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I Kidnapped the Hero Party – Chapter 42

.。.:✧ Mister is Sensitive (2) ✧:.。.

Translated By Arcane Translations
Translator: FusionX


Three girls were peeking through the crack in the door.

They were too far away to hear what Mister was saying to Hare, but one thing was clear.

“This is obvious! Hare is being scolded by Mister!”

Luna stated the obvious.

Saten, who was watching through the door crack with her, said emotionlessly.

“It’s natural to be scolded for doing something wrong. Hare will soon be abandoned.”

Estia nodded in agreement.

“Th-That might be true… That brother turned out to be scarier than I thought… He m-might abandon her…”

“No! M-Mister won’t abandon Hare!”

Was that really true?

Saten was certain that Mister would abandon Hare, because that was what she had learned in her family.

“Hmm, think as you like. I’ll just watch how this turns out. If you do something wrong, it’s only natural to be abandoned.”

This was the most entertaining fight to watch in the world.

The three girls watched as Hare was being scolded.

Mister was saying something angrily, and Hare was standing still with her head bowed.

Then, whatever Mister said, Hare’s expression changed as if she had heard shocking news.

Saten nodded, certain of her prediction.

“It seems Mister finally said it. To leave this place. Hare will soon be packing her bags. She was a stupid child who didn’t properly understand Mister.”

“N-No! Hare is smart! Stop talking nonsense, Saten!”

“You’ll see the results for yourself. Look, Mister is coming.”

While the two were bickering, the conversation seemed to have ended as Mister was walking back alone, leaving Hare behind.

‘Is-Is Mister really going to abandon Hare?!’


As the door opened and Luna’s eyes met Mister’s, she shouted strongly like the leader of a protest.

“I-I object! Don’t kick Hare out!! I’m against it!!”

“…What are you talking about? I’m not kicking Hare out.”


“I just came in alone to give her time to think. Hare will come in soon.”

“Oh… I see… I was fooled…?”

Mister said this and then waved his hand to use magic.

Null Attribute Magic: Annihilation

The dust that had settled thickly throughout the house disappeared.

And then.

Null Attribute Magic: Reconstruction

The dilapidated house returned to a state no different from when it was new.

Luna was amazed.

“Wow… Mister! What kind of magic is this?!”

“Null attribute magic. It returns dust to nothingness, and returns the damage done to the building to nothingness.”

“C-Can that really be done?! M-Mister! I want to learn magic too! It’s so cool!”

“…Instead of learning magic, practice your swordsmanship, Luna.”

Luna barely had enough time to hone her swordsmanship.

Jun-woo said this and looked around the house.

“…It’s cleaner inside than I thought after cleaning.”

It was a building similar to a two-story mansion.

They were able to buy it cheaply because rumors of ghosts had lowered the price, it could be called a sweet deal.

The mansion had a total of 6 rooms, so Jun-woo was about to walk towards one of the rooms to rest.

At that moment.


He felt a sensation on his arm.


“Mister. I have something I’m curious about. I’m asking because I don’t understand.”

“…Tell me, what are you so curious about?”

“Why didn’t you abandon that commoner Hare? She did what you hate the most. And she doesn’t listen well. I think it’s better to abandon a child who doesn’t conform to rules and systems. I really don’t understand, why didn’t you abandon her?”

Saten asked with an expressionless face.

It was natural to abandon her.

To this, Jun-woo responded as if it were obvious.

“Everyone makes mistakes, and Hare is young so she will change.”

“No, people don’t change. A person’s essence can never change. That child will cause trouble again.”

“…Saten, children normally grow up by causing trouble.”


Causing trouble, getting scolded, crying, getting angry.

That was how children normally grew up.

“Hare caused big trouble, so she was scolded. She will receive a punishment fitting her actions. So, there will absolutely be no abandoning. Is that answer sufficient?”


“Then think about it slowly and come to your own conclusion. I’m going in now.”

Since he wasn’t feeling well, it was better to go in quickly.

Jun-woo confined himself to his room before his emotions could burst out.


Saten stared blankly at where he had disappeared.

She didn’t understand at all.

“You don’t abandon them even if they cause trouble? I wasn’t taught that. It’s natural to be abandoned if you cause trouble, and children should be prepared to die to avoid causing trouble…”

That was how she was taught in her family.

But… children grow up by causing trouble…?

She didn’t grow up like that.

She could only survive by not causing trouble.

“But, that’s not it… How strange…”

She thought she was observing Mister accurately but this felt a bit different from what she expected.

Saten went into an empty room with a slightly unpleasant feeling.


The two left in the living room shivered at the lingering chill.

“…Wh-What’s going on here?”

“I-I know, right, Luna…? They didn’t fight, but somehow it feels chilly…?”

“It’s a bit cold…”

Ha, haha.

The two looked at each other with stiff smiles.

An even colder wind came towards them…


“Ha-Hare…? Are you okay, Hare…?”

“She looks like a ghost… I think she needs holy power…”

Lifeless eyes.

Disheveled pink hair.

Drip drip-

She was shedding tears.

Hare appeared with a messy face and walked into an empty room without saying anything.


“It’s not even winter yet but it’s already cold…”

“Y-Yeah, Luna…”

For some reason.

The two felt like they were in the middle of winter.



Lying on the bed, he tried to shake off his emotions, but emotions didn’t move as one wished.

“…I shouldn’t have said such things.”

It was too early to say it.

Hare, had lost her last family and followed me.

I inflicted a new wound on a child whose old wounds hadn’t even healed yet.

It was all my fault.

‘Recalling that emotion, I got angry without realizing it.’

That day.

After my master Aina lost her life, I threw the emotion of love to the ground.

Roughly, as if I would never look at it again.


‘For Hare to harbor such feelings for me… That can’t happen…’

I had no intention of accepting it, nor did I want to give it, so I was thinking of cutting off the bud of hope, but due to my immature emotional control that started from the side effects I ended up hurting Hare.

I stared at the empty ceiling.

Was it because I faced that emotion?

Suddenly, my mind recalled her, whom I had kept in my memories.

‘…Back then, even when I lay down like this, I could hear Aina’s voice.’

Memories of the past that I didn’t want to remember were coming back vividly.

Though her personality was a mess, she was the one who saved me from loneliness when I fell into this other world.


When I first met her, she said this to me as I was begging on the street.

‘Hey beggar, how much did you earn today? Wait a sec, 1000 peri? Tsk, you should beg a little harder. Here, I’ll take this?’

‘Crazy woman…’

As soon as we met, she extorted money from me, and when I chased after her to get it back.

She tried to use me as experimental material.

Somehow we had a conversation while I was tied to a wall, and she did take me as a disciple, but no matter how I thought about it, Aina’s personality wasn’t normal.

She was closer to being crazy.

But even though she was abnormal.

“Now that I can’t see her anymore, I miss her…”

I had locked her away in a box deep in my heart.

I didn’t know if it was because of the side effects, but tonight, I especially missed her.



“Ah, Mister…”

Drip drip-

Hare kept crying until she was exhausted, falling asleep and waking up repeatedly.

She didn’t know how much time had passed, and she wanted to keep sleeping like this forever.

Because the reality she was living in now was too painful.

“Is it… wrong for me to like you, Mister…? Is that… a burdensome action for you…?”

Hare hugged her pillow and burst into tears.

“My, my feelings… are sincere… Is it wrong for me to like you, Mister…? That’s… not something I can control on my own…”


Mister was her first.

From the moment she first met him, her heart started racing, and she felt he was different from others.

Books called such feelings ‘love’, and said it wasn’t something you could control at will.

“You, you saved me from the dump… For the first time in my life… I felt happy… From the moment we first met… I, I fell in love… Is that my fault…? Mi-Mister…?”

Hare poured out her inner thoughts alone, feeling upset.

She knew it wouldn’t reach Mister, but if she didn’t do this, she felt like she would go crazy from frustration.

“You saved me, didn’t you, Mister… And, and you let me live… I’ll… I’ll get along well with my friends now… So, please…”

Just my feelings.

Please look at them properly.

I won’t ask you to accept them anymore.

Please don’t tell me to get rid of them.

“That’s… not something I can control… sob, Mister… I, I… can’t live without thinking about you… sob…”

I can give up everything you want, Mister, but I can’t give up my feelings for you.

Hare cried sorrowfully, pleading.

She hated herself for being stupid, thinking it would be fine as long as Mister didn’t find out.

“I should have… sob, known exactly what Mister likes… what he dislikes… sob, I was too… stupid…”

Mister told her to sort out her emotions, but that was an impossible request.

“Then… sob… what should I do…? Get along well with… my friends… Is, is that all…?”


That was definitely not all…

I have many problems… that’s why Mister scolded me so harshly…

Though she didn’t want to admit it, Hare decided to acknowledge it.

That she was stupid, and that she knew too little about Mister.

Hare, with her self-esteem and self-respect hitting rock bottom had no choice but to yield.

“So… I, I need… someone who knows my shortcomings…”

Only after doing so did she realize this action was wrong.

She had acted on it, so Mister had scolded her severely.

Therefore… she needed to know what actions were problematic.

“That… she knows best…”

Knock knock-

After knocking on the door, she entered the room of the girl who knew Mister well and knew her own flaws well.

Hare, with an exhausted and pale complexion, said to the black-haired girl.

“Saten, tell me… What, what should I do… to not be hated by Mister…? And, and what exactly are my problems…?”

“There are many problems. First, you’re stupid and frustrating. Second, you didn’t observe Mister accurately. Third, your emotions come before your thoughts more than expected.”

“So… tell me… How can I… fix them…?”


Saten answered with a slight smile.

“In this world, if something is given, something must be received in return, commoner.”

“Yes, I’ll give you… anything you want… So, please tell me… Ple-Please… I love Mister… I don’t want to be abandoned… I want to stay by his side… Please…”


She was originally going to refuse, but… Saten’s curiosity was piqued by that word.

Therefore, with a small smile, she declared to Hare.

“Then I’ll give you your problem points. In return, you tell me about that emotion called ‘love’. How about it?”

An exchange.

I’ll tell you your problem points, so you tell me about emotions.

Saten thought she wasn’t losing out in this deal.

Because it would bring forward the day she could learn magic from Mister and it was the same for Hare.

‘If, if I don’t do things Mister dislikes… I, I might be able to stay with him without getting rid of my feelings.’

If she could just hide them without getting rid of them it might be possible.

Hare had no reason to refuse.

“O-Okay… I’ll… tell you how I… feel about Mister…”

“You’re quick to understand for a commoner. Don’t extend your hand. We don’t need a handshake.”


The two formed an alliance but didn’t shake hands.

The two who thought they were enemies began to form a strange relationship where they could complement each other’s weaknesses.



[Translator Notes]

[I dont know if its physically possible to become more yandere than this but it feels like hare will manage to do that]

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I Kidnapped the Hero Party

I Kidnapped the Hero Party

Score 9.6
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Artist: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
A hero party consists of a hero, a thief, a mage, and a saintess. I must kidnap that hero party. If I don't kidnap them, I will die.


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12 days ago

hare you got this learn his weakness develop your skills and counter kidnap him

12 days ago

Hare will be so yandere that on the outside she’ll perpetually be the most normal and well adjusted of the 4.

Last edited 12 days ago by Tes
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not work with dark mode