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I Realized It Was an Academy Game After 10 Years – Chapter 58

.。.:✧ Welcome to Kalon Academy! (4) ✧:.。.

Translated By Arcane Translations
Translator: FusionX


“What’s wrong with Johann doing that? What a strange person!”

Millia angrily ate dessert, even my portion, in a combative manner.

Is this cooling her anger with sugar?

I wiped the food stuck to my hair with a towel brought by a waiter.

Ew, it’s sticky.

I wanted to return to Yeomyeong-gwan right away and take a shower.

Fortunately, I was wearing an outer garment over my shirt.

Otherwise, I would have had to walk around in a shirt covered in various sauces.

Although I would still have to stop by Yeomyeong-gwan anyway.

“We should return to Yeomyeong-gwan after eating.”

“Reah… Need to change crothes!”

“Swallow everything in your mouth before speaking.”

I wasn’t scolding her for talking while eating, but she should at least swallow everything in her mouth before speaking.

At my point, Millia vigorously nodded her head and gulped down the contents of her mouth.

She really eats well.

It was already her fourth plate.

She really loves to eat.

Even when she was just a head, her appetite was outstanding.

I waited for Millia to finish her meal while drinking the water I brought from the meal corner.

Originally, I wanted to eat more too, but after the recent incident, my appetite had dropped.

Should I say my appetite decreased because the smell of seasoning from my clothes made me feel icky?

“Thank you for the meal.”

“Millia. Upper right of your lips.”

“Upper right?”

At my words, Millia wiped the corner of her mouth with a napkin.

To be precise, the opposite side.

Of course, the sauce on the corner of her mouth remained unwashed.

“The other side.”

“Ah, you’re right?”

You wiped it well.

Then shall we go return the plates now?

We got up from our seats, walked to the place where the plates were returned, and returned the plates.

It was a splendid meal.

Except for the sudden baptism of food.

…Do I look that scary?


“Yeah? What’s wrong?”

“Do I look scary?”

“…A little?”

When I looked at Millia at that answer, she was scratching her cheek with her head turned away.

What’s with that guilty look on your face?

I thought I wasn’t that ugly objectively… Or not?

Was it just my brain wrinkles beautifying my face?

“But it’s okay! I think Johann is a good person!”

“…Ah, yeah. Thanks.”

That reaction made me even sadder.



“You had quite an eventful day.”

Renny, who had been sitting by the window and puffing on a pipe, giggled at my silly appearance.

It seemed my getting food-terrorized was funny.

After laughing for a while, Renny stopped laughing, took the pipe out of her mouth, and exhaled smoke.

A small cloud floated in the room.

At least compared to real cigarettes, the smell wasn’t as strong, so it wasn’t that unpleasant.

“Ew, Renny, it stinks!”

…But it seemed strong for Millia.

Millia covered her nose and pretended to fan away the smoke with a hand fan.

Renny felt sorry for that action and dumped the contents of the pipe into an ashtray.

“Ah, I see…”

When the source that had filled the room with smoke disappeared, the room became a little clearer.

Millia, as if trying to get rid of the smell quickly, opened the window wide and fanned the curtain.

After doing that for nearly 5 minutes, it seemed the cigarette smell in the room had reduced by half.

“It feels a bit more livable now!”

“Tsk. Next time, I should open the window and smoke.”

Renny muttered to herself and looked at me.

Suddenly, a faded memory flashed through my mind.

I had seen a similar scene before.

Even in the original story, when Karina and the protagonist built a certain level of affection, they would also become close with Renny, and when a certain level of affection was built, it would show this kind of atmosphere.

But that was the end of it, given Renny’s characteristics of not being a heroine.

“Johann. There’s something I want to ask.”

“What is it?”

I glanced at Millia, who was looking out the window at some point, and then turned my gaze back to Renny.

At some point, her posture had become even more relaxed, lying on the sofa with her legs crossed over the armrest.

Renny boldly revealed her eye-catching legs, which were a point of charm even in the game, thanks to her tight-fitting pants, and asked me,

“What are you going to do now?”


I hadn’t firmly decided on a path yet.

With the title of being the saint’s savior, I could probably stay here for quite a while, but I couldn’t stay in Yeomyeong-gwan indefinitely without a definite identity.

From Karina’s perspective, I was her life savior and someone she had a friendship with, but to the people of Kalon Academy, I was just a man of unknown identity.

I already received a strange misunderstanding because of my face, so wouldn’t I be able to escape this treatment if I at least had a decent job?

“You can continue staying here as a guest… but I don’t think you’d do that.”

I could clearly feel her gaze saying you wouldn’t do that.

It was just as she said.

I had no intention of wasting time here.

I would have to move diligently to survive.

My goal was to at least reach the good ending.

Although things got slightly twisted with Elena’s death from the start, in theory, the good ending could be seen without forming a romantic relationship with any of the heroines.

So even if Elena died, it wouldn’t affect the route itself.

The status window didn’t say anything about Elena’s death either, so the conditions for seeing the true ending or whatever might not be much different from the good ending.

Although a few conditions would surely be added.

“For now, I plan to find a job.”

“Should I introduce you to the artisan guild? I think you’d be able to pass easily-”


If I was purely thinking of making a living, it wouldn’t be a bad offer, but considering the vaguely remembered story of Survival Academy, I needed a job that would allow me to work inside the academy.

Preferably a job that would allow me to enter and exit the academy without any issues.

But is there such a job?

No matter how much I think about it, I’m not sure if there’s a job that would allow that.

“Then what are you going to do? Do you have something in mind?”

“Is there a way to work inside Kalon Academy?”

“Well, if you want to, there are many options. What, you want to work here?”

“If possible, I’d like to do that.”

I also want to take advantage of my connections.

Bluntly put, they fed me, sheltered me, and even helped me escape from the deserted island, right?

Renny, who had been staring at me for a while, chuckled and turned her head to look at the ceiling.

“A job that would allow you to work inside the academy… I’ll look into it for you. Due to the recent incident, they’ll probably need some helping hands, so you should be able to find one without much difficulty.”

“Renny Renny, what about me?”

At Millia’s sudden question, who had been sitting on the sofa and silently listening to our conversation at some point, Renny asked back while scratching her chin.

“You? What do you want to do?”

“I want to attend the academy!”

Renny and I simultaneously looked at Millia.

There was an undisguisable light of admiration in Millia’s eyes.

What kind of wind blew into her, as we had to hastily enter and couldn’t even properly tour the academy?

Millia mumbled for a moment, as if holding back, and then spoke again.

“I want to study, make friends, and attend school with Karina…”

As she listed the things she wanted to do like a girl full of dreams, I looked at Renny.

Renny must have had similar thoughts as me, as she smiled wryly at me.

If possible, I wanted to grant her wish.

Renny must be thinking the same.

We knew Millia’s past, and Millia’s desire to attend the academy must be revealing a wish she had dreamed of in her life of suffering.

However, even if she were to enroll in the academy, there was a realistic problem remaining.

“Renny. How much is the tuition?”

“…It’s quite expensive. Even if I wanted to pay for it, I don’t have that much money. And I can’t ask Lady Karina for help either.”

Karina didn’t seem to have a lot of money either.

To be precise, she wouldn’t need to carry money around.

In the first place, a saint could attend Kalon Academy for free, and except for some maintenance expenses for dignity, there was no way for money to come in.

And it was questionable whether the tuition of Kalon Academy could be resolved with just the maintenance expenses for dignity.

…It means we have to find money from somewhere.

Another headache-inducing matter had been added.

Still, I wanted to grant her wish.

I looked at Millia, who had a gloomy expression at Renny’s words, and said,

“Don’t be too disappointed. If we look, there should be a way.”

It was a bit of an irresponsible remark, but I didn’t like seeing Millia’s gloomy face.

Millia, as if calming her emotions, spoke with a slightly sad-looking face.

“No, I think I was just being too childish. I’m fine like this.”

Hearing that made me feel a bit guilty.

Is there really no way?

Like a scholarship system?

Ah, is that too much?

If it’s a scholarship, you’d have to either study well or meet special conditions in the first place.

Millia didn’t fall into either category, being in the same state as me without a proper identity.

Although we somehow entered the academy with Renny’s guarantee, it was perfect for becoming a poor wretch.

Then, is there no other way?

We sold all the jewels and have none left.

There’s nothing to sell either.

If there’s a good way…

A good way…


If it’s the same as the game, there’s something worth trying.

Having organized my thoughts, I immediately told Renny my idea.

“Renny, I have a good idea.”



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I Realized It Was an Academy Game After 10 Years

I Realized It Was an Academy Game After 10 Years

Score 9.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Artist: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
10 years after possessing a deserted island castaway, I picked up the heroine of the survival academy. Main story complete Sequel complete Side story in progress


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not work with dark mode