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I Was Reincarnated as a Marquis in Another World- Chapter 16

.。.:✧ Bandit Subjugation (1) ✧:.。.

Translated By Arcane Translations
Translator: Bobto



In this world, bandits are not just modern thief groups that simply steal things or occasional gangsters who threaten, intimidate, and extort civilians.

These guys commit heinous crimes such as murder, plunder, robbery, rape, kidnapping, and human trafficking as if they were eating meals.

Fortunately, most bandits usually don’t want to fight the army led by the lord of the territory, so they quietly hide in the mountains and prey on passing merchants or peasants.

However, they sometimes openly come to plunder territories like ours that are under development and have weak military power.

Even in the Middle Ages alone, a large number of bandits burned and plundered many villages, killing and raping the residents inside.

So much so that even in a country like Joseon, which had a well-established administrative and military system by the standards of that time.

It was common for the Jurchen people from the north to kidnap people and run away like bandits…

In a society where a single bailiff can ruthlessly exploit 1,000 people for years if he sets his mind to it, how common would such a thing be?

So, as soon as I received Varso’s report, my vision began to turn white.

Nevertheless, in order to handle the situation, I barely held on to my senses and asked.

“How many are there?

Where are they?

Damn it, we don’t have much military power to begin with, so if there are too many, we’ll have to give tribute to the bandits and send them back…”

Varso looked at me and answered in a serious voice.

“The number is estimated to be about 50, and the location is Mount Saint.

It’s about an hour’s distance from here by carriage.

Since it’s information conveyed by a merchant from the neighboring territory, it may be slightly different…”

Whew, at least that’s a relief.

It’s concerning that it’s only an hour’s ride from here by carriage, but if it’s about 50 people, unless there’s a bandit knight among them (A knight who became a bandit due to unemployment), we can sufficiently defend with just the peasants of our territory.

No, if we hold out for too long, should I mobilize the peasants of the territory to repel them…

There will be some casualties, but it’s the most certain way.

In that case, should I just ask the Marquis for reinforcements?

But if I do that, the Marquis will doubt my military capabilities…

Seeing me lost in thought like that, Varso coughed three times and spoke again.

“With about 50 people, they won’t invade our territory.

However, we need to control the peasants trying to take their surplus food to other territories.

If I were a bandit, peasants pulling carts full of grain with expensive horses would look really appetizing.”

“That’s right. What’s next?”

“One of two things.

Either mobilize mercenaries or arm the peasants with farming tools and launch a surprise attack on the bandits’ fortress.”

Upon hearing those words, I realized that my thinking was narrow.

Come to think of it, in a place like this, there are not only many peasants without jobs but also many soldiers and knights without jobs.

These unemployed people gathered to form the early mercenary groups.

Why didn’t I think of that?

“Ah, mercenaries… Yes.

Let’s mobilize mercenaries.

With our territory’s income, we can sufficiently hire mercenaries.”

At those words, Varso nodded his head.

“It’s a wise choice, young master.

Perhaps for 50… no, 30 mercenaries would be enough to repel those bandit scoundrels.

Well, a few will die, but that’s none of our business.”


A week later, Varso brought 30 mercenaries as we had discussed.

They were all wearing iron breastplates, gauntlets, and helmets, and they carried various weapons such as short spears, bows and arrows, and swords.

And the way those guys held their weapons and took arrogant poses gave the impression that they were heroes of reversal who had rolled around on the battlefield as much as they could.

This much should be worth hiring for money, right?

While I was lost in such thoughts, the mercenary at the very front struck his spear on the ground and spoke loudly.

“I am Helmut, the captain of this mercenary group!

From today until the bandits are subjugated, our Red Honey Mercenaries will move according to the orders of Lord Ciel von Kreutel, the lord of Windheim.

However, as per the contract, you must provide us with 6 silver coins and food every day, and if even one of these is violated, the contract will be terminated regardless of whether we subjugate the bandits or not!”

Indeed, whether it’s this world or the world I lived in, mercenaries are similar.

they will run away if you don’t give them money.

Then, would these people also abandon me and run away if a terribly dangerous battle breaks out?

Still, veteran mercenaries won’t lose to just 50 ragtag bandits, so there shouldn’t be a problem.

I extended my hand to the mercenary to offer a handshake and then said,

“Alright, I’ll be counting on you.

Thank you for coming all the way here for our territory.”

“Thank you, Sir!”

“I stake my name and the honor of the Kreutel Marquis family to ensure that the compensation will be paid.

And as for the plundered goods, let’s divide them in half according to the contract.

Any objections?”

Upon hearing me say that I would stake my honor to pay the compensation, Helmut replied with a grin.

“Of course not, Sir!!”

“Good, then let’s start the meeting.

We need to discuss the tactics together before moving.”

As soon as those words ended, Helmut and I moved for the tactical meeting.


Even though it was called a meeting room, it was just my office after all, so there wasn’t anything particularly impressive.

At best, there was only a desk, a map that very briefly depicted Mount Saint and its surroundings, and a few wooden chess pieces.

As soon as he entered the meeting room, Helmut politely greeted Varso, who was wearing plate mail.

“Are you perhaps Sir Varso?

Nice to meet you.

I am Helmut, the captain of the Red Honey Mercenaries.”

Varso, who seemed to like that appearance, took off his helmet, placed it on the desk, and said,

“My name is Varso.

I’m a knight of peasant origin without a territory, so you don’t need to be too polite.”

“Yes, Sir Varso.”

After confirming that the two had finished greeting each other, I clapped my hands to focus their attention and said,

“How do you plan to suppress the bandits?”

Then Varso picked up a red-painted chess piece, placed it on a black dot on the mountainside, placed black chess pieces around the mountain, and said,

“First, we will temporarily conscript about 120 peasants to block the mountain paths.

At the same time, I and Helmut’s mercenary group will charge into the bandits’ den inside the mountain and crush the enemy.”

No matter how I think about it, isn’t it too simple?

Even if the enemies are just ragtag bandits, to try to win with just a small number of mercenaries…



“Helmut’s mercenary group is only 30 people, 31 including you.

Won’t there be some sacrifices if you face the bandits hiding in the mountains with just that number?”

Upon hearing those words, Varso spoke in a relaxed voice as if to reassure me.

“Young master, according to the scout who surveyed those guys’ position, they are a disorganized rabble who don’t even set up proper guard.

The bandits inside the mountain are drunk day and night, and even the soldiers on guard sometimes secretly drink alcohol, so the military discipline is a mess.

I don’t think you need to worry.”

“Even so, we’re facing the enemy.

Even if they’re bandits…”

Upon hearing those words, Helmut laughed loudly and said,

“Those guys who set up guard in such a mess are nothing to be afraid of, young master. Moreover, although they are grandly called bandits, they are actually a ragtag group of runaway peasants.

We won’t lose to such fools.”

“It’s as Helmut said, young master.

Unless at least minimal military discipline is maintained like soldiers, there is no need for you to be wary of facing such idiots.”

Upon hearing these words, Helmut made a slightly surprised expression.

The sight of Varso directly opposing me despite the difference in status between a lower-ranking knight and the successor of a lord must have come as a shock.

Well, in fact, other lords could get very angry in this situation.

But on the other hand, it’s also an action that is impossible unless there is confidence that they will be entrusted with full authority or at least have their words listened to.

Therefore, I gave up on arguing back, saying, “Even so, isn’t this a matter of life and death, so shouldn’t we be more cautious?”

I have the right to command, but I don’t know much about the military.

There is also a saying that a shaman’s mistake kills people, and in history, commanders who step forward without confidence always die.

So I asked Varso in a cold voice.

“Then what should I do?”

“Please lead 120 peasants, set up camp at the foot of the mountain, and prevent the bandits from escaping.”


Seeing the somewhat unconventional conversation between Varso and me based on mutual trust, Helmut had a puzzled expression.

He looked at me with eyes that seemed to ask, “Why can this knight and the young master trust each other like this?”

But I ignored Helmut’s gaze and said in a dull voice.

“Commence the bandit subjugation operation. Don’t let a single one escape.”


The next morning at dawn, the bandit subjugation operation began.

As agreed with Varso, I led the peasants and set up camp at the foot of the mountain.

As soon as they confirmed that I had set up camp, Varso and Helmut led the mercenary group up the mountain.

With only the peasants and me left in the camp, the peasants began to waver.

And the peasants a little distance away from me chatted with each other in anxious voices.

“Hey, what if the bandits come down like this?”
“What else, we’ll just have to fight like hell.

If you run away from here and get caught by the young master, you’ll be beheaded, you know?”

“Ha… That’s easier said than done.

Those guys must have holed up in the mountain and even robbed merchants.

Isn’t one bandit capable of dealing with 10 of us?”

“Hey, but Varso and that mercenary captain Helmut just went up.

They’ll win and come back.”

Honestly, I agree with what those guys are saying to some extent.

After all, bandits who have committed crimes like plunder and rape in the mountains as if eating meals will fight much better in battle than innocent peasants.

That’s why even in modern times, among felons, those who looked promising were sometimes conscripted as soldiers instead of being executed.

However, if we leave those guys trembling like that, fear will spread to everyone.

Therefore, I approached those guys and deliberately said as if I wasn’t scared at all.

“These stupid peasants!

What are you so afraid of when I’m with you?”

As I said that, the peasants’ gazes focused on me.

“Y-young master?”

“According to what I’ve confirmed, those guys are also a disorganized rabble from the same peasant background as you.

Moreover, we have nearly three times as many troops, so what’s there to be afraid of?”

At those words, the expressions of the peasants loosened a bit.

“No need to worry!

And from now on, if anyone chatters about being afraid of losing to those guys, I will strictly punish them according to military law.

If you don’t want to be beheaded according to military law, shut your mouth and stand guard.”

Upon hearing those words, the peasants replied in a tightened voice.

“Yes, young master!”

And before long, a soldier belonging to the mercenary group came down and said,

“Young master, young master!!

I am Mein, a spearman belonging to the Red Honey.

I have brought a letter from Captain Helmut!!”



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I Was Reincarnated as a Marquis in Another World

I Was Reincarnated as a Marquis in Another World

Score 9.3
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Artist: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
I Was Reincarnated as a Marquis in a medieval period without magic or any fantastical elements. How will I survive?


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