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Sweeping Everything Away with a Counter Attack Power of 10,000,000,000 – Chapter 5

.。.:✧ War God ✧:.

Translated By Arcane Translations
Translator: Ruby



“My dear brother is truly consistent.”

Brigitte spoke as if lamenting her own situation.

In front of the First Imperial Princess’s palace.

A presence exuding an unusual aura stood there.

Brigitte was certain.

This was a show of force in response to taking Cloney.

Yuma and Cloney were now approaching the massive doors.

Brigitte wasn’t worried.

Because Yuma was there.

“Open the doors.”

At Yuma’s words, the knight standing guard in front of the Imperial Princess’s palace spoke with a stiff expression.

“There appears to be someone outside who looks like one of the Ten Imperial Seats. Are you sure about this?”

Yuma slowly nodded.


The knight finally opened the doors.

Yuma took dignified steps forward.

And stopped in front of a man.
It was a man covered head to toe in black armour.

‘Looks like the guy I saw yesterday.’

Clearly, he was one of the two men who had been flanking the First Imperial Prince Schwartz.

“I am Lance Ghost Roark. The 9th Imperial Seat.”

Was he expecting admiration?

Or hoping for trembling fear?

Yuma slowly nodded.

“I see. Nice to meet you. I’m Yuma.”

“…Nice to meet you?”

Roark’s brow furrowed sharply.


Yuma looked down at Cloney, who had gently pulled on his pants.

Cloney whispered in a small voice that only Yuma could hear.

“Master Yuma, you’ve probably already noticed, but there’s a mage and someone who looks like an archer hidden on either side at the far ends of the walls.

I detected them with a field sensing spell.”

How could I have noticed that.

As expected of a future great mage.

“Thank you. It’s dangerous, so stay back.”


After confirming that Cloney had activated a protective spell behind him, Yuma once again faced Lance Ghost Roark, who was glaring at him as if to kill, lance thrust forward.

He had no intention of dragging this out.


Yuma gripped the in his hand.

Roark’s body twitched.

“A… dagger? Isn’t your main skill ranged attacks?”

Yuma realized Roark was severely mistaken about something.

‘Well, he wouldn’t know that I reflected Red Star.’

There was no way he could have realized that ordinary citizens, neither warriors nor mages, had reversed the attack with parrying.

‘So he thinks my main attack is ranged.’

Yuma stared at Roark with a bored expression.

“What does that matter, in dealing with you?”

“…What did you say?”

What does it matter what attack I use or what weapon I wield in dealing with the likes of you?

Interpreting Yuma’s words that way, Roark’s brow furrowed sharply.

Another phrase popped out of Yuma’s mouth.

“I’ll give you the first move.”

And those words really scratched at Roark.

“You… bastaaaard!!”

A fierce red aura swirled around Lance Ghost Roark’s spear like a whirlwind.

Yuma stared directly at the path of that spear.

‘Any attack.’

Any attack, any skill.

There exists a ‘parrying point’.

★If you find the parrying point, there’s no attack you can’t deflect

Author: Don’tScrewMeOver

The post that had circulated on various sites calling him a crazy veteran player came to mind, after he had casually filmed a video and written a few words for fun.

The center point of the spear blade.

That was the parrying point of this attack.

Yuma struck that center point with his dagger.


A golden circular effect spread out, signaling a successful parry.

Absolute Counter

Due to the Absolute Counter activated by Yuma, the path of the whirlwind spear was recreated at the tip of the .

The Lance Ghost’s main skill ‘Whirlwind’ shot out in a straight line, its power amplified 10-fold.


Roark’s armor crumpled like paper.

The whirlwind pierced through Roark’s heart and soared into the air.

The eyes of the now-dead Roark were covered in white.

Roark fell face-first to the ground, splattering blood.

Yuma did not let his guard down one bit.

He remembered Cloney telling him that enemies were hiding at a distance on both sides.

A chilly wind blew.

‘The one I just killed was probably bait.’

Even the First Prince who sent him probably didn’t expect an Imperial 9th Seat to only serve as bait and die, but in Yuma’s judgment, the real fight was about to begin.


Three arrows from the left.


Three spheres of fire rushed in from the right along with thick smoke.

Intense aura was concentrated in each arrowhead.

The exquisite skill of a master-level archer was contained within.

The round fireballs were no low-level magic either.

Fiercely burning flames.

It was the 6th circle magic .

Surrounded on all sides.

But Yuma’s mind was calm.

Bullet Time

Simply using what he had to overcome the crisis.

Kiii-ki… ki-kik-

Time began to flow slowly.

Limited only to Yuma’s perspective.

He could see the world in slow motion for 30 seconds.

Three arrows and three fireballs floating in mid-air.

At first glance they seemed to have stopped, but they were slowly approaching.

His mind accelerated.

The gaps between the three fireballs.

The gaps between the three arrows.

Where is the parrying point for everything?

He calculated everything in a fraction of a second.

The more dangerous ones were clearly the side.

The dagger pointed to the right.


He quickly parried two of the fireballs before Bullet Time ended.



And just as completely terminated, he deflected the remaining fireball.

His body moved nimbly, exactly as he had meticulously calculated.

The order and angles of parrying he had mapped out during Bullet Time.

Yuma did not doubt his calculations for a moment.

Immediately twisting his body towards the left where the three arrows were rushing in, he swung down the dagger held in reverse grip.


Twisted to the side.


Swung upwards.


Three fireballs and three arrows.

He parried all six projectiles.

The six projectiles reversed course towards those who had fired them, as if clearing away karma.

Like rewinding a video filmed with a camera.



The problem was that all the projectiles were returning to their owners with 10 times amplified damage.

On the left.

The arrows of supreme level, imbued with strong aura,pierced into the body of the archer who had shot them.


“Kuk, kheuk! Kuaaaaaak!!”

The sound of shoulder blades tearing.

The sound of flesh ripping.

And screams rang out.

On the right.

The 6th circle magic reversed course to its caster.

became even more powerful, like the 7th circle magic Meteor, pulverizing the mage’s body.

Crunch! Crackle! Crunch!

The sound of bones being crushed rang out continuously.

In the end, all that remained was a lump of meat, unrecognizable as the human form it once was.


Yuma rotated his right arm that had swung the dagger, with an expressionless face.

“Is there no more?”

Yuma asked that while looking up at the sky.

It was a question asked in the literal sense of asking if this was all.

But the knight who had opened the door for Yuma shuddered at those words.

‘What kind of superhuman has the Imperial Princess recruited!’

To kill three people who were all called ‘Masters’ in their respective fields in the blink of an eye, and then ask if there were no more.

It was mind-boggling.

He wasn’t the only one feeling this shock.

In front of the dead archer’s body.

Someone was observing the corpse while holding a magical communication device to their ear.

“…Imperial 7th Seat, Celestial Archer Derain.

Just died. All three of the powerful individuals sent by the First Prince are dead.”

Harksen, the closest aide to the Marquis Kairos, the most influential noble in the Empire, stared at Derain’s corpse, twisted as if swept up in a storm.

The terrifying aura-imbued arrows shot by Celestial Archer Derain…

Returned as an even more powerful storm of aura.

It pierced through Celestial Archer Derain’s body like a living dragon.

“He clearly took down the Lance Ghost right in front of him first, so he shouldn’t have known the exact positions of the enemies.

But he sent back the attacks fired at him exactly as they were. Without missing a single one.

Celestial Archer ‘s three arrows and the mage’s three spheres of highest-grade fire magic, Great Judgment…”

It was the power of targeting like a guided missile, inherent in the skill .

Of course, to Harksen who didn’t know this, everything seemed meticulously calculated.

Completely deflecting all the ranged attacks aimed at him, making them return perfectly to the attackers.

And in that moment, imbuing those projectiles with even stronger aura than before.

The military might that man just displayed.

The more one examined it, the more astounding it was.

“If I may dare say… The danger level of the one recruited by Her Highness the Imperial Princess is… Unpredictable. Beyond imagination.”

Harksen swallowed hard before speaking again.

“God of War , I don’t think it’s an exaggeration to call him that. My Lord Marquis.”

Someone was also standing in front of the mage who had been reduced to a lump of meat after having his returned to him.

It was a woman with orange hair.

It was Yumir, disciple of the Mercenary King, who had come to assess the battle situation on behalf of Baron Venosethian, the most renowned among the Empire’s baronial houses.

Yumir, who had naturally expected to report the death of the one recruited by the First Imperial Princess Brigitte, was unable to think clearly in the completely opposite situation.

She too was holding a conch-shaped magical communication device to her ear.

“Uh… Red Mage Beckler of the Crimson Brigade, 7th Circle, has died. He’s been turned into a complete lump of meat. The two Imperial Ten sent by His Highness the Prince and Beckler, they’re all dead.”

Yumir suppressed the nausea rising up.

If she vomited now, she felt she too would be killed by that unidentified man.

So even now she was speaking quietly like a little mouse, completely concealed and at a distance.

“The danger level? It just seems like someone has appeared who shouldn’t be messed with. For now, I’m not going to take any more requests related to this person… I want to live a long life, you know.”

She heard Baron Venosehtian asking for the name through the communication device.

As a mercenary specializing in information gathering requests like this one, Yumir possessed an auditory artifact, so she had heard everything Yuma said.

“The name, I heard him say it himself. Yuma… it was definitely Yuma.”

The story of one man began to slowly spread among the nobles across the Empire.

About a man who had killed three of the Imperial Ten Seats in just two days.

God of War Yuma.

That the First Imperial Princess Brigitte had recruited a monster in order to ascend to the imperial throne.



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Sweeping Everything Away with a Counter Attack Power of 10,000,000,000

Sweeping Everything Away with a Counter Attack Power of 10,000,000,000

Score 9.3
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Artist: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
"I'll concede the first strike." Please, hit me first. For fuck's sake. When I parried the attack, I was mistaken for a God of War.


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1 month ago

A lot of missing words here.

1 month ago

The TL quality here is terrible what is going on?

1 month ago

It doesn’t make any sense but I’m still reading it, I’ll just kill some time.

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not work with dark mode