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I Kidnapped the Hero Party – Chapter 10

.。.:✧ The Kidnapped Girl, and the Abducted Girl (1) ✧:.。.

Translated By Arcane Translations
Translator: FusionX


In the early morning when people were still asleep, Helen’s gravestone was erected on a hill near Lee Jun-woo’s house.

The funeral was held modestly, and Hare placed flowers on the gravestone.

“Grandmother must have gone peacefully. I’m alright now…”

“Shall we go home now?”


Hare nodded.

Having experienced one farewell, Hare promised to come back here again.

Holding Lee Jun-woo’s hand, she headed towards his house.

“We’re here. This is our home.”


Was this really the house where she’d be living?

A high fence.

A yard with green grass.

A two-story house.

Hare couldn’t help but be amazed.

“Mister, you really are rich..”

“Come in, Hare. I’ll show you around the house.”

“Yes, yes..!”


Hare followed behind Lee Jun-woo as he went ahead.

Opening the door and entering the house, another spectacular scene unfolded.

“Wo-Wow, it’s so clean! There’s even a study! And a bathroom! And many rooms! But why is the living room…”

“Trash keeps accumulating even if I clean it.”


“It means I’m too lazy to clean it.”

She understood.

If that was what Mister said, then that must be it!

Hare mindlessly agreed with his words.

“My life belongs to you, Mister.”

“You don’t need to go that far.”

Lee Jun-woo sighed and continued guiding Hare.

Kitchen, study, living room, and bedrooms.

“This is your room, Hare.”

“What..?! You’re giving me such a spacious room..? I-I don’t need it! Just a cushion in the corner of the living room is enough for me..!”

“The living room is my room, so that won’t do. Just live here.”



Hare agreed to Lee Jun-woo’s words again.

Then, she brought up something that was bothering her.

“Um, but. There’s one thing I’m curious about.”


“What’s on the second floor? You didn’t tell me… If it’s a place I shouldn’t go, I won’t even approach it!”


Should he tell her or not?

Lee Jun-woo pondered for a moment.

‘…Still, it might be better for her to judge for herself rather than me telling her.’

Since Hare blindly believed everything he said…

To educate this child, he needed to show her and let her judge for herself.

A thief’s eyes needed to be sharp enough to avoid traps and find paths.

He would leave the judgment to Hare.

“What’s on the second floor…?”



“You’ll find out soon. You must be tired without sleep, so go to bed.”

Lee Jun-woo stroked Hare’s head with a gentle tone.

He grabbed her shoulders, laid her on the bed, and covered her with a blanket.

Hare felt comfort for the first time in her life.

“Um, Mister…”


“Could you… stay by my side until I fall asleep?”


Hare was tense in this situation, afraid of being rejected.

“It’s a rather childish request, but.. still-”

“Alright. I’ll stay by your side.”

“…Thank you.”

Thank you for taking her in even though she stole your wallet.

Thank you for helping her…

Expressing her gratitude with those meanings, Hare closed her eyes on the bed.

She looked comfortable.

“She really is still a child.”

A child who outwardly acted like an adult despite her young appearance.

Hare, who had lived with an adult-like responsibility due to her life circumstances.

Lying on the bed with her eyes closed, she was just a child at this moment.



Healing her tired body.

Hare, who had been asleep, slowly opened her eyes.


When she woke up, he wasn’t there.

Hare felt fear for a moment, as if she had been left alone in the world.

What if last night was just a dream..?

Hare hurriedly got up from the bed.

“Mi-Mister..! Where are you..!?”

The cold towel that had been on her cheek fell to the floor.

Just as Hare was about to leave the room to find Lee Jun-woo.

The door opened and Lee Jun-woo entered.

In his hands was a plate with hot porridge.



“No, it’s nothing. Nothing at all.”

Feeling suddenly embarrassed, Hare lay back down on the bed.

Feeling her swollen cheek subside, she felt grateful to Lee Jun-woo once again.

And her gaze automatically turned to the plate.

“Is that..”

“It’s porridge. I made it easy to eat. Eat up.”

“Th-Thank you..”


Lee Jun-woo placed the plate on the desk.

‘Did he make this himself for me..?’

Words weren’t enough to express her gratitude.

Hare decided to think about how to repay this kindness.

And so, Lee Jun-woo left only the porridge and coolly left the room.

Looking at the door where he had disappeared, Hare muttered to herself.

“My life alone might not be enough…”

Somehow, to repay him, she needed to do something more.

Thinking this, Hare began to eat the porridge.

Her spoon movements were clumsy, but it didn’t matter for tasting the flavor.

“…It’s delicious. It might be the most delicious food I’ve ever eaten in my life.”


Tears leaked from her eyes.

She didn’t want to cry anymore, but she couldn’t hold back due to its warmth.

“I must repay Mister someday. Hehe.”

Hare stored those words into her heart as beliefs determined to repay his kindness someday.

And then…

“But, what’s that sound from upstairs? Is someone there?”

With her characteristically keen senses, she felt the presence of the Hero confined on the upper floor.

It was the beginning of the two girls who would become companions in the future.



As lunchtime came, the Hero rushed out to the yard, filled with fighting spirit.

“Today I’ll win…!!”


It was time for her training that repeated every day.

Her confidence was at MAX.

Luna raised her wooden sword, pointing it at Lee Jun-woo.

“Come on, Mister! Today I’ll win! I’ll escape from this godforsaken place!”


“Don’t just give me short answers! Put some more sincerity into it!”


Why was her voice so loud?

Lee Jun-woo ignored Luna’s words.

At this, Luna puffed up her cheeks.

“Th-That kidnapper..! No, no. Stay calm before fighting. Phew-”

Luna took a deep breath, controlling her mind.

Her head cleared, and her field of vision opened up.

“Alright. Now for the stance…”

The stance…

She should take her stance…

“What’s that?”

Luna carefully looked at something visible in the distance.

No matter how she looked at it, it was a person.

And a girl who seemed about the same age as herself.

Could it be?

“Could it be, this person kidnapped aga-”

“Don’t let your guard down.”


Luna was hit on the head with a wooden sword and fell to the ground.

Holding her dizzy head, Luna shouted at Lee Jun-woo.

“Wh-What are you doing! We haven’t even started yet!”

“When fighting, do you ask ‘Shall we start?’ to check your opponent’s intention? It’s not even worth answering.”


“Sparring will now be once a week instead of once a day. Focus on basic training during that time. It’s a waste of time to spar with such poor skills.”

“Th-That’s ridiculous!”

“It’s not ridiculous.”

Lee Jun-woo didn’t back down a single word.

At this, Luna trembled with frustration.

But knowing there was nothing wrong with what he said, she couldn’t say anything.

“…Mister. More importantly, who’s that? The girl sitting under the tree?”

Lee Jun-woo turned his gaze to look at the big tree in the corner of the yard.

Underneath it was a pink-haired girl.


When she met eyes with Lee Jun-woo, she waved her hand as if greeting him happily.

The Hero and the Thief who would form a party later.

It should be fine to tell her name at least.



“That child’s name is Hare. You’re the same age, so get along well as friends.”


What on earth was this person saying?

Was he telling kidnapped children to get along well with each other?

He really was a psycho!

‘I need to have a conversation with her!’


Luna approached Hare, who was sitting on the green grass under the tree, and she greeted her shyly.

“Um, hello?”


Hare greeted her with a bright smile.

‘Wh-What? She’s so cute!’

Luna Lunasia, the eldest daughter of one girl and five boys.

Although Hare had pink hair and red eyes…

She decided to think of Hare as her younger sister now.

“I, I have a younger sister too… Hehe.”

“…Excuse me. I have a question.”

“Hm? Su-Sure! Ask me anything! This big sister will answer everything! My name is Luna! Nice to meet you!”

For reference, they were both 14 years old.

Luna held Hare’s hand and smiled as if looking at a younger sister.

Hare thought while forcing a smile, hiding her true feelings.

‘Why is she pretending to be close… More importantly, I’m not the only one in this house…’

Mister didn’t look only at her.

Hare didn’t like Luna pretending to be close to her, but she opened her mouth to ask what she was curious about.

“Were you perhaps the one upstairs..?”

“That’s right! I live on the second floor! Or rather, should I say I’m being made to live there?”

“Being made to live…? What does that mean?”

Didn’t that only apply to animals?

Why was this person phrasing it like that?

Hare looked at Luna with suspicious eyes.

Luna, completely unaware of Hare’s thoughts, brought her mouth close to Hare’s ear as if telling a secret no one else knew.

“You see… You might be the same, but I was kidnapped by that mister too.”

“…What?! Kidnapped..?!”

“What, weren’t you kidnapped? I thought you were the same as me.”

“Me, kidnapped…? By Mister..? What are you talking about..”

Hare’s head was in confusion.

That kind Mister who helped her, kidnapping?

That couldn’t be.

There was no way…

But there was no reason for the girl in front of her to lie.

Hare asked just in case.

“..You said you were kidnapped, but why were you training in swordsmanship with Mister?”

“That psycho made me do it. He said I’m something called a Hero… He said he’d let me go if I beat him. He’s completely cra-zy! Though he seems a bit kind… Wait, you di-didn’t hear that, did you..?”


Hare couldn’t hear Luna’s words.

Mister did such a thing?

Kidnapping women and training them?

Hare knew with her unique sense that the woman in front of her wasn’t lying.


Despite kidnapping a girl…

Hare was always on Lee Jun-woo’s side.

“…Mister must have had some meaning.”


“Take your hand away.”


Hare coldly slapped away Luna’s hand.

How dare she call Mister a crazy person, a psycho, a kidnapper?

Hare stood up, and said without holding back,

“Don’t say such bad things about Mister. Mister is a good person.”


Hare’s cold gaze glared at Luna.

At this, Luna froze and couldn’t say anything.

When people saw something incomprehensible, they’d freeze up.

“How can you say that when Mister is such a good person…”


And so, as Hare left the place.

Luna was left alone standing still.

And she muttered to herself as if in disbelief.

“The world is going crazy…”

“Luna. Break time is over. Start 35 laps around the yard!”


Luna let out a sigh and immediately started running around the yard.

Lee Jun-woo also ran beside her.

Watching this scene through the window, Hare…

“I could run like that too, I could run together with Mister…”


Unaware of the emotion called jealousy, she watched their training while biting her nails.



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I Kidnapped the Hero Party

I Kidnapped the Hero Party

Score 9.6
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Artist: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
A hero party consists of a hero, a thief, a mage, and a saintess. I must kidnap that hero party. If I don't kidnap them, I will die.


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2 months ago

the kidnapper is going to end up taking the role of hero at this rate, if no one gets along accept only to him

1 month ago

The development is crazy

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not work with dark mode