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Sweeping Everything Away with a Counter Attack Power of 10,000,000,000 – Chapter 12

.。.:✧ The Ultimate Truth of the Sword (1) ✧:.。

Translated By Arcane Translations
Translator: Ruby



“We are not Belrak’s dogs! We are Arkan’s guards! We will eradicate all those who disturb the city!!”

“These bastards who’ve been hiding like rats suddenly…!!”

Yuma carefully observed the battle between those who still considered themselves Arkan’s guards and those who had already become Belrak’s pawns.

36 against 40.

There was not only a numerical difference but also a difference in the level of power itself.

Yuma’s brow furrowed slightly.

‘…Why are they being pushed back?’

It was a small gap, but they were clearly being pushed back.

And usually in battle, the outcome is determined by such subtle differences.

At this rate, it was obvious that Arkan’s guards would be defeated by Belrak’s dogs.

Shouldn’t the side of justice, who drew their swords with such enthusiasm and spirit, win?

Isn’t that the natural order of things?

“We should help them!”

Cloney, a 3rd circle mage, seemed to vaguely sense that Arkan’s guards were being pushed back.

She moved her thin arm to draw a magic formula.


“W-What’s this!”

Green vines sprouted from the ground, binding the limbs of the enemies.

It was the 3rd circle plant-based binding magic .

Arkan’s guards finished off the enemies bound by these green knots.

Yuma also stepped forward, gripping his dagger.

“Your end is already determined, you who have turned your backs on the Empire.”

Princess’s representative or whatever.

Princess’s sword or whatever.

He stood very awkwardly.

So clumsy and vulnerable-looking that it almost invited attack.

‘Please, hit me first.’

That way, he could counter with parrying and reduce their numbers.

“No matter how much you struggle, this will only become your grave.”

Yuma continued his provocation, his outer appearance betraying his inner thoughts.

“Damn, this is all because of that bastard! A guy like that is the princess’s representative? The princess’s sword?”

Perhaps Yuma’s desperation was conveyed.

Three men, completely forgetting how one had been helplessly defeated earlier, rushed at Yuma in succession.


All of their lives were ended.

The 34 members of Arkan’s guard who had won by overturning the somewhat obvious power gap with the intervention of Yuma and Cloney, were catching their breath.

Only two casualties on the guard’s side.

All but 12 of Belrak’s dogs were killed.

The 12 knelt, threw away all their weapons, and surrendered.

“The Princess’s Sword!”

“Thanks to you, Yuma-nim, we defeated these damn bastards! Hahaha!”

Regardless of gender, the members of Arkan’s guard kept bowing their heads to Yuma and Cloney.

Yuma knelt down to meet the eyes of one of those who had surrendered.

“Do you know where Belrak is now?”

“…I think there’s a high chance he’s in his usual hideout.”

“Guide us there.”



Tap tap─

Belrak tapped the desk with his index finger.

Very rhythmically.

“It seems things have gone awry.”

The Arkan City Guard.

There had been no contact from the guard.

The ones who said they would send someone to inform him after either successfully persuading or subduing them.

Despite this, Belrak’s mood wasn’t twisted.

He didn’t become impatient.

Because there was no force group in Arkan that could pose a threat to him now.

Due to the presence of one swordsman who was now receiving drugs from him and training in the forest.

‘Who would dare to defeat the former Empire’s 2nd Seat, Sword God Chronos?’

Belrak recalled the moment when Sword God Chronos first came to him.

He was an old man who covered his entire large body with a black robe.

“I want to see the ultimate truth of the sword. And to do that, I need to experience another world.”

He said he needed drugs for that.

Drugs that could push his nerves beyond their limits.

Thinking he was just some crazy old man, Belrak sent five or six of his subordinates, but they were all killed.

With just one sword-drawing technique. In a single strike.

Having lost his strongest subordinates in an instant, Belrak had no choice but to hand over the drugs with trembling hands.

“It’s effective’.

The old man, who Belrak thought would kill him without hesitation, suddenly said the drug seemed to be effective and asked to continue providing it.

The drug the old man had taken was Regnaton, the highest concentration among drugs, not an easy type to obtain.

When Belrak told him this fact, the old man revealed his identity.

He said he would lend his power in exchange for drugs.

That was a year ago.

Chronos’s power played a big role in Belrak becoming the complete underground king of Arkan.

He had wiped out all the main forces of the underground powers that were opposing Belrak.

And Belrak, who had risen to the top of the underground commercial rights, became greedy.

He desired to become not just the king of the underground, but the king of this city.

‘And now I’m on the verge of fulfilling that greed.’

Belrak stared at Gelmore, the mayor of Arkan, who was tied to a chair in front of him.

“Have you sorted out your thoughts, Mayor Gelmore?”

Gelmore was still staring at his brother crawling on the ground.

His brother, who had become completely addicted to drugs, unable to even think properly.

A person came to Gelmore’s mind.

Yuma, the representative of the princess he had seen on the train two days ago.

‘There’s no way that person would still be here…’

And even if he were still here, Gelmore thought he wouldn’t know about this situation.

Gelmore opened his dry mouth.

“…Alright. As you say. I’ll listen to your orders. And I’ll let it be known publicly that your influence in this city is significant by borrowing your power for all good events. And as you said… I’ll recommend to the imperial authorities that you become the next mayor in a year.”

Becoming the true king of the city.

That was Belrak’s ambition.


Born as the son of a brothel.

Enduring the violence of his alcoholic mother who beat him to death. Something that he, who had crawled up from the bottom, must have.

Belrak raised the corners of his mouth widely as he looked at Mayor Gelmore, who had become obedient.

“Good, good. Now let’s prepare properly at night and make the announcement. Gelmore. Our alliance.”


Everything was going smoothly.

Belrak stood up and spoke to his loyal servant guarding the door.

“Strengthen the security. The Arkan guards might try to raid this place. You must stop them at all costs. You can use those things we’ve set up. Kill them without hesitation. I have the power to cover up their deaths.”

“Understood, Belrak-nim.”

A crazed ambition bloomed in Belrak’s eyes.


This city will be mine.

Belrak believed this without a doubt.



Yuma and Cloney, along with 34 Arkan guards, stepped into an area covered in darkness.

An undeveloped area full of abandoned buildings.

“Is this the right place?”

Belrak’s Dog No. 1, who had a bandage wrapped tightly around his shoulder from a sword wound, nodded repeatedly.

He was the one who had been threatened to guide them to where Belrak was.

“Y-Yes. The 8th district, the development area itself, is Belrak’s territory. We need to be careful from here. They have their own paths. I’ve vaguely heard that there are magical traps set up that activate if you step on other paths…”

Thump! Dog No. 1 took a step forward as he spoke.


Dog No. 1 stopped abruptly when he saw the brick he had stepped on suddenly sink artificially.

“Shit… I think I just stepped on it?”


A detonation sound reminiscent of thunder and a slight earthquake shook the ground.

Suddenly, brilliant light burst out from the tops of the abandoned buildings.

“Die, you dull and obsolete dogs of Gelmore!! Kuhahahahahaha!!”

Meteors of white light poured down from the tops of the buildings.

One from each building.

A total of 4 meteors began to fall rapidly.


And as those meteors fell, they split into two.

The so-called magic railguns, falling while bending as if performing acrobatics.

Belrak, who was watching from behind the buildings, stared at the 8 rising meteor showers.

“It has begun.”

No matter how many of Gelmore’s forces remained, whoever they were, they would all die from this.

Those magic railguns possessed destructive power and speed directly acknowledged by Sword God Chronos.

He had to pay an astronomically high price to those damn magical engineers, but it was worth it.

It was a weapon with enough power to sweep away even a unit composed of mid-level Sword Experts.

The faces of the Arkan guards were tinged with despair at the overwhelming sight of the meteors piercing through the thick dark clouds.

“Damn… Belrak has already prepared to rule this city!”

“We’re going to die. We’re going to die. We’re going to die. We’re going to die.”

That overwhelming destructive power had crushed their will.

They only regretted not being able to read the changing tide of the times.

Yuma stepped forward.

That’s when he saw it.

Despite the 34 faces filled with despair that passed by, there was Cloney’s face, her eyes wide and shining, focused solely on him.


Yuma moved further forward.

He had to bring those 8 projectiles entirely within his parrying range.

Yuma’s thoughts accelerated.

The thoughts of a man who had been obsessed with the element of ‘parrying’ in all the games he had played until now.

The falling meteors of white light.

The point where those meteors would intersect and meet all at once.

The shadows of the 8 falling meteors revealed it.

Bullet Time


The world began to flow slowly.

This was the second Bullet Time.

The duration of Bullet Time was 30 seconds.

Having adapted to this skill with the first Bullet Time, Yuma moved his body somewhat comfortably.

But it was only the range of movement that was comfortable.

Parrying was always like walking a tightrope.

A moment.

A tightrope walk using only a momentary gap.

He met the white light spewing sparks with the blade of the short sword .

He twisted it.


He bent it.

Kiing Kang!

He deflected four of the meteors.

And just before Bullet Time ended, he deflected one more meteor.

When the world began to flow at its normal speed again, Yuma’s right arm moved nimbly along the trajectory he had already calculated.

All 8 meteors were deflected.

And they returned.

Towards the 4 buildings that had sent them out into the world.



4 buildings collapsed simultaneously.

A hazy smoke thickly covered the world.


A man was walking nobly.

“I am Yuma, the representative of First Princess Brigitte, the Princess’s Sword.”

It was a low voice.

But that voice pierced through this place as if piercing through the world.

“Criminal Belrak, come out and kneel.”



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Sweeping Everything Away with a Counter Attack Power of 10,000,000,000

Sweeping Everything Away with a Counter Attack Power of 10,000,000,000

Score 9.3
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Artist: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
"I'll concede the first strike." Please, hit me first. For fuck's sake. When I parried the attack, I was mistaken for a God of War.


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1 month ago


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not work with dark mode