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I Reincarnated into a Game Filled with Mods – Chapter 66

.。.:✧ Chapter 66 ✧:.。.

Translated By Arcane Translations
Translator: FusionX



“We’ve finally arrived. I can see the city gate over there.”

Claudia, who was leading the way at the front, stretched out her hand.

The familiar scene of the checkpoint in front of the city gate greeted us, a sight we had long grown accustomed to.

The line was definitely longer than when I had first arrived here after escaping from prison.

It was proof that the city was gradually becoming more lively.

‘I wonder if the smithy has reopened? I feel like I’ll need to visit there soon.’

Befitting the Silver Dawn Knights route, which was known as the most newbie-friendly in Brightest Darkness 4, if you progressed the story in a standard way, you could obtain most of the elements needed for your future journey in this one city.

The smithy for enhancing and imbuing attributes to armor and weapons, the shop that handled most low and mid-grade items, and even the magic tower where you could learn magic up to the intermediate level.

If you placed Aurora in the lord’s position and maintained a consistently friendly relationship, it was even possible for a character using melee weapons, such as a knight or warrior class, to handle all their enhancements here.

Of course, it meant that you could obtain most of the elements, but it remained unchanged that you had to obtain the highest-grade magic, items, sacred spells, and blessed weapons from other places.

“What are you thinking so deeply about?”

A head suddenly poked in.

Blue hair filled a corner of my vision.

Lizé was looking at me with her characteristic playful smile.

Her breasts swayed as if dancing to the rhythm of the horse’s gait.

Since her armor had been broken in Arachnae’s boss room, the only thing she wore on top was a white sleeveless shirt.

By the way, armor could be supplied indefinitely.

The magic on the castle seemed to recognize even armor as an item that originally existed, so it would automatically replenish as long as you brought it out.

At this point, it was questionable what kind of curse the lord had mistaken that magic for.

According to Aurora’s explanation, it was a magic that was originally applied only to a few of the highest-level magic towers, so I thought it was quite remarkable that he had found such a thing.

She had said that practically, only one person, who was the Empire’s greatest magician and the owner of the Great Library, could use that magic.

He must have really had a grudge against the Silver Dawn Knights.

In a way, it was fortunate.

Despite hating the Silver Dawn Knights enough to find such magic, he couldn’t achieve his goal due to lack of justification and ended up dying first.

It must have been quite a headache for him personally.

He couldn’t just arbitrarily execute the empress’ direct knight order simply because he didn’t like them.

The most he could do as immediate revenge was to tear the Silver Dawn Knights to shreds and make only the four knight commander-level members follow him.

‘And then he kicked the bucket.’

“…Don’t tell me you’re thinking about that woman’s breasts?”

When my response was delayed as thoughts kept popping up one after another, Lizé gave me a suspicious look.

The distance between us narrowed even further.

I quickly answered before being interrogated further.

“No. I just had something on my mind.”

“Then you should have accepted my offer to touch mine, right? I could make you forget about that woman’s breasts right away.”

“…How many times do I have to say I won’t do that?”

After the incident with Stella’s heretic judgment, Lizé’s actions had become increasingly blatant.

Just now, I clearly saw her deliberately emphasizing her breasts while slightly twisting her body.

My patience was wearing thin at the same rate.

If such temptations continued like this, I had no confidence in enduring any longer.

Even at the maximum, I didn’t think I could last more than a month or so.

“Yeah. I know, I know. Of course I know. I was just saying it.”

Lizé smirked at me.

I had refused her offer to touch her breasts afterwards.

Upon hearing my refusal, Lizé had asked what the problem was and threw a fit, and I had simply been honest with her.

I had told her that once I started, I had no confidence in stopping at just touching her breasts.

Hearing those words, Lizé had been dumbfounded for a moment, but then, with her characteristic playful expression, she had said she understood and quietly backed down.

Since then, it had been like this.

“Welcome back, Knight Commander!”

As we approached the city gate, the line split to the left and right, making way for us.

A guard who had been inspecting a wagon at the checkpoint in front of the gate saw Claudia and saluted with a disciplined posture.

“I’m glad you’ve returned safely! Was the subjugation successful?”


Claudia tapped Arachnae’s neck that was tied to the horse’s saddle.

Despite a considerable amount of time having passed, it maintained the exact same form as when the neck had just been severed.

Unlike ordinary monsters, monsters with powerful strength like Arachnae were said to barely undergo decay unless some special circumstances occurred.

Even if you threw it outside, it would take half a year for it to start rotting a bit.

The human butcher, who had melted away immediately after being subjugated and dropped the blood-stained sword, seemed to be a rather special case.

“Don’t have any strange thoughts, okay? This was a human-type monster.”

Before any strange words could come out, Claudia took the initiative as the guards flinched upon seeing Arachnae’s head.

With her neck severed, tongue sticking out, and eyes half-rolled back, her beauty remained unchanged at a glance, so it wasn’t strange at all to mistake it for a human head.

“Yes! Understood!”

The guard immediately made way.

It was fortunate that no unnecessary arguments arose.

“You’re going straight to report to the lady, right? It’s a bit awkward for all of us to stop by the castle.”

“We have to. I’ll go to Iris. Sis, Claudia, and Mr. Delta, please go ahead to the mansion first.”

Erica took the left path at the fork, while we continued along the main road.

Perhaps conscious of others’ eyes, Lizé also rode her horse quietly without sticking close to me.

We arrived at the mansion quickly.

The knight standing at the main gate stopped us.

He was a newly recruited knight after completely replacing the previous lord’s servants.

Thanks to that, he didn’t ignore us like the previous guys did.

Rather, upon hearing that we were the Silver Dawn Knights, he even made a fuss, asking if we were the knight order that served the Empress.

“What brings you here?”

“We’re back from subjugating a monster. We’re here to report to her ladyship about it.”

“I see. Understood. Please go in.”

The knight exchanged a few formal words and promptly stepped aside.

At the main gate of the mansion, the usual maid was waiting for us.

She was the maid who had served Aurora since childhood and was said to be the most trustworthy.

The woman, wearing a maid uniform that thoroughly covered her from neck to toe without any exposure, politely bowed her head.

As we dismounted from our horses, a few servants approached and took the horses somewhere.

As they did so, they momentarily flinched upon seeing Arachnae’s head tied to the saddle.

“Is it okay to wait for the other two here before going in?”

“Yes, it’s not a problem at all. Rather, it’s something we would like to recommend. My Lady also needs time to ‘prepare’ herself.”

In response to Claudia’s words, the maid glanced at me and emphasized the word “prepare.”

Suddenly, Lizé clung tightly to my arm.

A fierce gaze was exchanged between the two.

Some time passed like that, and Iris and Erica arrived.

With their blunt and quiet personalities combined, it was so still between the two that not even a breath could be heard.

Lizé and Claudia shook their heads, saying it was a sight that made them suffocate just by looking at it.

Honestly, I somewhat agreed.

“Lady Aurora is waiting inside.”

The maid who had escorted us to the reception room opened the door with disciplined hand movements.

As we entered, we saw Aurora sitting at the head of the table, sipping tea as usual while wearing a dress that fully exposed her sideboob, armpits, and collarbone.

Aurora’s golden eyes focused directly on me.

“How was the subjugation? Did it go well?”

“We all returned alive, didn’t we? It probably went well then.”

“Hmm… Judging by the fact that you’ve all broken your armor, it doesn’t seem like it.”

Upon hearing those words, Erica and Claudia simultaneously cleared their throats, as if feeling guilty.

One had been on the verge of death after being poisoned, and the other had almost been killed after being caught by Arachnae.

“Setting aside Knight Commander Iris, who didn’t even participate in the subjugation, and Delta doesn’t wear armor in the first place, the other three had left wearing armor, right? So the fact that you’ve returned without armor means you lost it somewhere, doesn’t it? If the armor was intact, you would have entered wearing it.”

“You’ve hit the nail on the head. Well, quite a lot of things did happen.”

“I really want to hear about it, so tell me one by one later. Right now, there are a few things I want to talk about first. Have a seat for now. We can’t talk while standing like this, can we?”

Aurora gestured.

We sat on the sofas surrounding the table, divided appropriately.

Then, maids approached in a group, placing a teacup and small plate in front of each of us and pouring tea.

“Delta. First and foremost, there’s something you need to hear.”

“For me? Ah, about that investigation you asked for last timeㅡ”

“I did finish the investigation on that too, but that’s not what I want to talk about right now. If it were that, I wouldn’t have said it was the top priority.”


“What I want to talk about now is this.”

Aurora carefully picked up a piece of parchment that had been placed on the table and handed it to the maid right next to her.

The maid bowed at the waist, receiving it with both hands, then approached me and extended her arm.

“Take it. It’s for you.”

“Can I unfold it here?”

“That’s why I gave it to you, but the other knight commanders can’t see it. You must check it alone first, and only with your permission can we also see it.”

“…What is this that you’re doing this?”

“Turn it over.”

At Aurora’s words, I flipped the rolled-up parchment.

A tied string and a pair of dragons drawn in a golden seal stamped on it.

It was a very familiar symbol.

“Oh, this is…”

My words were cut off.

Lizé, who was sitting right next to me, poked her head out to see what it was, then retreated to her seat with a pale face.

The other knight commanders who looked at the parchment were the same.

“That’s right. It’s the Empress’ seal.”

Aurora sipped her tea.

“Her Majesty, Empress Cecilia, has sent a letter directly to you.”



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I Reincarnated into a Game Filled with Mods

I Reincarnated into a Game Filled with Mods

Score 9.2
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Artist: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
I was lured by an invitation email to the beta test of the sequel to the game I’ve been playing for the past 10 years. To my surprise, all the mods I’ve installed over the years were still there. Everything from enemy enhancement mods to NPC gender swap and appearance retouching mods were intact. Even mods for changing the characters’ outfits were still in place. *Takes inspiration from Sekiro + Soulsborne series.


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5 days ago

*if you are fucked and you know it clap your hands*

clap clap

4 days ago

Thx for chapter

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not work with dark mode