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The Protagonists Of The Novel Escaped – Chapter 24

.。.:✧ Those Who Bear A Stench (1) ✧:.。.

Translated By Arcane Translations
Translator: TushChen



More than half of the suitors dropped out in less than two days.

After that, the Red Dragon rushed to the scene, enraged.

The villainous princess, who had swept away the suitors with her arrogant charisma, naturally caught the attention of Ludmilla, who had been eagerly awaiting the results.

“Liza! How do you plan to deal with the aftermath of causing such a catastrophe!” Ludmilla’s resounding shout filled the previously quiet reception room.

It was as if a fire-breathing evil dragon was roaring.

The maids showed a greatly startled reaction. Even the soldiers standing guard broke out in cold sweat upon hearing Ludmilla’s shout.

How could they not be tense? The Red Dragon of the empire was truly enraged.

“The same goes for you! I placed you by Liza’s side to prevent her from doing anything reckless!” Ludmilla’s eyes, burning like flames, began reprimanding me after Elizaveta.

In fact, I was also at fault. Because every time Elizaveta chased away the suitors, I secretly felt exhilarated.

The sight of the ambitious men, who had hoped to rise to prominence by becoming the Platinum Princess’s husband, turning pale and giving up on matchmaking was amusing.

Rue and I happily watched while eating popcorn. Therefore, it was natural for me to be scolded by the elder sister, who had been hoping for her younger sister’s happiness.

“Even though I’m about to leave the capital for a while…!”

Ludmilla was planning to leave the capital to protect the Pug Kingdom from the wicked heretics.

She expressed her impatience. It seemed her younger sister still couldn’t let go of her attachment.

“Brother-in-law, isn’t my sister being too much? She doesn’t even understand her younger sister’s wounded heart, so how can she be a proper wife? She’s always been stubborn since long ago,” Elizaveta whispered loudly with a mischievous voice.

At that, Ludmilla’s face turned red as she raised her voice. “Bro-brother-in-law! Ahem! Don’t just subtly gloss over it like that!”

It had turned into a sibling quarrel. Looking back and forth between the Red Dragon and the Platinum Princess, I tried to figure out a way to escape.

“Please, starting from tomorrow, take the matchmaking seriously. Father has high expectations too,” Ludmilla earnestly pleaded.

“I got it, I got it. I just have to do as I’m told, right?” the younger sister finally yielded to her elder sister’s sincere request.

Although she pouted in displeasure, she promised to take the matchmaking seriously.

Fortunately, it ended like this. I was worried that the argument might escalate.

“You, stay for a moment,” Ludmilla stopped me as I tried to follow Elizaveta out of the reception room.


Could it be that she’s going to hold me accountable for the failure? If she reprimands me for sabotage, there’s no room for rebuttal.

I seriously contemplated if there was an excellent way to avoid responsibility. Should I shift all the blame to the jelly-loving fairy who had watched the matchmaking with me?

“While I’m gone… Please protect Liza. More than anything, I’m worried about Liza. She always acts so recklessly like this, so how can I not be worried?” Ludmilla’s reason for stopping me was to once again entrust me with the protection of her younger sister, Elizaveta.

She showed an expression tinged with uneasiness, trembling slightly.

It was the opposite of her usual noble and dignified demeanor. It felt like she was a delicate woman.

Even though she had boldly declared that she would go to the north herself, it seemed Elizaveta was still on her mind.

Perhaps her instincts had predicted the fate of death bestowed upon her younger sister. That’s why Ludmilla showed her vulnerable side only to me, whom she trusted.

“I swear on the honor of the Hohenberc family to protect Her Highness Elizaveta without fail,” I assured her.

“…Yes, thank you,” she responded.

I raised my hand and gently caressed her snow-white cheek.

It was soft and warm. Through her warm skin, I could almost feel her worried heart.

It was a sudden display of skinship, but Ludmilla did not reject it. She smiled solemnly and held my hand, which was caressing her cheek.

Where did this courage come from? To caress the imperial princess without hesitation.

I wanted to comfort Ludmilla, who was sincerely worried about her younger sister. That earnest desire must have unconsciously manifested outwardly, leading to the skinship.

“Ah, anyway, I’ll be going now. Please take good care of Elizaveta!” she said hastily.


It felt as if time had stopped for a moment as we gazed at each other.

Then, as if coming to her senses, Ludmilla hurriedly stepped back.

The sight of the princess’s face, flushed red as if about to explode, was impressive. Her flawless appearance was nowhere to be seen as she reacted flustered.

Seeing Ludmilla like that, I felt my heart pounding faster and faster.

She was absolutely adorable, but it seems only I knew that.



In place of Ludmilla, who was scheduled to depart, the Seven Generals of Valtaria were deployed for defense.

The seven knights representing the empire.

As the Racial War ended, the heroes scattered throughout the empire gathered again.

When it became known that Ludmilla, the guardian of the imperial family, was departing, concerns and uneasiness swept in.

However, as the Seven Generals of Valtaria entered the capital, they thoroughly extinguished the fear that had been rising like a plague.

“Knight-General Cecilia. By the solemn imperial decree, I have been assigned to protect Her Highness Elizaveta,” a female knight with blue hair like lobelia saluted as she guarded Elizaveta.

Is she planning to do the same at the matchmaking?

I wondered if the suitors would be frightened and run away upon seeing a woman in full armor…

As expected of Ludmilla’s direct subordinate, there was not even a hint of flexibility.

I wanted to acknowledge her bold valor and loyalty, but her rigid personality overshadowed those strengths.

“I got it, so just wait in the back,” Elizaveta said.

“That won’t do! His Majesty has strictly ordered us to take every precaution,” Cecilia insisted.

“I need to change into a dress now! So don’t follow me!” Elizaveta retorted.

“Yo-Your Highness…!” the knight stammered.

To think there was someone even the villainous princess Elizaveta found annoying.

I briefly watched the commotion between the princess and the female knight.

“It’s not befitting the prestige of the Valtarian Empire. Just because of the news of heretics appearing, they summoned the Seven Generals who were stationed at the front lines. That shows how much they fear them,” a girl who had been leisurely drinking Darjeeling tea muttered as she put down her teacup.

Fear began to linger.

Dread was spreading more and more.

However, the girl dressed in pure white vestments remained as relaxed as ever.

She enjoyed her elegant tea time as if she existed in a different space. Having a tea time while ignoring the crowds trembling in fear.

She was indeed a delinquent saintess.

I wanted to immediately report the First Saintess’ delinquent attitude to the Holy Kingdom.

“How about a cup for Young Master Edanant as well?” she offered.

“I appreciate the saintess’ kindness, but I’m fine,” I declined.

“Hmm. At times like these, one should enjoy culture… The people of the empire truly lack sensitivity,” she remarked.


An eccentric saintess who had attained detachment far beyond the realm of normalcy.

Suddenly, the expression of Zebeline, who had been continuously drinking Darjeeling tea, began to change.

The signal must have come.

After drinking several cups of Darjeeling tea, it was bound to happen.

Primarily, since Darjeeling stimulates the urge to urinate, it was even more likely.

I gazed at Zebeline with a faint smile.

“The restroom is outside, to the right,” I informed her.

“Wh-What are you saying? Saints don’t go to the restroom…!” she protested.

What are you talking about?

Just put aside your stubborn pride and go to the restroom.

If you keep holding it in, there will be a catastrophe where the holy water produced by the First Saintess will spill out.

“I’m telling you to go quickly,” I urged.

“Ugh…! Urgh…! I can’t go… in front of Young Master Edanant!” she resisted.

I wrapped my arms around Zebeline’s slender waist.

It was to forcibly take the unruly saintess to the restroom.

I didn’t understand why.

Are all women like this?

To think there was a saintess who caused more headaches than Beatrice. Zebeline hesitated until the end, conscious of my presence. Even though she must have already reached her limit.

“Rue…! Where has that little one gone?!”

I desperately searched for Rue while carrying the fiercely resisting saintess.

She was here just a moment ago.

Where on earth is that little one running around?

I wished she could persuade the unruly saintess with her innocent eyes.

Just as the saying goes, “Anything can be used as medicine when needed,” the absence of the jelly-loving fairy was painfully felt.




Tap-, Tap-

The fairy I was desperately searching for was heading towards the kitchen with quick steps.

Every time she peeked into the kitchen, the kind-hearted cooks would give her various snacks.

Expecting to receive a lot today, she ran through the corridor, anticipating sweet chocolates and cookies.

“Hehe, I’ll eat them together with Edan!” Rue hoped Edanant would enjoy the desserts.

So, suppressing her voracious appetite, she brought the bundle of snacks she had received from the kitchen.


As she turned the corner with quick steps, Rue, holding the bundle of snacks in both hands, collided with someone coming from the opposite direction.

“Sorry, I didn’t know you were coming from the other side… Are you okay?” the person asked.

“My bottom hurts a little, but I’m fine!” Rue responded.

The person she had collided with head-on was a handsome young man.

Judging by his luxurious formal attire, he seemed to be the son of a prestigious family.

Naturally, he would feel displeased by the little one who had suddenly bumped into him.

However, the young man instead showed concern for Rue, who had rushed into him. Through him, it could be seen that the young man had a gentle personality.

“Hehe, I’m okay!” Rue hurriedly felt the bundle of snacks.

Fortunately, the packaged snacks were intact and undamaged.

Delighted by that, Rue shook her hair and smiled innocently.

“I’m glad you’re alright. Then, see you next time,” the young man said.

“Okay!” Rue agreed.

The young man extended his hand, and Rue responded to the handshake by reaching out her lovely little hand.

She grasped his hand tightly. As Rue briefly approached the young man for the handshake, she caught a whiff of a stench that offended her sense of smell.

The stench of rotten soil.

There was also the stench of metal that had been decaying for a long time.

As a member of the Luinong race with very sensitive senses, she immediately recognized the faint stench.

‘He should wash more often… Even Edan stinks despite washing thoroughly every day. They’re all so dirty,’ Rue thought, tilting her head at the questionable stench.

However, she turned around with the bundle of snacks in her arms.



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The Protagonists of the Novel Escaped

The Protagonists of the Novel Escaped

Score 9.5
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Artist: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
"Damn those bastards...!" As soon as Part 1 ended, the main characters of the novel escaped. Then what about Part 2?


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7 hours ago

He touched the obsessive woman with care. He is officially boned

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not work with dark mode