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Return of the S-Class Divorced Hunter – Chapter 31

.。.:✧ Nothing To Hide? ✧:.。.

Translated By Arcane Translations
Translator: FusionX


“Nothing really…? I was just trying to wake her up?”

I made an excuse, not knowing how long Si-hwa had been standing there.

And honestly, I didn’t do anything weird.

“…Do you usually slap someone’s cheek to wake them up? Choi In-wook?”

Si-hwa pointed out the position of my hand.

“Ah… I tried shaking her, but she wouldn’t wake up.”

Si-hwa looked at me with narrowed eyes.

“Go and wake up the guys.”


Her fierce tone naturally made me use formal speech.

I got up from my spot and was chased out of the girls’ room, coming back to the living room, the scene of carnage.

Seeing the soju bottles and snack crumbs lying around, I couldn’t help but sigh.


“Tae-su sunbae! Wake up!”

I tried to wake him up as he was sleeping curled up in a corner of the wall.

“…I already submitted the report!”

He mumbled in his sleep while swatting away my hand that was shaking him.

Was he dreaming that someone was chasing him to submit a report?

After finally succeeding in waking him up, I started waking up the seniors one by one.

Everyone must have drunk heavily, as they held their aching heads and we began to separate the trash.

Ye-ji nuna also came out of the room not long after and started helping with the cleaning.

“Wow. I never thought anyone would wake up before me.”

Nuna tapped my shoulder a couple of times.

“I entrust the future of Deforme to you. In-wook.”

…You have to be good at drawing to be the leader of a drawing club.

It was an absurd thing to say.

But regardless, the president also nodded in agreement beside her.

“Yes, yes. If I graduate this year, In-wook should become the next president.”

Why are you doing this too?

“Nah. Ye-na would be more suitable than me. She’s good at drawing too.”

Then the president answered in a tone that said it was out of the question.

“I can’t pass on the position of president to someone who can’t even drink well!”

I shouldn’t expect a rational conversation with this person.

Still, with many people helping with the cleanup, it seemed like it would be finished soon.

But why isn’t Ye-na coming out of the room?

Si-hwa also hadn’t come out since entering the room.


I called out to Ye-ji nuna, who was making hangover soup.

“Hm? What is it?”

“Why isn’t Ye-na coming out?”

“Ah. Ye-na had a really bad hangover and couldn’t even get up.”

I guess she drank a lot while I was away…

“Si-hwa is taking care of her though. Go in and check on her condition.”


At nuna’s words, I knocked and quietly opened the door.

Through the crack of the door, I saw Ye-na with her head buried in a pillow, suffering.

“Ah. My head hurts so much.”

“Do you want me to bring you water?”

Si-hwa asked Ye-na.

“…I would appreciate that.”

Si-hwa, who was about to get up, noticed me and opened her mouth.


“Ah. Yeah.”

I returned to the kitchen and poured water into a cup, chuckling to myself.

In my life, I never thought I would see Si-hwa taking care of a hungover Ye-na.

I handed the glass of water to Si-hwa and ate ramen with the rest of the members.

Ah. This is it.

There was nothing better than this to calm down this queasy stomach.

When the bottom of the pot was visible, Ye-na appeared supported by Si-hwa.

“Hey. Ye-na. You look terrible.”

The president spoke to Ye-na, whose dark circles were sagging, in a teasing manner.

“It’s because you made me drink, sunbae.”

Ye-na retorted bluntly.

“The one who drank is at fault.”

After finishing all the cleaning, including the dishes, we packed our luggage and did a final check for lost items.

“Alright. Those who booked train tickets can go take them… In-wook, you’re riding with Si-hwa, right?”

“I think so?”

Honestly, I was happy that I didn’t have to take a long detour.

When would I ever take a bus and a train to get home…


Ye-ji nuna called out to me in a small voice.


“Ye-na is having a really hard time, so I was wondering if Si-hwa could give her a ride?”

Indeed, Ye-na’s condition wasn’t very good.

I hope she doesn’t throw up on the bus…

Of course, if it were my car, I would have given her a ride without hesitation.

But would the car owner allow it…?

Naturally, my gaze turned to Si-hwa.

“Si-hwa, um…”

Si-hwa, who was looking at her phone, raised her head.

* * *

There were a total of 4 people in the car.

In the front seats were Si-hwa and Ye-na. In the back seats were me and… the president.

Due to the characteristics of a sports car, the back seats were very cramped.

My knees were already touching the front seats.

I thought it would be okay if I sat alone, but the president begged us, saying he really wanted to ride in Si-hwa’s car.

[In-wook. This model. It’s my dream car. Please grant me that glory too…! You’re giving Ye-na a ride too…]

[Ye-na has no choice because she’s not feeling well.]

[I’m not feeling well either. If I can’t ride this, I’ll be unwell for the rest of my life.]

In the end, the president stubbornly rode in the back seat with me and expressed his satisfaction.

“I really picked a good junior. As expected from the next president of Deforme!”

It was probably the day Si-hwa had the most people riding while driving this car.

She usually went alone, but to have 4 people fully seated…

Si-hwa seemed to want to escape this situation as soon as possible, driving on the highway at an even faster speed than yesterday.

* * *

After Si-hwa dropped me off at home yesterday, I immediately began preparing for the dungeon.

Honestly, sitting between Ye-na and Si-hwa and coming back, I felt like all my energy was drained, but I had no choice.

If it weren’t for the MT, I would have applied for the dungeon next week.

I checked each item one by one and stretched.

I didn’t drink a small amount, but fortunately, it didn’t seem to put a big strain on my body.

For optimal physical condition, I went to bed early.

Monday morning.

Arriving at the academy, I started preparing for class.

I always think this textbook is unnecessarily expensive.

Even if it’s a hunter-related item, the printing cost should be the same for books.

I think I made a similar complaint in my previous life…

Not long after I arrived, Ha-rin sat in the seat next to me.

“Hi! In-wook!”

Ha-rin greeted me with a bright smile as usual.

“Yeah. Hi. Ha-rin.”

As soon as Ha-rin sat down, she rested her chin and looked at my face.

“In-wook~ Do you have any plans after today?”

“Huh? Ah… yeah.”

“Re… really?”


Is it that surprising that I have plans?

“How can this be…”

Ha-rin made a crestfallen expression and buried her head in her desk with her arms crossed.

“Why? Did we have something to do together?”

Still in the same posture, she poked her head out a little, looking like a dejected puppy.

“I wanted to take you to the restaurant I mentioned before… I really wanted to take you there today…”

Having said that, Ha-rin buried her head in her sleeves again.

“Sorry… I’ll make sure to make time for it next time.”

“When is next time?”

“Um… tomorrow?”

I had no plans tomorrow afternoon.

I would definitely need time to rest after going through the dungeon anyway.


Ha-rin suddenly got up as if she had never been sulking.

She took out her phone from her pocket and started tapping the screen.

Glancing at the screen, I saw the reservation page of Ha-rin’s favorite restaurant site, which I frequented in my previous life.

Haha. It’s a familiar taste, but I have to pretend not to know and act surprised.

Still, it was a restaurant that served delicious food whenever you went, so I wouldn’t have to fake my delighted expression.

“By the way, In-wook.”


“What are you doing after the academy today?”

“Ah… I applied for a dungeon…”

“A dungeon…?”

Ha-rin widened her already big eyes even more.

“Are you going alone?”

“Yeah. It’s not a difficult place.”

“Where is it?”

“Guryong Mountain dungeon.”

Since it was known to the public that only level 1 and at most level 2 monsters appeared there, it wouldn’t matter at all even if I told her the name.

“Why don’t you go with me…”

Ha-rin spoke to me in a regretful tone.

“No. It’s a very average level… There’s no need for two people to go…”

“If I go with you, I can support you well by your side…”

“Haha… Let’s definitely go together next time.”

I thought this much would be appropriate, but Ha-rin didn’t seem to think so.

“I’m disappointed, In-wook. We’re a pair… But I feel like you’re hiding things from me…”

“No. What did I hide from you?”

I didn’t particularly hide anything from Ha-rin…?

“You are. When you went to buy equipment, you just went alone. You applied for the dungeon without even consulting me…”

Ha-rin seemed to be genuinely upset.

What should I do…

“I’m sorry. I’ll tell you in advance from now on. Cheer up, okay?”


Ha-rin held out her pinky finger.

“Nothing to hide from now on?”

I’m not sure what the scope of “hiding” is, but I nodded and held out my pinky finger for now.

Only after pressing our thumbs together did Ha-rin let go of my hand.

* * *

[Yes. Mr. Butler.]

[Yes. For now, just check if he enters and exits safely.]

[If there’s anything unusual, please let me know…]

[Since he said he’s going alone, he probably won’t have any companions, but if he does, please do a background check on who they are and send it to me.]

[I think that’s all. I’ll let my dad know, so please take care of it.]

[Yes. Then I’ll get to work.]

I want to trust you. In-wook.



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Return Of The S-class Divorced-Hunter

Return Of The S-class Divorced-Hunter

Score 9.4
Status: Hiatus Type: Author: Artist: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
3 divorces. I was infertile. But this life will be different.


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