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I Kidnapped the Hero Party – Chapter 44

.。.:✧ Mister is Sensitive (4) ✧:.。.

Translated By Arcane Translations
Translator: FusionX


Luna was having sword lessons.

Hare was having knowledge lessons.

Saten was having emotion lessons.

The Hero’s party were all having lessons, except for Estia.

They were all achieving decent results, and Hare had already finished her progress and was ready to move on to the next lesson.

She wasn’t coming out of her room now because of the incident, but.


Estia wasn’t currently taking lessons, it was finally time to teach her now.

It couldn’t be delayed any longer, the most lagging party member was undoubtedly the Saintess.

I opened her door and entered.

Estia, who had been lying in bed all day, saw me and shouted with a startled look.

“Wh-What!! Mister, what are you doing!! You didn’t even knock!!”

“Estia, come out. Your lessons begin today.”

“What? This is too sudden!”

Incidents usually happen suddenly.

I led Estia, who had been lying in bed, to an empty room.

The lesson with her required ‘soundproofing’.

As I was dragging Estia along, Luna appeared.

“W-Wait a minute! Mister, where are you going! I hear hallucinations! Do-Don’t go! Stay by my side!”



“If you hear hallucinations, then you follow me.”



In the end, Luna decided to wait in front of the door.

Since I used the Null Attribute Magic: Silence for Estia’s lesson sounds, she wouldn’t be able to hear anything from outside.


‘Now it doesn’t matter even if Estia screams as much as she wants.’

It meant I could conduct the lesson without worry.

In the empty room.

In this place with nothing in it.

I called Estia’s name as she trembled.


“Wh-Why are you calling me…!”

“Don’t tremble. I’m not scolding you.”


Perhaps because she had seen Hare being scolded before, she was extremely nervous.

Was I that scary?

She seemed to be trembling instinctively even though she knew I wouldn’t harm her.

“It’s true. I didn’t bring you here to scold you.”

“Re-Really…? Ahem. Ac-Actually, I knew that…!”

I wonder if she really knew.

Estia tried to smooth over the situation with an awkward laugh.

Then, she thrust her golden eyes at me and asked threateningly.

It was a golden gaze that I found fascinating every time I saw it.

“So-So! Mister! Why did you bring me here! To this place where no one is! Mi-Mister, don’t tell me…! You’re going to do something strange…?!”

“I won’t.”

“Y-You’re trying to reassure me! Th-Then you’ll st-stick needles in my body…? I-I know everything… Adults are all liars…!”

“…That’s not it, Estia. Calm down and look at this.”

“Eek…!! Do-Don’t put your hand in your chest pocket! Do-Don’t take it out…! Ple-Please!”

Estia hid in the corner and shouted desperately, her trauma had probably been triggered.

However, I ignored her words and put my hand into my chest pocket.

When I took out the usual item from my pocket, Estia’s anxious expression turned to happiness.

“Ho-Holy water! It’s holy water! So that’s what you were going to give me!? Mister, you’re so cool after all!”


As soon as she saw the holy water, her trauma disappeared instantly, and she started praising me.

That was how important holy water was to her.

I swung the holy water in my hand back and forth, left and right.

“He-Hehe… Holy water…”


When it went to the right, Estia’s gaze followed.

When it went to the left, Estia’s gaze followed.

Like a cat in front of a treat, Estia moved her gaze following the holy water.

“You do look like a white cat.”

“Hehe… Cats like holy water too… So give me the holy water…”

“…I’ll give it to you if you want it.”

“Re-Really!? You’re gi-giving it to me?! I’m so happy!”


Even though she drank so much holy water last time, she was this excited.

Estia jumped up and down in her spot as if she was overjoyed.

I held out the holy water to Estia without any conditions.

“Here, drink it. Estia.”

“Wow-! Holy water-! It’s holy water…huh…?”

“Is there a problem?”


I handed over the holy water without any conditions, but Estia froze like she had turned to stone when she saw the holy water.

For a moment, she didn’t move as if time had stopped.

Did she dislike drinking holy water that much?

I pulled back the holy water I had offered.

“If you don’t want to drink it, we can stop.”

At that voice, Estia came to her senses and shouted, reaching out her hand.

“N-No! Give me the holy water! No, wait! Why is there only half a bottle of holy water! That’s not how you’re supposed to drink holy water!”

“I’ll take that to mean you don’t want to drink it.”

“No. No! I’m sorry! I was wrong! Please, give me the holy water!”


Estia begged, grabbing onto my pant leg.

What kind of taste did holy water have that made her so obsessed?

I was curious, but I didn’t particularly want to try it myself.

“So-Sorry! I’m sorry, Mister! I was wrong! Give me the holy water! Please! It’s a request from me, Estia-sama!”

“…Alright, drink it.”


Estia accepted the holy water without any doubt.

She smiled hehe- and opened the cap of the holy water.

And then gulp-

She immediately poured it into her mouth.

Estia transformed into a happy person in an instant.

“He-Hehehe… I wuv howy water… But why is there only dis much…?”

Shake shake-

As if not wanting to miss even a single drop, she shook the bottle, but no more holy water came out.

Unlike last time when she drank a whole bottle, Estia’s mind seemed relatively sane.

‘If we compare it to alcohol…’

She still had her memories and was conscious but she was in a state where she couldn’t make rational judgments.

“Why… No more holy water…? This is sad…”

Shake shake-

Estia kept shaking the bottle.

I called her name to get her attention.

Now was the time for proper education to begin.


“Hehe…? What is it, Mister…?”

“The remaining half bottle. Do you want to drink more?”


Estia rushed over at those words.

“Holy water! Give it to me! I, I need more! Give it to me right now!”

“Wait. Wait. Speak to me from a distance.”

It was a bit annoying when she got too close.

The smell of holy water was sweet, but it reminded me of my future self that I had seen before.

It was like a nightmare contained in the smell.

Even though I told her to keep her distance, Estia kept clinging to me.

I had no choice but to take drastic measures.


“Holy water! Holy water! Give me the holy water!”

“If you keep clinging to me. I’ll throw the holy water on the floor.”


Estia retreated without saying a word.

Even though she had lost her self-control, did she still understand what was precious?

Estia, with her slurred speech, cowered and ran far away.

“…Holy water. It fell. So, give me the holy water.”

I will give it to you.

If you behave properly.

Currently, Estia couldn’t produce divine power even if she prayed.


Because she had incorrect faith and distorted knowledge.

I had seen that fact in her past, but I decided to ask a few questions to confirm some things.

“Estia. Why do goddesses exist in this world?”

“For happiness… The goddesses exist to give us holy water…”

“Then, what is the purpose of the church?”

“To-To make money… To give happiness to people… Need holy water…”

I was at a loss for words.

If Minerva were here, she might have seriously beaten Estia.

Because Minerva was the only goddess not active in the church.

All the other goddesses were comfortably staying in the church, and Minerva was the only one taking risks by being active outside.

When I asked about the reason in the past…

‘I don’t know, they all said they’re tired after living for thousands of years. They’re all dumping work on me who has no believers… Those bitches…’

I only got an answer where she cursed the other goddesses.

Perhaps that was why the church had become so corrupt, because those goddesses got tired.

Anyway, Estia couldn’t obtain divine power outside the church.

To help her obtain proper divine power, I had to revise the Saintess’s doctrine.

“…Is this right? Me teaching a Saintess?”

“Hehe… I love holy water… Give it to me quickly…”

“This isn’t going anywhere, Estia.”


“From now on, we’ll study the scriptures.”

From now on, I’ll give you half a bottle of holy water when we start studying the scriptures.

We’ll cover today’s assigned progress, and at the end, there will be a simple test.

If you pass that test…

“I’ll give you the remaining half bottle of holy water. Here’s the scripture. Study up to page 50.”

“…!! Holy water..!!”

Estia sat on the floor and immediately began reciting the scripture.

“Chapter 1. The goddess exists for the safety of believers…? Lies! It’s for the happiness of believers!”


It would take some time because she had incorrect knowledge, but the Saintess slowly began to study the scriptures again.

She did grab my pant leg and beg for holy water in between, but my will was firm.


“Scripture Chapter 2. Why does the goddess look down upon people?”

“Ha-Happiness! It’s to become happy by drinking holy water!”

“Wrong. It’s to help people live a human-like life. You failed this test. Try again next time.”

“Ah, ahhh-!! Lies-!! It’s a lie-!!”

Estia failed the test and cried out in anguish.

Today’s study was over.

However, Estia, unable to give up on holy water, followed me around all day and she begged for holy water while grabbing my pant leg.

“Ple-Please… Holy water… Please give me holy water…”

“…Go inside and sleep.”

Of course, I didn’t give in to Estia’s pleas.


‘Make her endure her obsession with holy water and make her focus her attention elsewhere.’


The keyword for Estia’s lessons was endurance.

If she could overcome that, she might be able to get what she wanted.



Hoot- Hoot-

Mieng brought a fresh new book to Minerva.

The title of the book was ‘Jun-woo’s Future (New Edition)’

‘Jun-woo’s Future (Old Edition)’ contained his future before he kidnapped the Hero’s party.

After meeting the Hero’s party, his future had changed dramatically.

To classify it accurately, it was published under the name of New Edition.

“Hoot-! Hoot-!”

“Hmm, what? A new work has come out? Hmm, let’s see.”

I wonder what our Jun-woo’s future will be like!

I’m excited!

I hope it only contains happy content!

Minerva turned the pages with a lively smile.

“Hmm.. Hmm..”

Recently, there had been no incidents so she didn’t need to pose problems, but she might have to pose quite a few problems for this future.

“Why are there so many dangerous things…? Saten, Hare… These two are doing strange things.”

But well, since it helped with growth, there was no need to tell Jun-woo about it, right?

The emotion of love was very good for making someone grow and even if Saten couldn’t empathize with emotions, she could understand them.

For the sake of the future, there was no need to stop it.

Up until now.


‘This might be a bit dangerous.’

The dungeon city of Henesys.

Of all places, to think those guys would be there…

Pages in the book were burning with black flames.

“Are there traces of a Demon Lord here too?”

Jun-woo’s future continued on, but on the last page of the burnt pages.

Like a flower on a cliff, the last sentence had survived among the black flames.

Minerva was very suspicious of the remaining words.

“The Demon Lord of Lust exists in the dungeon city of Henesys. And…”

The children were put to the test on the bed of desire.

The children witness Mister’s ‘infidelity’…?

“What on earth does this mean…? In-Infidelity? Ju-Jun-woo…?!”

Are-Are you crazy?!

What on earth are you doing in front of those children, future Jun-woo!?

Even if he was her apostle, Minerva absolutely couldn’t understand Jun-woo committing ‘infidelity’ in front of the children.

“Yo-You pervert-!! I’m ex-excommunicating you as an apostle-!!”

Minerva’s anguished voice echoed through the library, Mieng quickly covered its ears and ran away.

It was used to this.

This wasn’t the first or second time this had happened.



[Translator Notes]

[Damn Estia an addict frfr]

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I Kidnapped the Hero Party

I Kidnapped the Hero Party

Score 9.6
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Artist: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
A hero party consists of a hero, a thief, a mage, and a saintess. I must kidnap that hero party. If I don't kidnap them, I will die.


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