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Sweeping Everything Away with a Counter Attack Power of 10,000,000,000 – Chapter 7

.。.:✧ Train (2) ✧:.。

Translated By Arcane Translations
Translator: Ruby



The one surprised by Venosethian’s sudden action was not Yuma, but the old man who had guided Yuma and to this reception room.

The old man was a Sword Expert level swordsman in charge of Count Venosethian’s security and the captain of the Halo security force here.

The old man, who had never expected his lord to kneel, quickly knelt before Yuma as well.

Yuma spoke, looking at the two elders who were suddenly being overly polite.

“You may rise.”

Count Venosethian stood up, releasing the knee he had bent to show utmost respect.

Of course, Yuma didn’t quite grasp the intention behind this courtesy.

He just felt a bit uncomfortable.

Yuma nodded.

“Nice to meet you, Count Venosethian.”

Venosethian carefully observed Yuma’s words and actions.

‘Is this… really a commoner?’

The composure underlying his words.

That composure and the dignity naturally flowing from his body were hard to believe as belonging to a commoner.

He recalled the words of Yumir, the mercenary who had visited the First Princess’s palace at his request.

A person who exudes an aura unlike that of an ordinary person.


Yuma sat down naturally in the reception room chair.

And he made Cloney sit next to him.

Venosethian also sat opposite Yuma.
The old man stood stiffly beside them.

“Why did you want to see me, Count Venosethian?”

Yuma wasn’t particularly curious about how his identity had been discovered.

It was obvious that the ticket office clerk had reported to her superiors.

“It’s to convey my position as an imperial vassal to you, Yuma, who is the representative of Princess Brigitte and Her Highness’s sword.”


There seemed to have been a strange phrase just now.

And it wasn’t only Yuma who was bothered by that part.

Cloney,sitting next to him, opened her eyes wide.

“Her Highness’s sword…?”

Yuma added a word to ‘s question as she spoke with round eyes.

“Is that phrase something the Count made up to mock me?”

Venosethian shook his head vigorously.

“No! How could I dare to do such an insolent thing! It’s written exactly in the official document that came down as an urgent notice early this morning.”

Venosethian quickly pulled out an envelope from inside his clothes and handed it to Yuma.

“Please read it.”

Yuma read through the envelope.

I am Astes von Brigitte, the First Princess of the Astes Empire.

I announce to all nobles throughout the empire.

I have appointed a representative today who will exercise my will, traveling between the empire and other countries on my behalf.

My representative, who is also my sword, will possess a golden badge with three swords rising to the sky.

Treat the bearer of this badge with the same formality as you would treat me, as an equal to one of great lineage.

‘My sword’.

At that part, Yuma’s brow furrowed slightly.

‘Is Princess Brigitte reading romance novels or something?’

He thought that if he had a chance to visit the First Princess’s palace again, he should take a look at her bookshelf.

Venosethian smiled as he received the official document back from Yuma.

“Yuma. Right after you received your ticket, I got a call from His Highness Prince Schwarze.”

There was no cunning in that smile.

It seemed more like a smile intended to appear sincere, showing that he was speaking his true feelings.

“He knew that wherever you go, you’d have to use our Halo trains, so he contacted me in advance.”

Yuma silently listened to Venosethian’s continuing words.

“I was told to report if I found you, but I intend to refuse that request. The reason I’ve invited you here is to guide you to board the train through an emergency passage so that you can ride without any trouble.”

I am acting on your behalf.

Yuma thought that Count Venosethian was trying hard to make him feel that way.

“Tell me your conclusion.”

Yuma didn’t like such an ambiguous stance. He only wanted a clear conclusion.

“Are you siding with the First Princess Brigitte, or not?”

Venosethian swallowed hard.

How could this possibly be a commoner?

Someone who so resolutely demands an answer in front of a noble.

He had initially planned to maintain neutrality, at least on the surface.

But those words didn’t come out of his mouth.

“…I will support Her Highness the First Princess.”

He was compelled to declare his support, drawn not by First Princess Brigitte, but by Yuma’s force and aura.

He wasn’t sure if Brigitte could defeat Schwarze.

But the man before him, Yuma, didn’t seem like someone who would lose to anyone.

“Tell the princess your support directly. She’ll be very pleased.”

Yuma said indifferently, then stood up.

“Let’s go, . It’s time for departure.”


The old man moved his body with precision.

“I’ll guide you to the emergency passage. It leads to the special compartment.”



The old man pressed a button.

It was a magical device similar to a modern elevator.

Cloney felt the sensation of slowly descending with her mouth wide open.

The elevator doors opened.

What appeared before them was a massive, long black magical train.

Mysterious blue magical steam flowed out.

The frontmost car, excluding the driver’s compartment.

That was the special compartment for distinguished guests.


The door of the special compartment opened.

“Please sit wherever you’re comfortable.”

The old man courteously guided Yuma and until the very end.

There were 30 seats in the special compartment.

Only 15 of them were already occupied.

Yuma and went to the far right end of the special compartment.

Cloney, sitting by the window, looked out with her golden eyes.

“Yuma, Yuma.”

And she looked at Yuma sitting to her left with sparkling eyes.

“Have you ever ridden a train before, Yuma?”

He hadn’t ridden a train in this world.

But there was a train exactly like this in ‘Loop Blood’.

Of course, while it was quite a realistic implementation, it was just a train in VR.

It wasn’t as realistic as this.

“This is my first time too.”

“Oh, then you should be more excited!”

Cloney puffed her cheeks shyly.

Yuma chuckled.

She was so innocent.

This innocence completely removed even Yuma’s slight tension.

Clank clank—

The rhythmic sound of wheels passing over the rails could be felt.

The lush forest on the outskirts of the capital.

The green trees forming that forest came into view.

The sunset was turning red.

Cloney gazed intently at the scenery.


Like that red sunset.

She wanted to ignite an intense flame.

She wanted to become strong.

Strong enough not to need the care of Yuma and the princess beside her now.

Strong enough to have a mutual relationship, not just one-sided protection.

Yuma’s low voice seeped into ‘s ears as she was sprouting such aspirations.

“Anyway, once we pass through Arkan and arrive at Count Rubelt’s, we won’t have time to rest. We’ll have to carry out the princess’s orders. So for now, just enjoy the scenery.”

The sight of darkness slowly settling on the landscape was like a painting being drawn in real-time.

“Yes, Yuma.”

Cloney smiled brightly.

As Yuma said, she decided to set aside her desire for magical achievement and strength for a moment, and heal by just looking at the scenery.

‘Because I should listen well to Yuma’s words.’

Because she had to be a good child.

In fact, even Yuma, who had given such advice to Cloney , couldn’t completely shake off his wandering thoughts.

‘The blue-haired sword saint.’

If he was now in the middle of this world’s ‘main story’, then that guy would probably end up playing the role of a hero who would save the world along with sitting to his right.

A magician and a hero, and a crown princess whose ascension to the throne was certain.

It was quite a plausible combination.

It was far more rational and plausible for those three to save the world than a hero who couldn’t kill enemies without using parrying.

‘I must find him within 2 years.’

The whereabouts of the blue-haired sword saint.

He had to secure that person’s identity within 2 years.

A being whose only clue was blue hair.

It would be a very long journey.

7 o’clock.

As complete night fell, a cabin attendant in a neat sky-blue uniform approached.

And she smiled a bright business smile.

“I’ll prepare dinner for you, sir.”


Although Cloney wasn’t that hungry, she seemed excited by the very fact that a meal was being served on the train, and unfolded the tray placed on her seat with an excited face.

A soft, appetizingly cooked toast was served.

A yellow omelet.

And a nicely browned premium sausage.


Just as picked up her fork with her golden eyes shining—


A deafening explosion resonated throughout the special compartment, making their ears ring.

Thump! Thump!

Figures dressed in black uniforms that looked like military uniforms strode out of the thick gray smoke.

Four out of five guarded the door of the special compartment.

Only one stepped forward.

One man in a black uniform walked forward without even glancing at Yuma and Cloney .

A iron mask completely covering his face was noticeable.

In his right hand, he held a heavy circular weapon with spikes, a mace.

“Count Bainens.”

“…Who are you?”

The red-haired count.

Bainens frowned as he looked at the iron-masked man.

From the iron-masked man’s mouth came words as heavy as the iron mask he was wearing.

“Your sins. The sin of using your noble position to oppress commoners. The sin of raping an innocent citizen’s wife. The sin of cutting down citizens who rebelled with a sword. Countless sins peek out from behind your back.”

“…What nonsense is this madman spouting. Rakan.”

“Yes, my lord.”

The young man called Rakan drew the longsword attached to his waist.

And a brilliant aura rose from that longsword.


Exclamations of admiration flowed from the mouths of the 10 nobles sitting in the special compartment.

A knight about to cut down the iron-masked villain.

They were certain that the scene they were expecting would unfold before their eyes.


Rakan’s brilliant sword energy slashed down towards the iron mask. Diagonally. But the sword stopped just short of the shoulder.


Rakan didn’t even realize that the mace gripped in the iron-masked man’s right hand had been swung. By the time he noticed, half of his head had already caved in.


Blood sprayed in all directions in the special compartment.

Rakan’s instantly killed body fell mercilessly to the floor.

“Die reflecting on your sins, Bainens.”


The iron-masked man didn’t hesitate.

He swung the mace filled with blue energy again.

Count Bainens’ skull burst spewing brain matter and blood simultaneously.

The iron-masked man swung the mace widely in the air to shake off flesh and blood.

“For the glory of the Empire.”

Silence descended upon the train.

The iron-masked man turned his gaze towards the other nobles in the special compartment.

The nobles’ faces were pale with fear, their bodies trembling.

Yuma, who had been quietly observing the situation, stood up.

“That’s enough.”

His voice was calm, but it carried an undeniable authority.

The iron-masked man turned to face Yuma.

“Who are you to interfere?”

Yuma didn’t answer immediately.

Instead, he looked at , who was staring at the scene with wide, frightened eyes.

“Cloney, close your eyes for a moment.”

The girl nodded and obediently covered her eyes with her hands.

Yuma then addressed the iron-masked man again.

“I am Yuma, representative of First Princess Brigitte. And I’m telling you to stop this senseless violence.”

The iron-masked man laughed, a harsh sound behind his mask.

“The princess’s dog? How fitting. But this is justice, not senseless violence. These nobles have committed countless atrocities against the common people. They deserve punishment.”

Yuma’s eyes narrowed.

“Justice? You just murdered two people without a trial. That’s not justice, that’s terrorism.”

The iron-masked man raised his mace. “Then you’re an enemy of justice too. Prepare to—”

Before he could finish his sentence, Yuma moved.

In a blink of an eye, he was in front of the iron-masked man.

His hand shot out, grabbing the man’s wrist and twisting sharply.

There was a sickening crack, and the mace clattered to the floor.

The iron-masked man howled in pain, but Yuma didn’t let go.

With his free hand, he ripped off the iron mask, revealing a face contorted with rage and pain.

“Who sent you?” Yuma’s voice was cold, his eyes piercing.

The man spat at Yuma’s feet.

“I’ll never tell you anything, dog of the nobility!”

Yuma sighed.

“I see. Then we’ll do this the hard way.”

He turned to the trembling nobles.

“Is there a mage among you who can restrain this man?”

An elderly woman raised her shaking hand.

“I-I can cast a binding spell…”

“Do it”

Yuma ordered.

As the woman began her incantation, Yuma looked back at the unmasked terrorist.

“You will be taken into custody and questioned properly. If there’s truth to your accusations against these nobles, it will be investigated. But vigilante justice is not the answer.”

The man glared at Yuma with hatred in his eyes as magical bindings appeared around his body.

Yuma then addressed the room at large.

“This incident will be reported to the proper authorities. In the meantime, I suggest everyone remain calm and cooperate with the investigation.”

He returned to his seat beside Cloney, gently touching her shoulder.

“You can open your eyes now. It’s over.”

Cloney lowered her hands, her golden eyes filled with a mix of fear and admiration as she looked at Yuma.

“Are you okay?” Yuma asked softly.

Cloney nodded, her voice barely a whisper. “Yes… thank you, Yuma.”

As the train continued its journey through the night, an uneasy quiet settled over the special compartment.

The other passengers whispered among themselves, casting nervous glances at Yuma.

For his part, Yuma sat silently, his mind racing.

This incident was no coincidence, he was sure of it.

Someone was making a move, and he had a feeling this was just the beginning.

He looked out the window at the darkness rushing by.

Whatever was coming, he would be ready.



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Sweeping Everything Away with a Counter Attack Power of 10,000,000,000

Sweeping Everything Away with a Counter Attack Power of 10,000,000,000

Score 9.3
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Artist: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
"I'll concede the first strike." Please, hit me first. For fuck's sake. When I parried the attack, I was mistaken for a God of War.


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