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The Protagonists Of The Novel Escaped – Chapter 20

.。.:✧ The Red Dragon and the White Dragon (2) ✧:.。.

Translated By Arcane Translations
Translator: TushChen



The ‘First Saintess’ held a unique position in the Gael Holy Kingdom.

The successor of the White Dragon.

The sole incarnation of the White Dragon, who protects the goddess.

Only a noble maiden chosen by the White Dragon could become the First Saintess.

That’s why Beatrice became the Second Saintess despite achieving the feat of awakening the saintly power earlier than Zebeline, simply because she didn’t receive the blessing of the White Dragon.

In the Holy Kingdom, laws and traditions were prioritized above all else, so it was impossible to reverse the order.

“I apologize for the meager reception.”

“It’s alright, I will specially forgive the impiety in the name of the First Saintess.”

The girl with airy silver hair flowing down raised the teacup with a coy expression.

Milk tea with milk mixed into black tea.

The special cheesecake was supposed to be the snack for the brazen fairy today.

I brought out desserts, albeit meager, to serve the saintess who had visited unexpectedly.

Rue, who had been looking forward to the desserts and spent the morning sorting documents, screamed and plopped down.

The long-awaited cheesecake was slowly disappearing before her eyes.


“Would you like to have at least a bite?”


“I’m just kidding. This is a precious gift I received from Young Master Edanant, so.”

The saintess held out the fork with the cheesecake to the fairy, who was expressing despair.

However, she had no intention of giving up the cake at all.

As Rue opened her mouth in anticipation, Zebeline put it into her mouth.


Oh, my goodness.

She’s quite a menace.

For a benevolent saintess, she’s too mischievous.

“Ahem! The small talk has been sufficient, so… I think it’s time for the saintess to get to the point.”

The princess, who had been watching the noisy farce, spoke. The princess with luscious golden hair flowing down coughed and demanded the saintess to get to the point.

Then the saintess spoke.

“I wanted to have secret talks with Young Master Edanant right away, but… Since Princess Ludmilla is not leaving her seat, we have no choice but to waste time like this.”

“Your jokes are going too far.”

“No, I haven’t made any jokes except for the one I played on the little one just now.”


The Red and White Dragon began a staring contest, pretending to have a quiet conversation.

It’s scary.

I can’t believe a staring contest is this scary.

Behind Ludmilla and Zebeline, silhouettes of ferocious dragons roaring appeared. It must have been a hallucination, but cold sweat poured down my whole body.

Rue also showed a reaction of astonishment.

It was like watching a tiny mouse caught in a fight between carnivorous animals boasting the highest predators.

I could fully understand the misery of a shrimp caught in a whale fight.

“Both of you are taking the jokes too far.”

If this nerve war escalates, the villa will not remain unscathed.

I mustered up the courage to intervene.

“Your Highness and Saintess, aren’t you representatives of the empire and the Holy Kingdom? Even in a casual private setting, please maintain proper etiquette.”

Perhaps it was a habit that emerged from mediating the men of the Hero’s Party, who were fighting like mortal enemies.

I spoke in a polite but heavy voice.

Then Ludmilla and Zebeline showed an awkward expression and put down the fierce pressure that had been rising.

“I apologize, I was not level-headed for a moment.”

“I unintentionally committed a discourtesy. It seems I still lack discipline.”

The princess and the saintess admitted responsibility.

However, it was never an apology.

Initially, an apology sought forgiveness from the other party who had committed a discourtesy.

However, Ludmilla and Zebeline did not ask each other for forgiveness. They only apologized to me, who had stopped their sharp nerve war.


My stomach began to ache.

It was the first time I had experienced this pain since the damn Maximilian had left without permission.

“Young Master Edanant must boast outstanding combat prowess as a holy sword wielder, right? You achieved the feat of executing the cruel Bomber in one stroke.”

“Not exactly in one stroke…”

Zebeline, sitting on the sofa, suddenly stood up and leaned her head forward to an uncomfortable degree.

I answered with a sense of burden.

What exactly is her purpose?

It felt like a leading question, so I responded cautiously on purpose.

“But it’s a bit strange.”


“Young Master Edanant is someone with unwavering loyalty to the imperial family, risking numerous dangers to eradicate the Bomber… So why didn’t you participate in the Racial War that broke out 3 years ago?”

“Ah, you mean that Racial War.”

The all-out war where humanity and the Demon King’s forces engaged in a life-or-death battle.

It was called the Racial War.

Because the fate of numerous races was determined by the war’s outcome.

In the 3rd Racial War, the Demon King, who had lost his legions and suffered a significant defeat, was reorganizing his forces when he met a glorious end in a surprise attack by the Hero’s Party.

That was the result of the Racial War and the conclusion of the romance fantasy ‘The Lady of the White Blessing.’

‘Is she just trying to test me? Or… does she know something?’

How many people would suddenly bring up a serious topic in a setting where they are trying to build a friendly relationship with a stranger?

Either someone lacks social skills,

Or a madman who loves war and bloodshed.

However, the First Saintess did not fall into either category.

She knows something.

That’s why she asked a question that was difficult to answer rashly, with her blue eyes twinkling.

If someone was timid and lacked courage, they would have immediately confessed the truth and dug their own grave as soon as they were caught in a leading question.

But I was different. I was superior.

Hadn’t I learned shamelessness almost to the point of being thick-skinned while accompanying the Hero’s Party?

Leading questions?

Do as you please. Do you think I’ll answer obediently?

I briefly imitated Maximilian, who had maintained a blunt expression in any situation.

“Ever since my brother, who was chosen as the hero, left the county to fulfill his noble duty… I did my utmost to support my father in place of my brother. My brother had repeatedly entrusted me with the safety of the county when he left with the Hero’s Party.”

It was indeed a heart-wrenching story.

No one would doubt it.

Because humans are animals who try to follow reason but ultimately follow emotion.

The lie I made up in an instant was of excellent quality.

I thought it would be immediately selected if I sent the story to a newspaper company.

Even the most cold-blooded person would fall for a heart-wrenching story.

“Maximilian, who was chosen as the hero, must have caused you a lot of trouble by suddenly leaving one day.”

As if to prove that, Ludmilla spoke in a solemn voice.

She reacted silently, nodding her head in agreement as if deeply moved.


On the other hand, Zebeline showed a meaningful smile that made it difficult to discern her true feelings.

What is it,

That smile…

It felt like she was saying, ‘Your effort is commendable, so I’ll let it slide this time,’ with a playful tone.

I looked at the girl with beautiful silver hair flowing like a bluebell and desperately tried to recall, but nothing came to mind.

There was no way I could have forgotten a girl who boasted a beauty comparable to Ludmilla.

“I’ll get up now. It was discourteous of me to visit Young Master Edanant so abruptly without notice.”

“…It’s alright.”

“Is that so? Then I’ll drop by unexpectedly next time too.”

“No, actually it’s not alright.”

When I showed a bitter smile and expressed reluctance, the brazen saintess burst into laughter.

And Ludmilla glared at Zebeline, revealing her discomfort.


“E-Edan! Edan is dead! Waah!!”

Like the receding tide, the princess and the saintess, who had been on the verge of a confrontation, exited simultaneously.

At that moment,

I collapsed on the floor with a thud, along with an overwhelming sense of fatigue.

It felt like the blood flowing through my body was rapidly draining away.

The Red Dragon and the White Dragon.

The princess of the Valtarian Empire and the saintess of the Holy Kingdom had invaded.

I groaned as I recalled their appearance, tightly confronting each other without a hint of backing down.

Damn it.

If this situation continues, I will surely die young.

Rue burst into tears and shook me vigorously as I lay on the floor.

I wanted to lift my head and answer for a moment, but my body, which had become as heavy as a thousand tons, wouldn’t allow it.



Ludmilla and Zebeline, who had left the villa simultaneously, quickly parted ways as if to say, ‘It was unpleasant to meet even for a moment, so let’s not see each other’s faces unless absolutely necessary.’

Was it an aversion based on instinct?

Or was it because of the hatred stemming from intuition?

I just don’t like it.

Does there need to be a reason to dislike someone?

Whenever a summit was held between the Valtarian Empire and the Gael Holy Kingdom, they continued to meet by chance.

Ludmilla and Zebeline showed an unchanging appearance each time, confirming that the Red Dragon and the White Dragon were still irreconcilable rivals.

‘He’s still as cute as ever.’

Zebeline giggled, a disturbingly sweet sound escaping her lips.

The girl with silver hair flowing down burst into laughter.

It was an innocent smile that held no pretense, one which she had never shown anyone before.

‘After 3 long years… I finally found you.’

When she grabbed his arm,

And when she was held in his firm embrace,

‘That’ scent of gunpowder lingered.

It was the scent of the man she had longed for and missed for a long time, the object of her twisted affection.

At the moment when she satisfied the longing that had remained as a painful nostalgia, she tried her best to hold back the tears that were about to pour out.

‘But your effort is commendable, so… should I pretend not to know for now? It’s fun to tease you too.’

The Warmonger.

I finally found you.

In the territory of the Valtarian Empire, far away from the Holy Kingdom.

Could this be called fate?


Even if it’s not fate, it doesn’t matter.

Just as I finally found you in this distant land, no matter where you disappear, I will find you.

Because the White Dragon of the Holy Kingdom never breaks its obsession.

Zebeline hummed excitedly as she recalled Edanant’s appearance, sweating and flustered, unwittingly ensnared in her twisted web of possession.



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The Protagonists of the Novel Escaped

The Protagonists of the Novel Escaped

Score 9.5
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Artist: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
"Damn those bastards...!" As soon as Part 1 ended, the main characters of the novel escaped. Then what about Part 2?


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9 days ago


9 days ago

The ara ara ara onee san with yandere tendencies is sure hit

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not work with dark mode