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I Became the Terminally Ill Master of the Final Bosses – Chapter 12

.。.:✧ Heart Demon (1) ✧:.。.

Translated By Arcane Translations
Translator: Mod7



“Heehee, you truly care for your disciple, Master.”

As I demanded to know who she was, Bi Wol let out a delighted giggle, her smile a little too wide, a little too sharp, sending shivers down my spine.

Her physical form, her face, even the information displayed in my eyes, it all pointed to her being Bi Wol, my precious disciple.

“…Answer me. Where is the real Bi Wol?”

But my heart screamed in denial.

“I am Bi Wol, Master. Don’t you recognize me?”

She blinked innocently, placing her hand on my chest. But in that instant, a flash of killing intent flickered in her eyes.

“I’m Bing Yeon’s beloved disciple, Bi Wol.”

If she channeled even a fraction of her demonic energy into her hand, I would have a gaping hole in my chest.

Her touch was feather-light, almost teasing, as she traced her fingers across my chest.

“…Verdandi, summon your sacred sword. This is an emergency.”

“What? But how?! I don’t know how to do that!”

I urged Verdandi to summon her sword, the artifact that held a significant advantage against those with evil tendencies.

I had intended to save it for Azazel, the Saint of the Outer Gods, but now, it was my only hope of subduing Bi Wol.

“Place your hand on your heart and declare, ‘I shall deliver justice!’ while focusing on the target!”

I quickly explained the incantation, desperately hoping to regain control of the situation before Bi Wol decided to get… handsy.

“I shall deliver jus…”

That was when it happened.

Boom! Verdandi’s body flew through the air, crashing into a nearby tree with such force that the trunk snapped in half.

“Bi Wol! What have you done?!”

“Master, this is a tender moment between you and your beloved disciple. Why are you trying to include a stray wolf in our intimate time?”

She had used the Heavenly Demon Art, the Fourth Stance: Heavenly Demon’s Divine Palm.

It was a technique I had written in the original story, but one that she had never used before.

How was this possible?

It didn’t make sense for her to be able to execute such a move without proper training or enlightenment. She was already approaching the peak of martial arts mastery, a level I had barely reached despite my rigorous training.

“Gasp… Wheeze…”

Bi Wol nuzzled her face against my chest, inhaling deeply. Her hot breath and feather-light touch sent shivers down my spine.

“If you stay still, no one will get hurt, Master.”

She intertwined her fingers with mine as I tried to push her away. Even with her eyes closed, she could sense my every move.

Her other hand slipped inside my robe, her fingers tracing the lines of my muscles.

“But Verdandi…”

“I made sure to hold back. I may be a demon, but I would never kill my own junior sister.”

As if to prove her point, Verdandi coughed weakly, regaining consciousness.

“Master… Are you… alright…”

She was trembling, unable to move. It seemed Bi Wol had struck her pressure points, effectively paralyzing her.

I hadn’t taught her that technique.

Pressure point attacks were only effective against those with a significant difference in skill. If done incorrectly, it could result in a broken wrist.

“Bi Wol, how strong have you gotten?”

“Hmm, I’m not sure. But if I were to estimate, I’d say I’m about as strong as you, Master.”

Her words sent a chill down my spine. I mentally reviewed Bi Wol’s character settings.

Heavenly Demon, Heavenly Demon Star, Heavenly Demonic Body, sensitive to blood… What was causing her to act like this?

‘Han Dohyun, think, think…’

Why was she behaving so differently?

“Bing Yeon! What do we do? Should we fight?”

“No, don’t do anything rash. I’ll handle her.”

Even Wolfram, the Master of the Gold Tower, was hesitant to attack. She could sense the overwhelming difference in power.

“As expected of Master. Such composure.”

Wolfram, Verdandi, and even Eila were all present. I couldn’t risk a confrontation.

‘…I need to find out what’s causing this.’

I could probably defeat her if I pushed myself to the limit, but…

“Please, Master, don’t even think about fighting me. I couldn’t bear to see you get hurt.”

Wonderhill was just a short distance away. I couldn’t risk the villagers becoming casualties of her bloodlust.

“This is going too far. Are you trying to disrespect your master?”

“Not at all, Master. I’m simply indulging in a bit of childish whimsy. This is my true desire, my yearning, my lust.”

I clenched my jaw, struggling to maintain my composure as Bi Wol continued her assault, both physical and verbal.

“You’re so intoxicating, Master. The scent of your blood, your flesh, the way you gritted your teeth in pain as you rescued me from that wretched cult…”

She panted, her words laced with a manic energy. Had I written this kind of behavior into her character?

“You endured so much, all for me. You pretended not to feel any pain.”

Her fingers traced the lines of my injuries, the ones I had received while rescuing her.

“Are you saying the scent of blood is driving you mad?”

“No, Master. No matter how intoxicating the scent of blood may be, it pales in comparison to your scent.”

She pulled away from my chest, her lips brushing against my earlobe as she whispered seductively.

“This is my true desire, Master.”

She licked and nibbled my ear, the sounds echoing through the air. She seemed oblivious to the stares of the others, her only focus was on seducing me.

‘Heart Demon.’

The word ‘desire’ sparked a memory. It was a trial that Kim Hyul, the protagonist of [King of the Diamond Fist], was supposed to face.

I had created it as a way for him to achieve spiritual growth and reach a higher level of martial arts mastery.

‘But Bi Wol is the one experiencing it…’

It didn’t make sense. She was a final boss, programmed for violence from a young age…

‘…It’s my fault.’

It hit me like a bolt of lightning.

I had changed her past, her destiny.

I had provided her with a life where she didn’t have to resort to cannibalism to survive.

I had given her a safe and peaceful place to sleep, away from the constant noise and violence of the cult.

I had ensured that she wouldn’t wake up to find her friends dead.

“You are my world, Master. Like a bird breaking free from its shell.”

“Bi Wol, snap out of it. You’re being consumed by your Heart Demon…”

“What does it matter, Master? The only thing that matters is my love for you.”

She kissed my ear softly, a mischievous smile on her lips. Her breath was warm and her eyes were filled with desire.

‘A Heart Demon is a manifestation of one’s inner demons.’

Overcoming one’s Heart Demon was a necessary step towards becoming a true martial artist, like a caterpillar transforming into a butterfly.

‘This isn’t the Heavenly Demon Star’s influence.’

I swallowed hard, my mind racing. She wasn’t engaging in self-harm or violence. This wasn’t the Heavenly Demon Star; it was something deeper, something buried within her subconscious.

“You must think I’m going insane, Master.”

“What do you want?”

“Ahahaha! What do I want, Master? Isn’t it obvious what your beloved disciple desires?”

She laughed, enjoying my struggle to maintain my composure as she continued her seductive assault.

“I want your love, Master. Your undivided attention.”

She traced the back of her hand across my lips, then brought it to her own, savoring the indirect kiss.

“I want to be your wife, Master. Your first and last love.”

I watched in horror as she kissed her own hand, slowly, sensually, like a child savoring a sweet.

Could this be real? Was her Heart Demon manifesting as love for me? Was this twisted obsession the result of years of suppressed feelings?

It was possible.

“Is that why you were jealous of Verdandi? Didn’t you think I might disapprove of your behavior?”

I decided to test her. After all, jealousy and love were often intertwined.

“No. You wouldn’t punish me, Master. Not as long as I refrained from killing. Not as long as I simply subdued her.”

She was adhering to the rules of the Ice Dragon Blossom Heart Sect, the promise she had made to never take a life.

“…Why do you think that?”

“Because you care for me, Master. That’s why you’re trying so hard to resist.”

She loosened the collar of her robe, revealing a sliver of skin. I averted my gaze, but…

“Look at me, Master. Look at how bravely I’m confessing my feelings.”

She puffed out her cheeks, gently turning my head back towards her, her fingers lingering on my chin. She was enjoying my reaction.

“…I adore you, Master.”

“You’re mistaking that feeling for filial piety.”

“How could I possibly confuse love with anything else, Master? You were the one who taught me about love.”

Her red eyes, like molten gold, stared into mine. I saw my own reflection: a man desperately trying to hide his true feelings, his lips pressed together in a thin line.

“I would do anything for you, Master. I would throw myself into a fiery inferno, or wander alone through a frozen wasteland.”

She wrapped her arms around my neck, her body pressing against mine.

“Why won’t you accept my love, Master, even though I adore you so?”

Her lips were inches away from mine, her toes barely touching the ground as she strained to reach me.

“…Bi Wol, how about I make you a proposition?”

“A proposition, Master? At a time like this? You’re quite bold!”

This was the only way to defeat her Heart Demon without resorting to violence, without betraying her trust.

“If you win, I’ll accept your feelings. After all, this is partly my fault for not recognizing them sooner.”

“I see you’ve come up with a strategy… Hmm.”

I placed a finger on her lips, silencing her. She licked my finger, her gaze unwavering.

“So, what’s your proposition?”

“Let’s have a verbal duel. I’ll give you a three-second head start. Show me your true strength, Bi Wol.”

This was the solution. A way to subdue her Heart Demon, to honor her feelings, and to regain control of the situation.

“Very well! Let’s do it. True love, after all, is a meeting of minds.”

“Just to be clear, Bi Wol…”

She readily agreed with unwavering confidence. I smiled inwardly.

“…You’re the challenger.”

“Heehee, you’re like a fish on a chopping block, Master. I’ll devour you whole.”

When it came to verbal sparring, I had never lost.



[Translator Notes]
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I Became the Terminally Ill Master of the Final Bosses

I Became the Terminally Ill Master of the Final Bosses

Score 9.3
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Artist: Released: 2024 Native Language: Korean
I was an author with three discontinued serials. I ended up being transported into a world where the stories I wrote had merged together, and now… “Master, why do you say it's strange for a disciple to fall asleep by their master’s side?” “Master! No matter how I think about it, this goes against the path of justice! To flee in the face of the enemy is cowardly!" “Brother, I hope you'll entrust everything to me. I shall guide your path as your ■■” And so with a terminally ill body and not much time left to live, I had to raise the children I had abandoned and guide them down the right path.


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