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I Became the Academy’s Hidden Skill Master – Chapter 15

They Were Here?

Translated By Arcane Translations
Translator: Shio



Magic representative professor Lee Hwa-Ryeong.

Martial Arts representative professor Gainad Marak.

Other Studies representative professor Kerrar Mera.

Two of these professors were known for their poor relationship, and one rarely appeared even in the game.

I couldn’t immediately adjust to the strange sight of these three in my room.

‘What is going on?’

Although they were all speaking at once, their purpose was clear: to convince me to take their newly created lectures.

‘But wasn’t this supposed to be reserved for main character-level students?’

For example, if the sword genius Woo Do-hyun didn’t choose Gainad’s class, Gainad would personally visit Woo Do-hyun to recommend it. Such impromptu events occasionally occurred to avoid missing out on promising talent.

But this time was different.

‘They’re buttering me up before I’ve even chosen my classes…’

As the best possible start for Lee Seok-Hyun continued, I felt uneasy.

Things couldn’t continue this smoothly for no reason, could they?

‘I just solved some problems and defeated some monsters, that’s all.’

Was all this really necessary?

The professors continued, regardless of my confusion.

“Student Lee Seok-Hyun, you don’t seem to understand the significance of the problem you solved. This could be a major discovery. Did you realize it? Imagine how brilliant your life could become if you wrote a thesis on this field and pursued magic!”

No, I just played a lot of games and memorized the answers.

“I saw how you defeated the troll barehanded. To show such skill without any martial arts training…It’s impossible unless you’ve honed your instincts in the mountains for over 10 years. Lee Seok-Hyun, you’re a genius with innate instincts. If you refine this talent, becoming first in martial arts, or even the top of your year, isn’t far-fetched.”

I really did spend 10 years in the mountains, eating wild animals.

“Do you not understand why Student Lee Seok-Hyun chose Other Studies despite his talents? He must have a grand purpose for it. Yet you recommend magic and martial arts? As I said in the meeting, I will raise Student Lee Seok-Hyun as my top disciple to honor his choice.”

I chose Other Studies because it had the highest pass rate.

Their long, passionate speeches were too embarrassing to bear.

I had guessed when Lee Hwa-Ryeong spoke, but these three were clearly misunderstanding me.

‘It seems they think I’m an all-rounder with talents in various fields.’

The difference between an all-rounder and a jack-of-all-trades was paper-thin.

In my case, I was a perfect jack-of-all-trades.

I could do many things, but all of them were mediocre, and I struggled with unexpected situations.

I was someone who could only perform well within a set repertoire.

In reality, if Lee Hwa-Ryeong gave a problem that hadn’t appeared in the game, I would have scored zero on the theory test.

But I couldn’t say this outright. The frustration of not being able to clear up their misunderstanding was overwhelming.

“I’m grateful for your kind words, but the good grades I received were purely luck. Please don’t have any more expectations of me…”

I tried to humbly deflect by attributing it to luck, but the professors were already examining my subject registration form.

“Oh, I didn’t know you were interested in alchemy. After taking my class, if you come to me separately, I’ll teach you everything you need.”

“Basic combat studies are mandatory, but you’re more than qualified for the next step. I’ve created a special lecture, so you should attend it.”

“Hmm…Seeing your interest in various disciplines, you should take the lecture I created, as I’ve mentioned before.”

Despite their differing approaches, the conclusion was the same: “Forget your choices, just take my lecture.”

It wasn’t entirely unreasonable. Their lectures were indeed superior to what I had intended to take.

However, there was one reason I was reluctant:

‘It’s getting too intense from the start.’

The newly established lectures by the representative professors would naturally include main characters. If that happened, I would be forced into all main events.

One of Lee Seok-Hyun’s few advantages was avoiding events meant for main characters.

‘What should I do?’

The professors, having finished their appeals, looked at me with hopeful eyes.

Whether to endure the hassle for better rewards or reject the offers for stability, the choice seemed clear.


I gave my answer to end the situation.

I realized today that being too popular could be troublesome.



Mirinae Academy had one peculiar aspect: they didn’t start classes immediately after admission.

After receiving dormitory room guidance and submitting course registration forms, students were given a special one-week personal preparation time.

Once admitted, students couldn’t freely go out, and there were inevitable restrictions on their lifestyle.

This one-week period was a kind of consideration from Mirinae, allowing students to enjoy some freedom before the academic grind began.

‘It’s like they’re saying to play freely for a week and then study hard.’

A time to savor the joy of acceptance and spread the news about entering Mirinae Academy around the neighborhood.

A time to indulge in such freedom and happiness.

Moreover, this time was also intended to boost academic enthusiasm.

It leveraged the psychology that people were more eager to study when they were told they couldn’t, even if they didn’t initially want to.

“Thank you for everything until now. Thanks to you, I was able to stay in a nice place cheaply.”

“Oh, don’t say such things. If someone heard, they’d think someone else had quietly helped with the hard work. You did your part.”

I packed up my belongings from the inn where I had been staying, making full use of this week.

After saying goodbye to the innkeeper who had helped me when I was wandering around in nothing but tree bark clothes, I immediately headed for the mountains.

‘I hope no one saw me.’

The reason for staying in the mountains for 10 years wasn’t just for physical and mental training, but also to familiarize myself with the geography.

Even if I hadn’t experienced it directly, spending a long time in the mountains had imprinted the terrain features in my memory.

‘It should be around here…’

I searched the mountains diligently, recalling forgotten memories for about 3 hours.

‘Found it.’

Finally, I discovered what I had been desperately searching for.


A roar powerful enough to topple surrounding trees.

A massive 5-meter body, far exceeding normal size.

Huge claws that looked like they could pierce through five people at once.

The ferocious appearance was hard to believe was a bear, sending chills down my spine.

‘The mountain guardian bear, Ungbak.¹’

The reason I had been able to live in the same mountain as this beast for 10 years without dying was simple: there was a rule that you didn’t die between the prologue and the main story.

If I had actually played directly, I might have died as soon as I ventured deep into the mountains.

Ungbak was a field boss, a monster that had grown strong by devouring honey, medicinal herbs, and animals growing in the mountains.

It had the characteristic of disappearing after a certain time, so it needed to be defeated early, but it was impossible to defeat with early-game specs.

Despite this, the reason for seeking it out was that there were many benefits to be gained.

‘The bear’s gallbladder increases stamina stat… the hide sells for a high price, and I can use the claws as weapons…’

Ungbak was a spiritual beast among spiritual beasts, with even its dung usable as medicine, so it was unthinkable not to defeat it.

The problem was,

‘Can I defeat it with my current specs?’

Not knowing my exact power level made it difficult to approach recklessly. Even though I had shown good results in the practical exam, that didn’t directly translate to strength, which made the situation even more challenging.

There was a huge difference between a safe virtual space and reality.

‘It would have been better if there was one more person here.’

Ideally, someone from the martial arts department with steep early growth like a main character would be perfect.

But the chances of such a convenient thing happening…

“For the glory of Mudanad! El Rataaaaaa!!!!!”

There it was?

Mijuran, the princess of Mudanad and one of the main characters, was charging towards Ungbak while shouting an insanely loud battle cry.



[Translator Notes]

[Shio here~!

I already like Mijuran. Like, totally best girls already.

Translator notes:

1: Ungbak literally means “Roar.” Because of that, I’d like to know if you guys would prefer his name be “Ungbak” or “Roar.”]

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I Became the Academy’s Hidden Skill Master

I Became the Academy’s Hidden Skill Master

Score 9.5
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Artist: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
I've possessed the shittiest character with the lowest initial growth rate and countless death routes. However, only I can monopolize the hidden skills.


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1 month ago

Thanks for the chapters

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not work with dark mode