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The Protagonists Of The Novel Escaped – Chapter 13

.。.:✧ Scandal with a Princess (3) ✧:.。.

Translated By Arcane Translations
Translator: TushChen



The Warmonger.

The sixth member of the Hero’s Party.

The champion who led the Fourth Continental War to victory.

A holy sword wielder who used the Four Star Swords of Demon Extermination, just like the hero Maximilian.

And a mysterious figure who remained unidentified despite numerous accomplishments.

Ludmilla declared that she would find the ‘Warmonger,’ whose existence was unclear. With a heavy heart, I wandered around the capital’s streets with Rue.

“When Edan briefly left his seat, that auntie asked me about the Warmonger.”


What did you say?

I looked into the green eyes with that meaning.

“I don’t know, it’s the first time I’ve heard of it.”

“Phew, of course you wouldn’t know.”

“I’m the mascot of the Hero’s Party, and they call someone else the sixth member! It’s really annoying! If they join the Hero’s Party later, they’re naturally my junior!”


Does it work that way?

The little one shook her hair vigorously and puffed out her cheeks.

She seemed pretty angry.

She had just learned about the existence of a junior she didn’t know about…

When I poked her hamster-like puffed cheeks with my finger, a ‘peep’ sound was heard as air escaped.

“But what is a Warmonger? Is it something like solar power?”

“It’s a chuunibyou-like nickname that people made up on their own. Just ignore it.”

What is a Warmonger?

It’s the worst naming sense that makes me want to shoot a bullet at the person who created the nickname.

Grumbling in a small voice, I arrived at the villa used as my lodging.

I wanted to quickly rest and soothe my exhausted mind from Ludmilla’s declaration of using the empire’s intelligence department to find the Warmonger.

“Making the Platinum Princess wait… It’s truly the height of disrespect, Edanant.”

“Princess Elizaveta!”

But the rest had to be put on hold.

Because the blond princess holding a white parasol was waiting.

The Platinum Princess had arrived.

As the rumor had already spread, numerous nobles gathered around.

Since armed forces were deployed to escort the princess, it naturally stood out.

The neighborhood, where villas of nobles who had come to the capital from the provinces were lined up, became even more chaotic.

“What a troublesome situation.”

“O-Of course it must be, your Imperial Highness.”

“But what can we do? As a temporary target of venting in place of your brother who abandoned his fiancée, just bear with it for a while.”


Is she saying that she deliberately put me in a difficult situation?

Villainous princess.

Indeed, she was a troublemaker that couldn’t be ignored.

Should I say she was comparable to the fairy who threw tantrums daily, demanding jelly candies?

“I understand your confusion, but how about inviting me to your villa soon? How long do you intend to embarrass the noble Platinum Princess?”

“I apologize.”

The arrogant elegance and charisma were virtues that a villainous princess naturally possessed.

She naturally overwhelmed the crowd.

When Elizaveta gestured, the crowd gathered in a black mass instantly dispersed like a receding tide.

During that time, it seemed that Elizaveta had widely spread her notoriety as a villainous princess in the capital, as quite a few nobles turned pale and retreated at her gesture.

Seeing that, Elizaveta scoffed and entered the villa owned by the imperial family.

“So, Edanant, what is your relationship with my sister?”


As soon as she sat on the sofa in the reception room, Elizaveta threw a direct question.

She gave a suspicious look.

It was as if she had come to evaluate the person who would become her brother-in-law.

If I fell into the trap-like question, I would become a toy of the villainous princess.

I did not want to get caught up in the apparent trick, so I expressed my position that it was unfounded.

“Don’t play dumb… Are you saying that the meetings with my sister were just a game to you?”

“Why does it sound like that?!”

“Edanant is the only man my sister has intimately met in private. So, naturally, the imperial family would also keep an eye on the relationship between my sister and Edanant, right? By now, the head of the palace staff must be busy moving around.”


I understood why newspaper companies were not making a big deal out of the scandal between the second son of the Hohenberc family and Princess Ludmilla, even though it had caused a stir in the world.

The imperial family had made a move.

I gulped at Elizaveta’s words.

Wouldn’t I be dragged in front of the daughter-doting Emperor soon?

It was highly likely to happen that way.



The reason for Elizaveta’s visit to the villa was clearly not just because of her sister’s scandal.

What business did she come for?

I didn’t bother asking that question.

Because I already knew the Platinum Princess’s intentions.

While continuing the conversation, she suddenly sighed.

And she showed a sad look in her eyes as she glanced outside the window. It was the typical appearance of a girl experiencing the pain of a broken heart.

“I’m fine. I’m trying to… forget now.”


“If I stay like this, I’ll be the only one who looks miserable. By now, Maximilian must be enjoying a sweet honeymoon with that damn saintess.”

“Unfortunately, you’re right.”

Elizaveta smiled, trying her best despite ruminating on the pain of a broken heart caused by her heartless fiancé.

There was no way she could be okay.

Because she must have truly loved Maximilian.

The deeper the love, the more fatal the pain of a broken heart would be.

I kept my mouth shut, realizing that a clumsy consolation might instead become a new wound. I just looked at her with worried eyes.

“But Beatrice…! I will never let that damn woman get away with it. I will definitely tear apart her hypocritical and pretentious face. Just try coming back with Maximilian!”

She expressed sharp, murderous intent while grasping the teacup with both hands as if to crush it.

Rue, who was sipping cocoa next to me, was startled and clung to me tightly.

It was scary.

Is this the hatred of a resentful maiden?

The appearance of Elizaveta showing murderous intent reminded me of Ludmilla, who had been called an auntie.

“Princess Elizaveta, from now on, you should pay more attention to your safety.”

“Huh? What do you mean by that?”

You are destined to die.

It was said that the villainous princess Elizaveta would meet a tragic end in Part 2.

It’s a death flag declared by the author.

Undoubtedly, an event that would bring death upon her would occur.

Looking into Elizaveta’s brightly shining green eyes, I urged caution.

I couldn’t bluntly say, “The human who created the world has sentenced you to death,” so I had to explain the danger in a roundabout way.

“The villains who held grudges against the Hero’s Party have started to continuously attack the Valtarian Empire. Naturally, they would target you, a princess of imperial blood, wouldn’t they?”

“If they hate the empire, of course they would target me, a princess.”

Elizaveta was a villainous princess for whom a tragic death was foreseen.

But how? By what method would they take the Platinum Princess?

Only the author knew about the death flag imposed on the princess.

Therefore, I had to list the worst-case scenarios and prepare thoroughly. I wanted to protect Elizaveta in place of Maximilian, who had left irresponsibly.

Was it sympathy for the villainous princess who had faced numerous misfortunes in the story?

Or was it because of the guilt I felt towards the fiancée abandoned by Maximilian?

I don’t know.

I just had a single thought of wanting to protect her.

You know they say, your thoughts really do manifest as reality.

“Get down right now!”

I abruptly got up from the sofa and ran towards the window.

I let out a scream close to a shriek after detecting a sense of crisis that seemed to boil up from my core.

It was clear.

Something was about to happen.

The intuition honed through numerous dangers appealed to the crisis.

A seasoned intuition had always saved my life on the front lines, so I accepted the intuition’s plea that rang like an alarm.


A crimson flash.

A crackling sound that spread like thunder.

At the same time, the windows hit by the shockwave shattered all at once.

I drew the gun from the holster.

And reflexively grasped the hilt of the holy sword.

An explosion had occurred.

I presumed it was an artificially triggered explosion based on the roaring sound.



I hastily turned my head.

Elizaveta’s startled expression was evident.

Rue, who had clung to the princess’s arms, screamed in shock.

Then, the guards who had been waiting outside kicked open the door and entered. They were equally surprised by the sudden explosion, as their bewilderment was evident.

“Princess Elizaveta!”

“Quickly escort Her Highness!”

What was it?

Was it a sudden attack targeting Elizaveta?


That’s not it.

The explosion originated from a location 800 yards away from the villa. If the intention was to assassinate Elizaveta, they would have concealed the explosives at a closer distance.

‘It’s a bomb terror targeting the capital.’

Damn it.

Has even the capital become a target now?

I got up from the crouched position and pulled out one of the glass shards stuck in my cheek.



A pillar of fire soared up.

Then, even red smoke rose, spewing out fiercely.

The capital was dyed red.

It was as if a firebolt had fallen from the sky.

The explosion’s aftermath in the 7th district on the outskirts had engulfed half of the city.

The citizens swept away by the fierce bombing were buried without even a moment’s scream.

And the citizens who miraculously survived the explosion began to flee while screaming.

Thus, the city district devoured by the bombing turned into a chaotic hellscape where death and survival intersected.

“Hahahaha! Serves you right, you damn imperial bastards!”

A monstrous man wearing a black hood shouted.

Fierce and evil.

Hatred could be felt from his distorted appearance, with scars scorched by fire.

The man, who looked like a madman, stretched out his hands while looking at the soaring pillar of fire.

He let out a crazed laughter as if expressing gratitude to the orchestra that had presented a magnificent opera. His appearance was truly bizarre.

This was the Bomber who had decorated the beginning of Phase 2.

The cruel and merciless villain who had tried to blow up Saintess Beatrice without a trace.

The leader of the Bomber Squad, Gale Doher.

The wicked criminal who had previously targeted the Hero’s Party appeared again at the forefront with his subordinates, blowing up the city.



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The Protagonists of the Novel Escaped

The Protagonists of the Novel Escaped

Score 9.5
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Artist: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
"Damn those bastards...!" As soon as Part 1 ended, the main characters of the novel escaped. Then what about Part 2?


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14 days ago

Of all the enemies that the Hero party could’ve left alive, it had to be a bomber one.

Thanks for the chapter!

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