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The Protagonists Of The Novel Escaped – Chapter 2

.。.:✧ The Protagonists Who Vanished (2) ✧:.。.

Translated By Arcane Translations
Translator: TushChen



I was afraid of facing the following day.

Breaking News: Hero Maximilian declares annulment of engagement to the Valtarian Imperial Family.

Breaking News: The Hero’s Party goes missing under mysterious circumstances. Suspected elopement for a reverse harem.

If the newspapers blindly chasing exclusive stories caught the scandal of the Hero’s Party, they would undoubtedly unleash a barrage of coverage.

After all, the Hero’s Party that had defeated the Demon King was at the peak of popularity.

Damn it.

How did things turn out like this?

I sighed while scratching the back of my head.

‘Could it be that Part 2 started right after the epilogue ended? I’m sure the author had posted a notice saying they would serialize Part 2. And as soon as I saw the serialization notice, I fell into the world of a romance fantasy.’

Usually, there is a gap of a few months or even a few years between Part 1 and Part 2.

However, not all works are like that.

The development of the story is solely at the author’s discretion.

It wouldn’t be strange if Part 2 started immediately after Part 1 ended.

If I were simply in the position of a reader, I would have accepted it without question. Unfortunately, I possessed an extra character in the story.

The story’s development determined my life and death, so naturally, I had to be annoyed.

“You seem deep in thought.”

“Forgive me, Your Imperial Highness.”

The woman with golden hair flowing down approached with a faint smile.

I bowed my head, paying my respects to her.

“I was just worrying about the repercussions of the incident for a moment.”

“I was worried about that too.”

It was impossible to predict how far the void left by the Hero’s Party would extend.

The pride and hope of humanity.

The strongest subjugation team that had achieved numerous heroic tales.

The brilliant reputation they had built until now would instead come back as an aftershock.

Anticipating the unprecedented chaos that would swirl like a whirlpool, Ludmilla must have directly visited the Hohenberc County and requested my help.

“Has there been any special communication from the Holy Kingdom?”

“They continue to remain silent. But they will soon send an envoy. Since the Second Saintess has gone missing in the empire’s territory.”

A sharp thorn could be felt in Ludmilla’s voice.

It was natural if it could be called natural.

To her, Beatrice, the Second Saintess, was a sly cat who had stolen her younger sister’s fiancé.

Perhaps deep down, she wished Beatrice would just disappear forever.

“I’m glad you readily accepted the request.”

“It was an obvious decision. The prestige of the empire and the honor of my family are at stake.”

Due to the annulment of the engagement with the youngest daughter, the Emperor’s anger stack would be maxed out towards my brother.

They would think that even drinking him dry would not be enough.

If I responded half-heartedly to Ludmilla’s request on top of this, I would receive a mysterious package from the Valtarian Imperial Family.

Should I say it was a decision made to survive?

Right now, unconditional obedience is the only way to live.

That’s why I looked at Ludmilla with a stunned expression.

“I told you, I have no intention of taking out my anger on you.”

“Ah. I apologize.”

“I’m just filled with hatred towards the scoundrels who left the scar of a broken heart on my one and only precious younger sister. I want to send them to the gallows right away. I have no ill feelings towards anyone else.”


One of those ‘scoundrels’ was none other than my brother.


If I get him removed from the family register, he will no longer be my brother.

“I will take my leave now. I will send a letter to the County once I arrive at the capital.”

“I understand.”

With graceful steps, Ludmilla turned her back.

She said she would send a letter.

Probably with the intention of summoning me to the capital.

From now on, we will cooperate for a common purpose.

By accepting Ludmilla’s proposal, I managed to escape the immediate crisis.

However, since the fate of my family would ultimately be determined by the Emperor’s intentions, I couldn’t feel completely relieved.



The immediate fire had been extinguished.

I sighed in relief and grasped my left hand.

The Red Dragon of Valtaria.

I heaved a sigh, recalling the figure of the princess who possessed both dignity and elegance.

“What’s the point of suddenly introducing the strongest character in the world…? This development is truly merciless.”

Ludmilla Dreg Valtaria was a character whose name was indirectly mentioned when Princess Elizaveta, destined to be defeated, confronted Beatrice over her fiancé Maximilian.

-Do you think my sister will stay still?!

-The Red Dragon of Valtaria will burn you and your acquaintances.

-No matter how much of a saintess you are… You won’t be able to defeat my sister, the guardian of the empire!

At first glance, it might sound like a childish boast of strength. Still, Ludmilla, who had inherited the blessing from the Red Dragon, was one of the Seven Heroes of the Warring States, the seven strongest individuals on the continent.

Even Maximilian, who boasted the highest combat prowess among the male protagonists in the story, couldn’t assess his chances of winning against her.

That’s why Elizaveta threatened the sly cat, tail-wagging her beloved fiancé by emphasizing Ludmilla’s power.

“But she’s twenty-seven years old…? How in the world is she still single?”


A spinster with no prospects at all.

A complete old chap, if I had to say.

She was even teetering on the edge of becoming an auntie.

Recalling Ludmilla’s appearance, who possessed both peerless beauty and dignified elegance, I wondered why she had become an old bachelorette.

There must be some sort of reason behind it. Otherwise, how could the Emperor’s daughter remain unmarried past twenty-seven?

“If I call her an auntie to her face, I’ll get beaten to death, right?”

The chances of that were high.

Either getting beaten to death.

Or dying in the most painful way possible.

Old bachelorette… Auntie…

Those were absolute taboos to say in front of the twenty-seven-year-old princess. Even ten lives wouldn’t be enough if I carelessly uttered those words.



While I was recalling my meeting with Ludmilla and making silly jokes, my father, who had left the castle, returned.

Bewilderment was evident on his face.

It seemed like he had heard the news of the princess’s sudden visit to the Hohenberc County.

“I heard from the head butler! Princess Ludmilla came…!”

“Yes, she just left.”

Upon hearing my answer, my father’s face turned as pale as a blank sheet of paper. He even gulped air as if he had faced death up close and barely survived.

The Red Dragon of Valtaria.

The might possessed by the guardian of the empire was enough to make even the administrator governing the east feel precarious.

“Did the princess not take issue with the administrator’s absence? If so, I plan to chase after her immediately and offer my apologies.”

“She reacted as if it was trivial. Because she had business with me.”

“With you…?”

“I was asked to join in the pursuit of the missing Hero’s Party.”

Where should I start explaining?

It’s a dilemma.

The explanation will indeed become complexly long.

Looking at my father, whose face showed incomprehension, I briefly organized my thoughts that had become tangled like a ball of yarn.



The next day.

Was it a stroke of luck,

Or was it thanks to the efforts of the intelligence departments trying to conceal the truth?

The newspaper delivered early in the morning was filled with trashy news, making the subscription fee seem like a waste.

-Elf Forest, “The prosperity of the race depends solely on the raiding marriage.”

-Unification of the World Series… Serialization was delayed due to low popularity.

-Nobel Pie’s roe deer digs up crops, causing billions in damage.

Nothing happened.

It was quiet as usual today.

The sky was clear, and the sunshine was warm.

It was the kind of weather that suited the mild climate that repeated in the east.

‘Today, I should peacefully enjoy a nap. In the end, when the news of the Hero’s Party’s disappearance spreads to the world, I will be swept up in numerous scandals.’

Let’s leave future worries to the future me.

I tried hard to turn a blind eye to the aftermath, recalling the family motto passed down in the Hohenberc family.

“Y-Young Master! Young Master!”

“What is it?”

The door to the office opened as the fierce knocking rang three times in a row.

Knight Elliot.

Bewilderment was evident on his young and sturdy face.

I wasn’t surprised by Elliot’s appearance, who had rushed over in panic.

Elliot, known for always exaggerating things, was famous for being a braggart. That’s why I also thought it would be another exaggeration this time.

“A kid with a strange way of speaking… suddenly came looking for you, asking to see you.”


If I were a nobleman with a promiscuous nature, I would have suspected a secret child as soon as I heard the report, recalling a turbulent life.

But I was an intellectual with a wholesome private life.

It’s definitely not me…

Then could it be my father?

I had heard from my mother that, unlike now, when he had become a gentle middle-aged man, he was a tremendous womanizer in his youth.

That’s why I immediately suspected my father. It wouldn’t be strange if a hidden secret child suddenly appeared.

“Are you Edan by any chance?”


I followed Elliot to the entrance.

It was just as he reported.

A girl with green hair was shining her eyes brightly.

Had she come from a long distance?

I saw a large travel bag held in the girl’s tiny hands.

The situation made it seem like a runaway girl who had been driven out due to an unfortunate family environment.

As the girl leaned on the travel bag, the servants of the Hohenberc family began to whisper one by one.

“Edan…? Yes, my name is indeed Edanant von Hohenberc.”

“Ahem! I have arrived as Max instructed! I am indeed smart!”

After many twists and turns, she had finally arrived.

A sense of emotion and joy could be felt on the girl’s face.

“I am Rue! Rue Luinong!”

“…My goodness, it’s the mascot.”

The fairy who protected the journey.

The supporting character of the hero is Maximilian.

This character and the female protagonist had reached the peak of the popularity poll with their unique way of speaking and cute appearance.

She was undoubtedly the kid who was the symbol and mood maker of the Hero’s Party.

By the way, why did she come here?

‘Max instructed’ meant… that my brother had definitely sent her.

A mixture of emotions arose at the sudden situation.

“Who is that child?”

“I don’t know, maybe she’s Young Master Edan’s hidden daughter.”

“I thought he was still unmarried until now… It must be that.”

As the brazen girl acted familiarly, the servants’ misunderstanding deepened.



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The Protagonists of the Novel Escaped

The Protagonists of the Novel Escaped

Score 9.5
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Artist: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
"Damn those bastards...!" As soon as Part 1 ended, the main characters of the novel escaped. Then what about Part 2?


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14 days ago

Shit’s getting even more complicated 🤣 His brother is such an ass.

Thanks for the chapter!

5 days ago


Last edited 5 days ago by Anonymous
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