Translated By Arcane Translations
Translator: FusionX
‘Still, her skills are definitely impressive.’
She was a mana user and had properly learned aura cultivation techniques. Even though one of her legs was inconvenienced, she was skilled enough to easily overpower low-level mercenaries.
In fact, I heard that if it weren’t for her lack of mobility, even mid-level mercenaries wouldn’t be able to defeat her in a head-on confrontation.
Moreover, she was said to be good at teaching as well.
‘There were rumors that she was once a knight.’
As she stepped forward, she explained the characteristics, main weapons, personalities, strengths, and weaknesses of each individual.
Behind her, there was a man following her around like an assistant, and his face was quite familiar to me.
He was her successor and could be considered one of her disciples in a way.
Soon, Valdur would take over teaching the combat slaves instead of Kayla.
Of course, it didn’t mean Kayla would retire entirely.
She was also a slave, and there was no way a slave could rest comfortably.
‘Kayla… becomes Athena’s teacher.’
Perhaps the reason Valdur was teaching the combat slaves instead of her was that she would focus on teaching Athena.
Since I couldn’t even understand the language at that time, there was no way I could know the exact facts.
‘Moreover, despite the rumors of Kayla being a former knight, she taught Athena exceptionally well.’
She was the talent Athena desperately needed right now, and at the same time, she was also a talent I needed.
‘If only her ankle could be fixed…’
Of course, it wasn’t an easy task. There was a clear possibility of failure.
‘I’ll have to use black magic.’
However, it was worth trying.
Even if I failed to fix it, she was someone I could sufficiently utilize for the time being.
“That’s all.”
“So, what do you think? Are there any people you like?”
In the meantime, Kayla’s explanation had ended, and Kuman asked me as if inquiring about my opinion.
“They are decent individuals.”
“Take as many as you want. I’ll also provide equipment.”
‘He’s enthusiastic.’
It could be considered strange for a merchant to easily show emotions in an important situation, but this was possible because Kuman was in an overwhelmingly advantageous position as the superior.
‘In a way, it’s also a kind of pressure he’s sending me.’
I spoke in a voice with as little emotion as possible.
“But none of them would be of much help to me.”
“Capturing is different from hunting. Although this request is closer to hunting, capturing is still capturing. If it were hunting, many of them would be useful, but… unfortunately, they are lacking to be utilized right away.”
At my words, Kuman’s expression hardened.
I spoke as if it wasn’t over yet.
“That person seems to be quite useful.”
Kuman looked at the person I was pointing at and let out a sigh.
“…Kayla? As you can see, she’s a cripple.”
“Her and the man behind her.”
“They must be the ones who taught these people, right?”
“…That’s right.”
“They specialized each one in a single weapon and trained them to operate in the front line as much as possible… Unfortunately, I need people who can do various things, even if shallow. I think those two would be of great help to me. Especially… since both of them seem to know how to use mana.”
“Those two…”
Kuman showed a troubled expression.
I quickly spoke.
“If it’s not possible, even one of them would be fine. Honestly, the others won’t be of much help, but if I have even one of those two, the chances of completing the request seem high. Frankly, monster capturing is more about quality than quantity.”
I didn’t expect to get both of them from the beginning.
Those two were Kuman’s business assets.
No matter how enthusiastic Kuman was, there was no way he would give both of them to me.
‘That’s not an investment, it’s just a gamble.’
No, beyond gambling, it could be considered throwing away his business assets.
When I finished speaking, Kuman closed his mouth.
He seemed to be thinking about something with a serious expression.
Kayla and Valdur looked a bit surprised, as if they never expected to be selected.
“Is Valdur capable of taking over Kayla’s current duties?”
Albert looked surprised at Kuman’s words but soon bowed his head and replied.
“It is possible. He has already learned all the mana breathing techniques and aura cultivation methods from her and is teaching a few slaves.”
“So that’s how it is…”
“However, his proficiency in mana breathing techniques and aura cultivation methods is still low, so to properly educate them…”
“Didn’t you say he had already learned everything? Valdur’s talent isn’t bad, so he should be able to teach them later. There aren’t any talented individuals at the moment anyway.”
“That’s right.”
At that moment, Kayla spoke.
“…Are you saying you’re going to hand me over to him now?”
“What’s the problem with me selling my slave to someone else?”
“…We still have a contract remaining. What about my oath?”
“That’s simple. If I transfer my last remaining authority to him, there won’t be any problem, right?”
“Don’t be disappointed. Have I ever broken a promise while you were under me?”
There was a strong sense of betrayal in Kayla’s eyes. However, she soon closed her eyes as if she had given up.
“You said one of the two would be enough?”
“What about the others?”
“Just her alone will suffice.”
Trying to take more from here would be greedy.
‘There’s no one I want among them anyway.’
They all lacked talent in mana. If there were, they would have been taught long ago. It would be more accurate to say there was no one desirable.
“Fine. I’ll give you Kayla. But in return…”
“I’ll make sure to complete the request.”
“I’ll trust you.”
Kuman gestured to Albert, and Valdur, receiving his instructions, led the slaves away.
We went to the surface and concluded a contract, just like when I received Thea before.
However, there were two differences compared to that time. One was that I didn’t pay a single penny, and the other was that I received the means to control her magic engraving.
Thea didn’t have such a magic engraving, but Kayla was different.
It was natural, if it could be called natural. Kuman wasn’t a fool. Kayla was someone who could handle aura, and he couldn’t let such a person into his house without any safeguards.
“By the way, what is that oath you mentioned?”
“Ah. Are you talking about that? It’s an oath she took in the past. Kayla is a former knight who became a slave when her territory fell.”
‘So the story about her being a former knight was true. But it’s a bit strange…’
It’s not uncommon for a knight to fall into slavery. However, it’s rare to see such a thing unless it’s under extreme circumstances.
‘Becoming a free knight, or joining under another noble… At worst, they would just degenerate into ordinary mercenaries…’
There seemed to be a story behind it.
“She swore to teach three people the mana breathing techniques and aura cultivation methods that knights learn, and in return, she gained the right to refuse any activities other than raising combat slaves.”
This was an oath sworn on mana, so it couldn’t be broken.
“One of those rights still remained. I’ll have it transferred to you.”
“I didn’t know there was such a thing. Thank you.”
“If she’s not by my side, the oath is meaningless anyway.”
If she became my slave, it would be a story she would find out. Even if she became my slave, if such an oath remained, it would be unsettling.
Rather than having emotions ruined by such a thing, he seemed to take the attitude of giving it clearly when giving.
In addition to Kayla, I also received various medicinal herbs, specimens, equipment for Kayla to use, materials for making traps, and capture cages to store the caught orcs from Kuman.
Of course, I couldn’t get the highest grade. In the first place, there was no way such high-grade items would exist in this remote area.
‘Because there’s no one with purchasing power.’
However, they were of a sufficiently usable level.
The value of the items I requested, excluding Kayla’s worth, was close to 1 gold.
But Kuman provided everything I demanded as if it was nothing.
‘If I fail, it’ll be a disaster.’
Maybe he would try to kill me.
“Two weeks.”
Since there were quite a few items, I was able to receive a mule to pull a small cart.
‘It exceeded 1 gold.’
After leaving the mansion, I spoke to Kayla.
“Get on.”
“…Are you telling me to get on the cart?”
“The mule isn’t small, but there’s quite a bit of luggage, so it seems difficult for two people to ride. You should ride, Master.”
Kayla mechanically uttered those words.
“It’ll be uncomfortable because of your leg, right?”
And slow.
At my words, Kayla’s eyes flinched.
‘She doesn’t seem to like those words much.’
Well, they were words pointing out her weakness.
“Ah. Before that, I need to receive the oath on mana.”
Kayla remained silent at my words.
“Do not betray me.”
It was the same content as what I had Athena do.
Well, absolute obedience was also possible, but that would be of no benefit.
‘That would rather be harmful.’
Such oaths weren’t absent in human history.
The problem with such oaths was that they crushed human motivation and made them lose hope, ultimately making the person who swore weaker.
There were even cases where they couldn’t follow orders due to unavoidable circumstances and had their mana disappear in vain.
An oath not to betray was the highest level of oath that could be imposed without crushing human hope.
‘Moreover, if you consult with the master, you can almost nullify the oath.’
Due to the irreversible nature of the oath, this could be a significant advantage.
It wasn’t for nothing that Kuman had her take an oath with limitations.
It would have been an oath to make the most out of Kayla.
‘Three isn’t a lot, but honestly, that’s enough.’
It was about passing on everything a person who was a knight of a family had.
Moreover, as Valdur showed, it could also be used to educate others through him, so three was a number that wouldn’t burden Kayla and allowed Kuman to maximize efficiency.
‘And even after teaching all three, Kayla would still remain.’
As seen from her being sold like this, she could be sold off later.
There was no loss for Kuman.
Although it was a loss for Kayla…
‘She’s a slave.’
The choices she could make were extremely limited.
Kayla remained silent for a while even after hearing my words.
I didn’t rush her, and seeing my attitude, Kayla slowly opened her mouth as if she had made up her mind.
“Trust… is not something that can be obtained through such an oath.”
“I think it’s the minimum line. It’s something I need.”
“Why? Are you disappointed that your new master is like this too?”
Kayla didn’t answer.
“I won’t say anything even if you speak honestly, so just be frank.”
“…Honestly, I didn’t have much expectation from the moment I learned I would be capturing monsters.”
At her words, I chuckled lightly.
Well, the saying that there is no high or low in a profession only exists on Earth.
In this world, no, even in the Joseon era on Earth, there was a hierarchy in professions.
This world was the same.
There was a hierarchy in professions.
‘Well, forget about the Joseon era. Even in modern times, there are jobs that people avoid, calling them 3D jobs or whatnot.’
This world was no less, if not more.
Therefore, I could fully understand what she meant.
Harem member no.2