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I Realized It Was an Academy Game After 10 Years – Chapter 80

.。.:✧ The Saint and the Shovel Knight (1) ✧:.。.

Translated By Arcane Translations
Translator: FusionX


“…Am I not fully awake yet?”

“Then go back inside and sleep. I need to do more work-”

“Just what on earth did you do overnight?”

Renny’s gaze remained fixed on the structure I had built by hand with the help of my skill, of course.

Was it that shocking?

I just made a suitable workspace.

My brown-skinned superior looked at me with an incredulous expression.

“I reported it. That I’d make a workshop.”

“No, I know that… but you built this in a day?”

“Of course.”

Renny opened the door to my new workshop and went in.

I had intentionally made the workshop quite large, so it was spacious.

It must have been at least 100 square meters.

Though that was just a rough estimate from someone like me with almost no knowledge of architecture.

When building, I had just roughly drawn square shapes and used my skill to create and assemble each piece one by one.

As for the blueprint or such, it was enough to roughly imagine it in my head.

It wasn’t like this was my first time building something.

“Wow, it’s spacious… You made this in a day? It has everything it needs?”

“It’s simple if you have the materials.”

“Where did you get the materials from?”

“I have my ways.”

There was the unmentionable cooperation of a thieving cat involved.

I expanded the tunnel I had dug before to create a passage, and Sif brought materials through it by pulling a cart all night long.

I silenced Sif’s complaints about doing hard labor in the middle of the night with 3 gold coins.

She was the very picture of a desirable worker, grabbing my hand and asking if there was anything else I needed her to do.

I should work her to the bone next time I needed to procure materials too.

Money really was the best.

“Johann, what’s this?”

I returned to reality at Renny’s question and looked at the object she was pointing at.

A wheel, but it looked different from the common wooden wheels used here.

It was a wheel made of iron instead of wood, lined with rubber.

I had tried to recreate a modern tire, but I couldn’t implement it with my skill.

Probably because I lacked the ability to process rubber into the desired shape.

If I couldn’t make it directly myself, I couldn’t implement it with my skill.

It really was a useless skill befitting this shitty game.

“It’s a wheel.”

“You’re making wheels out of iron? Why?”

“Because I need it to make a chair for Karina.”

“I can’t imagine what you’re making…”

How should I explain the concept of a wheelchair?

After organizing my thoughts for a moment, I explained about wheelchairs to Renny as best I could.

Renny listened to my explanation while tilting her head, but she immediately nodded when I summed it up as “It’s a chair that moves to make it easier to take Lady Karina around.”

“If that’s what it is. Do you need anything else? Though it doesn’t look like you need anything…”

As expected, there was no need for complicated explanations.

For someone devoted to Karina, anything for Karina’s sake was easily understood.

“I don’t need anything. I’ve already procured everything. However, I’ll need some trial and error, so I’d like you to call Millia. I need someone to sit in it for testing.”

“I’ll call her after we eat. No, you should eat too before you start.”


It was not such urgent work that I needed to skip meals.

I closed the workshop door with Renny and headed towards Yeomyeong-gwan.



“My, really?”

“That’s what I’m saying. How he built a building in just one day…”

Karina, sitting across from me, opened her eyes wide and looked at me upon hearing Renny’s words.

Her pure expression of admiration was so beautiful that I couldn’t help but stare intently at her face.

I didn’t know how long I had been staring, but suddenly a heavy weight was added to my body.

“Johann! Good morning!”

“Get off, you’re heavy.”

“How mean!”

A slender, pale arm wrapped around my neck.

Of course, it was Millia.

She was always energetic, or should I say, acting recklessly like a seven-year-old child, I was so used to it now that it would feel strange if she was quiet.

“Millia, did you sleep well?”

“Yes! Did you sleep well too, Karina?”

“I slept well.”

There wasn’t much credibility in her words, given her clearly sickly face.

Millia ran over to Karina like a puppy and clung to her.

Her red hair recklessly ravaged the large chest.

Karina elegantly smiled and stroked Millia’s head.

I was watching this scene when I lowered my eyes at the feeling of a sharp gaze.

“Don’t stare so openly.”

“…I was just looking at Millia.”

“For that, your gaze seemed a bit lecherous, hmm?”

Renny’s hand on my shoulder hurt.

If she applied any more force, it felt like my shoulder blade would shatter.

I tried to maintain my composure as I answered her pointed remark.

“Do I look like that kind of person?”

“…You don’t seem like it, but you also do.”

Why are you confused?

Why are you pondering over a casually thrown remark?

Don’t tell me you think I’m some kind of eunuch?

…Even if I was strangely lacking in sexual desire, It was not to that extent.

“Anyway, I hope you’ll act like a proper escort knight.”

“Understood. So please take your hand off my shoulder.”

That was a close call.

I experimentally rotated my freed shoulder a few times, then called out to Millia who was chattering in Karina’s arms.

“Millia. It’s mealtime, so sit down.”


Millia turned towards me and sat down next to me.

I thought she would sit with Karina.

Millia hummed a tune while swinging her legs cheerfully, seeming excited for breakfast.

“You seem to be in a good mood.”

“It’s our first breakfast together since coming to Yeomyeong-gwan!”

…That was true.

Karina, who had spent three more days in the Curse Department’s infirmary after waking up, moved to Yeomyeong-gwan once her condition improved somewhat.

It was natural.

It was easier to guard her in Yeomyeong-gwan where Renny and I were stationed, compared to the Curse Department building where there was nothing but a gloomy female student and an old professor.

Now Professor Lennon was planning to visit three times a week to check her condition.

“I’m also happy to be able to have meals together like this.”

“I can eat later if needed…”

Renny trailed off, scratching her cheek as if uncomfortable with the situation.

It was understandable.

Originally, escort knights would usually eat during their off-duty hours.

If Karina hadn’t strongly insisted, Renny would probably be looking around behind Karina right now.

“Don’t worry too much. Yeomyeong-gwan is protected by powerful magic.”

Karina soothed Renny with her sweet voice.

Finding it difficult to ignore Karina’s words, Renny reluctantly nodded and sat down.

Of course, it was next to Karina.

“I think they’re coming!”

No sooner had the food-loving Millia finished speaking than the door opened and maids and butlers began to enter, pulling serving carts.

…Why is it so extravagant for breakfast?

Did they go all out because it was Karina’s first meal here?

As dishes that made it hard to tell whether this was breakfast or an evening banquet were placed on the table one by one, Millia’s face, sitting next to me, filled with anticipation.

This situation seemed really welcome to the big eater Millia.

“It looks delicious!”

“Fufu. The staff have been preparing a lavish meal since this morning.”

We would be stuffed from breakfast.

Though my full stomach would quickly empty once I start working…

After several minutes of table setting, the elderly gentleman serving as Yeomyeong-gwan’s butler looked at Karina with eyes full of emotion and said,

“We have prepared a meal with easily digestible foods for the Saint.”

“Thank you so much. Seeing so much food… is a first for me.”

Usually, the meals were simpler.

The table really became abundant when the Saint arrived.

“Shall we start the meal then?”

“Millia. Don’t shake your head too much.”

We all picked up our forks and knives at the same time.



“Wow! You made this in just one day?”

Millia opened the door to the workshop and went in before I could say anything.

True to her childlike personality, her curiosity seemed to have exploded.

I hoped she wouldn’t touch anything she shouldn’t have and get hurt.

I immediately followed Millia inside.

Millia was peering around here and there, examining the tools in the workshop.

After looking around for a while, she came up to me and pointed at something on the workbench, asking.

“Johann, what’s that?”

“It’s a wheel.”

Millia tilted her head at my answer.

The object on the workbench seemed to puzzle her.

“Aren’t wheels made of wood?”

“Usually, yes. This is a special wheel.”


“Because it’s a wheel for Karina.”

“Make one for me too!”

What was she saying now?

I gave a light flick to Millia’s forehead as she whined as if asking why I wouldn’t make one for her, then tried to reason with her.

“This is for people who have difficulty moving. You can run around, can’t you?”

“Tch. Then make something else for me!”

“Alright. After I make the chair for Karina, I’ll make something for you too.”

“Yay! Thank you!”


I looked at Millia, feeling the soft touch on my cheek.

Millia, who had pulled off her head to kiss my cheek, showed a mischievous smile and stuck out her cute tongue.

“Can I watch?”

“I don’t mind. Just don’t get too close. You might get hurt.”

I stood at the workbench and started working.

Millia pulled over an oak barrel that was near the workbench, sat on it, and stared intently at me working.

It felt a bit odd with her constantly watching.

…Sigh, I should just continue working.

I repeated the process of mass-producing and destroying numerous wheels, just as I had done before Renny arrived.

Since I had no way of knowing how to make a wheelchair, I had no choice but to go through trial and error while recalling the forms that came to mind.

I must have destroyed about the 17th wheel.

I picked up the wheel that looked the best among those I had made so far and examined it from various angles.

Good shape. Seems sturdy.

The rubber covering seemed to be of appropriate thickness, so it should be quite usable.

I need two, so for the other one…


I made two wheels of the same shape.

“Did you finish?”


“It looks strange…”

I placed the two wheels on the workbench and put some high-quality wood on it.

What did the shape of a wheelchair look like again?

I recalled the wheelchairs that important people would sit in whenever something happened.

Handles at the head part… metal body… Were there any other special features?

Following the memories that came to mind, I made a chair shape with armrests and two handles.

It was the completion of a chair with nothing special.

Now if I attached wheels to this and tested it…

No, I’d need caster wheels too, wouldn’t I?

There were more necessary parts than I thought.

In the end, it was almost lunchtime by the time I had made a plausible wheelchair.




“Ah, I wasn’t sleeping! Really!”

“Wipe the drool from your mouth first.”


Millia wiped the drool from her mouth with the handkerchief I handed her, her face red.

Then, when our eyes met, she smiled broadly, seemingly trying to cover her embarrassment with a smile.

“Let’s go out for a bit. We need to test it.”

To conduct a trial test of Wheelchair No. 1 for Important People, I took the chair outside the workshop and placed it in the middle of an open space.

“Millia. Get on the wheelchair.”


Since there wasn’t much difference in body size with Karina, it should be fine, right?

As expected, Millia’s body settled into the wheelchair without any problem.

Though it was still a prototype and I had roughly covered it with several layers of leather to protect the patient’s buttocks and back, Millia didn’t say anything, so it didn’t seem uncomfortable.

“Now I’m going to take you around Yeomyeong-gwan once, so tell me if your buttocks or back hurt.”


And so, our Yeomyeong-gwan tour began.



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I Realized It Was an Academy Game After 10 Years

I Realized It Was an Academy Game After 10 Years

Score 9.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Artist: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
10 years after possessing a deserted island castaway, I picked up the heroine of the survival academy. Main story complete Sequel complete Side story in progress


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