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My Friend’s Harem is Obsessed With Me – Chapter 96

.。.:✧ Magic Material No. 17 ✧:.。.

Translated By Arcane Translations
Translator: FusionX



To be honest, using Adriana’s ring to come to the Demon Realm Forest was no different from gambling.

I heard from that weirdo that you can’t place that many warp markers, and they also said they planned to conquer the Demon Realm Forest.

I had wondered if the warp was directly connected to the Demon Realm Forest, and the result was a jackpot.

The Grand Witch told me she sensed someone warping to the Demon Realm Forest, so I heard the direction and was able to find it right away.

“How is that bastard here?”

“First, kill him! We can’t let him know we’re here!”

Some members who had never faced me before rushed at me. Horan hurriedly reached out to stop them, but it was already too late.

“Zion Golem and Yachavorh, huh?”

They charged at me with the characteristics of the beasts living in the Demon Realm Forest, but I easily thrust my sword into their necks as if solving an exam question with an answer sheet.



Seeing two of their members die in an instant, they had dumbfounded expressions.

Usually, in such groups, the first to charge in are the ones confident in their skills. Two of them died without even putting up a fight.

I swung my sword to shake off their blood and approached them.

“Everyone, run away!”

The leader shouted.

Horan carried the leader on her back and immediately twisted her body, but the other members were at a loss.

“Don’t get distracted.”

In the midst of that, another one.

I charged at the back of a woman with the legs of a beast, who seemed like she would annoy me if I let her run away, and stabbed my sword.

Realizing the situation now, the Tudog members began to run away aimlessly.

I took a deep breath.

The heavy and dull air of the Demon Realm Forest entering through my nose.

Someone said that no matter how long you stayed here, you could never get used to this unique atmosphere.

But for me, it was the most familiar place of all.

In the forest.

Especially if that forest was the most notorious one on the continent.

In the Demon Realm Forest, known as hell, there was no being that could escape from me.



Horan bit her lip and called out to him in a muffled voice. Despite her call, the leader couldn’t say anything.

The screams of numerous members at regular intervals, traveling through the trees, kept reaching the ears of the two who had started running away first.

He was killing the members he had painstakingly gathered, like knocking down dominoes.

“He’s moving like that even in the Demon Realm Forest.”

Now a hollow laugh flowed from the lips of the leader.

It was a natural decision for him to choose to flee despite having the numerical advantage. This was the Demon Realm Forest, a strange labyrinth-like place that completely disregarded individual strength.

Although it was just the entrance of the forest, they thought they were more familiar with the forest. So they judged it would be easy to run away.

“It was a misjudgment.”

They were completely wrong.

That boy was instead flying around and massacring them in the Demon Realm Forest, for some unknown reason.

It felt like prey being chased by a hunter.

Death roaming through hell.

Thinking like that, the leader laughed hollowly and asked Horan to put him down.

“Horan, you run away.”


“You have a place to go even if it’s not the Tudogs. Go there.”

“B-But Leader!”

Horan called out as if pleading, but the leader spoke firmly.

“You’ve worked hard all this time.”

He knew that she had sincerely followed him out of affection. He was able to easily use Horan by taking advantage of that affection.

“To be honest, I’ve never loved you even once.”


“I was born in such a place.”

The leader spoke in dejection.

He pushed away Horan, who didn’t want to leave even when he said this, with magic.

With Horan’s physical abilities, she would be able to escape while he bought time.

As the leader was gathering mana and waiting for death, he saw a girl falling from a tree approaching this way.

“Ugh, ugh!”

Hare, who had infiltrated Aios Academy.

What if he had known a little earlier that Rin, her close friend, was the ‘Earliest Apocalypse’?

Wouldn’t this tragedy have been avoided?

It was no use regretting this and that.

The moment Hare saw the leader, she reached out her hand to beg for her life, but the sword that had already pierced her back made her cough up blood and shed tears.

But contrary to her tearful eyes, her pupils were losing vitality.


The total number of people who had warped this time was 44.

In other words, except for the leader and Horan, everyone was now dead.

Daniel McLean, whose entire body was painted red with blood, glared at the leader with an expressionless face.

His cruel and merciless hand, which couldn’t be seen in the academy, made the leader tense up again.

Who wouldn’t tremble seeing his current appearance?

“One got away.”


While wondering if Horan had already escaped the forest, it was baffling how a swordsman like him could sense even that.

“But it’s fine since I have you, the most important one.”

“I won’t beg for my life.”

“I won’t spare you even if you beg.”

At the resolute answer, the leader’s mana began to fluctuate. Seeing that Daniel McLean didn’t use mana, he couldn’t properly handle mana.

He tried to find the key to victory in that part, but the mana that suddenly fluctuated was uncontrollable.

“What is this……”

He couldn’t exert such a fierce compulsory force alone.

It wasn’t the boy in front of him who was causing this.

Feeling all the nearby mana leaving as if not allowing even a handful of mana, the leader had no choice but to let out a hollow laugh.

“Damn witch bitches.”

The witches, appearing one after another riding on their staffs, befitting their name, surrounded the leader in a circle.

And the Grand Witch walking out from behind Daniel, and Adriana who had given him the ring to call him here.

“Heh, have you come to kill me, you wretched living insects?”

“Witches of the forest, execute that man who insulted us.”

At the Grand Witch’s words, the witches immediately began to gather mana. They tried to shoot magic at the leader as quickly as possible to kill him.

“The moment you shoot magic now, that bitch dies.”

My voice echoed through the forest.

The witches were momentarily startled and glared at me.

Among them, there was a witch who didn’t believe my words and hurriedly tried to shoot magic at the leader.


She shed tears as she saw the branch that had pierced through her palm.

Among the trees in the Demon Realm Forest, there were some that boasted a strength similar to steel, so I could use them like this.

“I told you, if you move even a little here without my permission, you die. That just now was a warning.”

I pointed to my temple with my finger and said,

“The next one is here.”

The witch shedding tears.

I told her not to use magic itself, so she couldn’t even use healing magic and could only sit down and look at me with her lips tightly bitten.

“Tudog, you definitely told me. You said you saw what was created by the ‘Earliest Apocalypse.'”

At my words, the leader slowly nodded.

“Yeah, I saw it clearly with these two eyes.”

Something was strange.

How the hell was he able to see that?

I wondered if he was a regressor like me, but I thought the possibility was slim.

‘He said he saw it.’

He didn’t ‘experience’ it like me, but ‘saw’ it.

There was no possibility of him being a regressor, and it was more correct to think that he ‘saw the future.’

And I knew of only one group who could see the future.

The witches of the Black Forest.

“What’s your relationship with the witches?”

At my words, the surrounding witches were startled. Except for Adriana and the young witches, they didn’t seem to know what it meant.

The leader seemed to like the witches’ reaction, so he giggled and uttered the truth.

“Magic Material No. 17. That was the name those witches called me.”


“The reason I couldn’t be their seed receiver despite being a man was because if I had a child with someone of the same blood, there was a chance of it being deformed.”

Adriana had once told me how the witches’ village was maintained.

She said that the village could be maintained by bringing a man every half a century.

Then where did the man go after serving his purpose?

And what would happen if a boy was born among the pregnant children?

The answer to all of that was that man.

“I heard he was the son of the Grand Witch. That damn bitch had a child even at that age.”


The Grand Witch stared at the man without any change in expression.

“Men can’t handle your magic, so you let your guard down? You damn bitches. But what can I do? I guess I was a deformity. Seeing that I could use your magic despite being a man.”

The leader sneered and mocked the witches.

“That night when I was running away from you bitches wearing human skin. As I escaped from the forest, I saw the future. It was the witches’ characteristic of foresight you talked about.”

This time, even the witches couldn’t help but be surprised.

It was like the livestock they were raising saw the foresight that only a very few witches could see.

“The world is destroyed! In 10 years, countless deaths will engulf the earth! It was unfair! So unfair!”

The man poured out his feelings with a bloody heart.

“I finally survived! I escaped from those crazy bitches! But the time left for me was only 10 years!”

That’s why the man struggled and struggled again.

He used every means to survive.

The conclusion of all those actions was now.

The man slowly looked at his hands dirtied from pushing through the forest and the witches, then showed a self-mocking smile.

He already knew, but as if confirming the truth again, despair was mixed in with his smile.

“In the end, I became the same as those bitches.”

The leader, no.

From the eyes of Magic Material No. 17, thick teardrops flowed down his cheeks.



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My Friend’s Harem Is Obsessed With Me

My Friend’s Harem Is Obsessed With Me

Score 9.3
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Artist: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
After my death, I returned to the academy I was expelled from. Strangely, my friend's female friend's keep flirting with me.


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2 months ago

ah nvm he isn’t from the future

2 months ago

hmm i get why but using the B word so much is bit indulgent lol

to the point where it got distracting

but thats a pretty scary revelation for the witches culture.

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not work with dark mode