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The Protagonists Of The Novel Escaped – Chapter 17

.。.:✧ A Dangerous Invitation (1) ✧:.。.

Translated By Arcane Translations
Translator: TushChen



The empire’s great ruler and the monarch encompassed all the nobles.

The one and only being who held absolute power.

The descendant of the sacred was recognized for his justification and legitimacy by the goddess Gael and the angels.

As if befitting the ruler of a powerful nation that spans a vast continent, the Emperor of the Valtarian Empire had grandiose epithets.

The empire’s ruler was the pinnacle of power and the guardian of the sacred.

That’s why the nobles pledged unwavering loyalty to the Emperor and revered him as the supreme being.

‘To think that I would have the honor of meeting such a noble presence. I don’t know if I should be happy or sad about this….’

Wouldn’t Father, who is in the county, faint if he learned about the news of his second son?


Of course, he would.

Our father has a delicate constitution.

I sighed, thinking of my hometown and family. I don’t know how many times I had sighed with worry.

Indeed, I must have looked like a death row inmate awaiting execution.

“Wow! There are so many clothes here! It’s like a place where a pretty princess would live!”

“Hoho, feel free to look around as much as you want.”

Flora Boutique.

As one of the many boutiques that only catered to nobles as customers, it boasted a solid 1st tier ranking, with various rare fabrics abundantly available.

Not only rare fabrics that frequently appeared in legends but colorful silk from the Far East adorned the walls like decorations.

The green-haired girl bounced and twirled around as if she had arrived in a different world.

The princess with luscious golden hair flowing down smiled elegantly at her.

“Welcome, Princess Ludmilla.”

“For the Red Dragon to visit our boutique… It is simply an honor.”

As Ludmilla entered with a dignified gait, numerous staff members of the boutique gathered to her left and right.

A solemn silence flowed.

It seemed as if even the sound of swallowing saliva should not be made.

No other customers were seen except for us.

It was as if she had rented out the entire boutique, just like when she had rented the whole train when we came from the county.

The princess’s spending was genuinely astonishing. Of course, thanks to that, I could look around the boutique.

I was worried that people might recognize me otherwise.

“What kind of dress is Your Highness looking for?”

“It’s not for me, but for this young master. Show him the clothes that are in fashion in the capital first. It’s a preparation for an audience with His Majesty, so put your heart and soul into it.”

As soon as Ludmilla’s order was finished, the boutique staff began to buzz excitedly.

The princess had brought her lover.

And she had ordered a men’s suit for an audience with the Emperor.

It wouldn’t be strange if they mistook him for a groom-to-be going to meet his future in-laws.

Of course, it was a misunderstanding, but there was so much room for it that it was impossible to refute.

The staff, who had already accepted the speculation as fact, looked at me meaningfully.

They seemed eager to treat the imperial family’s son-in-law (not) with the best attire.

“This way, please!”

“W-Wait, I’d like to add that whatever you think, it’s a misunderstanding…!”

“It’s alright, you don’t have to be embarrassed! Everyone is perplexed at first.”

“I’m perplexed at the current moment when you’re misunderstanding!”

The tailors, boasting skilled experience, pushed my back.

Are you deaf?

Despite my repeated objections, the tailors laughed and guided me inside.

“The little miss also needs a dress.”

“Oh my, what a cute little miss, just like a fairy. We happen to have a fabric that would suit the little miss.”

Like me, Rue was also invited to the audience.

Is this okay?

I already began to feel an uneasy tension.

It was crazy enough to face the hot-tempered Emperor but to have a child accompanying me on top of that.

Even though I had done a good deed by eradicating the villains who had turned the streets into a sea of flames, what awaited me was a compounded crisis.

Rewarding good and punishing evil is an ending that only appears in fairy tales.

My unfortunate fate of constantly being driven into crisis was telling me that.

“You are the young master of the Hohenberc family?! The hero who defeated the cruel and ruthless villains…”

“I will dedicate my life to the success of the formal introduction! Please trust me and leave it to me!”


It’s not a formal introduction.

I swear on my damn brother’s name, it’s not.

When it became known that the man brought to the boutique by Princess Ludmilla was the protagonist of the rumor who had single-handedly eradicated the villains, the already rising atmosphere surpassed its limit.

The tailors showed their determination to prepare the best suit befitting a rising hero.



When Emperor Barbarossa heard the news that the second son of the Hohenberc family had eradicated the traitorous rebels who had turned the capital into a sea of flames, he urgently summoned the intelligence department.

Edanant von Hohenberc.

Wasn’t he the loafer brought by his second daughter from the county?

23 years old this year.

No notable peculiarities are known.

His only contribution so far was assisting his father in governing the county.

Barbarossa felt suspicious of the result that a commoner who could be found anywhere had single-handedly annihilated the criminal organization that had attacked the Hero’s Party.

It was natural for Barbarossa to be suspicious, as a young master who was almost unknown had defeated cruel and ruthless villains.

“A commoner from the county who had never been to war or even deployed to hunt magical beasts had eradicated all the villains who turned the capital into a sea of flames…

Are you telling me to believe this kind of report?”

“I also found it suspicious, Your Majesty.”

Barbarossa’s voice was filled with anger.

The minister in charge of the intelligence department broke out in a cold sweat.

“This is a report from the inspector who recorded the situation in detail. It was prepared after cross-examining Young Master Edanant and the knights who arrived at the scene multiple times, so it should be accurate.”


The intelligence department, which had failed to prevent the bombing in the capital, was bearing the burden of criticism.

Therefore, the intelligence department put all its effort into investigating Edanant to somehow please the Emperor’s hot-tempered taste.

They are useful.

They may be stupid, but they are quick-witted.

That’s why he temporarily suspended the extensive disciplinary action against the intelligence department that had made a mistake.

Barbarossa sneered as he looked at the ministers and officials of the intelligence department gathered in the conference room.

“What? Edanant wields a holy sword… the Yellow Star Aldebaran?”

“Yes…! That’s what he said.”

Edanant reported to the inspector dispatched from the intelligence department that he had defeated Gale Doher, a pawn of the black magicians, and his subordinates by utilizing the power of the holy sword.

Astonishment spread across his grim face.

To think that someone he had considered a mere commoner was a holy sword wielder.

Barbarossa became deeply curious about Edanant’s existence, which had suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

‘Are you saying that both Maximilian and Edanant are holy sword wielders? This is absurd. Both brothers were chosen by the holy swords…. The Hohenberc family is a prestigious family representing the East of the empire, but they were slowly declining.’

Unfortunately, Otto von Hohenberc, the head of the Hohenberc family, was a commoner among commoners.

Should I say he had the temperament of a commoner content with simplicity and lack of desire?

He was just an ordinary man who was satisfied with life in the countryside throughout his lifetime.


Who would have thought the goddess’s grace would descend upon that fellow?

It was indeed an undeserved glory for a weak-minded commoner. If it was revealed that Edanant, the second son, was also chosen by the holy sword like his elder brother Maximilian, numerous nobles would envy him.

“Didn’t you have a deep connection with the Count of Hohenberc?”

“Connection? We just briefly associated during our immature years.”


He put down the report he had been reading intently.

Then Barbarossa opened his mouth.

“The protagonist who has made the capital abuzz will be entering soon. Get out, you useless rice worms.”

“Ah… Understood, Your Majesty.”

The officials of the intelligence department, who had received a sharp rebuke like a deadly poison from their strict superior, retreated with astonished expressions.

After confirming their retreating figures, Barbarossa pretended to straighten his attire while waiting for the guest he had invited.

Although he was a member of the damn Hohenberc family that had severed ties through the annulment, he had accomplished the feat of eradicating the cruel and ruthless villains, so naturally, he had to follow the proper etiquette.

The Emperor, who had been clumsily arranging his attire, eventually summoned his attendants to take care of his appearance while showing irritation.

How much time had passed?

An attendant who had been waiting outside approached with cautious steps.

“Your Majesty, Princess Ludmilla and Young Master Edanant request an audience.”

“Tell them to come in.”

The man and woman waiting outside requested an audience as soon as the appointed time arrived, proving their thorough nature.

He accepted the audience.

Then, a woman with a dignified appearance entered the audience chamber with a man dressed in an elegant suit.

Following them, a lovely little girl also stepped in nervously. They looked like a harmonious family, causing Barbarossa’s expression to change meaningfully.

“Are you Edanant von Hohenberc?”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Edanant bowed, displaying a refined elegance as if boasting his mastery of court etiquette.

It was an excellent posture.

He must have practiced court etiquette for a long time.

Barbarossa, who had intended to show his displeasure towards the fellow from the Hohenberc family, who was no different from a mortal enemy, coughed to express his discomfort instead.

If Edanant had shown clumsiness in etiquette, he would have used it as an excuse to vent his anger.

“I heard you eradicated the damn villains who burned my city. You have accomplished a great feat.”

“It was something I had to do as a subject of the empire.”

At Edanant’s humble answer, Barbarossa’s shoulders rose.

He knows how to talk.

For a young master from the countryside, his eloquence is quite good.

He differed from the rascal who had kicked the engagement away and ran off.

As if convinced by his excellent eloquence, he did not bring up the issues related to the Hohenberc family.

It was also because Edanant showed no hint of even the slightest flaw.

Of course, the ill feelings still remained.

The ill feelings held in his petty heart would not be erased easily.

“How can there be no reward for a hero who has shown loyalty to the imperial family and the empire? I am a magnanimous and generous ruler of the empire, so Edanant, quickly tell me what you desire. I will grant you anything.”

“Y-Your words are too gracious….”

The ruler who held absolute power declared an unlimited reward.

I am generous.

He extended both hands to Edanant as if proving his broad-mindedness and magnanimity.

At such a sudden declaration, Edanant showed a tense and stiff appearance. Judging by his tightly sealed lips, he seemed to think deeply.


Ludmilla’s gaze turned to Edanant.


Hurry up and speak.

Edanant, I said, speak quickly.

For some reason, even though Edanant was the one who had been granted the reward, Ludmilla, who had been watching from the side, reacted more enthusiastically.

Her fiercely flashing red eyes told me so.



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The Protagonists of the Novel Escaped

The Protagonists of the Novel Escaped

Score 9.5
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Artist: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
"Damn those bastards...!" As soon as Part 1 ended, the main characters of the novel escaped. Then what about Part 2?


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14 days ago

Thanks for the chapter

14 days ago

That attack was a blessing in disguise. At least now, the king doesnt want to eradicate him just at the mere sight of him.

Thanks for the chapter!

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