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The Necromancer Who Was Despised – Chapter 34

.。.:✧ Chapter 34 ✧:.。.

Translated By Arcane Translations
Translator: FusionX



“What’s wrong? Is there a problem?”

“No, I’m relieved.”

It would be troublesome if it didn’t react.

“Indeed… It was a good decision to bring the adjusted ones.”


“I’m planning to fix your ankle with this. It still needs more preparation, but I think I’ll do it by transplanting and fusing it.”

There was no point in explaining in detail, so I spoke briefly so that she could easily understand.

“And this.”

I said while taking out two blue roots of Trenelsi.

“One will be used for you, and one will be used for what will be transplanted to you. If there’s a common part on both sides, it will be easier to assimilate.”

It could be considered somewhat similar to contaminating mana with magical energy.

“Then, you’re saying you’ll use two spirit herbs on me?”

“That’s how it will be. Well, a significant portion will be used for fusion, but the amount you absorb won’t be small either, right?”

We’ll have to see how it progresses, but depending on the situation, she might be able to absorb even more mana than Athena.

Athena, who had heard my explanation, was staring at me blankly with her mouth open.

“Isn’t it a waste?”

“What? This?”

I said while pointing to the blue roots of Trenelsi.

“Not really? I can’t use it anyway.”

It’s subtle to sell it somewhere.

To receive a proper price, I would have to go to the royal capital, but without considerable power and authority, I would just become a target for all kinds of beasts seeking prey.

In the worst case, I could be noticed by a high-ranking noble or the royal family and be forced to offer it up.

In the first place, for spirit herbs of this level, it’s not money but power that usually moves.

‘It’s better to use it without anyone knowing.’

Not knowing my thoughts, Kayla muttered blankly.

“To think it’s not even worth a mere Warlock…”

“No, that’s not it.”

“Anyway, I’ve confirmed the reaction, so you can go back. I can’t do anything right now anyway.”

“Then, I will take my leave. Please don’t overdo it.”

After sending Kayla back, I also had to seriously think about how to fix her leg.

‘It looks like I’ll have to spend most of the remaining money.’

I had to purchase ingredients for the spirit medicine I would feed Athena, so I had to give up on saving money.

I even thought it would be nice if another capture request came.

‘Well, money comes and goes.’

In the past, I was obsessed with money, but now…

‘It’s good to have it, if not, I’ll earn it, and when I need to spend it, I’ll spend it.’

I wrote a purchase list to request from Kuman.

Since there were things that seemed impossible to obtain, I had to separately consider alternative materials, so it took quite some time.

As I worked on various tasks such as writing the purchase list, checking and repairing the staff’s performance, strengthening the 1st one, and so on, time melted away.

In the blink of an eye, more than two days had passed, and it was only on the third day that I stopped training and researching.

When I came out of the basement, Athena started nagging me.

“What, the guy who told us to take it easy is working the hardest? You should at least eat before working!”

“I had no choice because there was a lot of work. Unlike you guys, I won’t get hurt even if I overdo it, so don’t worry.”

“Still, you should at least eat and sleep. Your body will wither away.”

“It’s not like I didn’t sleep at all. I ate a little too.”

I just took short naps and ate just enough to satisfy my hunger.

It wasn’t a lie.

Still, thanks to this excuse, Athena’s face softened a bit.

‘Actually, I wanted to stay a few more days if I could…’

But I had no choice since it was the day the furniture I had ordered was ready.

When I informed them of that fact, Athena showed a surprised expression.

“The furniture for me and Thea is ready?”


“Let’s go together. I can also enter and leave the pioneer castle now, right?”

That was true. Even if she didn’t have an identification badge, if I acted together with her, the guards would never catch her.

‘Once they remember her face, there won’t be any identification checks in the future.’

“Okay. I understand. Let’s go together.”

“…I’ll ask Teacher and Thea if they want to come!”

Athena’s voice was clearly filled with anticipation and joy.

‘Somehow, the reaction is beyond imagination.’

Perhaps because she was from a hunting tribe, she seemed to be looking forward to the safe zone inside the territory.

‘Even so, it’s not a large territory, just a pioneer castle of a pioneering territory…’

Considering that she had followed me in the past, it wasn’t like she hadn’t been there before, so I didn’t know why she was so excited.

‘No, it’s a bit different. Infiltrating and having a house is definitely different.’

I think that would be a normal reaction.

At the same time, my reaction was also normal.

‘No, knowing it’s going to be ruined anyway, why would I be happy?’

The difference in information created the difference in reactions.

Moreover, I had no intention of stopping here, so even if the territory didn’t get ruined, I wouldn’t have been as happy as her just because I had a house in a mere frontier pioneering territory.

I would have just treated it as a free inn.

Anyway, Athena brought Thea and Kayla to find me.

“Let’s all go together. Let’s go quickly.”

Unlike Kayla, who had already been there once, Thea followed Athena with a mix of anticipation and worry.

“What’s wrong, Thea? Why do you look so gloomy?”

On the way to the pioneer castle, Athena asked Thea.

“…It will be quickly known that I was a slave, right?”

“Why are you a slave? You are clearly my sister.”

“But… It’s true that I was a slave for a while.”

‘Was she worried about that?’

“…Even if I don’t go out of the house much, I’m still anxious. If I end up causing trouble for you or Inha…”

Kayla had strength, so even if she was a slave, no one would say anything to her, but Thea had a completely powerless body.

Athena was saying things like she wouldn’t stay still if someone looked down on Thea, or that it was an unnecessary worry, but it didn’t seem to be much of a comfort.

So, I intervened.

“Well, you don’t need to worry about that.”

I spoke in a tone that made it seem like it was no big deal.

“It may sound like self-praise, but even though I look like this, I’m called an honorary soldier and am respected to some extent. Hmm… Okay. I’ll take this opportunity to introduce you to the people I’m acquainted with. If I personally introduce you, they won’t be able to say anything.”

Bedwig, the owner and carpenter of the woodworking shop where I had entrusted the furniture, Angolf, who ran the tavern and inn, and the low-level mercenaries whom I had recently bought food and drinks for.

They were all people who had some influence in the pioneer castle.

Moreover, with me behind them, having a relationship with Kuman and the lord, if they became acquainted with them and I protected them, there would be no one who could openly ignore or discriminate against Thea.

‘Of course, there will be people who think that way in their minds.’

Thea’s worry was honestly understandable.

It was common in this world with a class system to be discriminated against for being a former slave.

Perhaps feeling a bit relieved by my words, Thea’s expression became much better.

“…Tsk. Is Inha better than me in this case?”

“Don’t state the obvious. I acknowledge that you’re her biological sister and a source of strength for Thea, but honestly, it’s true that Master is more reliable.”

“Even Teacher…”

Athena’s shoulders drooped at the cowardly fact.

“No, no, Sister. I trust you too.”

“…Thank you. I’ll work hard, Thea.”

While the sisters were deepening their bond, we were already in front of the pioneer castle.

I gave a prior warning to the sisters.

“In the pioneer castle, it’s Jimnis, not Inha. Don’t make a mistake in front of others.”


Kayla always called me Master, so there was no need to warn her.

As we headed towards the entrance of the pioneer castle, the guard greeted me.

“Sir Jimnis, you’re here. The people next to you are…”

“New comrades.”

“Ah, the famous… Hmm… They have strong characteristics, so it will be easy to remember their faces. I will inform the self-defense force as well.”

“Please do.”

“Ahaha. No need to say that. It’s something I should do anyway. You may enter. Have a good day, Sir Jimnis.”

“Good work.”

The sisters looked at me with a slightly surprised expression as I casually conversed with the guard and they provided convenience for us first.

“It’s definitely different. When I was in the hunting village, I heard that the guards are all strict and don’t let people enter the village interior unless there’s a good reason.”

‘That’s because most of the hunters have shady pasts.’

They’re just being cautious in case they cause harm to the village.

It’s troublesome if they enter the village and cause an incident.

It was natural for me, who contributed to the territory and provided help, to receive different treatment.

I led my companions to the woodworking shop and exchanged greetings with Bedwig.

“Ah, you came right on time. Everything you ordered has been completed.”

“You worked hard. Let me see… I made the right choice entrusting it to you. I feel it every time I see it, but your skills are really good. Here’s the remaining payment.”

“You flatter me. Thank you. I received it well. The people next to you are…”

“My comrades. You heard the rumors, right?”

“Ah, these sisters… I see. I’m Bedwig, a carpenter. As you can see, I run a woodworking shop. Greetings to Sir Jimnis’s comrades.”

The sisters were taken aback by his very polite attitude and soon greeted him in return.

“Ah, no. We should be the ones thanking you.”

“Nice to meet you.”

“I suppose these furniture will be used by them, right?”

“We’ll be seeing each other often from now on. If there’s anything you need, please come find me anytime.”

“Ah, yes. Thank you.”

Perhaps because Bedwig welcomed them better than expected, the sisters’ faces bloomed with smiles once again.

After borrowing a cart to move the furniture to the house, I gave them a tour of the house, and the sisters talked about how they would decorate the room they would be staying in.

“Still, it’s smaller than the house outside.”

“It can’t be helped. But it’s safer since it’s closer to the center than the outskirts.”

“I think so too. I especially like that there’s a fence. The only flaw is that it’s low.”

The sisters and Kayla had a conversation, and I suggested going to the tavern for a meal to introduce Angolf as well.

Since it also served as an inn, the food was quite good, and it operated as a restaurant during the day, so there was no burden.

Angolf welcomed us as warmly as Bedwig and exchanged greetings with the sisters.

Moreover, perhaps because it was their day off, we also encountered Disan and Danian, who were drinking in broad daylight.

“Oh my, they are… You’re surrounded by beauties.”

“If it’s Sir Jimnis, you deserve it!”

‘Of all people…’

Disan was fine, but Danian had a tendency to flatter excessively, so it was a bit troublesome in front of them.

Still, since we had just exchanged greetings with the sisters, the usual lewd jokes of mercenaries didn’t come out, which was fortunate.

‘Maybe they’re being mindful of Kayla.’

Even though she was a slave now, she was once a knight, so they might be unconsciously being careful.

It was just a simple guess, but considering my past self, there was a basis for it. I still remembered the way of thinking of low-level mercenaries.

“If you’re going to stay inside the pioneer castle, we’ll be seeing each other often. Moreover, if you’re acting together with Sir Jimnis, it will be even more so. Please take care of us.”

“Oh my, same here.”

The sisters exchanged greetings well with Disan, but somewhat awkwardly with Danian.

Perhaps Danian’s gaze and eyes made them uncomfortable.

‘Disan… has no particular reaction.’

It was the first time I had met Disan since that day, but there was still no reaction.

‘It won’t be a problem.’

That’s enough.

Now that I saw it in person, I could be sure.

Since we had come first, by the time our meal was served, Disan and Danian got up from their seats and left after greeting us.

Then Athena muttered.



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The Necromancer Who Was Despised

The Necromancer Who Was Despised

Score 9.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Artist: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
When I opened my eyes, it was the day I first came to this world. ‘What a crap world.’ Power, status, money, connections, talent – I had none of it. Well, talent, I did have. I just discovered it too late. ‘This time, I won’t live like that, for sure.’?”


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