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I Reincarnated into a Game Filled with Mods – Chapter 48

.。.:✧ Chapter 48 ✧:.。.

Translated By Arcane Translations
Translator: FusionX


That night, after vanquishing the Rock Centipede, I sat at my desk and picked up a pencil.

The ceiling had fluorescent lights, the air conditioner was running, and there was a modern desk and chair, a similarly modern bed, and of course, paper and pencils.

It felt as if I was in my actual home outside the game, not inside it.

I didn’t even know why such writing tools existed here.

When I asked if there was anything to write with, they gave me a pencil and an eraser. I was momentarily taken aback after receiving them.

Aurora was using a quill pen that looked like it belonged in the Middle Ages.

Anyway, that wasn’t the important thing right now, so I shook off the idle thoughts and focused on the paper again.

I needed to organize my thoughts about the upcoming situation.

‘The main story I have to progress is naturally the one related to the knighthood.’

I wrote “Silver Dawn Knights”, drew a circle around it, then tapped the end of the pencil on it.

In all of Brightest Darkness 4’s stories, there was no story as easy and comfortable as the knighthood route.

The number of bosses that had to be defeated as a requirement for progression was significantly fewer, and their difficulty was also relatively easier compared to other mandatory bosses.

It wasn’t for nothing that it was called the newbie-friendly story.

Even in the Darkest Light Mod, where the specs and aggression of enemies were at a crazy level overall, its status remained the same.

If it were the actual game, I wouldn’t even glance at it due to the lack of fun, but now I only had one life.

I had to walk the easiest and most comfortable path possible.

Moreover, after clearing all the main stories, the player could become the 1st Knight Commander of the Silver Dawn Knights or even reach the position of the Empress’ direct escort knight.

It was a path with a guaranteed bright future.

The side quests weren’t intricately entangled, the story was decent, the number of mandatory bosses was low, the difficulty was easy, and even the ending was excellent.

It was a route filled with only advantages.

‘I think if we kill the Eater of Worlds, I might be able to return home… but since the answer isn’t certain, I should prepare for the possibility of staying.’

There was a separate reason why I was worrying about my future in this world.

The cliché of possession stories is usually that the protagonist returns home after clearing the final boss or seeing the main story through to the end, but I couldn’t ignore the possibility of having to live here for the rest of my life.

So it wouldn’t hurt to prepare in advance.

I should do what I can with certainty, eliminate all sources of anxiety, and make the most thorough preparations before seeing the ending.

‘…Then, what should I do about the Empress?’

I paused my finger for a moment as I looked at the word “Empress” written at the top of the paper.

Even in the game she was difficult to predict, but here she had become several times more unpredictable.

If all the choices I remembered became useless, I had no confidence in choosing the right answer from the Empress’s capricious multi-choice options.

Unless I chose a story where I moved my base to the Holy Kingdom or severed ties with humans altogether, as long as I remained in the Empire, I had to assume I would get involved with the Empress at least once.

However, the Empress had a notorious reputation among users in many ways.

In terms of boss difficulty, story significance, and character personality.

‘Well, it’s meaningless to think about it right now, so I’ll consider it later.’

In fact, if the Empress’s personality had truly changed, my solitary efforts to prepare for it were meaningless in themselves.

Even now, I had all the dialogue options with the NPC that was the original for Lizé in my head, but that knowledge was utterly useless in conversations with Lizé.

At least Iris and Claudia retained a strong sense of their original NPC personalities, but Lizé and Erica might as well be considered completely different people.

How would the Empress be any different?

‘I don’t need to visit the Holy Kingdom right now.’

I redirected my thoughts elsewhere.

If I proceeded in the roughly patched-together order, I was expected to visit the Holy Kingdom around the midpoint of the story’s progression.

I would have to visit that country at some point anyway.

There was magic I needed to obtain from the Pope there.

Later on, when fighting enemies with demon attributes, it would be much easier to buff myself with that spell.

But that was just someday.

With so many things to do right now, there was no way I had the luxury to turn my attention to the Holy Kingdom. There was too much to be done in the Empire before that.

I had to request help from the knight commanders regarding the rune that ignored the combat fatigue debuff, and I also had to defeat the mandatory bosses of the main story.

‘There are a total of 3 mandatory bosses.’

Spider Queen Arachnae.

The Burning Golem.

The Blind Black Wolf.

These three were all the bosses that had to be defeated in the early stages to progress the main story of the Silver Dawn Knights.

The rest were all optional or added in the mid-game.

If categorized only by location, it would be most efficient in terms of minimizing wasted movement to defeat Spider Queen Arachnae first, then the Blind Black Wolf, and finally the Burning Golem.

On the other hand, if considering efficiency, it was advantageous to defeat the Burning Golem first.

The magic that could be acquired after defeating the Burning Golem had immense efficiency in the Arachnae boss fight.

Although mana would be severely lacking and the mana pool would be depleted after using the spell only 1-2 times, using magic itself wasn’t impossible.

No, if Erica played her role properly, the magic obtained from defeating the Burning Golem might not even be necessaryㅡ

ㅡKnock knock.

“Newbie. Are you in there?”

A knock from outside interrupted my thoughts. It was followed by Iris’s voice.

Startled, I hurriedly hid the paper.

Even if I were to reveal the truth someday, now was not the time.

“Yeah, I’m here. What is it?”

“I have something to tell you.”

Hearing that she had something to tell me, I carefully opened the door.

In front of the door stood a silver-haired knight wearing a white sleeveless top and silver dolphin shorts as usual.

To be blunt, it was Iris.

“Something to tell me?”

“It’s related to Lady Aurora.”

“About the lady?”

“She said the processing of the backlogged work has all been completed. So she will be holding a celebration banquet soon.”

“Ah, so she finally decided to do that.”

Just a few days ago, Aurora was lamenting that there seemed to be no room to allocate budget for it.

But it seemed she had finished all the delayed work and even completed the budget allocation in this short time.

“She said she worked a bit recklessly, even reducing her sleeping hours. She mentioned that such a celebratory banquet should be held before the joyful feelings completely fade.”

This banquet had three reasons.

The death of that lord bastard, Aurora’s ascension to the family head position, and the Silver Dawn Knights regaining their original status.

“So, I came to deliver the message to prepare for it.”

“Is it not a matter of asking about my participation, but an order to attend regardless?”

“Lady Aurora said that all members of the Silver Dawn Knights must attend without fail. Especially you, the newbie who contributed the most to this matter. There are only five of us, including Lady Aurora herself, who are participating anyway, so she said not even one person can be absent. Is there any problem?”

“I had no intention of skipping it anyway, so it’s fine. So, what should I wear to attend? Can I just go wearing what I usually wear at the knighthood?”

This kind of celebratory banquet didn’t exist in the game, and I had no way of knowing the dress code for medieval noble parties, so I felt slightly anxious.

Men’s clothing would probably be somewhat normal, but what about women’s clothing?

I couldn’t even imagine how disastrous the dresses they might bring out in the name of fashion would be.

“Lady Aurora said she would prepare everything. So you don’t need to worry.”

From the conversation I had with Aurora last time, she was also affected by the mods and had her perception altered just like the others.

It wasn’t that I should stop worrying, but rather worry even more.

I was dumbfounded last time when she praised the white sleeveless top and dolphin shorts as truly excellent uniforms.

“…Alright, I got it for now. When is it?”



“She said it’s tomorrow evening.”

“I heard you clearly, so you don’t need to say it in detail. More importantly, can the banquet preparations be done in a single day?”

“She issued orders in advance to hold the banquet in line with the completion of work. The actual preparations have been underway for several weeks.”

So that’s how it was. As expected of Aurora’s way of handling things.

“That’s all I have to say. Do you have any questions or anything to say?”

“No, not really.”


Iris turned her body as she finished speaking. And before the door closed, a brief parting was delivered along with a completely flushed face.

“Good night, newbie.”

“…? Yeah, alright.”

Even though she had only said good night, Iris’s face was bright red all the way to the tips of her ears.

Then she quickly disappeared down the hallway.

‘Why is she acting like that?’

It was something I couldn’t understand.

And the next day.

‘I knew it would be like this.’

Seeing the dresses worn by the knight commanders, I once again realized the power of the mods.



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I Reincarnated into a Game Filled with Mods

I Reincarnated into a Game Filled with Mods

Score 9.2
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Artist: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
I was lured by an invitation email to the beta test of the sequel to the game I’ve been playing for the past 10 years. To my surprise, all the mods I’ve installed over the years were still there. Everything from enemy enhancement mods to NPC gender swap and appearance retouching mods were intact. Even mods for changing the characters’ outfits were still in place. *Takes inspiration from Sekiro + Soulsborne series.


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1 month ago

Modders have always been a godsend

Johnson ponraj
1 month ago

what’s the party dress ?

1 month ago

Thx for chapter

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not work with dark mode