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I Kidnapped the Hero Party – Chapter 40

.。.:✧ Moving Preparations! The Unbearable Saintess (4) ✧:.。.

Translated By Arcane Translations
Translator: FusionX


The door leading to Minerva’s library existed everywhere.

The path I walked was the path of the goddess and the goddess’s path was on the path I walked.

It meant I just had to think about the library while passing through an alley.

‘If I turn left in this alley, the door to the library will exist.’

With just that small thought, as I turned in the alley.


Minerva’s library appeared before my eyes.

It was a moment that brought back memories of the past.

‘So-Someone, please help me…!’

10 years ago.

When I fell into this world and I was running away from thugs in an alley.

Minerva’s library had been shining brightly.

‘Wh-Where is this…?’

‘Welcome. Wandering soul. Your name is Lee Jun-woo, right? Welcome to this other world!’

That was where I first met Minerva, and from then on, I began living as an apostle of the goddess.

Though we were close now, at first I resented her and now I was standing in front of Minerva, who was snoring while sleeping on the sofa.

“…What time is it now, that you’re sleeping?”

Wake up-!!

“It-It’s an attack…!! Oh, it’s not… Jun-woo…? Why are you here…?”

When I shouted loudly, Minerva woke up startled.

She yawned as if she had slept well and asked me.

“Yawn… Aren’t you in the middle of moving? That’s why I was sleeping… What business do you have, Jun-woo?”

The content of my business was simple, I just needed her to lend me one book.

The book containing Estia’s past.

“I’d like you to show me the past.”

“Whose past?”


“No!! Absolutely! Absolutely! No!!”


Minerva defended herself with No x2, Absolutely x2.

Why was she saying it couldn’t be done like that?

I needed to hear the reason to understand so I demanded an explanation from Minerva.

“Why can’t it be done, Minerva.”

“Luna, Hare. Their pasts are fine. But Saintess Estia’s past is absolutely forbidden. I’m saying this for your sake, Jun-woo.”

“Is it because the side effects might be too severe?”

“…Yes, they’re very severe. If you’re not careful, the side effects could even kill you.”

…Side effects that could kill me, that was certainly dangerous.

If I, who was protecting Minerva from the Demon Lords, died, Minerva would be as good as dead too.

The same went for the Hero’s party I was raising.

‘Still, wouldn’t it be fine if I looked at the future?’


Don’t die.

Minerva had the ‘Jun-woo’s Future Series’ that could determine that.

To urge her, I roughly patted Minerva’s head.

“Minerva. We can just look at the future, right? If I die from the side effects, then I won’t look at Estia’s past. How about it, simple, right?”

“Stop that-! My head-! Stop touching it-! Let- Let’s talk-?”

“Alright, I’ll stop.”


Minerva sighed.

Then, she read Jun-woo’s Future Series placed on the bedside table.

Minerva was reading intently, as if she wouldn’t miss a single letter.

After some time passed, Minerva closed the last page and said,

“…You won’t die from reading Estia’s past. But. You’ll need to rest your mind for a while. There are aftereffects.”

“Aftereffects? How severe are they?”

“Your emotions will become very sensitive. The Hero’s party will probably be hurt by your words. But they’ll grow in exchange…”


In exchange for getting clues to treat Estia, I’d become sensitive for a while…

If you gain something, you lose something.

It was ambiguous what kind of hurt I’d give to the Hero’s party…

The consolation was that the result would lead to the Hero’s party’s growth.


‘If I can’t cure Estia’s addiction, the Hero’s party will be destroyed.’

The destruction of the Hero’s party would directly lead to the destruction of the world, and would be linked to the death of Minerva and me.

Considering that, I had no choice in this situation.

I declared to Minerva, who still seemed half-asleep.



“Bring me Estia’s past.”

“Ordering the goddess around… Do you want to die…”


“You only plead at times like this…! Fine!”

Minerva grumbled as she brought a book from far away.

‘Saintess Estia’s Past’

Already, negative emotions were seeping out from between the pages of the book.

After receiving the book from Minerva, I stared at the title for a moment.

I needed mental preparation.

‘…What kind of past did she have, and how can I cure her addiction.’

That was what I’d find out now.

I’d read it carefully according to the timeline.


With a resolute heart, I opened Estia’s book.



The tragic fall of faith was written.



A newborn baby was crying in front of the door of an orphanage supported by the church.

The parents were nowhere to be seen, and only a paper with ‘Estia’ written on it was there along with the blanket wrapping her.

That was how Estia’s life began at the orphanage.

‘Waah-! Waah-!’

‘Yes, Estia. Eat well…’

Life at the orphanage wasn’t bad.

Rather, the orphanage director took good care of Estia, pitying her.

As Estia grew older, she got along well with the other children and maintained family-like relationships.

‘Now, children. You have to eat to grow big and strong, right? Everyone eat well.’

The orphanage director helped the children grow with care.

She was kind and gentle, so she acted as a ‘mother’ figure among the children.

Growing up with such care at the orphanage, Estia…


At the age of 9, she was sitting in the yard looking up at the sky.

“Hehe, it’s a butterfly…”

“Estia! What are you doing there!”

“Huh? Rachel? What’s the matter?”

“You idiot! Today is the day Berry gets adopted! You should at least say goodbye!”

“Ah, right.”

Children raised in the orphanage would be adopted by other families if they were lucky.

In the Empire, only wealthy families were allowed to adopt, so there were envious gazes towards the adopted children.

But Estia’s thoughts were different from theirs.

Watching Berry leave in fancy clothes, Estia quietly whispered,

“…I like it here. I like staying with my family! Do we really have to be adopted, Rachel?”

“Yes, we don’t have a choice. The church says we should live a new life.”

“But I like this life better…”

“Then live in the orphanage forever! I’m going to be adopted by a very nice rich family!”

“Th-Then! Let me know when you leave! Okay?!”

“Sigh, alright. Estia!”

Rachel smiled brightly as she expressed her ambitions.

Estia got along best with Rachel, who was the same age, and they understood each other well.

However, the day after Berry left, Rachel disappeared from the orphanage without saying a word.

Estia hurriedly asked the director.

“Mo-Mom! Where did Rachel go..?!”

“Ah, Rachel… That child was suddenly adopted.”

“What…?! Su-Suddenly adopted…?! Wi-Without even saying goodbye to me…? Wh-Why…?”

‘I hate Rachel…’

Estia cried out of sadness.

Though she hated Rachel, she wanted to see her again because she was her closest friend.

Even as time passed and she grew older, she couldn’t forget her closest friend.

And a year later, the year Estia turned 10.

“Estia. Congratulations. Your adoption has been decided.”

Estia’s adoption was decided.

She got on a carriage without even having time to say goodbye to the other children, and headed somewhere.

White clergy were sitting next to her in the carriage.

‘Wh-Where are we going…? This is…? Th-This isn’t home…?’

The grand and massive church of the Goddess.

The carriage stopped at the church that could be considered the center of the religious order.

The white clergy pulled Estia out.

Unlike the word adoption, it was a rough action.

They entered the church, and when a deep, dark underground passage came into view, Estia finally realized.

“Ev-Everyone… It wasn’t adoption… Th-They came to a place like this…? Rachel… Berry… The other kids too…?”

The adoption carried out by the church was just a lie to deceive them.

She realized that children were being imprisoned here.

“N-No…! Th-They must have gone back…! To-To good homes…!”

“Shut up!”

The clergy threw Estia into an iron cage.

There were many girls and boys who looked about her age.

“Get inside.”



Estia was thrown into the iron cage and looked around.

Children were covered in wounds as if pricked by needles all over their bodies.

Their eyes were all lifeless, sunk in deep despair.

“Th-This isn’t right… It-It must be a dream… Th-The Goddess… The church wouldn’t do this…”

It-It’s a joke.

This must be a joke.

Estia didn’t believe what she was seeing, and shouted through the iron bars.

“He-Help me-!! I-I’m-!! Su-Supposed to be adopted-! Th-There must be some mistake-”

“Shut up, trash. For the prosperity of mankind. Stay still.”

A clergyman was guiding children to be used for experiments.

Dozens of children were walking with their hands tied, among them, there was a familiar face.

The reunion with a friend she had wanted to see happened in prison.

“Ah, aah…!! Ra-Rachel-!!”


“An-Answer me-!! Rachel-!!”


Step- Step-

Rachel walked away without saying a word, that was the last time she saw her closest friend.

“Di-Did the other children… end up like Rachel too…?”

After that, Estia couldn’t see Rachel anymore and so, one by one, children were dragged away for experiments.

“The noisy girl who kept chattering. It’s your turn now.”

“Ah, aah…”

This is a dream.

Please let it be a dream.

Estia was led by the clergyman’s hand to the laboratory.

They laid Estia on a bed and tied her down with ropes so she couldn’t move.

Estia could barely breathe from indescribable fear.

“Test subject 51. Begin injection. Bring the syringe, Eric.”

“I-I don’t want the injection…”

As if Estia’s will didn’t matter, Holy Knight Eric brought the syringe.

He hesitated for a moment in front of Estia, but eventually handed over the syringe.

And then…

“The experiment starting now will be recorded, and if the experiment succeeds… you will become a wonderful person who brings happiness to people.”

“I-I don’t want to… I-I don’t want to do this…”

“If you didn’t want this to happen, you should have been born to good parents.”


The experimenting doctor also known as the Pope injected Estia’s arm with a syringe filled with divine power.

“Ah, aah-!! Sa-Save me-!! Ah, it hurts-!! Please-!!”

Estia writhed in pain.

It was painful.

She wished someone would kill her, but only two pairs of eyes looked at her.

They didn’t even give a slight reaction.

And as time passed.

“Haa… Haa…”

“…Test subject 51. First experiment successful. Return her to her place now.”

Estia passed the first experiment and was sent back to prison.

When a day had passed, the number of children in the same prison had noticeably decreased.

Only deep despair consumed Estia.

She lost the light in her eyes just like the other children, until they achieved the result of ‘holy water’ from the experiments.

“31st experiment successful. Divine power reaction is coming from subject 51’s body. Eric, bring me one of the children.”


One child was brought from the prison.

They fed that child the divine power that came from Estia’s hand.

Then, life began to spring in the eyes that had always been full of frustration, and the child smiled as if they were happy.

The Pope exclaimed with enthusiasm at that sight.

“…It’s a success!! Eric! It’s a success! Finally, the church will be able to obtain great ‘power’!! Haha!!”

It was a substance similar to a drug and Estia could produce it.

The Pope intended to use her for a very good business.

“Now if we keep 51 locked up and produce holy water like a factory…”


“…No, let’s not do that. Rather, how about making her a saintess? Her appearance will be good later, and observing her, she doesn’t seem unintelligent. She’s perfect to be a saintess.”

“A saintess…?”

Eric looked at Estia with greedy eyes.

Though she looked terrible being locked in prison, it seemed she would grow into an incredible beauty later.

Therefore, Eric, with his greedy gaze, said to the Pope.

“Let’s use 2 as a factory. But this child alone, let’s build influence in the church under the name of a saintess. Doesn’t it sound like a good idea?”

“…Not a bad idea, Eric. 51 has endured well so far. Show her heaven.”


Drip drip-

Holy water dripped from Estia’s hand and Eric caught it in a cup and poured the holy water into Estia’s mouth as she couldn’t come to her senses.

It was a blessing that came down from a life of pain, powerful holy water that led to happiness.

Estia found hope to live again.

‘Ah, aah… I-I can… live with this… Goddess… thank you… You saved me…’

The holy water filled her heart that had become empty from pain.

Estia’s eyes regained their light.

She suddenly gained abundant happiness that she couldn’t obtain before.

Estia could live again as a person, not an experimental subject.

Because she obtained happiness as if she had fallen into heaven with the power of holy water.

With just that, Estia could endure any pain and live on.

“51, no, Estia will grow very well and become a powerful part of our order.”

And so, Estia, who received Eric’s gaze, was able to escape from the basement.

With her innate cunning and the merit of producing holy water herself, she could even rise to a high position in the order.

However, the indelible wounds in her heart did not disappear, and she had no choice but to rely on holy water.


The meaning of her life existed because of holy water.

“Rachel… Berry… Judy… Ellen… I hope you’re all happy in heaven… I-I’m so lonely…”

‘I’m sorry for surviving alone.’

Comforting her lonely and desolate heart with holy water, Estia lived at the top of the church.

What followed were the situations from when she was kidnapped until now.

That was the gloomy past of the Saintess who should have been radiant.




“Jun-woo, are you okay…?”

“I’m… not okay.”

It felt like my mind had been torn apart and eaten by insects.

The aftereffects were no joke.

In Saten’s case, the physical pain had been greater.

However, after experiencing Estia’s past, mental pain was dominating my body.

It was similar to the level when I lost my teacher Aina.

It was even hard to breathe properly.

“Haa, damn it…”

The church.

To think they were doing such experiments on young children.

I had roughly guessed, but after experiencing Estia’s past through borrowing it, the pain was indescribable.

Continuous experiments and repeated divine power injections, children disappearing every day and anxiety about survival.

All of that gathered to torment the young child named Estia.

“Perhaps, if it weren’t for the holy water… Estia might have become a doll…”

The driving force that kept Estia alive was holy water.

Without it, Estia would have been no different from a corpse.

She had lived through hard times relying on holy water.

So I…

“I’ll redirect Estia’s dependence on holy water to something else. That’s the treatment method… right, Minerva?”

“I can’t answer about such big issues. So… please take good care of that child, Jun-woo.”

Minerva, who was closest to the Saintess, said that with a sad expression.

I nodded and left the library, trying my best to suppress my emotions.

And then…

“Hare, did you think I didn’t know what was in your heart?”

“Sob, mister… I’m sorry… Sob, I was wrong… Sob, I did wrong…”

With emotions sensitized from experiencing Estia’s past, I ended up hurting Hare.



[Translator Notes]

[Damn im guessin hes gonna purge the church one day, cant wait for it]

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I Kidnapped the Hero Party

I Kidnapped the Hero Party

Score 9.6
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Artist: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
A hero party consists of a hero, a thief, a mage, and a saintess. I must kidnap that hero party. If I don't kidnap them, I will die.


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