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I Became the Academy’s Hidden Skill Master – Chapter 27

The Third Hidden Skill

Translated By Arcane Translations
Translator: Shio



‘Almost done.’

Taking a quick glance outside the training grounds, he saw the line had shrunk considerably.

It was only natural, considering the short sparring sessions.

When it came to bare-handed combat and physical control, he was unmatched among the first-years.

‘For now, at least.’

It was like comparing a level 1 player to a level 10 player in an RPG. The level 1 player would eventually reach level 10, so this was just a head start.

Given his early growth spurt, which was practically nonexistent for Lee Seok-hyun, it made sense that he excelled.

He was impressed that the students could even hold their own against him, considering they hadn’t even begun proper academy training.

‘They weren’t called exceptional for nothing.’

The top 1% of the top 1%.

It was one of many phrases used to describe Class S, but nothing captured it more accurately.

They possessed an uncanny ability to absorb feedback and immediately apply it.

‘Wait, was that Gainad?’

He could have sworn he saw Gainad come down earlier, but where did he disappear to?

Just as he was wondering, he heard Gainad’s voice.

“Instead of going that way, it would have been more effective to dodge diagonally to the right. Don’t assume your opponent will always follow your movements. Sometimes, the best way to evade is towards them.”

What was he doing?

‘He was waiting in line earlier…’

Lee Seok-hyun had assumed he’d given up after being subjected to the students’ glares.

To think he’d find a loophole by offering guidance…

‘He’s trying to win them over with feedback and lure me into the martial arts department.’

This was around the time, back when he’d tried to major in multiple subjects by taking all the representative professors’ classes, that he refused to take advanced classes from Gainad.

The other professors must have gotten impatient, seeing him only take the basic level of their courses.

‘But there’s nothing I can do.’

Gainad might be a martial arts prodigy specializing in swordsmanship, but Lee Seok-hyun had no intention of learning the sword.

‘It’s inefficient.’

Even Woo Do-hyun, with his innate talent for swordsmanship, needed considerable time to reach his full potential.

Expecting someone like Lee Seok-hyun, with no discernible talent, to master the sword?

That would be like giving up on ever clearing the game.

Unlike magic and other studies, which offered versatility even at advanced levels, swordsmanship lacked that adaptability.

Its only redeeming quality was the ability to understand and anticipate the flow of combat against other swordsmen.

He could achieve that much just by taking the basic course.

It was important to remember that Gainad’s definition of “basic” was on an entirely different level from what most people imagined.

“Ah, it’s finally my turn.”

As the last student left the training grounds, defeated but not broken, Gainad approached.

He stood confidently in front of Lee Seok-hyun, ready to spar, much to the astonishment of the surrounding students.

Even a casual spar between a professor and a student was a rare sight.

“Professor, are you sure about this?”

“Lee Seok-hyun, I haven’t offered you any feedback yet. It wouldn’t be fair, would it?”

His words might have been more convincing if he wasn’t practically radiating with the desire to recruit him.

Lee Seok-hyun couldn’t help but chuckle at his blatant eagerness.

‘But if I consider him, this might work.’

Gainad might specialize in swordsmanship, but he excelled in general weapon techniques based on bestial instincts.

A former mercenary king, so highly regarded that the headmaster personally tried to scout him multiple times.

However, he hadn’t accepted any students for years, dissatisfied with the lack of talent.

To get on his radar, he had to use every opportunity, even this one.

“I’ll give you three moves. Make the most of them.”

To think he’d hear a line straight out of a martial arts novel in real life.

‘He’s not letting his guard down.’

Despite his eagerness to recruit Lee Seok-hyun, Gainad’s stance was flawless.

No matter how many simulations he ran in his head, every attack seemed destined to fail the moment he made a move.

‘But I have to try.’

A chance to fight a vastly superior opponent without any risk of death—he couldn’t miss it.


As if possessed by a caster, the students surrounding the training grounds relayed his movements in real-time.

Left to right, right to left.

He cleverly feigned a basic duck to distract Gainad and then threw a punch. His primary target was the jaw—a spot that, if hit just right, could result in an instant knockout and leave his opponent disoriented.


“An excellent approach,” Gainad remarked calmly. “But it makes your intentions obvious. You’re practically screaming that you’re aiming for the jaw.”

Without missing a beat, Gainad effortlessly caught his fist, countering the attack with ease.

And, of course, the inevitable feedback followed.

The students gasped as the tables turned, the one who had just been toying with them now reduced to a child before a master.

“Two moves left…?”

The object of their admiration had shifted.

‘It’s not over yet.’

When given three chances, most people would reset and try a different approach after failing the first attempt.

But he found that incredibly inefficient.

“Why not chain them together?” he thought.

Instead of three separate moves, he wondered what might happen if he linked them into one fluid sequence. This strategy could create opportunities that hadn’t existed before.

Before Gainad could react, he used his captured arm as leverage, spinning his body and wrapping himself around Gainad’s arm in a flying armbar.

Gainad quickly countered by dropping to the ground, bringing Lee Seok-hyun down with him.


Landing with his legs above his head, Lee Seok-hyun immediately wrapped himself around Gainad’s legs, transitioning from a flying armbar to a heel hook.

No matter the difference in size or physical strength, joint manipulation was a force to be reckoned with.

“Got it!”

The seamless sequence culminated in a firm grip on Gainad’s Achilles tendon.


The students, unable to gauge the situation properly, erupted in cheers, believing he had actually defeated the professor. Their excitement stemmed from witnessing a seemingly impossible feat.


“Three moves are up,” Gainad calmly stated.

This success was only possible because of Gainad’s cooperation.


Despite the risk of a sprained ankle, Gainad forcefully twisted his body, freeing himself from the hold. His fist stopped just inches from Lee Seok-hyun’s face.

Although it didn’t connect, the sheer force behind it was evident in the gust of wind that followed.

“Your movements were fluid, and your joint manipulation was impressive. There’s nothing much to criticize.”

“Thank you.”

He extended his hand, helping Lee Seok-hyun up. The students couldn’t help but marvel at the heartwarming display. Gainad’s words—that there was nothing to criticize—carried significant weight.

‘I couldn’t have pulled that off if it wasn’t for Gainad.’

He couldn’t help but feel a twinge of regret, knowing that even a third-year student wouldn’t have been able to escape that combination attack.

Still, he was satisfied with how far he’d come as Lee Seok-hyun.

“Seeing your skills, I can’t fathom why you’d choose a double major. It’s a decision based on your lack of experience. It’s not too late to change your mind. Join the path of martial arts…”

As expected, the praise and encouragement were immediately followed by a fervent recruitment speech.

“Ugh! My back, it’s acting up again! I-I should get going!”

Having accomplished all he could here, Lee Seok-hyun made his excuses and swiftly departed, unwilling to waste any more time.

‘They must be getting impatient.’

He’d given them enough time.

It was time to focus on his growth again.

‘The third hidden skill.’

Time to prepare for its acquisition.


“Why…why am I ranked 39th?!”

Inside an A-Class dormitory, a student pounded his desk in frustration.

“What am I lacking? Why! What did I do wrong?!”

39th place.

The agony of missing Class S by just a single spot was unbearable.

At Mirinae Academy, it was better to be the tail of a dragon than the head of a snake, which made his resentment even stronger.

“Why can’t I be in Class S?!”

Why was he stuck in Class A, ranked 39th?

He believed he was more than qualified for Class S; his talents simply hadn’t been recognized yet.

If only he had a chance to prove himself…

He would show everyone he belonged in Class S—that he was a cut above the rest, an exceptional talent wasted in Class A.

“If that happens…they’ll have no choice but to put me in Class S, right? They’ll have to take someone out and make room for me…”

A sinister light flickered in his eyes as he muttered to himself.



[Translator Notes]

[Shio here~!

I hope you guys enjoy!]

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I Became the Academy’s Hidden Skill Master

I Became the Academy’s Hidden Skill Master

Score 9.5
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Artist: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
I've possessed the shittiest character with the lowest initial growth rate and countless death routes. However, only I can monopolize the hidden skills.


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not work with dark mode