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I Kidnapped the Hero Party – Chapter 27

.。.:✧ Do you want to escape...? Should I help you...? (3) ✧:.。.

Translated By Arcane Translations
Translator: FusionX


Bang bang-

“Mi-Mister…! Pl-Please open the door…!! I-I was wrong…! I won’t do it again…!!”


Please open the door.

Bang bang-

Hare banged on the door earnestly.

Her fists swelled up, and she called for Mister until her voice became hoarse.

However, the door never opened.

“Mi-Mister…? Ple-Please… Look at my face and talk to me… Treat me kindly like before…”

She desperately called for Mister, however no answer came back to Hare.

Why on earth did she end up like this?

She only wanted Mister’s attention.

“Wh-What I did wrong was… trying to kill that child… who was going to kill Mister…”

Was that action overstepping her bounds…?

Acting for Mister’s sake…?

Hare shed tears of regret on the floor.

Her vision blurred with tears, and only gloomy emotions arose in her mind.

If only she could turn back time, she wanted to turn it back.

“I-I should have been a good child… Sniff… I betrayed… Mister…”

If only she could turn back time.

She would have remained a good child and stayed by Mister’s side.

Now she had become a bad child to Mister.

And she did it with her own hands…

“It’s my fault…”

Hare didn’t blame others.

It was she who carried out the escape, and she who tried to kill Estia.

It was she who let go of Mister’s kind hand with her own hands.

Because she was the one who created this situation, Hare was in excruciating pain.

“I-I did wrong… Mister… I-I’ll be a good child… So-So…”

Please smile at me kindly again.

Please open the door and hug me tightly.

Hare pleaded while banging on the door fiercely.

“Ne-Next time… I won’t get caught by Mister…! So-So… Ple-Please…”

However, Hare, who was pleading with tears, still hadn’t properly grasped what her mistake was.



The morning after the Saintess’s escape commotion, I woke up at 6:30 AM as usual.

After going to the bathroom as usual, I headed to the kitchen to cook.

‘…Is Hare asleep now?’

Hare’s room came into view as I was passing by.

Hare’s voice, which had been crying until dawn, was no longer heard, she was probably exhausted and asleep by now.

That was what I guessed.

‘…13 more days. During that time, she’ll reflect on herself and repent.’

Light shines in through the window, and there is a bathroom inside, If Luna talks to her occasionally, her loneliness should be alleviated.

When I meet eyes with Hare again, I hoped she would have returned to the kind Hare I originally knew.

After that, I finished cooking in the kitchen and carried a plate with toast and fried eggs to her room.


I slightly opened the door, put down the plate, and closed the door again.

At that moment, Hare, who was lying on the bed, seemed to notice my presence and started shouting with a hoarse voice.

-Mi-Mister…? I-I’ll be a good child…! I-I won’t do it again… Please let me out of here…!! If-If not, at least answer me… At least let me hear your voice…!! Mister…!!

…It hurt my heart.

However, I couldn’t open it, this was the punishment for trying to kill a companion and it had to be paid in full.

I locked Hare’s door without saying a word and headed upstairs.

-Do-Don’t go… Please… Pl-Please talk to me, Mister…

I’m sorry, Hare.

Deliberately ignoring Hare’s pitiful cries, I headed to Saten’s room to give her breakfast.

Her room was dark.

‘…A child of darkness?’

Saten’s room was darkness itself.

Light was blocked, and there was only one candle on the desk, and Saten, like a black cat, was sitting in a chair reading a book.

There were dark circles under her eyes.

No, this child…


“Yes, Mister.”

“…Did you perhaps not sleep?”

“Yes, I didn’t sleep.”

“Then, when are you planning to sleep?”

“I’ll sleep after I finish reading this book.”

Saten was reading the book with an expressionless face.

Perhaps because she had no emotions, she didn’t look particularly interested.

Then, why on earth was she reading that book?

I lightly asked Saten about my curiosity.

“…The title of the book is ‘My Sister-in-Law Was Acting Strange Last Night.’ Is the content interesting?”

“Hmm, I don’t know about interesting. But there are parts I’m curious about. Would you like to tell me?”

Saten turned the book towards me with an expressionless face.

It was page 144.

She pointed at a part she didn’t understand with her finger.

“I don’t understand this part.”


Let’s see…


The content of the novel was simple.

As expected from the title, it was just about a man and woman having a relationship.

Such a simple erotic novel.

‘Jun-woo, I put these books in the study for when you’re bored, it’s a gift.’

Minerva, what kind of books did you put in the study…?

More than that, why was Saten reading an erotic novel?

While feeling dizzy, I asked Saten.

“Saten? Why are you reading this kind of novel…?”

“Because it’s helping me understand emotions.”

“…A novel about a man and woman tumbling around…?”

“If you look at it that way, yes, but it’s different if you see it as them sharing deep emotions.”

Saten was expressionless, and infinitely serious.

It wasn’t a joke.

Saten was really studying emotions with this obscene novel.

Saten asked curiously.

“Mister, it says here the woman ‘feels good’. What kind of expression is that?”

“…I don’t know because I’m not a woman.”

“Hmm, is that so? Then, I’ll have to ask the others.”

“No, don’t do that…”

They won’t know even if you ask them.

Don’t try to imitate that expression of rolling eyes, just imagine it in your head.

To prevent Saten from being buried in that thought any further, I patted her head and answered.

“For now, stop reading this book, and the expression you want to know about, later. You’ll be able to know when you become an adult.”

“You mean I have to age. Is that what you’re saying?”

“…Well, you could say that.”

“Hmm, then the others probably don’t know either. I’ll ask again if I have more questions later. Please put the plate down here and leave.”

Saten informed me and then focused on the book again, It seemed she lightly ignored my words to stop reading.

She was so expressionless that it was hard to believe she was reading an erotic novel, and I felt a kind of awe at how she could concentrate so much on an erotic novel.

‘I’ll have to modify the books in the study.’

I should throw away all the erotic novels and fill it with romance novels instead.

I was about to leave after putting down the plate as Saten said.

Come to think of it, there was one thing I hadn’t asked Saten.

“Saten, I’ll ask one last thing.”

“Yes, what is it?”

“Why did you help the others escape yesterday?”

“Hmm, about that.”

A moment of silence flowed, then Saten answered as if it was obvious.

“Because it wasn’t a loss to me, and it was beneficial.”

“…Beneficial. Still, don’t help next time. Thank you for the answer, Saten.”



I came out of Saten’s room, closing the door.

Next was Luna and Estia’s room.

On my way there, I thought about the meaning of the benefit Saten mentioned.

“…Does it mean she absolutely never takes a loss?”

Saten was calculating, she absolutely never took a loss.

I felt like I had vaguely grasped her way of thinking.



In Luna’s room, looking at the chains on her legs, Estia faced the despair of the morning.

“Di-Did the escape fail? Th-That can’t be…?”

“It can be. You really did fail to escape.”

One-two- One-two-

Luna was doing exercises to loosen her body while explaining to Estia.

Unlike the frustrated Estia, Luna’s eyes were full of energy.

‘Hehe, finally sword training! Goodbye to basic physical training!’

Luna, had been secretly looking forward to sword training.

Basic training was just repetitive running and such, for Luna, such a clockwork-like life was extremely boring.

In that sense, sword training would be varied and fun!

‘And if I learn swordsmanship… I’ll be able to defeat Mister soon…’

And then the kidnapping will end!

Mister’s defeat!

My victory!


“If I defeat Mister and escape, the money won’t come…?”

If the money doesn’t come, my family will starve to death…?


Luna was confused.

At that moment, the door opened and Jun-woo appeared carrying breakfast.

Estia automatically moved to the corner.

She looked terrified.

“Bi-Big brother…? Wa-Wait! Do-Don’t come…! I-I’m sorry…! I’m sorry for trying to escape…! I-I won’t do it again…! So-So please spare my life…”

“…What’s wrong with her? Luna, what did you do? How badly did you beat Estia?”

“I-I didn’t beat her! Why do you think I did something! I didn’t do anything!”

Estia was crumpled in the corner, trembling.

“Do-Don’t come..!!”

She was desperately taking a defensive posture with her hands.

Jun-woo seemed to roughly understand why Estia was behaving like this.

‘The church basement. Did Estia grow up there?’

If she grew up in that place where inhumane experiments were conducted, it would make sense for her to show such a reaction to a failed escape.

Although it wasn’t a perfect certainty, Jun-woo approached Estia and said,

“Estia, come out of the corner. There’s a lot of dust there.”

“N-No… You-You’re going to kill me…”

“Why do you think I would kill you? I have no intention of punishing you for yesterday’s escape.”

“Li-Liar. Even if you smile and say that, my friends didn’t come back… Adults are all liars… Only the Goddess doesn’t lie…”

You have the wrong information, Estia.

Minerva is good at lying.

Jun-woo approached Estia.


“Do-Don’t come closer…!!”

“Estia, don’t be scared and listen, I won’t do anything to you.”

“Li-Liar! Don’t lie!”

“It’s not a lie. For a short time, 2 years. At most, 4 years. You’ll just stay here during that time. I won’t hurt you.”

“That’s true. Mister is bad, but not terribly bad!”

Luna supported Jun-woo’s opinion from the side.

At those words, Estia seemed to gain some trust and opened her heart slightly.

“Re-Really? Apostle big brother won’t hurt me…?”

“That’s right, rather, I’ll make you happy. You might not believe it now, but believe it later. I won’t do anything. Eat your food first.”


Jun-woo put down the plate of food on the desk.

Estia still looked suspicious, but seeing Luna run over, she got up from the corner.

“Fo-Food! Breakfast!”

Luna ran like a dog who had found a treat.

The hungry Estia followed behind her.

She gripped a fork after seeing Luna eat toast with fried egg.

Her hand was trembling due to withdrawal symptoms.

“I-I’m glad… I was hungry…”

Estia ate the toast and fried egg deliciously, she seemed to still be hungry even after scraping the plate clean.


It was the moment when the direction of education for that holy water addicted girl was decided.

More important than reteaching incorrect faith was.

‘Treating those withdrawal symptoms should be the priority.’

The girl eating toast deliciously with her cheeks puffed out, had to break free from her holy water addiction, which was similar to a drug addiction.



After the meal, at lunchtime.

Leaving Estia in the room, only Luna appeared in the yard for new training.

“Come on! Mister! Hurry, teach me swordsmanship!”

Luna was full of spirit, holding a sword.

She urged Jun-woo to teach her swordsmanship.

Jun-woo posed a light but heavy question to Luna.

“Before teaching you swordsmanship. I’ll ask you one question, Luna.”

“Yes! What is it?! Ask me anything!”

Luna answered excitedly.

She was so looking forward to learning swordsmanship instead of basic training, not knowing that swordsmanship was a more advanced course.

Jun-woo asked the ignorant Luna about the core of swordsmanship.



“What is your sword?”

What did you pick up the sword for?

What will you swing your sword for?

For what will you take another’s life?

“Where is your sword pointing?”

A question asking about Luna’s direction.

She took a deep moment of contemplation to answer this question.

Jun-woo’s appearance was serious, and it wasn’t a topic to answer lightly.

Just as her arm holding the wooden sword started to lower, Luna answered Jun-woo’s words.


Jun-woo couldn’t help but be surprised by Luna’s answer.



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I Kidnapped the Hero Party

I Kidnapped the Hero Party

Score 9.6
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Artist: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
A hero party consists of a hero, a thief, a mage, and a saintess. I must kidnap that hero party. If I don't kidnap them, I will die.


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Sans The Dog
Sans The Dog
1 month ago

I feel so bad for Hare lmao, but at the same time I feel bad for MC, considering how deranged Hare is gonna be after these 14 days lol

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