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The Man’s 101st Bad Ending – Chapter 68

.。.:✧ Will You Hug Me...? (4) ✧:.。.

Translated By Arcane Translations
Translator: FusionX



It was the first time she had carefully examined someone’s memories.

Adriana knew it was rude.

It was something she didn’t have permission for.

She didn’t know if he would want to reveal it or show it to her.

But even so, the reason she tried to examine the memories was because she wanted to know why Robert’s inner self had become like that.

To understand a little and embrace his heart that had become as empty as a dying person’s.

She was attempting this, which only she could do, unlike others.

She thought it was probably compassion.

A person of a type she was seeing for the first time in her life, someone she inadvertently became interested in, someone her gaze was drawn to without realizing it.

There was no need to feel anxious about someone she was seeing for the first time, but strangely, when she was with him, she feared he would disappear at any moment.

That’s why she tried to read his memories.

Even if the memories she faced had little meaning, it would help satisfy this curiosity.

As the light seeping from the rosary enveloped her body, her consciousness gradually began to fade.

It was time to face Robert’s memories of death.



Even when reading someone’s memories, one couldn’t read everything from birth to death.

It was only to the extent that she could see a little more in detail a part of the memory she had seen fragmentarily.

Since she was seeing with the power of God, not sight, she could see undistorted memories even if it was a monochrome world.

As her consciousness faded for a moment, Adriana felt her sense of sight return and carefully opened her eyes.

A sensation that reacted sensitively even to a small light, since she could see the memory until her holy power ran out, it was better to see the memories that looked important if possible.

The space for viewing memories was Adriana’s inner mindscape.

Perhaps because of that, all that was visible around her was a winding path cutting through the center.

What she saw while walking along that path were the fragments of memories Robert had shown her.

As expected, it wasn’t ordinary.

All these memories contained Robert’s deaths, the fact that one person had died multiple times.

Indeed, there was no other explanation than regression.

Then what was the reason for him repeating the same time?

For what, for what purpose.

It was true that it was difficult to understand the concept of regression, but she knew that it meant living a life that was endlessly repeated based on a certain point in time.

This wasn’t an explanation she had heard from someone.

It was a concept she naturally understood the moment she saw Robert’s life.

As if such a thing had existed from the beginning, the concept that bloomed along with the holy power helped her understand Robert’s many deaths a little.

She reached out her hand towards the memory that floated in the air like a water droplet.

Robert’s first death.

Feeling the memory that seeped into her mind, Adriana slowly closed her eyes.

Reading memories was like surrendering one’s body to flowing water.

As if surrendering to the current, she quietly opened her eyes as her body flowed into the memory.

The scenery that changed in an instant was visible, and when she looked up at the sky at the sound of pouring rain, the sky was filled with dark clouds.

It was raining.

In the cold and dark sky, a chilly wind blew, and the grass that had lost its light was only swaying aimlessly in the wind.

Next to it was a large mansion, and Adriana quickly realized the identity of that mansion.

This space was inside Robert’s memory, so that huge mansion must be the Taylor ducal residence.

But contrary to its grandeur, it was filled only with shadows.

It had a dark and murky energy, and as the darkness touched by the holy power shattered slightly, a faint scent of blood was felt.

Why on earth was the scent of blood felt here?

“Could you be here?”

The only visible color was a dim light.

As if her existence was excluded from the monochrome world, the falling rain avoided Adriana and fell below.

She didn’t get wet.

Realizing that fact, Adriana slowly moved her steps.

Didn’t it feel like becoming a ghost that might appear in a fairy tale?

Even when touching the wall, her body passed through, and even other people didn’t notice her presence.

It must have been natural.

Rather than going back in time to the past, she had just become a spectator of memories.

Surprised for a moment when a butler passed through her body, she then stroked her chest and exhaled a deep breath.

From being able to see to people passing through her, they were all sensations that were difficult to get used to.

If she lost her sight again, wouldn’t it be very inconvenient?

Being able to see something was a very comfortable thing.

Since she could directly see the expressions of those looking at her, wouldn’t she also be able to directly see the smiles she had only imagined?

As she walked through the dark corridor for a long time, there was one question that arose.

Where were all the people in this spacious ducal residence?

Although there were people occasionally passing by, she couldn’t see Robert’s face.

She clearly remembered the appearance she had glimpsed in the memories.

That face that smiled softly at Miragen despite having cold eyes.

– I had one.

Was the talk about the person he had in his heart referring to Miragen?

They must have already faced each other several times in this life.

So there was no way he wouldn’t have any feelings.

Then what thoughts would he have, with what gaze would he look at Miragen, who had already been his lover in his previous life?

Adriana’s brow furrowed at the question that suddenly came to mind.

It was something she didn’t need to care about.

It was an emotion Robert would decide for himself, and even if she cared about it, nothing would change.

Erasing the thoughts that were trying to fill her mind, she walked through the quiet corridor again like that.

Even without the sound of footsteps, her sense of discomfort only grew in the silence.

What she wanted to see were the memories of when Robert died, and wasn’t it strange that the place of such memories was the ducal residence?

It was a little later when Adriana, who had been walking through the spacious ducal residence, stopped her steps.

At the faint voice coming from below, her steps abruptly halted.

“You’ve always been like this. Always pathetic, useless, and foolish.”

Realizing that the cold and dark female voice belonged to Robert’s sister, Yuria Taylor, Adriana moved her steps again.

It wasn’t very difficult to head downstairs.

When she infused holy power, her body floated lightly, and when she reached out her hand towards the floor like that, the basement scenery began to appear.

Fully inserting her body into the basement, she landed on the floor like that.


Adriana, whose feet touched the ground, quietly looked around.

This basement seemed to not only have a single room, but to continuously proceed downwards.

An iron-made door, and the person locked inside, she frowned upon seeing them.

She realized it was a secretive affair that was usually entangled in aristocratic families.

In a way, it could be said to be a rumor that had spread like an urban legend.

The prestigious noble families each hid something underground.

Disposing of traitors and directly kidnapping dangerous elements.

It was surprising to see that reality unfolding before her eyes, but she closed her mouth tightly for a moment and turned her head.

The time she could remain in the memory wasn’t very long.

Wasn’t finding Robert the priority now?

After offering a prayer towards the fallen people, she began walking again in the direction where she heard Yuria’s voice.

The closer the voice got, the more sounds she heard.

Someone was screaming.

Screaming in pain, begging for forgiveness for something.

A sound escaped through gritted teeth.

It was a familiar voice.

Robert Taylor, the person who always whispered softly to her, was screaming in pain, and Adriana’s complexion turned pale.

Biting her trembling lips, Adriana carefully looked ahead.

The scene before her was too gruesome.

A man tied to a chair, vomiting blood, and a woman indifferently looking at such a man.

Who would believe they were siblings?

A scene of torturing one’s own family, yet not feeling even a bit of guilt.


Adriana’s voice didn’t reach him.

Screaming at the piercing blade, screaming at the pain of heated iron burning his flesh, Robert’s eyes rolled back white.

Tears stained with blood were flowing from his eyes.

His lips, which had been bitten to the point of being torn, were full of wounds that had been cut and torn, exposing the bones.

“Sister… please, I… was wrong. This time it’s a misunderstanding- You know I don’t even have the thought of rebelling… Forgive me… please.”

“How can I believe you don’t even have the thought of it?”


As the iron skewer pierced his thigh, a scream escaped from Robert’s mouth again.

But it seemed like he couldn’t even scream anymore.

A momentary struggle escaped, followed by a faint breath and his head drooping, that was all.

“…Why on earth. When you’re family.”

She couldn’t understand the word rebellion, but no matter what, it was true that she couldn’t understand.

No matter what mistake he made, it wasn’t a reason to be tortured like that.

At least in Adriana’s common sense, there was no sin that deserved torturing a person to that extent.

She could see that his fingernails and toenails had all been pulled out.

Blood dripped from him, and the blood that had pooled like a pond on the basement floor was flowing.

Nevertheless, Robert was still begging for forgiveness.

She didn’t know what sin he had committed.

But it wouldn’t be a sin deserving of such punishment.

His flesh was torn, and even while receiving torture that wouldn’t be strange if he died at any moment.

The words Robert kept repeating were always the same.

“I’m sorry.”

“I’ve been keeping an eye on you lately because your behavior has changed. I thought I saw the possibility of you not being a disgrace to the Taylor name. But… to think you would do such a pathetic thing.”

“I’m… sorry.”

The sharp blade cut into his thigh like that.

The flowing blood showed no sign of stopping.

A transparent liquid was sprayed on top of it, and Yuria smiled slightly as she watched Robert writhing in pain again.

Adriana realized that smile was purely out of joy.

At the fact that Robert was suffering, at this reality where he had fallen like this and was being subjected to her.

She was genuinely happy, as if she had been hoping for this situation.

Her legs lost strength and she couldn’t even walk properly.

If this reality she was witnessing was truly Robert’s memory, it meant he had experienced this many times.

It wasn’t the first death he experienced, was it?

Even though she had seen more than 10 memories, was it really possible for him to smile softly at her despite that?

Her trembling hand reached out into the air.

Although it didn’t reach because she couldn’t walk, the tip of Adriana’s hand was directed towards Robert.

To the man who was bowing his head in front of Yuria Taylor, barely clinging to his consciousness with a faint mind.

Of course, it didn’t reach.

The hand reaching for his cheek passed through Robert like that.

Even the blood pooled on the floor didn’t stain Adriana.

It was natural, wasn’t it?

She was just looking back on memories, so she couldn’t provide any help to Robert.


She couldn’t heal those wounds or punish Yuria Taylor.

All she could do was watch.

The death she would witness after this would probably be the same.

No matter how many times she saw it, it was the same thing.

No matter how many times she looked back, it was the same thing.

She couldn’t provide any help to Robert.

Even though it was natural, why did she dislike that?

She clenched her hand that had touched the floor tightly.

Until her hand turned white, for a long time, Adriana, who had removed her trembling hand, raised her head, and Yuria Taylor had already disappeared.

In the silence where only Adriana’s breathing was heard, Robert’s faint voice penetrated.

“…Even this time. It doesn’t change.”

His narrowly opened eyes weren’t empty like she knew.

Rather than anger or resentment at his own pain, they were filled with only compassion for the disappeared Yuria.

It was puzzling, but Robert’s words continued.

“Even this time, you don’t believe me.”

Tears flowing down his cheeks fell below.

Unlike when he was in pain, they were transparent in color.

Regret for something, and upon hearing those words, Adriana realized that this life wasn’t his first life.

Even though he had already gone through several deaths, those eyes weren’t empty, then the Robert she knew.

Had he experienced even worse than this?

It was a fact that was hard to believe and a truth she didn’t want to believe.

But before she could add any words, the scenery began to change slowly.

Blankly watching the scenery crumbling like smoke, she noticed that the pouring rain was still the same and turned her gaze.


“Now, we will begin the execution of the sinner Robert.”

Adriana’s complexion turned pale again when she saw Robert tied to the execution platform, waiting for death.

Numerous people were watching the execution, and in the middle of them, Robert was tied up and waiting for death.

In this execution taking place like a show in a circular arena, Adriana tightly closed her eyes.

“Robert, wait a moment…!”

She shouted even though she knew her voice wouldn’t reach him.

There was no one who saw her even if she used her strength.

Even if she tried to shatter the execution platform by emitting holy power, Robert’s gaze was only directed at the void.

It was an expression without any lingering attachment.

As if sensing that everything was over now, his tightly closed eyes showed no sign of opening.

Thud thud-

Shouting a voice that wouldn’t reach, Adriana, who ran through people, was finally able to reach in front of Robert.

It was a distance close enough to clearly see Robert’s face.

After blankly watching his calm appearance even while witnessing his death for a moment, Adriana’s eyes narrowed as she looked at his slightly open mouth.

It seemed like he was trying to say something.

As if making a vow to himself, Robert, who was watching the blade approaching him, quietly moved his lips.

“…Next time, definitely.”

Was it referring to the life that would come after this?

Adriana couldn’t understand.

She couldn’t even understand this unexpected memory, but nevertheless, the memory continued.

Like dust scattering in the wind, the world began to disperse like that.

And then she realized.

Robert’s deaths were still far from over.



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The Man’s 101st Bad Ending

The Man’s 101st Bad Ending

Score 9.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Artist: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
There were women approaching me, who had decided to die.


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