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I Kidnapped the Hero Party – Chapter 30

.。.:✧ The Hero Luna's Awakening (3) ✧:.。.

Translated By Arcane Translations
Translator: FusionX


Hare changed 180 degrees after coming out of her confined room, in a very good direction.

“Mi-Mister. I finished cleaning… I-I did well, didn’t I…?”

“…Yes, you did well, Hare.”


Originally, when seeing the cleaned living room, there was only the recognition that ‘Ah, Hare cleaned’, but Hare, who had reflected in the room, now even reported to me after cleaning.

It seemed like behavior aimed at receiving praise.

‘But that’s not the most surprising point.’

Before entering the room, Hare disliked the other children.

She glared at the other children except Luna, wanting to drive them out and keeping them in check.

Then how about Hare now?

“Mi-Mister. I’ll go give them food. This plate is for Saten, right?”

“Oh, oh yes. Go ahead.”

She took actions for the other children on her own.

She woke up early to help prepare food, and as if she properly understood the words to get along well, no negative emotions like jealousy or greed could be found.

She especially treated Estia, to whom she had committed a mistake, even more specially.

“Since Estia eats a lot these days… Please give her some from my plate, Mister. I’m fine with eating just a little.”


Hare smiled with a pure smile like when I first saw her.

Although her expression had gradually darkened as more children came, Hare now had a bright expression as if she had found her initial heart.

‘The thinking room is quite effective.’

Seeing Hare change like this in a short time, the effect of the thinking room seemed certain.

It felt like I could use it again next time.

“…If Estia can’t control her withdrawal symptoms, it might be okay to confine her to the room.”

“What…? What did you say, Mister…? Are you going to confine me again…?”

“Ah, no, Hare. Not you, I’m talking about someone else.”

At the word ‘confinement’, Hare’s eyes lost their light for a moment, but regained it after hearing my explanation.

Did she hate going back to that room that much?

I’d been in the thinking room many times though.

Anyway, it seemed Hare absolutely didn’t want to go back there again.

“By the way, why isn’t Luna coming down?”

The time set to begin training had passed by 0 minutes and 37 seconds.

Usually, Luna would come out 1 minute early, or be no more than 10 seconds late.

However, today was an exception, and Luna wasn’t coming out of her room.

I said to Hare, who was looking at me with round eyes while standing still.

“Hare. Could you go up and call Luna?”

“Luna? Y-Yes! I’ll go call her!”


Hare climbed the stairs with her small height of not even 150cm.

‘She was lanky in the future, so she’ll grow later.’

I prayed earnestly in my heart, watching her climb the stairs, that Hare would be able to play her role well as the thief of the Hero’s party.

That she would be able to eliminate all of the Demon Lord’s.


Among the Demon Lord’s, that one.

The one who took Aina’s life.

I prayed that I could kill that one myself.

This time, I prayed for myself.



“…How dare she steal Mister’s time. Luna is a bad child.”

Hare headed towards Luna’s room, bursting with anger she had been holding back.

She always acted like a good child when Mister was around.

It didn’t matter if she became a bad child when other kids were around, as Hare wanted.

“As long as Mister doesn’t catch me… Meticulously and cunningly…”

Hare, who had reflected in a strange direction entered Luna’s room that Mister had left open.

A strange situation was unfolding before her eyes, Hare muttered in a surprised tone.

“Wh-What…? This situation…?”

A bizarre situation that was hard to explain in words was happening there.

Luna was lying face down on the bed, covering her ears.

Next to her, Estia was chattering about something.

To use an animal analogy, it was like a hamster bothering a Golden Retriever.

Hare asked the two seemingly insane people.

“Um… Mister said Luna should come down… What’s going on here…? Why is Luna covering her ears like that…?”

“It-It’s the Goddess’s revelation. The Goddess will save us!! Luna! What is the Goddess saying?!”

“What is she talking about…?”

Ignoring Estia’s words, Hare shifted her gaze to Luna on the bed.

Luna was covering her ears and shouting with a pained expression.

“It’s so noisy-!! Don’t talk to me-!!”


Who keeps talking to me!

Luna shouted with a pained look.

Estia blurted out strange things next to her, saying ‘If it’s auditory hallucinations, maybe you like holy water too!?’

Hare couldn’t understand this chaotic situation at all.

“It-It’s even noisier with two noisy kids…”

“So you were an addict like me! Luna! To think I’d find a comrade here! I’m so glad!”

“Be-Be quiet-!”

Luna was covering her ears, she couldn’t hear Estia’s words at all right now.

It was because of someone’s voice rising from her heart.

-Wake… up, Hero.

“I am awake! Stop! Stop waking me up-!”

-Take up… the ‘burden’, Hero.

“Wh-What is that…!”

A voice was ringing in her heart and in her head, and something surrounded by fog kept flickering.

It appeared and disappeared like a hallucination.

“Fog… I can’t see well… A sword…? Is it a sword…?”

It looked like there was a golden sword behind the fog…

Something barely graspable.

The image of a sword kept appearing in Luna’s mind, and an eerie voice was heard.

Screams accompanied that voice, and it reverberated in Luna’s head to the point where it was becoming hard to endure.

‘Th-This is too hard to listen to anymore…’

Ah, my eyes are closing…

Just as she felt like she was about to lose consciousness,

“Luna? What are you doing there?”

“Mister? Huh? I can’t hear the voice? What’s going on?”

Jun-woo, had come up wondering if something had happened to Luna who was running late.

As soon as he arrived, the voice she had been hearing easily subsided.

Luna took her hands off her ears and looked at Jun-woo with surprised eyes.

“Wh-What? Why did the voice stop…?”

The voice stopped when Mister arrived?

Wh-What? What’s going on?

Jun-woo asked Luna, who was standing still on the bed.

“What were you doing that made you late, Luna?”

“Ah, no, it’s just. I was hearing a strange voice, so I was resting for a moment-”

“Resting…? 6 minutes and 54 seconds have passed since the time we were supposed to train. You didn’t keep your promise.”

“Ah, when I said resting! That’s not what I meant-”

“Since you were 6 minutes late, let’s start after running 6 laps around the yard.”


This is ridiculous!

This is tyranny!

Luna didn’t have enough courage to say such things.

“I’ll run 6 laps…”

She had no choice but to be dragged by Jun-woo and run around the yard.

Hare envied Luna who was being dragged away, and Estia watched them with eyes that didn’t seem to understand, and most importantly, strangely enough, when Luna was with Jun-woo, that weird voice no longer spoke to her.

‘…What was that creepy voice? It doesn’t show up when I’m with Mister…’

Luna asked herself, but she couldn’t understand at all.

‘Well, I guess I’ll know if I ask Mister later.’

Because Mister knew almost everything.

Luna, who had been kidnapped, was relying on Jun-woo without even realizing it herself.



I finished Luna’s training, and ended Saten’s lesson, which was the last in the schedule.

Her emotion lessons were progressing smoothly.

“Saten, do you understand all of the types of emotions now?”

“Joy, anger, sorrow, and pleasure are broadly divided into 4 types, and they’re further subdivided within those, right? I understand it all.”

Saten spoke proudly and confidently.

However, unusually, her expression didn’t look so confident.

Saten’s head, which had never lowered when talking about magic, was slightly lowered.

It was a new side of Saten that I had never seen before, who was usually proud and arrogant.

“Are you not confident about emotions, Saten?”

“No, it’s not that I’m not confident, it’s a matter of possibility. The probability of me regaining emotions is too low.”

“Seeing oneself’s probability as low is what we call lacking confidence.”


Saten closed her mouth, because it was correct, she didn’t even answer.

She was expressionless, but behind that, signs of irritation were evident.

‘…Did I provoke her too much?’

No matter how much she said she had no emotions, she could still feel annoyed and bored.

Saten was like a bomb that could explode at any time.

I decided to quickly wrap up our lesson.

“Anyway, today’s lesson is over. If you have any questions, feel free to ask, and if not, I’ll be going now.”

“…I have a question. Has a letter arrived from my family?”

“I’ll go check today.”

“Hmm, is that so. I’m curious about their reaction to receiving my hand, and please send one more letter from here.”


Saten handed over a letter to me.

This time too, it was written in blood, and the content was also too much for me to speak about.

Or rather, should I say it had evolved even further.

I asked Saten in a dumbfounded tone.

“…Are you seriously planning to send this, Saten?”

“Yes, is there a problem?”


There were many problems.

Saten had written the letter with her own blood, and the content was digging into her family’s hearts.

If I were in her family’s position, wouldn’t my mental state have been shattered to pieces?

It was to that extent.

“…The false content that the kidnappers sold you to a brothel. Is this okay…?”

“Yes, it’s fine. Rather, I’m curious. How will they react this time?”

Will they try to search all of the brothels?

Or will they give up looking for me and ignore it, living on?

Would they ignore the rumor that the eldest daughter of the prestigious Sicilia family was in a brothel.

Saten said this and showed a faint smile.

Behind such a smile mixed with her expressionless mask, I could glimpse a fragment of hidden emotion.

‘…Does she want to take revenge on the family that abused her?’


Behind her mask, a small spark of vengeance was sprouting.

It was the smell of a kindred spirit.



Using the same method as before, I sent a letter to the Sicilia family using a beggar.

“Pl-Please use me next time too, sir…!!”

“Alright, go. And I have one thing to ask, who deals with holy water around here?”

“Ho-Holy water, sir? We-Well, generally the church distributes it if you make an offering… But recently, the price has risen quite a bit because the amount of holy water is insufficient…”

“Price isn’t important. Other than the church, are there other suppliers?”

“Th-There are… I-I’ll inquire about it! I’ll le-let you know next time we meet!”

“…Alright, I put in a little extra today. You can go now.”

“Th-Thank you…!!”


The beggar took the money and disappeared into the distance.

He would probably drink today.

He was a beggar living while relying on alcohol while having lost the will to live.

His only joy in life would be the drink he had before going to bed.

Just like me.

“…Two letters. One is a reply from the Sicilia family. One is from Luna’s family.”

There was a reply to Saten’s fake hand.

I wondered how they reacted.

I immediately returned home, lay down on the sofa, and checked the letters.

The Sicilia family’s reaction was not to be taken lightly.

Do you think we were frightened by that mere hand?

You’re mistaken, masked man.

We heard you kidnapped a clergyman recently, you Grimoire bastard, how dare you think of negotiating with the Sicilia family?

There will be no compromise.

5 million peri is our final offer.

They were firm, did Saten expect this kind of reaction?

Even before checking the reply, she had thrown a stronger card at the Sicilia family.

I didn’t know what ending Saten wanted for the Sicilia family.

But I could intuitively sense that the end would certainly not be good.

“There’s no magic processing either… Nothing to review. Next is Luna’s family letter.”

The content Luna sent last time was a letter filled with happiness, asking about her family’s well-being and saying she was doing well.

Luna’s family’s reply would probably be similar.

Thinking there wouldn’t be much to review, I was about to read Luna’s family letter.

However, the reading time didn’t even take 10 seconds.

Because there were too few words contained.

“…This is.”

The letter contained only one dry sentence.

It was asking about Luna’s well-being, but in the worst form of worry that Luna didn’t want most from her family.

What was written in the letter was,

Luna, where are you right now?



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I Kidnapped the Hero Party

I Kidnapped the Hero Party

Score 9.6
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Artist: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
A hero party consists of a hero, a thief, a mage, and a saintess. I must kidnap that hero party. If I don't kidnap them, I will die.


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