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I Became a Demon Professor at the Academy – Chapter 62

.。.:✧ No, so where is Lepista's wand? - 3✧:.。.

Translated By Arcane Translations
Translator: Yuziro



“I understand,” Jekkiel said quietly, rubbing his chin.

“You’re saying that Regita brought the dragon folk to Peltir Hill to obtain information about Lepista’s Wand.”

“Yes, that’s correct,” Christine nodded quietly.

Jekkiel’s gaze was more serious than she had imagined, and Christine found herself entranced by it.


“I’m listening.”

“I’ll take care of this personally. It seems there’s no other vampire who meets the conditions anyway.”

Christine and Artel tilted their heads again.

It was more out of pleasantness, rather than dislike.

Why had he been so attentive since the coronation ceremony?

No, he was even more attentive now than he had been then.

He was even volunteering to resolve dangers he hadn’t been told about yet, figuring them out on his own.

Artel whispered quietly to Christine.

“See, I was right. He’s doing this to give you the ring…!”

“Hush. It’s too early to jump to conclusions.”

Christine cleared her throat and spoke.

“If you’re going to handle this personally, what do you plan to do?”

“It’s simple. I’ll drive the dragon folk out of Peltir Hill, and I won’t let Lepista’s Wand fall into Regita’s hands either.”

“Jekkiel,” Christine called his name.

“To be honest, I don’t absolutely need Lepista’s Wand right now. Are you still willing to do this despite that?”

“Of course,” Jekkiel nodded without a moment’s hesitation.

“The relationship between harpies and vampires will be important in the future. Moreover… I have another reason why I must involve myself in this matter.”

Artel’s lips twitched.

She leaned in to whisper in Christine’s ear again.

“Maybe he’s planning to properly propose again after this is over…?”

“P-please be still,” Christine hushed her.

Why was the secretary, who should have been the calmest of all, making such a fuss?

Her whispers were making Christine’s heart flutter unnecessarily.

She had to clear her throat again.

But Artel’s excitement didn’t stop.

“Come to think of it, didn’t Jekkiel ask for help finding Lepista’s Wand before?”

“Yes, that’s right.”

“What could that mean? Maybe the time when you find Lepista’s Wand is when you’ve made up your mind to propose. Something like that…”

“Enough, enough!”

Christine gently pushed Artel away. Maintain your dignity, please.

“What are you two whispering about?” Jekkiel asked.

Christine and Artel flinched.

They both shook their heads simultaneously.

“Oh, it’s nothing.”

“Yes, nothing important.”

Though it might actually have been important.

In any case, Jekkiel heaved a deep sigh.

“If it’s not important, put it aside for now. Time is of the essence, so we should depart immediately.”

“The harpy we need to bring along is still bedridden due to injury. Even if we leave quickly, I think it will be tomorrow morning at the earliest,” Artel said.

Jekkiel looked displeased at Artel’s words.

“Injury, you say. So they didn’t just bring in the dragon folk, but resorted to violence as well.”

“That’s right. They used force if there was resistance.”

“That’s actually better. I don’t like things being too peaceful either.”

There was a saying about an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, wasn’t there?

If they acted that way, he should return at least that much.

It shouldn’t be a problem as long as it would be within the bounds of what could be considered ‘self-defense’.

“Anyway, I understand. I should get a good rest tonight then.”

“That seems like a good idea.”

“I’ll be going now.”

As Jekkiel was about to leave with a nod, Artel stopped him once more.

“Lord Jekkiel.”

“What is it?”

When Jekkiel turned his head, Artel glanced at Christine before asking.

“When you say you’ll rest well for the night… do you mean in the human world or here?”

The answer came immediately, as if it was obvious.

“Of course I’ll rest here. I’ve taken time off, so there’s no reason to return to the human world.”

With those words, Jekkiel left, and Artel and Christine’s expressions became subtle.

“Lady Christine.”

“I’m listening, Artel.”

“I know it might be presumptuous of me to say, but I wonder if Lord Jekkiel’s sudden visit and decision to spend the night here carries only a simple meaning.”

Christine’s thoughts deepened as well.

Certainly, there seemed to be too many things that felt fateful to be dismissed as mere coincidence.

‘She said she would interrogate and replenish her vitality once a week, didn’t she?’

It was called interrogation and blood-drinking for vitality in words, but in reality, it was no different from a bold confession that she wanted to have physical contact with Jekkiel about once a week.

And was Jekkiel stupid enough not to understand such intentions?

No, he was a man smarter than Christine.

He would understand better than anyone the intentions behind Christine’s words.


Christine let out a sigh.

She felt strangely expectant, but at the same time incredibly worried.

“I’ve never practiced staying the night. I’m concerned I might appear foolish.”

“Wouldn’t that be better?”


Artel continued with a slight smile.

“As the Sin of Pride, Lord Jekkiel is a vampire lord by birth. Nothing would satisfy him more than his fiancée being a virgin.”

“Is that so…”

Seeing that Christine was still worried, Artel spoke with a determined face.

“Besides, I think it’s the other party who should be doing all this complex worrying. You are now the Sin of Pride, aren’t you, Lady Christine?”

“That’s true.”

“Then it’s the other side that needs to be considerate! Be at ease, be at ease! Think of yourself as the one receiving what they offer!”


Indeed, if she appeared to be calculating or restless, that would seem undignified in its own way.

Christine, who had now ascended to the position of the Sin of Pride, should act differently from an ordinary woman.

“If there’s any consolation, I’ve read a lot about this in books. I’ll try to prepare without lacking anything.”

At this, Artel’s lips twitched.

She tried to hold it back, but eventually couldn’t and her lips curved up into a smile.

“Hehe… Then may I help you?”

“Absolutely not.”



“You have no charm as a woman. Are you aware of this?”

“If you’re aware, then try to make an effort.”


Christine had returned to her bedroom confidently, but these words from Jekkiel in the past still lingered in her mind.

When she had heard those words, she never imagined a day like this would come.

Now how should she prepare?

Christine paced around the bedroom with a face that seemed to say she really didn’t know what to do.

“First, a bath.”

A clean body.

That shouldn’t be a problem.

She had already taken three baths.

One normal bath, one with fragrant wine, and one with pure-blooded elf blood…

It might have been excessive, or it might have been just right.

“The atmosphere?”

Yes, the atmosphere was also crucially important.

If a grand event was to take place, setting the background for that event could be called the atmosphere.

Soft lighting and a subtle fragrance.

Curtains that were ambiguously closed yet open.

She even lit a few candles just in case.


When it came to attire, she could get advice from books.

“The charm of intimacy lies in removing the cloth covering the body. Therefore, exposing skin from the beginning is not a very attractive action—”

And so on and so forth.

It was a long passage, but the conclusion was to dress appropriately.

After reading it, there was nothing particularly objectionable about it, and it was rather agreeable, so she did as suggested.

She put on the black dress she usually favored.

She had made all the preparations she could.

Christine’s face, now wearing a determined expression, naturally turned towards the bedroom door.

Now all that was left was for him to enter the bedroom.

Just for him to enter…

This time, her gaze turned towards the clock.

It was about five minutes until midnight, and still, no one had knocked on the door.

Was he planning to arrive exactly at midnight?

She tried to steer her thoughts in a positive direction, but she couldn’t help feeling a little impatient.

And at the moment when the minute and hour hands overlapped.

Knock knock—

Someone knocked on the door.

Hup, Christine unknowingly held her breath.

She hurriedly slipped on any ring she could find on her left ring finger.

She could at least put a little pressure on him to change the ring on her finger.

Then she quickly ran to the window on the other side of the door, sat on the sill, cleared her throat, and…

“Please come in.”


The door opened.

Now, just as she had practiced in front of the mirror.

One, two, three.

“You’ve come.”

“Ah… I apologize for the late hour. I’m Lord Jekkiel’s secretary, and because we need to depart first thing tomorrow morning, I had to check all the necessary supplies now, so unavoidably at this late hour… Huh?”

Demelie, who had entered while scratching her head, made perfect eye contact with Christine.

One second.

Five seconds.

Ten seconds.

Silence fell.

“Ah… um, I’m sorry. I’m truly sorry.”

“N-no, it’s not… If anything, I should…”

“I’ll call Lord Jekkiel. Yes, yes…”

“No, no. Please don’t do anything.”

They both bowed their heads once, and then Demelie hurriedly closed the door.

In truth, Christine had no need to bow her head, but out of embarrassment, her head moved on its own.


She was embarrassed.

No other expression was necessary.

Just embarrassed…


Christine flopped face-down onto the bed.

She buried her face, which had turned as red as an apple, into the pillow with all her might.



[Translator Notes]

[Nooooooo Christine didnt deserve that!!! Also damn, did original Jekkiel hate Christine so much he couldn’t even fuck her?]

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I Became a Demon Professor at the Academy

I Became a Demon Professor at the Academy

Score 9.6
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Artist: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
"I quit." After waiting a hundred years, I finally quit being an executive of the demon world. In a world where even the protagonist, the heroine, and the named NPCs are fated to die, a world where a bad ending is inevitable. I became a professor who teaches them.


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16 days ago

Thx for chapter and more!!

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