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I Reincarnated into a Game Filled with Mods – Chapter 82

.。.:✧ Chapter 82 ✧:.。.

Translated By Arcane Translations
Translator: FusionX


‘It’s done.’

I gently caressed the new tattoo that had appeared on the back of my hand.

With this, I had fulfilled all the conditions for facing the boss battle against the “Creature Abandoned by God”.

All that remained was to progress the story.

‘They must have finished up there too.’

Having completed my task, I turned my back on the rune stele that had lost its light and crumbled.

I stared blankly at the ceiling of the boss room, waiting for the magic circle leading to the dungeon entrance to open.

As an element to trick players who happily returned to the surface after obtaining the rune, a mid-boss would attack as soon as they reached the dungeon entrance.

And it would attack from behind the player.

Most first-time users, after defeating Lucia with great difficulty and acquiring the rune, would ride the magic circle to the surface in joy, only to be hit from behind by that creature and die pathetically.

But now, there was no need to worry about that at all.

‘That is, if they could lose.’

The forces up there included the four knight commanders of the Silver Dawn Knights who once served the Emperor, the Inquisitor of the Moon who was one of the twin pillars of the Holy Kingdom’s military might, and dozens of battle nuns.

It would be stranger if they lost to a mere mid-boss.

Even if the knight commanders fought it one-on-one, they could easily crush it within 30 seconds and spend the rest of the time relaxing leisurely.

Soon, a green magic circle appeared where the rune stele had been.

It was a magic circle that led directly to the surface.

I stepped onto the magic circle and began to be transported somewhere.

My vision went dark for a moment, and when it returned, my body was on a bridge slightly below the dungeon entrance.

I steadied myself, putting strength into my wobbling legs.

Much clearer and warmer sunlight greeted me.

It was a stark contrast to the gloomy, dark sunlight when we first entered the rune dungeon.

I walked to the middle of the bridge.

Being careful not to slip, I leaped up to the bridge above, grabbed the edge, and pulled myself up.

“Ah, Delta!”

My eyes met with Lize, who was looking down from outside the dungeon.

Lize smiled brightly and waved her arms when she saw me.

This caused her ample bosom, wrapped in a white sleeveless top, to bounce left and right.

Judging by the fact that she wasn’t wearing armor, it seemed they had already defeated the mid-boss.

I had explained that once they killed it, there would be no more monsters, so it was fine to take off their armor.

Lize crossed the bridge in one breath and pulled me up with one arm as I struggled below.

Then she tidied up my disheveled clothes.

“Did you handle everything well?”

Silently, I showed her the back of my left hand.

Lize smiled brightly when she saw the tattoo, which had become more complex with the addition of the “Rest in the Abyss” rune obtained from this dungeon to the vitality enhancement rune we had acquired before.

I patted her head a couple of times.

A pleased sigh escaped from between her cherry-colored lips.

As I walked forward after finishing the pat, Lize followed closely behind me.

Finally stepping on proper ground made me feel at ease.

The bottom of the dungeon was full of black liquid mire, and the bridge was annoyingly slippery with whatever had been applied to it.

The battle nuns looked at me with dazed eyes, and Selene, though seemingly expressionless at first glance, had her jewel-like purple eyes trembling with surprise.

“…I’m glad you returned safely, esteemed guest.”

“You look quite surprised?”

“Of course, I can’t help but be. How can I not be amazed when you single-handedly conquered a place in less than an hour that our Holy Kingdom failed to subjugate several times despite numerous sacrifices?”

“I said I would do it. I just kept my word. Was there any trouble up here?”

I looked around.

The dark and gloomy scenery from when we first entered was nowhere to be seen, replaced by a clear, clean sky and lush greenery spread out widely.

Suddenly, the corpse of a monster that had been thoroughly smashed beyond the word ‘miserable’ caught my eye.

I chuckled inwardly.

It was exactly as I had expected.

“Yes. Apart from the appearance of that monster, nothing else happened.”

“Then our work here is done, so let’s head back. You don’t have anything else to do here either, right?”

“We just followed you here, Delta. What else would we have to do here?”

Lize replied, and the other knight commanders nodded in agreement.

In fact, the very act of taking off their armor signified that they had nothing more to do here.

“Understood. Then we’ll return now, so please gather your equipment. Everyone, we’re heading back.”

Selene gave orders to the battle nuns.

They moved in unison, surrounding us from all directions.

Not that there were any more monsters to appear anyway.

The knight commanders put on their armor piece by piece.

Originally, full plate armor was quite inconvenient to put on and take off, but the knight commanders wore it as easily as if it were casual clothes.

Selene, who stood at the very front, moved first, and we followed behind her.

The battle nuns moved while maintaining a certain distance, surrounding us.

“Huh? Delta, what’s that at your waist?”

Lize tilted her head, noticing the sacred catalyst tied to the back of my waist.

At those words, Selene’s eyes glanced this way, but my body blocked her view, preventing her from seeing exactly what Lize was referring to.

What Lize saw was Lucia’s sacred catalyst.

Handing this over to the Inquisitor would finally conclude the Lucia event.

I had left behind the catalyst I used to apply the Blessing Enchantment to the sword.

It wasn’t an event item anyway, and later I could obtain a superior holy spell from the Pope.

I had planned to visit the Holy Kingdom at some point, if only for that Blessing Enchantment from the Pope.

It was just that Stella’s sudden appearance had greatly jumbled the order of events.

“It’s a sacred catalyst I picked up down there.”

“Is that so?”

Though the answer was brief, Lize backed off without further questions.

She showed no signs of asking how or why I had picked it up.

Selene seemed to have similar thoughts as she soon turned her head away.

I had no idea how the Inquisitor would react upon seeing Lucia’s sacred catalyst.

Even in the game, there was no option to show the sacred catalyst to the Inquisitor.

After all, this was an event related to the Inquisitor of the Sun, not the Inquisitor of the Moon.

Since there was no need to be vigilant of our surroundings anymore, our walking pace became much faster.

Naturally, the time to reach the barrier’s breach also shortened.

Soon, a golden light came into view.

“Esteemed guest, could you spare some time after we exit the barrier?”

“I don’t mind since we have time to spare, but may I ask why?”

“I’d like to hear about what happened inside the rune dungeon, and about the effects of the rune.”

“If it’s about that, of course I should explain. Alright. Should I follow you right after we exit?”

I readily agreed.

Originally, this was supposed to be explained to the Inquisitor of the Sun, but telling Selene shouldn’t cause any major problems.

After all, the very person who had granted permission to enter the rune dungeon had changed.

“Yes. Thank you for your kindness.”

Selene, who had slightly bowed her head to me in gratitude, took her position with the battle nuns on both sides of the breach.

“Please exit first. We’ll follow.”

Unlike from the outside where the inside of the breach was visible, from the inside, the outside of the breach couldn’t be seen.

Only a golden light was visible.

I had the idle thought that this must be why it was called a barrier.

We pushed our bodies into the breach as Selene had instructed, and…

“Why are the esteemed guests coming out from inside the barrier that was sealing off the rune dungeon?”

As soon as we came out, we found Stella staring at us with a blank expression, her arms crossed under her chest.

Behind her, the battle nuns were lined up.

The holy knights who were originally guarding this place were nowhere to be seen.

Neither the Inquisitor nor the battle nuns were holding weapons.

Stella’s expression was closer to mild displeasure rather than anger.

It seemed there wouldn’t be any confrontation here for now.

“Well, isn’t it as you see?”

“…You entered the rune dungeon?”

“That’s correct.”

Stella clutched her forehead.

The deep sigh she let out was filled with genuine lamentation.

“Esteemed guest. Although Her Holiness the Pope declared that she would welcome you as precious guests, even so, entering the rune dungeon without permission is—”

“I gave permission.”

At that moment, Selene walked out from beyond the breach.

“I granted permission to enter the rune dungeon, so the esteemed guests did not intrude without authorization at all.”

“…Inquisitor, you?”

“Yes, that’s right.”

“What were you thinking? If they had been seriously injured or died—”

“You know better than anyone the capabilities the esteemed guest possesses, Inquisitor.”

Stella’s face turned slightly red as if struck at a vital point, and she made a small fake cough as if trying to change the subject.

It seemed she had recalled how she had been utterly defeated in the duel without landing a single hit on me.

Noticing how strange Stella looked, the gazes of the knight commanders beside me bore into her.

Although their faces couldn’t be seen due to their helmets, it was obvious what expressions they were making.

“Ahem, well. I understand. Let’s say their skills are as you say. So, what was the result? Did you give up on the subjugation and just come back?”

“You may now remove the barrier.”

“…Huh? Really?”

“I would not lie about such a thing, Inquisitor. I will call back the holy knights later. I ordered them to retreat far away just in case.”

“No, I didn’t mean you were lying… It’s just that it doesn’t seem like much time has passed since you went in, so I was surprised that you’ve already conquered the dungeon.”

Stella’s gaze turned towards me.

I quickly seized this opportunity to speak.

“Come to think of it, I have something to give to the Inquisitor.”

“What? To me?”

“Yes, to you, Inquisitor.”

Her green eyes widened in confusion as they turned towards me.

It was the face of someone who had heard something completely unexpected.

“What is it? It’s not something like the head of a monster from the rune dungeon, is it?”

Stella laughed loudly.

I quietly took out the sacred catalyst I had tied to my waist and held it out to Stella.


Stella abruptly stopped laughing when she saw that sacred catalyst.



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I Reincarnated into a Game Filled with Mods

I Reincarnated into a Game Filled with Mods

Score 9.2
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Artist: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
I was lured by an invitation email to the beta test of the sequel to the game I’ve been playing for the past 10 years. To my surprise, all the mods I’ve installed over the years were still there. Everything from enemy enhancement mods to NPC gender swap and appearance retouching mods were intact. Even mods for changing the characters’ outfits were still in place. *Takes inspiration from Sekiro + Soulsborne series.


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2 months ago

Surprise. Now to conquer the popes

2 months ago

Thx for chapter

2 months ago

Stella fucking pisses me off

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not work with dark mode