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I Realized It Was an Academy Game After 10 Years – Chapter 79

.。.:✧ Witch Hunt (10) ✧:.。.

Translated By Arcane Translations
Translator: FusionX


“…You really turned him into half a cripple.”

“His resistance was too… intense.”

“It’s fine. Speak comfortably. You’re not my subordinate anyway.”


What, why what.

You told me to speak comfortably.

I glared at the Security captain who was looking at me as if in disbelief.

The Security captain, whose name I still didn’t know, sighed deeply and extended his hand to introduce himself.

“I’m Gilbert. I’m in charge of leading Kalon Academy’s Security, inadequate as I may be.”

“I’m Johann. Lady Karina’s escort knight.”

“Right. Johann. I didn’t expect the person I’d only heard rumors about to be like this. To think you’d turn the 3rd platoon captain into a eunu… ch.”

Gilbert, who introduced himself as the Security captain, looked as if he would burst into laughter at any moment if I wasn’t there, seemingly having a lot of pent-up feelings towards the 3rd platoon captain.

“Why don’t you just laugh it out?”

“Ah, was it that obvious? Then excuse me.”


The Security captain, who started laughing while clutching his stomach, only stopped after quite a while and apologized to me with an apologetic face.

“I’m sorry. It’s been a while since I’ve had something this satisfying happen… To think that bastard became a eunuch! What was his expression like?”

“His eyes rolled back.”

“What a shame I couldn’t see that. Ahem. Then let’s get back to the main point.”

The Security captain cleared his throat and looked at me with a serious face as if he had never laughed.

It was hard to adapt when someone changes so suddenly.

I pulled up a nearby chair and sat down.

There was no need to keep standing.

“Thanks to you, we were able to find the missing students before they completely disappeared. I’m really grateful.”

“You found the missing persons?”

“That’s right. They were being held by the gang. Strange magic circles were engraved on their backs, and the old men from the Magic Department are working on erasing them. It’s all thanks to you.”

So all of the victims had returned.

That was a better result than I expected.

“I just did what I had to do.”

I responded casually, brushing off the middle-aged man’s friendly gaze.

“How did you know the 3rd platoon captain was planning such a thing?”

“Doesn’t he look suspicious?”

“He did look that way.”

We communicated well.

I liked the Security captain who understood perfectly even with my vague answers.

He seemed to be quite flexible, so if I talked to him well, he could become a good collaborator.

To survive in this game world boasting such a terribly difficult level and see the true ending, it would be difficult with my power alone.

The more people to help me, the better.

Renny, Millia, Karina, the Security captain… and so on.

After all, this game wasn’t meant to be played alone, but to progress with a party.

Though it was a 5-person party in the game, there probably wouldn’t be such restrictions here?

If possible, it was easiest to just bring a large number of people and beat everything up.

If not, I’d have to compose efficiently.

Of course, Renny and Karina’s positions were fixed.

There were no substitutes for those two.

Swordsmen stronger than Renny would be truly rare, and there was only one Saint in this world setting to begin with.

…There might be saints on the cult side too, but at least they never appeared in the game.

“You look like you have a lot on your mind.”

“…It’s a world with a lot to worry about.”

“…It really is a headache-inducing world. With incidents popping up left and right inside and outside the Academy, we’re at our wit’s end too. Do you know how chilled everyone’s hearts were when we heard the Saint had gone missing? Unimaginable things keep happening.”

“It’s a mess.”

“Quite literally.”

“So I think we need to establish a closer cooperative relationship, what do you think?”

“The more collaborators, the better. That’s for sure.”

“With unbelievable things happening one after another, it’s hard to be certain if you’re a trustworthy collaborator yet… But being the Saint’s escort knight, you wouldn’t have anything shady going on, would you? Right?”

What, are you trying to have a battle of nerves?

This old man was tougher than he looks.

He seemed a bit stupid at first.

The Security captain and I stared at each other silently for nearly 5 seconds.

Was he trying to gauge my reaction?

I kept looking into his eyes with an expressionless face.

Perhaps thinking there was nothing to gain, the Security captain opened his mouth with a carefree laugh.

“Anyway! Thanks to you catching the 3rd platoon captain, things have become easier. Since he’s a shady character, there should be a lot to dig up. This incident can’t be covered up even with his family’s power, so we should be able to ask him anything we want.”

“Can you pass on the information? We need information about that guy too.”

First, information about this kidnapping incident.

The identity of the mastermind that was glossed over in the game.

They wouldn’t reveal themselves easily, so I wanted to get even a small clue about their identity.

And also, since the incident ended halfway, why the 3rd platoon captain, who was the apparent culprit on the surface, participated in such an act.

Demon summoning wasn’t just any crazy act, so I couldn’t understand why the 3rd platoon captain would carry it out.

“I’ll gladly pass it on. Though this is confidential, you’ll need this information to guard the Saint. After all, aren’t we already in the same boat?”

That was true.

In the end, it turned out that I and the Security took down the 3rd platoon captain together.

Either way, the need for cooperation had arisen.


“That’s right. To celebrate our deal, how about a drink-”

That was when it happened.

At the sound of a knock, the Security captain and I simultaneously looked at the door.

Who could it be?

“I-I have important news to deliver.”

“What? Come in for now.”

The person who opened the door and entered was a woman in attire that looked like a secretary at first glance.

The woman looked back and forth between the Security captain and me, then shouted with a slightly trembling voice.

“Th-the Saint has woken up!”



“Lady Karina!”


…How awkward.

I inwardly sighed in relief as I watched Renny grab Karina’s hand with tears in her eyes.

She was awake.

If she had continued to lie here, it would have been the end of the true ending or whatever.

This incident was fortunately nipped in the bud before it fully developed, but if it had progressed to the end…


“Ah, sorry. My thoughts got complicated.”

“Is that so?”

Karina’s gentle gaze met mine.

Karina looked at my appearance in an escort knight uniform and opened her mouth with surprised eyes.

“The knight’s attire suits you well.”

“…Thank you.”

“Well, do you know what this guy did to become an escort knight? You’ll be surprised if you hear!”

“That’s right! It was so fun! Everyone was so surprised! They were grabbing his trouser legs begging him not to leave!”

“Calm down. Karina… isn’t she a patient?”

Why are you suddenly making a gloomy expression?

I couldn’t help but wonder as I saw Karina’s face suddenly fall.

…Ah, could it be that?



“Is it alright to call you like this?”

“Yes. Please keep calling me that way. Adding ‘Lady’ feels too stiff and makes me sad…”

Karina’s eyes formed crescent moons.

It was a beautiful smile that one couldn’t help but be entranced by.

I belatedly came to my senses at Renny’s sharp gaze that seemed like it would pierce through my cheeks, and averted my eyes.

It couldn’t be helped.

Though Renny and Millia were beautiful, Karina was on a different level.

Karina possessed a beauty that made one doubt whether she was human or a goddess.

“Hehe. Now I can go to school with Karina!”

It was Millia who suddenly appeared between me and Karina, shouting words that flipped the awkward atmosphere.

Her voice alone was enough to feel how great her expectations were.

Karina smiled brightly at those words and stroked Millia’s cheek as she spoke.

“My, are you going to attend school together too?”

“She cleared five dungeons to pay the tuition fee.”

At my words, Karina opened her eyes wide and asked.

“Five dungeons?”

“Do you know how surprised I was? When she came with a large money pouch saying she brought the tuition fee, I seriously thought she might have robbed a royal treasury or something.”

“That’s right, that’s right!”

“That’s amazing.”

Seeing them chat happily made me feel at ease.

How nice it would be if it could always be like this, but this world, which was as shitty as a Souls game, wouldn’t leave us alone like this.

Surely, the next shitty incident will… What was next again?

There should have been 3 incidents in the first semester.

The Hell Hound incident, demon summoning, and…

“…Um… Johann… sir… Renny… ma’am… The professor… is calling for you.”

I looked at the door where Elisa’s voice came from.

Why was she poking only half her face out and looking cautious?

Couldn’t she just come in normally?

Elisa quickly scanned us, then looked at Karina and hurriedly lowered her eyes, and was about to close the door if Karina hadn’t called out to her.

“Excuse me. Are you the one who took care of me?”

“Uh, uh, uh…”

Elisa’s appearance, making broken tape-like sounds, was pitiful.

“Would you come over here?”

“I, I prefer it here…”

“You’re hurt. Please come here.”

Karina’s voice was firm.

It felt like a doctor speaking to a patient.

She scanned Elisa’s body as she hesitantly approached, then quietly took her hand.

Her hand was full of wounds that were covered in bandages.

Perhaps they were injuries from tumbling in the tunnel.

Karina fiddled with her hand for quite a while, then closed her eyes and muttered in a low voice.


A pure white light that felt sacred sparkled from Karina’s hand.

Elisa was startled and tried to pull her hand away, but Karina held it firmly, making one doubt if she was really a patient.

“Lady Karina?! Your body hasn’t fully recovered yet…”

“Th-there’s no need to… strain yourself for m-me…”

Karina, with an even paler complexion, showed a sorrowful smile while being held in Renny’s arms.

It was clearly a forced smile after using her power recklessly.

When I turned my gaze to Elisa, she was looking at Karina with a face that didn’t know what to do.

“It’s alright. Even though I’ve become quite weak, this much is…”

“Lady Karina. You mustn’t overexert yourself. Your body is still-”

Renny carefully laid Karina’s body on the bed.

Karina looked at us while lying on the bed, then turned her gaze back to Elisa and opened her mouth.

“Are you Miss Elisa? I heard from Professor Lennon. I heard you took care of me when Renny wasn’t around?”

“Uh, um… Hello.”

An incredibly awkward greeting weakly came out.

It was a voice that seemed to drain energy just from hearing it.

Karina still spoke with a smiling face even to such a voice.

“It’s a pretty name.”

Strangely, Elisa’s face was filled with guilt upon hearing those words.

Why is she like that?

As if there was something weighing on her mind.

“How did you get hurt?”

“I, I was trying to save someone…”

“Miss Elisa did a good thing. There’s no need to act like a criminal.”

“But, but I-”

“Whatever you were born with doesn’t define who you are.”

It was a strange statement.

As if she had seen through something.


It was closer than I thought.

Wondering if others understood, I looked at Renny and Millia, but fortunately, their faces showed they didn’t understand what was being said.

Should I say… that’s fortunate?

It could be troublesome if we heard more, so we should leave.

“Renny. We should get going. Professor Lennon is calling for us.”

“Ah, ah… Alright.”

“I want to come too!”

Our perceptive little Millia naturally grabbed my hand and joined the group.

Well then, shall we go have a talk with Professor Lennon?



“Would you like some coffee?”

“I’d be grateful if you’re offering.”

“I don’t like coffee because it’s bitter…”

“I’ll make you some cocoa then.”


I watched Professor Lennon brewing coffee with my arms folded.

He looked very skilled as he brewed coffee with what seemed to be a magical coffee pot.

Well, it was not strange considering how much coffee he must have drunk alone while researching.

“Here you are.”

“Thank you.”

“Thank you!”

“Thank you, Professor.”

“It’s nothing. Serving a cup of tea to guests is basic courtesy, isn’t it?”

I brought the cup to my nose and smelled it.

It was a scent that strangely evoked nostalgia.

I wondered if the coffee I used to order at cafes 10 years ago smelled like this too.

…Come to think of it, I think I ordered iced Americanos more often than hot coffee.

“Ahem. The reason I called you all here is because there’s something I need to tell you about Lady Karina’s condition.”

“…Don’t tell me she’s not completely cured?”

Renny’s voice was very serious.

It was indeed a statement that even I, standing beside her, had to take seriously.

Professor Lennon shook his head in response to Renny’s question.

“Completely cured… is a bit ambiguous. Rather than lifting it, we’ve transferred the curse to this sealing stone through a makeshift method.”

The professor pointed to an ominous purple crystal placed on the table.

It was concerning how it emitted an ominous aura that seemed like it could seal even a demon.

“If it’s sealed, isn’t it over?”

“No. Because we forcibly transferred it using a makeshift method, when the power of the sealing stone runs out, the curse will return to Lady Karina. So we need to completely lift the curse before then… but we need a holy relic specialized in curse-breaking.”

“Are you saying you can’t remove the curse even with the first Saint’s remains?”

As Renny said, they couldn’t lift it even with the ultimate holy relic of the first Saint’s remains?

“The curse is so severe and bizarre that it’s difficult even with the Saint’s remains. How many lives must have been lost to complete this single curse…”

Professor Lennon trailed off, shuddering as if even speaking about it was horrifying.

Just what did those Halphas bastards or whoever do to take down a single Saint?

“We’re currently searching for holy relics, but there’s a limit to what a mere professor can do. If possible, I’d like you to directly request a search from the Order.”

“I understand. I’ll look everywhere I can contact, even if I have to reach out to every place possible.”

“Then please take good care of the Saint. This old man will look for more ways to break the curse…”

We put down our cups without even finishing the coffee.

We didn’t feel like drinking with the serious new problem that had been presented.

It was one hurdle after another.


“Let’s go back to Lady Karina for now.”

I nodded at Renny’s words.



“How disappointing.”

In a dark room where a candle flickered precariously.

A man brought brain matter to his head, which glistened with tentacles.

The tentacles extended and slowly devoured the brain matter.

While savoring this sweet meal, he fell into thought about the failure of a plan meticulously crafted over decades.

Though he had prepared for failure to some extent, such a miserable failure…

It was unexpected.

‘Gradually causing chaos to crumble from within…’

According to plan, by now they should have kidnapped students rich in magical power and sacrificed them to summon a demon, but it failed from the start because their collaborator was caught.

It was an unwanted failure.

“…It seems I need to adjust the plan.”

The plan to cause chaos in the Academy to draw attention, and then sneak in to steal the Saint’s remains.

Regretting the loss of that opportunity, he let out a long sigh.

“…O !)@*(&!*(#$, please wait a little longer, I shall offer this world to you.”

A tiny prayer that no one could hear shattered into pieces in the empty air.



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I Realized It Was an Academy Game After 10 Years

I Realized It Was an Academy Game After 10 Years

Score 9.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Artist: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
10 years after possessing a deserted island castaway, I picked up the heroine of the survival academy. Main story complete Sequel complete Side story in progress


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2 months ago

Why did they refer to Johann as a she?

Abyss Kuro
Abyss Kuro
Reply to  FusionX
1 month ago

When the scene changed to Karina, there are points where it seems to be referring the Johann as she. Because Johann was the one who got the tuition for Millia.

Reply to  FusionX
1 month ago

These are the sentences:

“She cleared five dungeons to pay for the tuition fee.”

“Do you know how surprised I was? When she came in with a large money pouch saying she brought the tuition fee, I seriously thought she might have robbed a royal treasurer or something.”

It’s a bit confusing though, since ‘At my words, Karina opened her eyes wide and asked.’ seems to imply that the MC is the one talking, despite being the one referred to incorrectly(?) as ‘she’.

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