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I Realized It Was an Academy Game After 10 Years – Chapter 89

.。.:✧ Dancing with the Witch (2) ✧:.。.

Translated By Arcane Translations
Translator: FusionX


“I need a more detailed explanation.”


I patiently listened to Elisa’s full explanation.

To summarize her words, the assignment she had to do was a troublesome task of ‘interviewing a dungeon explorer, accompanying them, writing an essay, and taking evidence photos’.

“As you can see, I’m an escort knight.”

I think I did get one dungeon-related certification, but it would be hard to insist that I made a living in dungeons with just that.

When I expressed reluctance, Elisa waved her hands and said,

“Um, w-well, other people are… scary…”

…Ah, I see.

Was this assignment too harsh for Elisa, who was fundamentally antisocial?

I nodded in understanding as I recalled Elisa’s usual behavior.

With her personality, it was obvious she’d just stand hesitating in front of the dungeon until the sun set.

Looking for me was quite a wise choice.

I’d be better than a complete stranger, but was it okay to use the acquaintance card?

When I looked at her questioningly, Elisa startled and answered,

“I-if others have someone they know… they can get help too…”

“So it’s okay to use connections, is that it?”

Well, connections were a skill too.

Even without connections, there would be many people willing to do an interview if you went with a decent amount of money.

They’d even show you around the dungeon.


“It’s an odd assignment. Do they usually give assignments like this?”

“I-I heard that… Dungeon Studies has this kind of assignment… once every semester…”

“Do you need to take that?”

You don’t have to go into dungeons, do you?

Wasn’t her major Curse Studies with a research focus?

Why did she need to take dungeon-related classes?

To my question, Elisa opened her mouth with a sad face.

“It’s… a required general education course…”

A dungeon-related subject as a required course, what a brutal world.

Well, with many people entering dungeons for various reasons, it was probably better to know some basic knowledge.

Dungeons were even discovered in the middle of cities sometimes.

“I see… Alright. And what do you use to take the proof photos?”

I asked her about the part that concerned me.

At my question, she took out a square object about the size of a human head from the drawer and showed it to me.

“W-we use this…”

So they had cameras here too.

I examined the antique-looking camera Elisa had brought.

It looked like a camera from around the 19th century.

“How interesting.”

“H-have you never seen a screenshot before?”


This world really advertised that it was a game.

I couldn’t help but fall into strange thoughts as I looked at the tool called a screenshot instead of a camera.

The game system was applied in various ways, knowingly or unknowingly.

Perhaps there were functions hidden in this world that I couldn’t remember.

I should look into it later if I got the chance.

There might be some useful things.

As I was thinking about this, I was brought back to reality by a timid tug on my sleeve and looked down at her.

Elisa hesitantly held out the screenshot device to me.

“W-would you like to take a look?”

“Thank you.”

I took the screenshot device from Elisa and examined it closely.

A portable camera with an appearance you’d see in a museum.

Was it portable because screenshots could be taken anytime?

Moreover, there seemed to be a hole at the bottom where the photo would come out immediately after taking it.

It seemed like over-technology for this world setting, which was around the level of the early modern period.

No, with magic it should be fine.

After finishing my examination, I handed the screenshot device back to Elisa and asked about the detailed schedule.

“When are you planning to leave?”

“T-the weekend is in two days… w-would that be possible?”

“I’ll keep my schedule open.”

“Th-thank you…”

Stop being so nervous.

I stood up and grabbed the doorknob.

Now that our business was finished, it was time to rest.

“Sleep well.”

“G-good night to you too, Johann…”

As the door closed, I stood alone in the silent corridor and sighed.

Talking with Elisa was not easy.




“Th-this person is…”

“A quite experienced dungeon explorer.”

“Nice to meet you!”

Sif said cheerfully, extending her hand to Elisa.

It was accompanied by an obviously manufactured business smile.

“N-nice to meet you too…”

Elisa carefully took Sif’s outstretched hand and shook it slightly.

The motion was so small it could hardly be called a handshake, making Sif tilt her head.

“…Johann, did you threaten her to bring her here? Why is she like this?”

“Do I look like someone who would do that?”


Why are you avoiding my gaze?

“…She’s just very shy by nature, so try to understand.”


Saying that, Sif discreetly made a circle with her fingers at an angle where Elisa couldn’t see.

Was she always looking for an opportunity to make money?

I hit Sif on the head for her despicable behavior right from the start.

“Nyaa! Why did you hit me!”

“Don’t be greedy when you’ve already received payment.”

“But the more money, the better! You could at least add a little bonus for the effort!”

She wasn’t wrong.

The more money, the better.

I had even embezzled the budget to buy mithril on the black market.

Anyway, we were preparing to enter the dungeon in front of the entrance where many people were coming and going, each carrying a backpack.

Two days’ worth of food and water, blankets and spare clothes, and weapons.

We had packed generously just in case, so there shouldn’t be any major problems even if a crisis situation arose.

Using my bag as a backrest, I suddenly thought of Millia, who would be deeply immersed in studying with Karina by now.

Millia had wanted to come with us, but she was held back by Karina to study together for the Academy entrance.

It was heartbreaking to see her sulking like a child as she saw us off, but she had to accept the path she chose.

Still, maybe I should buy a small gift for her when we return.

I couldn’t leave her in a sulky state forever.


“…Hmm. We decided on this place as our destination, but there are a lot of people.”

There were.


It was natural, if you thought about it.

The dungeon we came to was closer to a tourist attraction than an actual dungeon.

A small three-floor dungeon.

A dungeon with only goblins, and even the boss was just a goblin shaman.

It was practically a tutorial dungeon.

It would be more accurate to call it an experiential learning dungeon.

Perhaps because of that, there were quite a few students in school uniforms visible.

“Isn’t it a bit off to take photos here? Even if it’s for an assignment, wouldn’t it be better to do it more seriously?”

“You want to do it more seriously?”

I looked at Sif suspiciously as she suddenly voiced her opinion.

This girl only expressed opinions when she saw a chance to make money.

When I glared at her, Sif waved her hands and started making excuses.

“No, think about it! Would anyone consider someone who goes in and out of a dungeon like this a real dungeon explorer? If we’re going to do it, shouldn’t we go to a more plausible dungeon, take some pictures of dungeon monsters and such?”

…That was more plausible than I expected.

Rather than a place like this where so many people came and went that it was hard to even see a goblin’s behind, it would probably be better for getting a good grade to go to a moderately dangerous dungeon and take photos.

Interviewing a dungeon explorer who frequented dangerous dungeons would be much better than interviewing these random people.

Of course, that thieving cat probably said this thinking she could make money in the process.

“W-well, it’s just an assignment, so you don’t have to go that far…”

“It’s okay! Despite how we look, we’ve cleared four dungeons!”

Don’t casually include yourself.

I basically did everything.

Where do you get off piggybacking?

I gave Sif a second hit on the head, signaling her to be quiet.


“Stop saying weird things and let’s go into the dungeon…”

Just as I was about to finish my sentence, I closed my mouth and observed the line of students that came into my view.

Why were there so many?

The sight of dozens of students rushing into the dungeon in a group was bizarre in many ways.

Some were carrying weapons, but some were completely empty-handed.

It looked more like they were on an outing rather than exploring a dungeon.

“Th-they’re upperclassmen… upperclassmen…”

“It seems your class isn’t the only one that received a dungeon-related assignment.”

“I-I’ve heard that… there are many dungeon-related assignments… around this time…”

I turned my gaze from the students to look at Elisa.

Elisa’s expression was visibly dark.

Did she have some trouble with the upperclassmen?

Or was she just averse to crowded places due to her asocial nature?

Just as I was about to ask Elisa for the exact reason,

“Oh my, what’s this? Miss Elisa, what are you doing here?”

“Ah, ah, ah… hello… I-I’m here for an… assignment…”

What’s this?

This stereotypical noble young lady-like person.

I looked at the student wearing the same uniform as Elisa who seemed like a… no, who was very much like a noble young lady.

She looked as punchable as Sif.

“It seems you’re here to do the Dungeon Studies assignment! Ohohoho!”

“Th-that’s right…”

“My, where are your other group members? Surely you didn’t come alone?”


Group members?

As I looked at Elisa questioningly, the unnamed female student seemed to answer my curiosity by adding,

“Don’t tell me you didn’t mention it was a group assignment?”



[Translator Notes]

[Somebody boutta get the shovel]

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I Realized It Was an Academy Game After 10 Years

I Realized It Was an Academy Game After 10 Years

Score 9.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Artist: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
10 years after possessing a deserted island castaway, I picked up the heroine of the survival academy. Main story complete Sequel complete Side story in progress


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