitifully.

He had shown a pathetic appearance.

Edanant smiled bitterly as he expressed gratitude to Elizaveta.



The emperor’s palace, which had boasted splendid architectural beauty, was dyed red with the blood of numerous soldiers.

The rebel army poured in like a raging wave.

It was to punish the tyrant who had murdered their families and relatives.

Edanant arrived at the palace after breaking through numerous obstacles and immediately had an audience with Barbarossa.

The imperial knights, who had been fiercely blocking the rebel army, allowed him entry, perhaps because Ludmilla had given them advance notice.

“Your Majesty…!”
“Hmm, so you’ve come in Mila’s stead.”

Armored in golden armor, Barbarossa greeted Edanant while seated on the throne.

Despite the situation where the fate of the Valtarian Empire hung in the balance, the emperor showed a brave appearance.

He was even wearing a sword at his waist as if he might personally sortie and sweep away the rebel army at any moment.

It wasn’t too late.

Thanks to having run without rest.

The Disaster God’s group hadn’t yet reached the imperial palace.

Edanant inwardly let out a sigh of relief as he looked at Barbarossa and Isabel.

“You are truly courageous. The rebel scum must have surrounded the palace in layers…”

“I will escort Your Majesty from now on.”

His body felt heavy due to having exerted himself repeatedly.

Nevertheless, he had to endure.

If only to repay the princesses who had shown him infinite trust.

Edanant wiped the blood off his face with the towel handed to him by Isabel.

Sticky blood and flesh stuck to the towel in clumps.

“Your Majesty! Princess Isabel!!”

He momentarily tried to catch his breath, trusting in the imperial knights guarding the palace like an iron fortress.


Merciless malice did not allow for rest.

His experienced intuition cried out with an ominous feeling as if overturning his internal organs.

The “worst crisis” he hadn’t experienced since the end of the Racial War had arrived.


A jet-black lightning bolt struck.

The lightning bolt, sharpened like a spear, was enough to penetrate the palace where the emperor resided.

A thunderous roar erupted.

At the same time as the sturdy ceiling collapsed, massive debris poured down.

“Emperor of the empire, I will deliver divine punishment to you on behalf of the Disaster God.”

The lightning that had split into hundreds of strands merged, molding into a human form.

It was undoubtedly an Apostle of the Disaster God.

An eerie demonic aura emanated from the beautiful woman with flowing black hair.

Her skin was ashen, like a drowned corpse.

But her eyes, dark as obsidian, overflowed with hatred hotter than sulfur fire.

“Are you alright, Your Majesty?!”

“It’s an enemy! She appeared after the lightning struck!”

The imperial knights guarding the exterior drew swords and urgently rushed into the palace.

Immediately recognizing the black-haired woman as an enemy, they pointed their sharp sword tips at her.

The woman stretched out her hand.

The platinum bracelet adorning her slender wrist shone ominously.

Edanant’s face turned to shock as he witnessed the platinum magical equipment the Apostle of the Disaster God possessed.

As if foreseeing what was about to unfold immediately after.

“Damn it!”

He quickly drew Aldebaran and unleashed a pure white slash at the black-haired woman.

At the same time, a shockwave that could completely crush the emperor’s palace, which had withstood for hundreds of years, flew in like a whirlwind.



[Translator Notes]

Hey guys, just wanted to apologize for the later chapter. I was attending my college graduation over the weekend. I’m back now, so let’s get the release train going again!

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The Protagonists of the Novel Escaped

The Protagonists of the Novel Escaped

Score 9.5
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Artist: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
"Damn those bastards...!" As soon as Part 1 ended, the main characters of the novel escaped. Then what about Part 2?


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27 days ago

ayy congratulations for the graduation bossman. and thank you for the chapter!

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