Translated By Arcane Translations
Translator: Vine
He took a deep breath in and out. His body was sore. A sharp pain shot through his ribs.
‘But still…’
It was better than he expected. He was still alive. He could stand. He avoided the worst. Perhaps it was from his training, or his passive skill, he didn’t know, but the pain was slowly receding. His body was slowly recovering. ‘My training was finally showing its merits’ Even though his hands and legs were still trembling.
“…I have to do this.”
The troll wouldn’t wait for him.
*Thud! Thud! Thud! Thud!*
The troll charged forward. He dodged the attack, and stabbed the troll with his dagger.
He definitely felt it pierce, but the troll didn’t flinch. Blood was dripping out from the wound, but the troll seemed to ignore it. He backed away before the troll could grab him.
“…Couldn’t have left me with my powers or something.”
If he had his weapon, this fight would have been more manageable. ‘Why is he being such a sore loser?’ If he was just going to take everything away from him, he should’ve told him to just die in the first place. The way he was acting was contradictory. He was taking away power just to get angry at him for being weak.
Hee… hee, hee!
“…No time for complaints.”
He was being too negative, and it wouldn’t help him survive. He focused on the troll. ‘A hidden boss that requires a second playthrough.’ He had to beat him with a first year, first semester character. It was hopeless, but he couldn’t give up.
Guh… gugguek!!
“Eh, eh! That’s not how you make sound!”
If this was a turn-based game, he would’ve been one shot. But it was closer to a souls-like game. Some high-level players could beat bosses while wearing nothing but their underwear and using broken swords. Why couldn’t he do it?
“Huff, haa!”
A no-hit, no-skill, no-damage clear wasn’t easy. It was a feat only accomplished by experts who had memorized every single pattern. He had to do this without the luxury of having seen the attacks beforehand. ‘That was for turn-based games!’ The patterns in 3D souls-like games were on a completely different level. He was not as strong as those pros, and he knew that a single hit could mean his death. He had to remember this.
Guhk, Gweee!
“Die! Die, you bastard!”
He was only going to hit him once or twice when the openings appeared. He didn’t try to be greedy and pushed back.
He had to dodge, using his body to dodge every attack. He didn’t use his skills. His attack skills were invested in guns, his close-range skills were invested in evasion and passive skills. He had used all of his skill points during the Ant Queen fight. He only had his basic attacks. He also couldn’t use his divine skills. Chronos had decided to take those away. ‘That damn god’. If he was going to take everything, he should have taken the time too.
He dodged again and punched, using his right fist.
“[Youth – Power Punch]”
His punch slammed into the troll’s torso. It was a liver blow. A blow that made the troll stumble back.
A useful punch. His newly unlocked TP (Technical Points) were proving to be effective. ‘I was worried about having to use it, but it was really effective!’ He’d originally planned to use his dagger for defense, but he realized he should use whatever was best.
“This is possible!”
His will to survive became even stronger. It wasn’t desperation anymore, it was courage.
He taunted the troll.
“Come on!”
Charge, body slam. He stepped to the side. The troll swung its club, he narrowly dodged the diagonal attack. Then, a horizontal swing!
“I see it! I see it!”
He dodged by a hair’s breadth. He slashed the troll’s skin. Red blood began to stain its body. The troll became more cautious as it slowly approached.
“[Triple Step]!”
If it was cautious, then that was just time for him to attack.
He sliced his abdomen. Blood flowed down from the wound. The troll became even more enraged and slammed the ground with its foot—a wide range stun!
His body froze. His muscles tensed up. He tried to relax but couldn’t as the troll’s club was coming down. He saw it, and he barely managed to activate—
He knew the pattern. He deflected the troll’s club with his dagger.
A clear sound. He had blocked the troll’s attack.
His knife was broken in half. The skill had not gone as planned.
“Should’ve changed it beforehand!”
The troll attacked again. He was too focused on his knife and couldn’t react. ‘I’m going to get hit!’
He could only curl up, bracing for the pain. The troll’s club was about to hit him when—
A strange dagger came out of nowhere and blocked the troll’s club. It was glowing a blue light. A divine power. He saw a transparent blue window.
[Ur’s Harp]
-A harp that can turn into any instrument.
-Always tuned to perfection.
A dagger? An instrument? This makes no sense. At that moment, another window appeared before him.
[‘The sword for a sword dance is a ‘sword’♪’]
“…You were watching? No, you would be.”
He remembered Ur-noona said that she had been watching through the harp.
[‘The Goddess of Music’ says:]
[“You got this Chrono! I’m cheering for you!”]
It was absurd. But it was good timing. He grabbed the dagger, Ur’s Harp, and stared at the troll.
“No more mistakes.”
The troll was probably just as annoyed at him as he was at it.
Meanwhile, at Chronos’s temple—
“Go Chrono, you can do it! Fighting!”
Ur had suddenly appeared.
All four gods plus Chronos stared at Ur.
“…How did you get in?”
“The gate was open!”
He had forgotten to close the gate! ‘Not the time!’
“Stop interfering! This is my trial! You have no right to meddle!”
“Ummm… I don’t know what you’re talking about?”
Ur seemed oblivious as she kept pouring her divine power into the harp.
“You bitch! Do you not see that you’re interrupting my work!”
“…I’m not interrupting.”
She just provided “just rewards” for the child who had overcome her “trials.”
“That child is Chronos’s child, but also the hero who overcame my trial, blessed by me.”
Chronos was trying to suppress Ur’s power with his own.
“…Hera, what are you doing?”
But it wasn’t working.
“What? I don’t know what you’re talking about!”
Chronos was having trouble suppressing Ur, and Hera began interfering. He was still weakened and controlling Chrono from the mirror was hard, now he had another god hindering him!
And it didn’t end with just Hera.
“Yeah, that’s it! Move over there! Oh, he’s doing great!”
“…If only I had some cola and popcorn…”
Ares and Hermes were now watching the fight, enjoying the show.
“…You can do it. You got this!”
Athena quietly supported Chrono. Could it be? Would he actually succeed? A small spark of hope appeared in Chronos.
The troll roared! The mood switched. ‘Do it, don’t lose! Do not let them win over you!’
“I’m ready!”
Ur declared, her preparations were complete. She put her hands together and released her divine power on the world.
“Let my song ring out!”
[Bless of God’s Music]
The song of the gods began to play in the lower world.
Should be blessing instead of bless
Chronos is now a trash god, Ur is now the main wife and the main god.