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The Man’s 101st Bad Ending – Chapter 72

.。.:✧ Time Together (3) ✧:.。.

Translated By Arcane Translations
Translator: FusionX


The four seasons were a term that applied no matter which region you went to, but it was different in the south.

The land without winter, where green foliage flourished all year round, the word winter didn’t exist here.

Unlike the central region or the north, the scenery of the south that maintained the appearance of summer as it was could be said to be like magic.

“If we’re talking about the continent, this place should also be considered central. The wind is so warm.”

“It’s because mana overflows in many ways. Isn’t this where the Four Dragons died?”

To be precise, it was sealed, but the fact that it was a land where a ‘dragon’ slept had many meanings in itself.

Even if that existence was brutal and evil, in the end, wasn’t it an existence with incomparable vitality?

Such an existence was sleeping under here.

The overflowing vitality seeped into the earth, and what we faced was ultimately the meaning of this south.

“Actually, I don’t know much about the Four Dragons. It’s a kind of taboo word.”

Adriana quietly answered after checking if there were any other paladins around.

The reason the Lunar Church rejected the Four Dragons was simple.

They tried to take away the moon they served, so would they like such a dragon?

The reason they didn’t properly manage the relics in the south was also the same.

They were reluctant just because the Four Dragons were involved.

The Lunar Church’s hatred for the Four Dragons, in a way, wasn’t it even greater than the imperial family’s?

However, the current imperial family was more dangerous than the Lunar Church.

Because of the Crown Prince who was trying to use the Four Dragons in earnest, but what I, who came to give him the relics, had to say… I don’t think so.

“The Temple of the Moon can be said to be the largest temple in the south. In a way, it could be seen as the form before the cathedral in Aden, right?”

“Since this place used to be the capital of the empire in the past, it’s probably correct to see it that way.”

“I feel a sense of familiarity. It’s like I’ve visited here before.”

It was probably because her origin was in the moon.

This Temple of the Moon was known as a place where relics were sleeping, and it was also the place that was closest to the moon, like the Moon Tower.

If we compared it to the Moon Tower, wouldn’t there be not much difference?

As the clattering sound stopped,
Adriana, who realized we had arrived, glanced at me.

For about a week from now, I had to stay alone with Adriana.

It would take quite a long time for the other paladins to all arrive, and Verod and the other priests were very busy trying to make this area a base.

Adriana was a saint, and I was a very free nobleman whose skills were recognized by the paladins.

Moreover, I also had the status of being the saint’s friend, so in this situation, the only ones who could be free were the two of us.

“…You two were sitting together.”

“Yes, I asked him to sit next to me.”

Although Verod’s brow furrowed grotesquely as he opened the carriage door, when Adriana said that, he could only groan without saying anything.

From Adriana’s perspective, it might not be a big deal, but how would Verod’s heart feel seeing that?

While feeling sorry for understanding his heart, thinking about what I had experienced, it was also a bit exhilarating.

If Adriana said this, he wouldn’t have much to say either.

Since he had an expression of feeling betrayed in many ways, I didn’t forget to watch Verod’s reaction while holding Adriana’s hand to help her get down.

Let’s not forget that we also need to gain the support of the paladins.

If possible, it would be better to get the help of the entire church later.

The decision to go to the north and south was made with the intention of directly challenging Yuria based on their support, but there was a high possibility that the plan wouldn’t go as I thought.

Yuria’s rampage was far beyond the expected range.

Where would the woman consumed by her own madness point her blade?

Even if they were family, it would be impossible to stop Yuria now.

Although I induced it, I was keeping an eye on her rather rough movements.

The roles of Renold and Arwen were important.

If they couldn’t fulfill their roles, I could lose the most important legitimacy when I obtained the position of family head.

The support of the church was even more important after I became the family head.

Especially after killing the Crown Prince.

Isn’t what comes after killing the Crown Prince the most important?

As Verod drove the carriage away again, Adriana, who had grabbed my arm, hastened her steps.

Perhaps she had high expectations for this area in her own way, as she laughed softly and nodded her head in a bright voice unlike usual.

“Shall we go for now? We still have a lot of time.”

Although we had reached the south, I thought it would be fine to give it a day or so of leeway.

Because after this night passed, from then on, I would have to spend my time quite busily in my own way.



The Temple of the Moon.

In a way, it was a name that could easily give the impression that it didn’t quite match the religious tone of the Lunar Church.

Temples tended to give a sense of antiquity, as they usually were.

Of course, it was a temple that had existed since ancient times, but the inside was even more splendid than a cathedral.


That splendor couldn’t be seen with the eyes.

If one could read the atmosphere, they could immediately realize, and Adriana’s shoulders trembled at the holy power that filled the inside.

Intoxicated with ecstasy and exclaiming in admiration, she carefully removed her hand from my arm and reached out towards the surroundings.


A brilliant halo moved together whenever Adriana moved.

A completely different sight from when other paladins or priests moved, the inside of this temple was imbued with the mana of the moon.

If we compared it to holy power, there would be some differences, but its essence was the same as the power bestowed directly by God.

Was that why the light that moved according to Adriana’s command slowly seeped into me, following her fingers?

As the gentle energy touched my heart, my chest, which had always felt stuffy, became comfortable for a moment.

Rather than any change in the body, the main effect seemed to be mental healing.

“This is…”

“I don’t know. It’s my first time doing this too, so what should I say? It’s like… it’s telling me that I can handle holy power in this way.”

“It’s a kind of enlightenment.”

Just as one gains enlightenment when wielding a sword or mana, the saint must also have her own realm.

It was said that the saint who existed in ancient times turned day into night with her power alone, so if she progressed further, I might be able to see such a sight with my own eyes.

“Can you hold me for a moment? I feel a bit dizzy.”

As I held Adriana’s staggering body, she smiled brightly despite sweating from the difficulty.

She seemed to like the fact that she had achieved such results.

When I asked if she was okay, Adriana nodded and got up again.

“I didn’t expect to feel this as soon as I arrived at the temple. Somehow it feels good, doesn’t it?”

“Because you are the saint. Perhaps you will gain many things in the south.”

“That would be fortunate, but rather than gaining something for myself, I hope I can help others. I hope there are people we can save this time too.”

“The best thing would be if there weren’t such people.”

The troublesome issue in the south was the people being sacrificed like the children we saw last time.

The purpose of the church deciding to go to the south was to manage and protect such people.

Helping them wasn’t something Adriana and I could do alone.

Wouldn’t we be able to achieve the desired results only if the paladins and priests actively helped?

Fortunately, the scene Adriana showed earlier seemed to have left quite an impression, as the expressions of the priests organizing the surroundings were filled with a sense of mission.

We could tour the inside of the temple later.

Even if we wanted to help those who were organizing, if Adriana helped, it would rather be burdensome.

I lightly grabbed Adriana’s arm and whispered softly.

“I think it would be better to come to the temple later. I won’t stop you if you want to help.”

“…Hehe. It would be better to go out, wouldn’t it?”

Adriana, who pondered for a moment at my words, glanced at me and smiled brightly.

It was a smile befitting her.

Since she came out after a long time, it would be better to look around rather than helping.

As I also thought that would be better, we left the temple with slightly quick steps.

“So where are we going now? I don’t know anything about this area.”

“It’s not that I don’t know at all. If it’s around the Temple of the Moon, I’ve seen to some extent what’s here.”

Not every place in the south is dangerous.

Although there is a strong perception that it is a remote and rugged area, at least around the Temple of the Moon, it was definitely included in the empire’s rule.

If it weren’t, it would have been destroyed by different races long ago.

For that reason, there wasn’t much difference between this area and the capital.

Different races lived together, and it could be seen as a city where different races and humans mingled.

There were also downtown areas, and it wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say it was a city where different races and humans harmonized.

As we walked through a small forest path and moved forward, Adriana let out a small exclamation at the sight unfolding beyond it.

Even without seeing, there was something that could be felt.

This tingling sensation that reached the ears and skin.

There were different races who were born with the spirit of the forest or lived eternally with this overflowing vitality.

“I think there are elves!”

Adriana whispered softly, knowing that their pointed ears had much better hearing than humans.

Actually, it wasn’t very surprising for me, who could see the surroundings with my eyes.

There were dozens of different races that existed around here.

Not only elves but also nymphs, orcs, goblins, and centaurs existed.

“This is that kind of place. Unlike the central region or the north, it can be said to be quite a free city.”

Although they were simply known as brutal races, there were also those among them who sought harmony with humans.

The place where the different races who accepted the end of the era of the Four Dragons and accepted human rule stayed was around here.

Hearing my words, Adriana clung even more tightly to my arm and carefully examined the surroundings.

“I don’t know how to explain this, but it’s rougher and… more violent than I thought.”

“It will be different from the capital.”

“It’s no exaggeration to say it’s nature itself. It’s so much purer that I feel like I’m nothing.”

The clothes she wore were so unique that some people whistled from time to time, seeing Adriana tightly clinging to my arm.

It probably didn’t look like an ordinary relationship.

If there was a woman who completely clung to a man’s arm and walked around, unless it was extreme, I think they would see it as a couple.

Adriana also seemed to have noticed it to some extent, as her cheeks reddened, but still, she didn’t leave my side.

She also seemed a bit anxious.

I didn’t think it was because she was worried that I’d disappear like before, but because of the different races that filled the surroundings.

The inner selves of different races were clearly different from humans, so for Adriana, it could be said to be truly a glimpse into a new world.

“Sha, shall we walk a little slower?”

“Will you be alright?”

“I’m fine now. I was a bit startled earlier, but now I’ve completely grasped it.”

The holy power that enveloped her flared up for a moment and began to disappear on its own.

With a much more comfortable expression, the strength of her hand that had been holding my arm loosened a little.

“I’m sorry. For holding on to you all this time.”

“You don’t have to mind it. I didn’t mind you holding on like that.”

“…Really, don’t say such things.”

Laughing at the playful words I uttered, Adriana tapped my chest.

As I turned my gaze slightly, my head abruptly stopped.

There was a chilling energy running down my spine.

To the extent that the warmth I felt from Adriana was momentarily forgotten, all my senses were on edge, pouring towards a single woman my gaze had reached.

It was a woman wearing a robe.

As if she hadn’t seen me, she was just moving forward with some giants.

Although her face was covered so I couldn’t see it fully, my eyes gradually narrowed upon seeing the earrings on her ears.

They were familiar earrings. As far as I knew, they were earrings that only one woman in this world wore.


“Just a moment. Could you wait for a moment?”

Ignoring the voice calling me worriedly, I watched the woman blending into the crowd.

I couldn’t chase after her.

Since Adriana was beside me, if I chased after her with Adriana, it could rather invite danger.

However, the thought of the woman I had just seen didn’t disappear.

She knew I was here and came.

I was prepared and had already envisioned the end in my mind.

Nevertheless, I didn’t expect to encounter her so quickly.

Theresa, my expression gradually turned cold as I muttered that name softly.



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The Man’s 101st Bad Ending

The Man’s 101st Bad Ending

Score 9.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Artist: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
There were women approaching me, who had decided to die.


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