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The Protagonists Of The Novel Escaped – Chapter 44

.。.:✧ The Villainous Princess and the Luinongs (3) ✧:.。.

Translated By Arcane Translations
Translator: TushChen



The situation was resolved so quickly it was almost absurd.


Or, more precisely, the goddess possessing the princess had declared surrender.

She collapsed as if she had seen a ghost, turning pale with shock.

Her terrified appearance was so pitiful it even evoked sympathy.

Then, the goddess raised both hands and declared surrender.

“Y-You! What on earth are you! How can a mere human…!”


Seeing her acting like a fool in Elizaveta’s form was unpleasant.

As he frowned, the goddess let out a scream.

No, more precisely, the goddess was shocked at seeing the being behind him, not at him.

Then she showed reluctance to even mention it as if facing a fierce curse.

She bowed her head while sweating profusely as if trying hard to pretend she hadn’t seen it.

“Ahem…! I was just a little surprised.”

“It doesn’t seem like just a little.”

The goddess took a deep breath and calmed herself.

Despite having trembled pitifully just moments ago, she cleared her throat and showed a noble appearance.

It seemed like she was trying hard to assert her dignity as the goddess who created paradise and the Luinongs.

She dusted herself off.

Then she tidied her clothes and straightened her back.

“It was just a simple prank, but you fell for it…! Humans are truly foolish, aren’t they? You were thoroughly deceived!”

“As expected of the goddess who created the Luinongs.”

The goddess spun around in circles, putting on airs.

It was a desperate attempt to escape the unsightly humiliation she had shown to a human.

He should play along for now.

There was no point in needlessly offending the creator deity’s mood.

Besides, there were things he wanted to ask.

“I know. You’re saying you want to take the lovely children of paradise outside.”

The goddess, who had seen through his intentions with her sharp insight, said with a chuckle.

As expected of a goddess.

Although her appearance so far had been genuinely pitiful.

Thinking she had gained the upper hand by figuring out his intentions, she folded her arms and raised her nose.

Showing an arrogant appearance, she thrust her face towards him.

“Fine, do as you please.”

“… That’s an unexpectedly quick answer.”

The Luinongs had lived for a long time in a closed environment.

They would surely experience great confusion if they went to the outside world.

It wouldn’t be easy to adapt.

They might even cry, saying they want to return to paradise.

Nevertheless, the goddess readily accepted the proposal.

He was rather perplexed by the goddess’ decisiveness in accepting straightforwardly without even a moment’s hesitation.

When he expressed his puzzlement with his eyes, the goddess shrugged.

“My lovely children should become independent soon. I can’t keep them confined to my skirts forever, can I?”

“I-I’m surprised. I didn’t think you’d have such a broad-minded thought…”

“How rude, human. I am always a goddess who worries about the future of my lovely children.”


She loved the fairies she created so much that she personally created paradise.

Perhaps that’s why.

The Luinongs ended up becoming a race completely lacking in independence.

He suddenly felt fear at the sight of the Luinongs repeating limited experiences in a restricted space.

The unchanging appearance of the Luinongs over eons seemed strange even to the overprotective creator.

They’ll become independent.

Someday, they’ll try to become independent…

Thinking vaguely like that for hundreds of years.

Finally, an eccentric ‘Rue Luinong’ was born with a curiosity about the outside world.

“I realized while observing Rue, who grew up excellently experiencing joys and sorrows. Blind overprotection had been hindering the children’s growth.”

“So in the end, the problem was the dim-witted creator.”

“…Do you have to break the mood like that?”

“It’s the truth.”

There’s a limit even to stupidity.

Creating a perfect paradise but expecting the children to become independent.

If an irregular like Rue Luinong hadn’t been born, the Luinongs would have lived forever as beings lacking independence.

It was a disastrous result caused by irresponsible overprotection.

“Broyan. My name is Broyan. I was too flustered to introduce myself earlier.”

“Edanant von Hohenberc.”

They briefly introduced themselves.

As he revealed his name, Broyan burst into laughter.

“It’s like a parent entrusting their children to a teacher. I never thought I’d experience something like this.”

“The analogy is a bit strange… but not wrong.”

The Valtarian Imperial and Hohenberc families promised the overly protective parent that they would protect the Luinongs as they became independent.

At that, Broyan nodded her head firmly.

Now that he had taken charge, he would do his best.

Of course, taking care of 50 mischievous children wouldn’t be easy.

Should he create a Hohenberc kindergarten…?


It didn’t seem like a bad idea.

“Can I hear the reason why you want to take the children? Of course, it must be to use their mysterious power.”

“We’re short on hands in the territory.”

Through Rue’s abilities, who had assisted with paperwork in the Hohenberc family for a month, he had learned that the Luinongs possessed excellent intellectual skills.

Their mental age was only twelve.

However, the Luinongs were equipped with qualities and potential that were close to prodigies.

This was because they were creations made by an overly protective goddess who poured out her divinity.

Therefore, unlike humans who show extreme differences between individuals, all Luinongs were excellent.

“Anyway, you’re saying you have a special plan to raise the Luinongs as members of society?”

“Of course. I’m thorough by nature.”

“Hmm… As expected of a man the beautiful princess has started to take interest in.”

“What do you mean by that?”

He asked as if he didn’t understand.

At that, Broyan smiled mischievously and placed her hand on her chest.

“Didn’t you know? The beautiful princess’ mind is full of thoughts about you.”

“Another pointless joke…”

“It may sound like a joke, but it’s true. The princess’ feelings are quite complicated. It must be because of the guilt of falling in love with her fiancé’s brother. Hmm, it’s fascinating? I’d like to watch closely… Aaah!!”


Broyan, who had been harshly exposing Elizaveta’s complicated inner thoughts, suddenly screamed.

Her right hand had started pulling her hair abruptly.

Two selves existing in one body clashed.

-Stop babbling and give back control.

The sharp hand pulling the hair seemed to express an angry mind.

The villainous princess’ self has emerged.

Her firm intention to stop the exposure, even through self-harm, was evident.

Broyan, who had been screaming in pain, finally surrendered to Elizaveta, who had taken a hardline stance.

It was her second surrender of the day.

“Kyaaa! A-Alright! I’ll give it back!”

Broyan shouted loudly.

At the same time, the beautiful princess’ body lost balance and staggered.

He stretched out his arms and embraced the princess.

The body that had been moving actively until now became helpless like a puppet with its strings cut.

Soon after, she opened her eyes.

The original emerald eyes were clearly visible, not Broyan’s purple eyes.

Elizaveta had returned.

He quietly gazed at Elizaveta’s face in a daze as if she had just woken from a deep sleep.

At that, Elizaveta also looked at him.


Focus returned to her emerald eyes.

At that moment,

Her snow-white face turned bright red in an instant.

Elizaveta’s plump lips moved open and closed.

She repeatedly acted like she wanted to say something but couldn’t get the words out.

“E-Edanant…! You’re too close!”

“… I’m sorry.”

“Humph, all you men.”


Elizaveta jumped like a taut bowstring and left his embrace.

Then she covered her flushed cheeks with both hands and exhaled rough breaths.

“I had an unpleasant nightmare of being toyed with by a nasty woman. Some trivial ghost dared to pry into and mock the noble inner thoughts of a princess. So I pulled its hair with all my might!”


Was it a coincidence?

Or was there some connection?

The goddess who created the Valtarian Empire’s princess and the Luinongs were similar.

Their stubborn personalities and ability to perplex others were incredibly similar.

“It must have been quite an ordeal.”

“You’re telling me. I never want to experience that again.”

He extended his hand to the princess, who had collapsed on the ground.

After hesitating for a moment, Elizaveta accepted his hand.

“I plan to gather and persuade the Luinongs when morning comes… If Your Highness helps, I think we can proceed smoothly.”

“Alright. I’ll help if Edanant wants it.”

It would be morning before the soundly sleeping Luinongs woke up.

The crystals emitting a faint radiance like gentle night lights indicated it was still late at night.

He couldn’t sleep.

He had worked up a sweat dealing with the mischievous goddess.

So what should he do while waiting until morning?

He sat on a pile of stones and looked at the darkened scenery of paradise.

At that, Elizaveta also sat on the nearby pile of stones and watched alongside him.

Perhaps because of the close distance.

The princess’ reddened cheeks were particularly noticeable.

Elizaveta slightly extended her hand, which had been touching the ground.

As if subtly expressing her inner desire to hold hands gently like lovers.



The Red Dragon of the Empire and the White Dragon of the Holy Kingdom were in charge of defending the Hohenberc Marquis Territory while waiting for news of Edanant.

When would he return?

Was he carrying out his mission safely?

They let out heavy sighs that revealed their anxious inner thoughts.

Ludmilla and Zebeline restrained their nerve war as much as possible as if they had made a ceasefire agreement.

This was because Edanant, who could be called the spoils of their competition, was absent.

‘Hmph, I can’t miss this chance while Edan is away for a long time.’


She quietly opened the door.

Then Zebeline snuck in like a thief cat.

Surprisingly, the place she had secretly infiltrated was Edanant’s bedroom.

If the cardinals of the Holy Kingdom had seen this sight, they would have greatly condemned the saintess’ shameless conduct, saying it was genuinely lamentable behavior.

“Usually men keep naughty books under their beds… Surely Edan does too.”

She took out a long stick she had brought from the corridor.

Then she pushed the stick under the bed and scraped the floor.

There was no feeling of anything being caught.

The space under the bed was clean, without even a speck of dust, let alone any erotic magazines.

As her interest and expectation were dashed, Zebeline showed a disappointed expression.

Then she stuck out her plump lips and began to grumble.

“Geez, a man in his prime should have mountains of naughty magazines piled up… He’s so ascetic like a monk that even if a pitiful pretty girl loves him wholeheartedly, he doesn’t budge at all.”

What an impossible person.

To make me this desperate.

In that case…

I have no choice but to seriously draw out Edan’s sexual desire.

‘It’s good I prepared in advance.’

Zebeline opened her bundle and took out something.

They were adult novels.

Items she had secretly procured through a subordinate.

“Naughty After School with a Cheeky Junior”

“Secret Tutoring with the Neighbor’s Little Sister”

“Erotic Punishment Game with a Childhood Friend Younger Girl”

All of them were works in which the heroines were younger girls.

The saintess’ intentions could be clearly seen through the contents of the works.

Zebeline hid the adult novels under the bed like a spy concealing confidential documents.

Then she left the bedroom humming a tune as if nothing had happened.

“Hmm, there’s no one here as expected. It’s not cleaning time yet.”

How much time had passed after that?

Someone other than the saintess who had sneaked in earlier entered Edanant’s bedroom secretly.

The intruder was Ludmilla.

Perhaps she had the same purpose as Zebeline as she searched under the bed when she closed the door.

Then Ludmilla discovered the unpleasant adult novels just by looking at their covers.

The thief cat saintess must have placed them.

The space under the bed had been clean as of yesterday.

“To leave such kindling… That woman who calls herself the saintess of the Holy Kingdom is pathetic.”

She threw the adult novels she held in both hands into the trash can.

Instead, she put in works that an imperial knight had secretly procured.

“Passionate Affair with a Sweaty Senior Girl”

“Big Sister’s Secret Bride Lessons”

“Boldly Seducing Older Woman”

Her intention was the same as Zebeline’s.

Except that all the heroines appearing in the adult novels were older women.

She placed them under the bed.

Having completed her mission, Ludmilla quickly left the scene.

About 10 minutes later.

Maids carrying brooms and buckets entered to clean the bedroom.


The maids dropped their cleaning tools in surprise.

They were shocked by the sight of adult novels filling the space under the bed and the trash can.

The maids turned their gazes away with pale faces, shocked at their young master’s immoral fetishes.



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The Protagonists of the Novel Escaped

The Protagonists of the Novel Escaped

Score 9.5
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Artist: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
"Damn those bastards...!" As soon as Part 1 ended, the main characters of the novel escaped. Then what about Part 2?


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1 month ago

Congrats, even the fairy brats are a bit more mature than these two

Reply to  Rin
1 month ago

they are thirsty, very very thirsty

1 month ago

that’s a war crime bruh, don’t plant erotic books under someone’s bed smh

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