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I Kidnapped the Hero Party – Chapter 41

.。.:✧ Mister is Sensitive (1) ✧:.。.

Translated By Arcane Translations
Translator: FusionX


After mister left, Luna began pulling weeds in the yard while grumbling about mister.

“Sheesh, Mister always picks on me! Does he hate me? Hmph, I hate Mister too-!”

I hate him! I totally hate him!

He’s always making me do hard work!

Luna vented her hurt feelings as she pulled up the overgrown weeds.

Though she cursed with her mouth, Luna was actually very good at following Mister’s words with her actions and while Luna was busy pulling weeds, Hare and Estia were… having a small argument.

“It’s better if you stay still. Mister told me to watch you.”

“F-Fine then! I wasn’t planning to run away anyway!”

“…How was Mister’s embrace? Was it nice?”

“I-I don’t know…! What are you even talking about?”

I don’t understand!

Me, embraced by the mister! You should say things that make sense!

If I were just a bit taller, I’d hit you so hard!

Estia imagined bonking Hare, who was watching her, on the head.

‘Hehe, serves you right, you pink-head!’

Why is she laughing?

Hare didn’t understand, but since Mister had said Estia was sometimes strange, she just let it be.

As they were watching Luna remove weeds and waiting for Mister, Saten, who had been reading a book in the shade far away, approached Hare and Estia.

It was a very rare occurrence.

“Wow! What’s this! This is the first time I’ve seen her approach us first!”


Saten approached with an expressionless face and stood silently in front of Hare.

Why had Saten, whom she disliked the most, come over here?

To Hare, who was wondering this, Saten asked in an emotionless tone.

“Do you live while thinking?”


“From what I see, it seems like you don’t have any thoughts.”


I-I don’t have thoughts…?

Even though I’m always thinking about Mister, you’re saying I don’t have thoughts…?

Hare responded in confusion.

“D-do you know h-how much I think about Mister…! Wh-What are you saying-”

“Are you really thinking about Mister? Sincerely?”

“O-Of course…! I-I like Mister-”

“Then, you’ll be abandoned. Mister will abandon you.”

She had a tone full of certainty, Saten was certain that Hare would soon be abandoned.

Because she was ignoring what Mister cared about the most.

Saten, who had memories of being abandoned by her family, could see the end of this situation better than anyone else.

Saten predicted with a tone close to certainty.

“You. You’ll be abandoned soon. Mister knows everything and he doesn’t like children who fight with their friends.”

“Y-You, you saw me threatening Estia…?”

That’s not what’s important.

Saten gave a cold smile at those words.

It was a sneer at someone who didn’t know how stupid they were.

“If you’re a commoner, it’s better to know your place. Mister is a far superior being than you know.”

“No…! I know Mister is great…”

“No, you don’t really know. How superior of a being Mister is.”

If you’re going to cut off the tail, cut it off completely.

If there’s a dangerous possibility, act on it immediately.

That was why, even though he was living with 4 children of unknown identity, he hadn’t been discovered by others.

Moreover, he had high-level skills in both swordsmanship and magic.

Magic formulas that even her, a genius, couldn’t understand.

Saten, who had been observing Mister all this time, knew very well that he was incredible.

“Mister moves as if he can see the future. He must have reached a level where he can see the future. So, you’re in big trouble.”

“Uh, uh…?”

“Do you understand now? All of your actions are in Mister’s hands.”


“If you don’t want to be abandoned, behave properly.”


To gain attention, you need to properly understand what your target likes and dislikes.

Hare, who moved as she pleased without such thoughts, seemed stupid.

She was as frustrating as an insect, on the other hand, she also felt a sense of kinship.

‘Though I can no longer feel the feeling of being abandoned…’

Knowing how sad that memory buried in her unconscious was she didn’t want to see others being abandoned.

Of course, she wanted to hit the commoner Hare countless times, but she held back.

‘If Mister didn’t dislike fighting… I would have slapped her…’

That was really unfortunate.

Saten’s hands were itching as she watched the frustrating Hare.

“I told you. You’ll be abandoned if you act like that. Do as you please.”


As Saten left again for the shade of the tree far away, Hare began to be consumed by anxiety.

“Mister knows what I’ve done…?

Is, is that really…?

It’s okay if the Goddess knows… but Mister shouldn’t know…”

Hare, didn’t know that the Goddess and Mister were on the same side, consumed by anxiety she turned her gaze towards where Mister had left.


Hare could only let out a sigh.

Mister was returning and his expression… it looked unusually sharp, unlike usual.



The way back to the newly acquired house was unpleasant, people’s voices felt like they were tearing my ears.

The sunlight was just trash that blinded my eyes, I wanted to clean it up right away if I could.

“Damn these aftereffects…”

These emotions must be due to the aftereffects, usually I wouldn’t have thought anything of it.

But now, I didn’t even want to hear the voices of passing children.

After enduring such a difficult time, I arrived at the new house.

As soon as she saw me, Luna, who had been pulling weeds, started running towards me, shouting.

“Mister!! I pulled a lot of weeds!! Did you see? I’m a woman who does what I say I’ll do!”

Luna boasted as if she was proud of herself.

However, I wasn’t in the mood to praise her right now.

“…I see.”

“Huh? Is, is that all…?”

“What more do you need me to say?”

“Ah, no, that’s not it…”

Luna seemed to have sensed my mood, as she trailed off.

I didn’t want to be like this.

The words I thought and the words I spoke came out differently.

Though unintended, it felt like I was throwing snowballs with stones in them.

I spoke to Luna as gently as I could manage right now.

“…I’ll clean the house when I go in, so go inside, Luna.”

“O-Okay… I’ll go in…”


Luna walked towards the house with her spirits dampened.

Usually, I would have given her a small compliment, but today wasn’t the day for that.

Next was Saten.

“I’ll go inside, mister.”


Saten had already started moving after seeing Luna go into the house.

I didn’t have anything particular to say to her, she wasn’t the one who needed a conversation.

I approached the two people sitting on the bench in the yard.

“Estia, Hare. I think we need to talk.”

It wouldn’t be good to talk in this state, but this matter was important, so it was better to finish the conversation today.

I shifted my gaze to Hare and spoke as it seemed she had already sensed the uneasiness.


“…Yes, mister.”

“Don’t you have something to tell me?”


Hare moved her gaze around uneasily, unable to say anything.

Of course she couldn’t say anything.

Because she had done something wrong.

Because she had broken her promise.

This time I asked Estia.


“Huh? Me?”

“Yes, do you have anything you want to tell me?”

“Why are you being so scary, big brother? I-I don’t really have anything I want to say…”




Estia glanced at Hare beside her, it was an action as if saying ‘She’s the one who did wrong!’

That action alone was enough of an answer.

‘Hare really thought I wouldn’t know.’


If I hadn’t gone to the library, I definitely wouldn’t have known, but I had checked Estia’s past.

‘So. Don’t tell Mister about today…’

She had put a knife to Estia’s neck.

I had seen the past where Hare threatened her not to speak.

I really thought she had come to her senses, but Hare was still the same.

She hadn’t properly reflected.



Hare trembled as if she knew her own wrongdoing.

She looked pitiful, but I had no intention of letting her off.

I recited to Hare in a dry tone.

“Was it so difficult for you to get along well with your friend?”

“N-No…!! I-I wanted to get along well-”

“Don’t make useless excuses. It’s a waste of time.”

“I-I’m sorry…”


She would apologize again this time, it was a predictable pattern.

If she had sincerely reflected, I would have been willing to forgive her, but Hare had gone too far by ignoring my words and acting again.

“It’s outrageous that you thought you wouldn’t be caught by me. You even thought of silencing Estia.”

“Ah, aah… Mister…”

“Hare, do you think my words are trash?”

“N-No…!! Y-Your words aren’t trash… I-I just did wrong…”

“If you’ve done wrong, proper reflection means reflecting and never doing it again. Then what have you done? Did you just waste time in there?”


Hare fell silent.

She seemed to realize that though she had sincerely reflected, her direction had gone wrong.

And then.


“Y-Yes, sir!?”

“Make sure you receive an apology from Hare later. Without fail. If something like this happens again, tell me.”



Estia, who was next to me, seemed to be seeing my angry appearance for the first time, and was cowering in fear.

That was all I had to say to Estia.

“Then, go inside the house now.”


After sending Estia back to the house.

The remaining people were Hare and me and now I had to finish the conversation with her.

I wanted to quickly go in and rest, annoyed by my swirling emotions.



Hare clenched her fists tightly and trembled.

Tears were about to flow, but she seemed to be barely holding them back.

I harshly pressed Hare.

“What did you do wrong?”

“I-I didn’t… get along well… with my friend…”

“You understand well, then what do you plan to do from now on?”

“I’ll… get along well with… my friends… In-In front of you… sniff, and behind your back too… sniff…”

Hare answered while trying her best to hold back her tears.

Emotions kept telling me to put her in solitary confinement, but my last bit of reason barely held back my emotions.

Instead, I had to say the words that had been bothering me to Hare.



“Did you think I didn’t know your feelings?”

“M-Mister…? Wh-What do you mean…”

“Those feelings you have. They’re just a misunderstanding and an illusion.”


“So, give them up cleanly. I have no intention of accepting your feelings.”

“Ah, aah…?”

Hare froze like a stone at those words, she didn’t move and no voice came out of her mouth.

Only great shock remained on her expression.

I coldly uttered my final words.

“Hare, if you fight with your friends again, I’ll kick you out of the house so you better behave properly.”


“…I’ll give you time to think. Come in after properly sorting out your emotions.”

Leaving those cold words behind, I turned around and walked towards the house.

From behind, I could hear Hare’s pitiful voice sobbing, but.

“I-I’m sorry… But… these feelings… sniff, are… sincere… It’s not… a misunderstanding…”


“Pl-Please believe… me… M-Mister…”

…Even so, I left her outside and entered the house without saying anything.

These were words I had to say someday.

Saying I had no intention of accepting her feelings were words I absolutely had to say.


‘I had to say it someday… but it shouldn’t have been today…’

After Hare had grown a bit more, when she could accept the hurt, I should have said it, but unable to overcome my emotions, I ended up hurting Hare.

‘…Damn it.’

Today, I failed as a guardian.



[Translator Notes]

[Finally hare is getting a fucking lesson goddamn]

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I Kidnapped the Hero Party

I Kidnapped the Hero Party

Score 9.6
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Artist: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
A hero party consists of a hero, a thief, a mage, and a saintess. I must kidnap that hero party. If I don't kidnap them, I will die.


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14 days ago

man i love this dynamic so much i just want hare to crash out though thats when weve peaked

14 days ago

fucking finally, Hare was getting on my nerves recently.

Reply to  rent
14 days ago

though she is still a child, so I can’t blame her much.

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not work with dark mode