Translated By Arcane Translations
Translator: Mod7
“Usually by this point, there should be at least some trace of the Track in your body. You’re quite peculiar.”
Maybe you’re just too talented.
At Acasa’s words, I barely managed to lift my body from where I’d collapsed after training.
After two weeks of training with no physical changes, I could somewhat understand what she meant.
‘This might be more my problem than Lee Seok-hyun’s.’
If I’d been born as Lee Seok-hyun from the start instead of possessing him in the game…
I probably would have already developed some trace of the Track and learned Infinite Track, just as Acasa said.
It seemed to be an issue between game knowledge and how natives of this world approached life.
Unlike games where swinging a sword ten times raises your proficiency…
Here, you had to physically understand and acquire skills.
Trying to establish the vague concept of Infinite Track through repeated training was proving difficult.
Unlike the game where I’d skip the training process and get Infinite Track after a few repetitions…
Now that the game had become reality, I had to understand and establish the concept of Infinite Track myself.
The problem lay in not being able to properly grasp the acquisition process.
‘It’s so different from hunting monsters.’
It hadn’t even been a month since I started training my body on my own.
While I could use my already-developed body to hunt monsters, developing it further felt like starting from scratch.
It was like an F1 driver being unable to develop a good engine.
Different fields, you could say.
But having to do both simultaneously naturally slowed down the learning process.
“The most important thing is the desire to move forward. Simply put, it’s indomitable will. Taking one more step in truly difficult moments—turning that into willpower is what Infinite Track is. Making your body move endlessly.”
Acasa demanded mental growth beyond just improving physical abilities through repetitive training.
It wasn’t as easy as it sounded, which frustrated me to no end.
While I had faith that my magic and martial arts would improve since they were still at theoretical or basic stages…
This was like not even being able to walk properly, which was giving me a headache.
‘Still have to do it though.’
It had only been two weeks—too early for despair.
I needed to perfect Infinite Track if I wanted to avoid death by demons.
“I’d like to add more weight.”
“Now that’s the spirit! That’s my disciple!”
If what I was doing wasn’t enough, make it harsher.
Pushing my body to its limits to accelerate progress was the only method I could think of right now.
Time passed like this until the day of dungeon practice…
I arrived at the auditorium still unable to grasp even the basics of Infinite Track.
The dungeon practice took place in the same auditorium as the entrance practical exam.
Just like then, there were dozens of doors where teams would enter to clear their assigned dungeons.
‘Our team has good balance.’
Akuaku, a fire mage capable of concentrated nuking damage.
Tatakum, a tank who could provide omnidirectional defense with excellent shield techniques and natural physique.
Pepi, a specialist who made it into Class S solely through healing magic.
Lee Hyun-su, an aspiring knight showing steady growth.
And finally, me—unable to properly perform as DPS, tank, or healer, but confident in at least my scouting abilities.
‘Actually, wouldn’t they be fine without me?’
Even without me, they had perfect front and back line balance.
Still, wearing the hats of both class president and team leader meant my uselessness hadn’t been exposed yet.
Thanks to everyone assuming ‘he must have something,’ I’d somehow developed an image of being versatile rather than useless.
“Everyone focus! In one minute, the doors will open and you’ll enter the dungeon. Stay alert, and as instructed, don’t hesitate to tear your escape scroll if things get dangerous.”
“Remember, escape scrolls don’t activate instantly. If you sense danger, tear it immediately. That’s the safest way out. The more you hesitate, the higher your chances of injury.”
“And remember, everyone needs to be within 5 meters for the escape scroll to transport the whole team!”
The professors each added their piece about the escape scrolls.
These safety measures were provided because having professors enter the dungeon might make students too nervous to perform properly.
Tearing the scroll would instantly return them to the auditorium for immediate medical examination and treatment.
Of course, failing to properly clear the dungeon would result in point deductions.
What worried me was the possibility of students hesitating to use the scroll because of those deductions.
The desire for high scores could prevent timely escape, leading to serious injuries.
This was especially concerning if either team members or the leader were obsessed with scores.
“Yu So-hyun!”
That’s why I pulled aside Yu So-hyun, who had the highest risk of injury, to give her a stern warning.
“Don’t listen to the team. If you think it’s dangerous, just tear it immediately. Don’t listen to what anyone else says, got it? It’s fine to lose some points. Not getting hurt is what matters.”
After whispering this so others couldn’t hear, I immediately returned to my position.
“Thirty seconds left! Everyone stand by your doors!”
Gainard announced the remaining time while Lee Hwa-ryeong connected the dungeons to the doors.
Kerrar had laid totems around the area as a precaution.
With this level of preparation, even a sudden demon attack shouldn’t be a problem.
‘And seeing no unusual signs, they’re probably planning something bigger.’
I pushed aside my worries and checked on my team members once more.
Thanks to consistent position training and clear task distribution, everyone’s faces showed appropriate tension.
Trusting they wouldn’t freeze up when the time came…
We opened the door and entered the dungeon.
[You have entered the dungeon.]
[Welcome to the Land of Golems.]
As soon as we entered through the door, the entry message appeared along with a vast prairie.
Thinking all dungeons were gloomy caves would be a big mistake.
While the entrances might look like that, the actual interiors often revealed completely different worlds.
‘Land of Golems.’
Despite having been here before and knowing what to expect, these beings couldn’t be underestimated.
They were tricky monsters combining high attack and defense while partially resisting magic damage.
Their only weaknesses were extremely slow attack speed and simple patterns due to not being intelligent life forms.
“Listen carefully. I’m going to scout ahead—don’t move an inch from here.”
“You’re going alone?”
“Leader, that’s dangerous. Take Tatakum with you.”
Lee Hyun-su and Tatakum immediately responded to my words.
As frontliners responsible for buying time through attacks, they naturally wanted to come along.
But this was something I had to do alone.
“If you both come with me, Pepi and Akuaku will be in danger.”
With those words, I immediately left my position.
The most important thing when hunting golems was to absolutely avoid driving them together.
Even when hunting one, you needed to get it away from the group, and if aggro overlapped making you face two or more…
‘You have to run, no matter what.’
Even with low intelligence mobs, aggro would concentrate on whoever dealt the most damage.
While a tank might somehow handle one, the chances of losing control with two were very high.
In the worst case, if a back line damage dealer got exposed to a golem’s attack…
They could die instantly, without even having time to tear their escape scroll.
‘Found it.’
After some time…
I passed through the prairie into the forest, heading straight for the golem temple’s location.
Seeing it in exactly the same place as the game, the dungeon’s structure hadn’t changed much.
‘Only one here.’
Just one golem at the temple.
Just as I was about to lure it, thinking we could definitely handle this…
‘But why is there only one?’
The thought suddenly struck me.
A temple should normally have multiple golems.
‘If all but one temple guardian golem are gone…’
That meant they’re in…
‘…The prairie.’
I quickly turned and rushed back toward where our team waited.
My teammates were in danger.