Translated By Arcane Translations
Translator: FusionX
After a “productive” conversation with the gold-plated musclehead, I walked down the Imperial Palace hallways with the knights now under my command, pondering my next steps. My presence in the palace was no longer required.
I would return to my room, gather my belongings, have a brief meeting with Minerva, say goodbye to the Knight Commanders, and then return to the territory. The long and arduous audience with the Empress would finally be over.
‘I’ve more than repaid my debt to the Knight Commanders.’
I had thoroughly intimidated the former Golden Twilight Knight Commander, not only with the information about the former lord’s connection to demons, but with several other carefully chosen details. She would be too consumed by paranoia to cause any trouble for the foreseeable future.
And I hadn’t lied. She was simply experiencing the consequences of her actions towards the Silver Dawn Knights.
“Um… Knight Commander? Are you alright?”
A voice called from behind.
I stopped and turned.
A knight with blonde hair and blue eyes cautiously approached.
It was Lakscia, the Vice-Commander who had challenged me to a duel in the training grounds, only to be swiftly defeated with my broken sword and dragged away by her subordinates.
I hadn’t expected her to be assigned to my command. While the odds were 50/50, there was still a 50% chance she wouldn’t be.
My method of selection had been straightforward.
I visualized a line bisecting the Golden Twilight Knights’ formation as they stood before the Empress and dropped an imaginary stick onto it. Whichever side the stick fell towards was the side I chose.
The stick had fallen to the left. Lakscia happened to be standing there.
She seemed surprised by the outcome, and had been stealing glances at me ever since, likely remembering our first encounter.
I had no intention of holding that against her.
“What is it?”
It felt awkward using informal speech to establish my authority.
“I wanted to ask if you had any plans. What are you going to do?”
“I’m going to figure that out now.”
“Well, obviously. I never imagined this would happen, so how could I have a plan? You can only prepare for something if you can anticipate it to some degree.”
The kind of person who thought, ‘Her Majesty might split the Golden Twilight Knights and assign half to me, so I should prepare a plan,’ wasn’t meticulous, they were delusional.
Lakscia tilted her head, her expression a blend of comprehension and bewilderment. Then she spoke again.
“Forgive me, but may I ask another question?”
“No need to apologize. Ask away. What is it?”
“I wanted to ask about our affiliation. Specifically, the name of our knight order.”
‘The name.’
I hadn’t considered that.
Fortunately, it wasn’t something I needed to worry about. I could simply use the name the Empress had given the combined order in the game.
“I have something in mind. I’ll tell you, and if you like it, we’ll use it. If not, we can change it.”
“What is it?”
Dozens of pairs of eyes and ears turned towards me.
“The Dark Starry Night Knights.”
If one order represented Twilight, and the other Dawn, then their combination should be the intervening Dark, Starry Night.
That was the Empress’s logic.
Its English name, Dark Star-Night, had led to speculation about the Empress’s lingering chuunibyou tendencies.
The sleek, black armor was well-designed, but the name… less so.
I didn’t mind.
‘It’s tradition.’
Even Divine Spells and Magic had their share of questionable names.
For example, “Raging Torrent of Mana” or “Judgment Blade of Divine Retribution.” As their names suggested, the former was a spell, and the latter, a Divine Spell.
Considering such names had been a recurring feature since the first BD game, it was clear the developers had… particular tastes. It was best not to question them.
Surprisingly, the knights, starting with Lakscia, seemed to like the name Dark Starry Night Knights.
Murmurs of appreciation and awe rippled through their ranks.
I wasn’t sure what they found so appealing.
“……This is it.”
I stood before the spot Minerva had indicated, pulling a small scroll from my uniform pocket. It was inscribed with a complex magic circle.
I had instructed the knights to gather their belongings and assemble in the western garden of the Imperial Palace by evening. They seemed a little disheartened at the prospect of leaving.
If all went well, they would return to the palace within a few years, perhaps sooner.
Then I could relinquish command to Iris or Lize.
After dismissing them, I had gone to the Mage Tower alone.
“Is this how you do it?”
I channeled mana into the scroll. The magic circle glowed blue, detached itself, and floated towards the tower wall.
The wall indented where the scroll adhered, creating an opening large enough to step through.
I entered, and the wall slid shut behind me.
The platform beneath my feet began to ascend. It was a miniature elevator, a spell Minerva had given me for occasions like this.
Its creator hadn’t even named it, claiming it still required further refinement. She’d suggested calling it something like “Wall Platform Transport,” or something equally uninspired.
The platform carried me swiftly to the top floor, stopping outside Minerva’s chambers. The opposite wall slid open.
A door led directly into Minerva’s bedroom. As I stepped through, a sharp, citrusy scent filled the air.
The distinct aroma of lemons.
It wasn’t unpleasant. It was a refreshing, almost artificial fragrance, like a lemon-scented air freshener.
‘A fruity scent…’
That specific detail usually signaled a particular scenario.
A wave of apprehension washed over me. I pushed it aside and continued forward. The lemon scent intensified as I entered the bedroom.
“Lady Minerva?”
I cautiously called her name, peeking around the corner. She had assured me there was no need for discretion if I used the spell she’d provided.
Minerva sat at a large desk against the wall, diligently writing on a scroll. She appeared relatively normal.
Relatively, because her attire was practically hanging off her.
The collar of her bathrobe dipped precariously low, exposing her shoulders and the delicate curve of her spine. The state of the robe suggested the front was in a similar state of disarray.
“If I apply this here… and design the magic circle separately…”
Minerva continued writing, seemingly unconcerned by her state of undress. She was using a fountain pen, which seemed oddly out of place.
Knowing she would remain engrossed in her work until she finished, I approached.
I couldn’t leave without making my request.
Sensing my approach, her writing faltered.
She called out, irritation lacing her voice.
“Who is it? I specifically instructed that I was not to be disturbed. Unless a dragon has reappeared, there will be consequences.”
“It’s me, Lady Minerva.”
Minerva’s hand stilled.
She turned sharply, recognizing me.
She stood up abruptly.
The robe, precariously clinging to her arms, slid down. Her collarbone and breasts, already prominent beneath her usual attire, were now on full display.
The front of her robe, already straining at the seams, gaped open as the sash came undone with her sudden movement. The black bathrobe pooled silently at her feet.
A small, breathless sound escaped. My gaze was drawn to Minerva’s exposed form.
Her full breasts. The soft curve of her stomach and hips. The smooth skin of her thighs. The gentle flare of her hips.
And finally, the dark, damp stain on the cloth between her legs… I decided it was best not to acknowledge that.
Minerva froze, then with astonishing speed, she re-robed herself, retying the sash.
It took less than a second for her to regain her usual composure.
“Next time you wish to see me like this, please give me some warning, child. I require time to prepare.”
“Nothing at all. While I would normally dismiss any interruption, I must make time for you, child. So, what brings you here?”
I wanted to ask her to clarify her previous statement, but she clearly had no intention of elaborating.
I reluctantly stated my purpose.
“I came to ask you to remove the magic from the castle.”
“The magic on the castle? Ah, you mean the magic on that child’s territory? Of course, I will fulfill your request, but may I inquire as to the reason?”
Minerva smoothly changed the subject. Either her earlier comment had been unintentional, or she had deliberately left it ambiguous.
“The occupants of the castle are changing.”
The Silver Dawn Knights had managed to live comfortably despite the magic, due to the unusual circumstances surrounding them. But things were different now.
To prevent the new knights from feeling uneasy, I needed to either explain the magic or remove it. The problem lay in the magic’s unique nature. It was a forgotten and distorted magic, so obscure that the former lord had mistaken it for a curse. It was best to keep its true nature a secret.
“I see. I understand.”
Minerva’s hand now held her silver staff. The tip tapped lightly against the bedroom floor. Blue mana emanated from the point of contact.
A magic circle briefly flared to life between the segments at the staff’s tip, glowing brightly before fading.
“It is done.”
“Thank you, Lady Minerva.”
“It is nothing compared to what you have done for me. I should be the one thanking you repeatedly. Are you leaving now?”
“Yes. Her Majesty gave us permission to depart.”
I bowed my head and turned to leave.
As I reached the doorway, a powerful wave of lemon scent washed over me, accompanied by the soft press of flesh against my back.
Arms, clad in the black bathrobe, encircled my shoulders and neck. The soft pressure against my back intensified.
“Wait a moment before you go. You have seen Minerva Scientia unclothed. You must pay the price. Don’t worry, child. You need only answer one question. I am merely curious…”
Her warm breath tickled my ear as she whispered,
“Do you, perhaps, know the locations of the other ancient scrolls?”
[Your Text Here]
Onwards towards more erotic adventures with minerva and delta!
waiting part is really hard 🙁
Scientia Est Potentia, lol.
Thanks for the translation. She’s really crazy.