Solo Swordmaster
[Translator – woni]
[Proofreader – sharlottle]
Chapter 10: Déjà Vu
Limon was lost in thought.
He had met all kinds of people throughout his long life. Among those, there were those who claimed to see things no one else could.
Of course, most of them were just simply madmen and fraudsters.
But very rarely, one would be telling the truth. Whether they could communicate with spirits, see the souls of the dead, or see through curses.
Limon asked Yoo Na-kyung a few questions to investigate.
“Na-kyung, do you have enemies?”
“Uhm, I don’t think so? I do have a walking resentment charm for a boss, but who would have a grudge against a lackey like me?”
“What about siblings you have to share a large inheritance with?”
“You know I’m an orphan.”
“Did you embezzle money from a dark mage or sorcerer?”
“…Are you feeling okay, boss?”
Yoo Na-kyung narrowed her eyes at Limon. She had initially answered half-jokingly, but the questions were starting to get more and more serious.
‘Hm, I don’t think it’s something to do with curses.’
Besides the fact her answers were moodier than usual, Yoo Na-kyung’s attitude didn’t seem out of the ordinary.
After stroking his chin for a bit, Limon felt strange. He’d thought of something while thinking about Yoo Na-kyung.
“……Na-kyung, you’re a player, right?”
“Do I look like a civilian?”
“Players get their skills by making a deal with a Constellation, yeah?”
“Are you saying there’s people who don’t?”
Yoo Na-kyung had confusion written all over her face.
“Which Constellation did you form a contract with?”
“You didn’t know that till now?!”
“Just shut up and answer my question, damn brat.”
“Jeez! Is that any way to speak to a team member you’ve worked with all these years?”
Yoo Na-kyung complained about Limon’s harsh tone.
In today’s age, it was basic courtesy to know of someone’s Constellation, whether they were colleagues or acquaintances. And Limon was no stranger to her.
But even that still depended on the other person.
She also knew that Limon wasn’t someone who cared about that kind of stuff. So Yoo Na-kyung told him about her Constellation truthfully.
“My Constellation is [The Snake that Connects Ends].”
“……Huh, is that so?”
“Yeah, it’s a popular Constellation among players because it usually gives the 「Teleportation」 skill.”
Limon nodded.
Of course, it wasn’t because he was touched by Yoo Na-kyung’s thorough explanation. It was because there was something that came to mind after listening to her.
‘Maybe I can see a player’s contracted Constellation. That would make this slithering bastard her’s.’
The explanation lined up with Seo Yongchan’s cow head as well.
It was very likely that Seo Yongchan contracted a cattle-related Constellation, considering how he handled his bull familiar.
And if so, this was a big deal.
The ability to see people’s Constellations without the use of an appraisal skill was unprecedented.
‘Though it’s useless as all fuck.’
Most players these days would proudly use any opportunity to show off their Constellation. Just simply searching up their name online would reveal it.
And so, Limon felt indifferent towards his newfound ability.
The problem was Yoo Na-kyung’s new appearance.
‘……I have a bad feeling about this.’
His eyes narrowed.
From the snake’s fangs embedded in her neck, its body going through her chest, and its tail looping back up to coil around her neck.
Nothing about that looked like the blessing of a Constellation. Rather, it looked like a viper constricting its prey.
Limon couldn’t help but furrow his brows at its glistening eyes in particular. They gave off a strong bloodlust, as if it was waiting for the prime opportunity to strike its prey.
Although, it didn’t occur in the best of times. He was just about to decide whether or not to assault the Liberation Brigade.
After a while of thinking things over with his fingers tapping on his crossed arms, Limon slowly opened his mouth.
“Yeah, boss?”
“Do you really want to go after the Liberation Brigade?”
“That’s why I came here.”
“Even if you might die?”
A serious, but unexpected question.
“Isn’t that to be expected? Our line of work at the PAB requires us to risk our lives.
The main job of PAB agents was to regulate high-level players.
Among those were many savage criminals who would view Seo Yongchan as a mere kid. If an agent were to cross such a player, it wasn’t uncommon for them to die on the job.
“Besides, there’s no way I would die from something like this.”
“……Where’d you get all that groundless confidence from?”
“I do have grounds for it.”
“Which are?”
“You, boss.”
Limon blinked blankly at the cheerfulness of Yoo Na-kyung’s unexpected answer.
“Liberation Brigade or whatever, as long as I’m right beside you, boss, who would dare to kill me?”
After a moment of silence at her confidence, Limon placed a hand on his forehead. His shoulders started to shake, and he burst out into laughter.
“Ha, haha. Pwahahahahaha!”
“Boss? Why are you laughing?”
“Ah, it’s nothing. They say you learn from idiots. I just realized you can also say some pretty smart things from time to time.
“Excuse me?!”
Uncaring about Yoo Na-kyung’s grumpy reaction to being called a fool out of the blue, Limon relaxed.
‘That’s right. When did I ever care about Constellations?’
He was disorientated from seeing such an unexpectedly random thing, but the more he thought about it, the less it mattered to him.
‘That snake Constellation’s eyes looked suspicious?’
‘Na-kyung could be in danger?’
‘Like I give a shit.’
Humans all die one day.
If it was today, he’ll just protect her.
If there was a disaster, he would cut it down. If it was a Constellation, he’ll just cut that down, too.
He didn’t care if it was unrelenting. Even if the times had changed, he was still Limon Asphelder, Swordmaster.
The one who spent an eternity pioneering his own destiny with a blade, with his life on that very edge.
“Let’s go.”
“What? Where?”
Limon smirked at Yoo Na-kyung, who was puzzled by his sudden words.
As long as he decided to brush off the bad feelings, Limon knew where he was going to go.
“After those bitches.”
Reaper Scans
Translator – woni
Proofreader – sharlottle
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“It’s here?”
It took exactly three minutes from Limon making up his mind to arriving at the Liberation Brigade base.
A truly amazing speed, considering most of that time was spent looking for his coat buried under a large pile of laundry.
It was all thanks to Yoo Na-kyung. Very few players could teleport such a distance with a companion instantaneously. That’s how Limon was already standing at the entrance of the base, stroking his chin.
“I can’t believe a mere criminal organization was using a place like this as their hideout… Are these guys actually insane?
“They’ve always been insane. They aren’t called psychos for no reason. Plus, you know how the saying goes. The lighthouse does not shine on its own base.”
“But this is no lighthouse. It’s a lion’s den.”
Limon expected it to be in a remote area, like a dark forest, abandoned factory, a stranded island, something like that.
As if to mock him, it was actually in the heart of the city. To add insult to injury…
In front of it was the National Police Agency. A bit to its side, was the Player Association. Further behind, was a perfect vantage point, with a military squadron stationed.
He would have never noticed that this was the Liberation Brigade’s base.
“How the hell did you find this?”
“Heh, charming women just attract information.”
“Charming? You?”
“I’m a timeless beauty, I know.”
Limon stared at Yoo Na-kyung in disgust, as if to ask how she could be so shameless. She only stubbornly grinned.
“So what’s the plan? Grab the bull by its horns?”
Limon hesitated at Yoo Na-kyung’s question. Staring at the entrance of Haechung C&T Corporation, he continued after a moment of consideration.
“Let’s go one by one.”
“I meant hunting them down quietly one at a time.”
“You know something besides charging in head first?!”
“What the hell is your impression of me?”
“You’re obviously someone who brute forces like a meathe—”
Limon clicked his tongue at his subordinate who didn’t know how to be scared of her superior.
“Tsk. Use your head. Do you really think they’ll all stay put if we burst in? They’ll all run off.”
“But your way is to cut them down before they all escape…”
“Do you want to be hit again?”
“Nope, I’m just saying you’re smart.
Limon scoffed watching Yoo Na-kyung excuse herself as she held her forehead.
Though, she was right.
It was typical for Limon to go in head first, destroy everything, and then go after those getting away to beat them up. Compared to brute force, infiltration was just too time-consuming for Limon’s tastes.
Though, this time, his gut told him something was off.
‘Something doesn’t feel right to go in head first.’
There wasn’t any reason not to go with his tried and true tactic, and the snake that was coiled around Yoo Na-kyung just before they left now looked normal.
But his intuition was enough to warrant changing tactics.
Especially right now, with Yoo Na-kyung at his side.
“Who…? Urg!”
“How is a PAB agent he—”
Pow— Bam— Crack—
After getting inside, Limon and Yoo Na-kyung plowed through the base.
It wasn’t that difficult.
After using Yoo Na-kyung’s 「Teleportation」 to first disable the security office, they took down the members one by one as they trickled in.
Of course, there were some high-level players that tried to resist.
But it was all futile.
Whether they had acceleration skills as fast as lightning, were telekinesis users with a forcefield, or turned invisible with camouflage skills, one touch of Limon’s sword was enough to make them all collapse seeing stars.
And as such, everything went extremely fast. They were able to take care of everyone inside at a speed no different to charging in.
“This is nothing new, but I am reminded of how meaningless it is to call players superhuman whenever I look at you,” marveled Yoo Na-kyung.
On top of killing the superhuman players, he was suppressing them all, each with a single blow.
To her, they looked like the frail elderly living in a nursing home, rather than the hardened criminals of the Liberation Brigade.
Though, her flattery fell behind Limon’s speed.
‘How odd.’
Not just because there was no need to listen nor answer, but because he’d also felt a strange sensation as he went through the base.
‘Why does this feel so familiar?’
He thought he was just imagining things at first. Since the layout of buildings these days were similar, Limon thought he was just getting a sense of déjà vu.
But the deeper he went, the stronger that feeling grew.
“Boss? Why’d you hit the guy twice?”
“Regeneration skill. He’ll get up right away if I hit him just once.”
“Y-you know this criminal?”
“No, I’ve never met this guy.”
“……Then how’d you know he had such a skill if you’ve never even seen him before?”
“It just felt like it, I suppose.”
Yoo Na-kyung gave Limon the side-eye, but nodded to herself after remembering that her boss was always crazy.
Clasping his hands a few times, Limon decided to be a little benevolent. Even he himself thought that what he said sounded like the ramblings of a madman.
But he didn’t think he was wrong. Each member of the Liberation Brigade he fought, he naturally knew what skill they had even before they used it.
As if he’d already swept over the Liberation Brigade before.
‘Could this be the effect of being able to see Constellations?’
But he couldn’t see the Liberation Brigade members’ Constellations like with Seo Yongchan and Yoo Na-kyung.
He just naturally knew.
Considering he’d never experienced this before, it wasn’t surprising that he had a hunch after being able to see Constellations.
‘Wait, no. This isn’t just a hunch.’
If this was a sixth sense, he wouldn’t have the feeling of beating up these bastards twice.
Plus, Limon was a Swordmaster. He may mix up what year it is, but he could never mistake the feeling of the sword in his hands.
So how could he be feeling like he’s already done this before?
While lost in his thoughts, Limon continued sweeping through the building.
When he was about halfway through, after knocking out those in the upper floors, Limon realized.
‘Ah, that’s right.’
The large, sturdy metal door that looked more fitting on a bunker, than a building.
The door Limon was sure he’d never seen before, yet was so familiar.
Seeing that door, he was certain.
Certain of where his déjà vu came from.
‘I’ve been here before.’
Oh finally hes starting to remember
I guess being the strongest and having centuries of experience got him complacent
I think it’s pretty clear that even if he hasn’t admitted it yet he has totally given up at this point. Like, the dude just let them drive him into extreme poverty. I think in the original run he knew it was a trap subconsciously but ignored that