Translated By Arcane Translations
Translator: FusionX
“Ugh… Something feels off.”
Celine stood outside the main gate of the Imperial University’s chairman’s residence. She fidgeted impatiently.
She was supposed to deliver information about Erica to Schlus Hainkel, but she felt like she was betraying someone.
With a sigh, Celine pushed open the gate and entered.
Knock, knock-!
She knocked on the door. Three seconds passed, but no one answered. She tilted her head and knocked again.
Still, no response.
She was sure Schlus had asked her to come at this time?
Celine was about to turn away when the door suddenly opened.
“Ah… I’m sorry. I was busy… Haa…”
Schlus’s attendant appeared, her face and neck drenched in sweat.
Celine, startled, cleared her throat.
“Ahem. I’m here to see Schlus Hainkel.”
“Ah. I’m afraid he’s not available right now.”
“Not available? I was invited here.”
“Ah… yes. I’m afraid he’s busy. I cannot disclose the nature of the matter. I apologize. Please return later. We will contact you.”
The attendant bowed politely, and Celine had no choice but to turn away.
They had invited her, but now, they were turning her away without even offering her tea? It must be an extremely urgent matter.
Had the Emperor summoned him?
As she walked out of the garden, Celine suddenly stopped.
A disturbing thought occurred to her. If they had forgotten to inform her that she shouldn’t have come, then it must be an urgent matter… It couldn’t be something public.
Perhaps it was something… personal?
Something that had been building up for a while. And the way the attendant had looked… as if she had been doing something strenuous.
‘N-No way!’
Celine shook her head.
It was only 8:00 am.
No one could be doing that so early in the morning… She desperately wanted to put her ear to the door and listen, but she was a noble. She could never do something so vulgar.
“Haa… Haa… Huu…”
Heavy breathing and sweat dripping onto the floor.
Emilia, her chest heaving, placed her mop against the wall.
“Cleaning done!”
She had been cleaning since dawn, and after three hours of hard labor, the job was finally finished. She had been determined to finish cleaning before Schlus woke up.
With her goal accomplished, she hurried to the bedroom and slowly opened the door.
Schlus was fast asleep. He had been sleeping soundly since last night. Emilia approached the bed and sat down.
‘What if I sealed a spell in his heart and locked him away?’
A dangerous thought occurred to her. If she left him alone, he would just go out and do dangerous things again. Then she would worry again.
Maybe she should just make him incapable of using magic and keep him locked away.
“No, that’s impossible. Not yet.”
She stroked Schlus’s cheek and smiled wryly.
She couldn’t do that.
Not yet.
Schlus was a rising star in the Empire, enjoying the Emperor’s favor and the Crown Princess’s attention. If she didn’t want to start a war with the Empire, then she needed to keep Schlus alive.
This was just a test.
A test of Schlus’s trust.
He had seen through the crow’s disguise and the poison in the water. Would he suspect that she had put sleeping pills in his tea?
The conclusion was a clear no. Schlus trusted her completely.
He could pass it off as an accident, but if he was suspicious, he would have noticed it.
She would have to kill him eventually.
“I don’t want to… I don’t want to do it…”
She clenched her fist around Schlus’s hand.
She didn’t want to imagine such a day. She had already realized her feelings for Schlus. She had tried to deny it, but after Trie’s comments, she had finally accepted it.
She loved Schlus Hainkel as a woman. She knew she shouldn’t, but she couldn’t help it.
But it wouldn’t change anything. As Trie had said, it was an impossible love. Even if she loved him, even if he loved her back, it would never work.
They were the Empire’s elite and a spy from the Kingdom.
“Duty comes first…”
She couldn’t let her emotions interfere with her mission. They were separate. If she received orders to kill Schlus, she would do it.
She would add poison to his tea. Schlus would accept it without any suspicion. He would drink it and fall asleep, peacefully. Like he was just going to sleep.
Her hand was suddenly gripped tightly. She looked up to see that Schlus was awake, his eyes filled with concern.
Emilia quickly wiped her tears away, feeling ashamed. She had given him sleeping pills, and he was worried about her.
“It’s nothing. I was just thinking about how I’ll never see you again…”
“Why wouldn’t you see me again? That’s not going to happen.”
“If I die, this world will end too.”
“Stop joking…”
Schlus’s joke made her laugh. He was right. If Schlus died, her purpose in this world would be gone.
“What happened? Tell me what you did to me while I was sleeping.”
“I cleaned the house. I didn’t want to disturb you. I thought it was best to do it while you were sleeping.”
“Is that all you did?”
“Yes. That’s all.”
“If you say so…”
Schlus had bought her excuse. He trusted her too much. If she had given him poison, he would have drunk it without a second thought.
“You’ve been so busy lately… I thought you deserved a good night’s rest.”
“Is that right? Wait a moment.”
Schlus pulled her closer to him.
“Hey! Are you going to leave a mark on my face?”
“You’re the one who made me do this!”
He was being cute.
“I can’t believe you used sleeping pills on me.”
“That was for you. You should have rested more.”
“You should have woken me up for that.”
“You look better now. I can’t see your dark circles. You look like a different person.”
Schlus chuckled and got out of bed. Although her intentions weren’t good, she had helped him sleep well.
‘I think I see the path now.’
After a night of rest and reflection, he knew what he had to do. He clenched his fist.
‘I’ll use Aria to kill the Emperor.’
He had made his decision.
“Ugh… Why am I being summoned at this hour?”
A teaching assistant, working under Professor Sergei, scratched the back of his head as he entered a deserted classroom in the basement of the Imperial University.
He was greeted by a dozen figures in black robes. They were all familiar faces. Why were they always hiding their faces?
The assistant sighed and walked into the group.
“Everyone is here. I have an important announcement.”
A high-pitched voice echoed from the hooded figure on the stage.
“I think we can start the operation soon.”
“Yes. I’m talking about Wuntier.”
The group started murmuring. They had thought the sealing process was still three months away.
The hooded figure raised a hand, silencing the crowd. Then, they pulled a thick book from inside their robe. It looked ancient and luxurious.
“Thanks to someone special, we have made significant progress in lifting the seal.”
“What is it?”
“It’s a research book about the sealing methods of the ancient Majins.”
Durandal, the Demon Sword, Wuntier… In ancient times, the Majins had used sealing magic to lock away dangerous weapons and monsters.
This book was a compilation of all the knowledge of an ancient Majin.
It was said that the Majins had burned all copies of this book, afraid that it would fall into human hands.
How had it ended up here?
The assistant wanted to ask about the special someone, but he decided not to. He knew who it must be.
“It’s an amazing book. It will revolutionize the field of barrier analysis. But for now, let’s focus on the release of Wuntier. I believe we can break the seal within two weeks. Fourteen days!”
“Fourteen days!”
“That’s the day we will begin. Although we are weak on our own, we can unleash tremendous power when we work together. We will start by destroying the Imperial University!”
“The time has come! To destroy the flawed order of humans, and allow the perfect Mains to rule the world!”
The robed figures began to make strange noises. The teaching assistant looked around in disgust.
‘They’re insane.’
[Your Text Here]
So like he’s just gonna ignore what she did then. Aught bet couldn’t be me but aight ig