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I Kidnapped the Hero Party – Chapter 3

.。.:✧ Today, I Kidnapped the Hero. No, Maybe It Was Yesterday (3) ✧:.。.

Translated By Arcane Translations
Translator: FusionX


Morning arrived.

Warm sunlight entered through the gaps in the windows.

The 6-pyeong room instantly emanated a cozy feeling.

It was a gift from nature.

However, on the bed, there was someone rejecting that gift.

“Mmm… Mom, let me sleep a bit more… I had a bad dream..”

Luna Lunasia, the Hero, laid upon it, as if shouting ‘I don’t need a gift like this.’

She pulled the tear-soaked pillow and covered her eyes.

Due to crying heavily the previous night, her pillow was still damp.

A small voice reached the ears of the Hero, whose eyes were covered.

“Wake up. Hero.”

“Mmm.. Mom, I’m still..”

“Wake up, Hero. Eat your meal.”


Suddenly, the Hero felt something strange.

She threw the tear-soaked pillow towards the ceiling and abruptly sat up.

A strange man was standing in front of her eyes.

It was none other than the kidnapper she had met yesterday.

Luna shouted, raising her fur like a cat.

“Kn, knock before entering..!! I, I. I’m a girl..!! You, you were trying to do something bad to me, right?! You pervert..!!”

“…No. I just came to give you food. I’ll knock before entering next time. Is that enough?”

“Is, is that so..? Okay..”

Why was your apology so quick?

More importantly, why was her kidnapper apologizing?

Weren’t the roles reversed somehow?

Luna blinked at this incomprehensible situation.

And naturally shifted her gaze.

“..What’s that on the plate?”


“…I know that much. I asked because it’s a dish I’ve never seen before. It’s not something strange, right? Like it’s been drugged or something has been put in it…”

“It’s a dish called kimbap from my hometown. And as I said. I won’t do anything to you. Stay quiet and leave quietly. Then you’ll be able to leave unharmed.”

“When will you let me out?”

“…I don’t know exactly either.”


The Hero hit her forehead at the absurdity of this one-sided conversation.

She slapped it so hard that her mind cleared, and a red handprint was left on her forehead.

“Haha, then. Are you telling me to just eat and. Be imprisoned here? Is that it?!”

“…Just eat.”

“You keep ordering me around! You have no intention of having a serious conversation with me-”


The Hero’s words couldn’t continue.

Because the kidnapper Lee Jun-woo had put down the plate with the kimbap and closed the door.

“You, you. Lowering your voice..! Just giving orders..! Running away..!”

That damned despicable kidnapper!

She’d definitely put him in jail once she escaped from here!

Luna fumed and raised her hostility towards her kidnapper even further.

And had even vowed to take revenge…

“…But before revenge. Should I fill my stomach first?”

She didn’t know what this round and long-shaped food was.

But she was hungry, and that only increased as time passed.

Luna picked up the plate and sniffed it.

Sniff sniff-

“..It smells savory and delicious.”

White rice with various vegetables inside, wrapped in savory seaweed that coated it appetizingly, wrapping it tightly.

However, that was food made by the kidnapper who kidnapped her…

“Still, I’m hungry. I need strength to endure…”

She’d just take a small bite first!

After all, she had to live too!

With that, Luna poked a sliced kimbap with a fork.

Once she smelt the aroma of the kimbap, she put it into her mouth without hesitation.

Nom nom-

“…! Wh, what is this!”

Despite it being a food she tasted for the first time…

It was delicious.

For a moment, it felt like this was home.

The egg gave comfort and coziness.

The vegetables gave the health of parents.

Luna instantly grasped that this kimbap was made with care.

“Usually, kidnapped people don’t get good treatment, right? It would be normal to give them a pile of hay… What a strange person.”

He looked fine on the outside, but he was really a strange person.

Hero Luna, poked the small kimbap with a fork.

Putting the delicious kimbap in her mouth, her mind became even more confused.

And she felt a bit of loneliness eating a meal alone, without her family.



After breakfast, it was lunchtime.

To maintain a regular meal schedule, he brought the Hero food at 12:30 pm, 5 hours after breakfast.

He knocked on the Hero’s door.

Knock knock-

“I’m coming in.”

“What?! Ah, yes..! Come in..!”


Unlocking the door, he entered the room.

The Hero’s feet were still bound with iron chains, and it seemed she was passing the time lying on the bed.

He placed the plate on the desk and asked.

“For now, I’ll leave lunch here. The letter?”

“I finished writing it. It’s on the desk over there.”

“Then, I’ll send it or something when I have time later.”


He put the letter on the desk into his pocket.

He planned to read it slowly later and review it.

There was nothing in particular he had to say to her, so he decided to leave the room.

At that moment, the Hero shouted.

“Wa, wait a moment..!!”

“…What is it?”

“Um, could you possibly come see me again in an hour?”

“…For what reason?”

Not knowing what she was thinking, I asked Luna.

Luna hesitated for a moment, then spoke as if she had gathered courage.

“I, I thought we could talk for a bit.. Just a little! A little is fine!”


After lunch, an hour later.

He tried to recall if he had anything on his schedule today.


Other than dinner time, there wasn’t anything that could be said to be important on my schedule.

It should be fine.

“An hour later. Alright.”

“Ah, yes..! Thank you..!”

The Hero bowed 90 degrees to me as I left.

She actually showed manners to a kidnapper.

She was such an abnormal girl.

“In the first place, a normal person wouldn’t become a Hero…”

With the Hero’s letter in hand, I closed the door and headed to the living room on the first floor.

Unlike the clean kitchen, there was garbage strewn around.

Last night’s liquor bottles were rolling on the floor.

It was due to a habit of not being able to sleep properly without alcohol.

It was one of the bad habits I acquired in this other world.

“Tsk, I should read the letter.”

Cleaning was bothersome.

He laid down on the sofa and took out the letter.

The paper was densely packed with writing, and the letters were written in the Hero’s free-spirited and neat handwriting.

A letter that radiated noise just by looking at it.

He slowly read it.

‘Mom! It’s me, Luna! I arrived at the capital! It’s.. nice here! The streets are pretty, the people are cool, it’s kind of.. sophisticated? It’s different from Arden Village, but I think I can adapt well! I’m your daughter after all! Hehe!’

Arden Village..?

He had heard of it somewhere.

The village’s name caused a memory to sprout up.

But, he decided to focus on the letter.

‘And! Tell Dad to stop drinking so much! He always rubs his beard on the youngest!! It’s something the youngest hates! Stop him! The youngest is a baby! We have to protect them!’

Their family atmosphere seems.. good.

Roughly reading the letter, the Hero had 5 younger siblings.

And they were all boys.

It was the pinnacle of childcare difficulty.

Perhaps, judging by her sense of responsibility in coming to the capital alone it was inferred that she played a role similar to a mother within the family.

He should put in a little more money than he thought.

He shifted his gaze back to the letter.

‘Tell Grandma and Grandpa to take good care of their health too… Anyway! I’m doing well here! The Sylvester Knights even said I have talent, so don’t worry! They said I can become an apprentice knight in just 1 year? 2 years! Just trust me, and raise those kids well! Tell my siblings not to cry saying they miss me! Okay?!’

The contents at the back were written, but they were smudged with tears and couldn’t be properly deciphered.

However, what was certain was that it wasn’t a distress signal.

It contained words of missing her family and worrying about them.

He put the letter on the desk, feeling guilty.

“…Sylvester Knights.. And family… Hmm, how much money should I send?”

Even a Hero feels anxiety.

It was impossible to keep a Hero in this state confined forever.

Recalling his own family on Earth.

He started thinking of ways to reduce the Hero’s confinement period.



An hour later.

As per the Hero’s request, kidnapper Lee Jun-woo arrived at the room.

“You said you have something to say?”


Hero Luna spoke with determination in her eyes.

“Yes, I’d like to have a short conversation with you.”


“Being alone in a room. It feels like I’m going crazy. Maybe it’s because there was never a day when my house was quiet. It’s too lonely here…”


Coming to a new place and getting kidnapped.

Enduring 24 hours alone in a room was probably impossible with an ordinary mind.

No matter how much of a Hero she was, she was still a young child.

He nodded.

“Yeah, I can have a simple conversation.”

“Th, then. Shall we introduce ourselves first..? We don’t even know each other’s names! We might be seeing each other’s faces for a long time… Ah, I’m Luna Lunasia! I came from Arden Village to the capital!”

“Arden Village….”

“Oh, do you know our village!?”

“I know of it. I’ve been there before, long ago.”

There were beings called ‘demons’ who were referred to as the minions of the Demon Lord’s.

There was an incident where they invaded a village.

When the monsters gathered their forces and invaded.

He had gone to Arden Village as an adventurer to provide support.

It was a brutal spectacle where villagers were killed or injured, and blood flowed endlessly.

He almost died there, but he earned some achievements and received generous treatment.

It was that kind of village.

“…It wasn’t a bad village.”

“Right!? Our village’s specialty is freshly squeezed cow’s milk! Our village’s hero always protects us too!”

“Hero? Is there separate personnel protecting the village?”

“Usually, it’s the pot-bellied Uncle Crandell next door who protects us, but… The hero is always protecting our village! How should I put it.. Like a guardian deity? Someone like that! I respect them, and so do all the villagers!”

“…Guardian deity. I see.”

Guardian deity.

Upon hearing those words, cold sweat ran down Lee Jun-woo’s cheek.

‘theres no way that the guardian deity is me, right..?’

No way it was him.

He just completed the mission and defeated the oncoming demons..

Although letters of gratitude from the Adventurers’ Guild arrived periodically…

Even if that was the correct answer, Lee Jun-woo had no intention of ever mentioning it.

He didn’t consider himself a hero in the slightest.

“Come to think of it, the guardian deity has the same black hair as you, Mister!”

“…That’s possible. Black hair isn’t something only I have.”

“Is that so? I think it’s unique though…”

“…Anyway. Aren’t you curious about my name?”

Lee Jun-woo changed the subject because the name ‘guardian deity’ was embarrassing to him.

At that, Luna gave an awkward smile.

Luna was talkative and the type that relieved stress through conversation.

“Ah, right! I talked too much about myself. Hehe.. I can call you Mister, right? I’m already calling you that… What’s your name, Mister?”

The kidnapper felt a bit itchy for a moment.

He was the type to feel embarrassed about self-introductions.

Hiding that embarrassed look as much as possible, her kidnapper said his name.

“Lee Jun-woo. My name is Lee Jun-woo.”

“…Lee Jun-woo. Your name is unique! Jun-woo Mister! I’m Luna Lunasia! It’s not nice to meet you, but…! Anyway, let’s greet each other!”

A positive Hero.

Luna reached out her hand towards Lee Jun-woo.

Although Luna’s action was burdensome, Lee Jun-woo had no choice but to reach out his hand.

He could feel anger in Luna’s gripped hand, but it didn’t hurt.

Luna, holding his hand tightly, smiled and said.

“I won’t..ask you to take good care of me. But while I’m here. Even if we can’t get along.. well. Let’s try to get by?”

“I’ll try.”

She would definitely report you once she escaped from here.

With that thought in mind, Luna smiled and shook hands.

The kidnapper and the kidnapped Hero were shaking hands.

It was an odd sight that couldn’t be seen anywhere else.



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I Kidnapped the Hero Party

I Kidnapped the Hero Party

Score 9.6
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Artist: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
A hero party consists of a hero, a thief, a mage, and a saintess. I must kidnap that hero party. If I don't kidnap them, I will die.


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Johnson ponraj
1 month ago

So he already babysitting her unknowingly

1 month ago

I wouldn’t Complain If My Kidnapper Feed My Lazy Ass Everyday

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