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I Became a Demon Professor at the Academy – Chapter 46

.。.:✧ Time to Pay for My Sins? - 1✧:.。.

Translated By Arcane Translations
Translator: Yuziro



As I was going about my usual routine in the office, I encountered a system message that had changed after a long time.

[Scenario Character Changes]

▶Michelle Meinens is becoming impatient towards you.

▶Charlotte’s trust in you remains unshaken.

▶Christine trusts you.

▶The students showed enthusiasm.

Except for Michelle, there wasn’t anything that could be considered particularly bad.

And there was one more crucial point that caught my attention.

[This is a main scenario branching point!]

▶Happy Ending Score

▶30% → 50%

‘It’s rising on its own.’

That was literally what was happening.

Despite doing nothing, the Happy Ending score was increasing by itself.

‘Is this a bug?’

Finding this strange, I pondered for a moment before finally leaving the office.



“P-please spare me!”

Demelie jumped up and then immediately prostrated on the ground.

The faces of the students who were about to assume combat stances showed a hint of bewilderment.

From Demelie’s perspective, this was the best course of action.

It was impossible to counterattack due to the pressure from Pertel anyway.

But if she did nothing, she’d be beaten to death.

“What should we do, Michelle?” Isabel asked, turning to Michelle.


“Stop for now, Charlotte.”

Michelle used her telekinesis to firmly grip Charlotte’s nape, as she tried to charge recklessly towards the demon.

Then, she continued speaking in a calm manner.

“The most urgent thing is to win the fight. Let’s find the portal to the exit first.”

“You’re looking for a portal! I am the portal! So, you mustn’t kill me!”

Demelie showed an awkward smile while sweating profusely.

Invisible question marks appeared above the students’ heads.

“I’m the owner of this dungeon, haha… So I personally act as the portal. You’ve already collected the loot, right? Shall I let you out now?”

Please just leave.

No, please leave.


Demelie prayed desperately in her mind. But Michelle’s expression remained serious.

Extremely so.

After pondering for a while, Michelle finally parted her lips.

“Hey, you.”


Why am I speaking so politely to these young humans?

Demelie swallowed her tears several times internally.

“So, does that mean… you can teleport anything that exists inside this dungeon at will?”

“Yes, that’s right! Exactly!”

If what she said was true, there was no need for the students to continue with a troublesome fight.

Typically, when the entity acting as the boss was defeated, a portal to the exit opened.

That was the basic structure of a dungeon, but if they could leave without defeating it, well…

“Judging by your abilities, you seem to be a low-ranking demon. Why do you have such power?”

“Because I’ve been in this dungeon for a long time? Ahaha… Hahaha!”

“How can a low-ranking demon like you speak our language?”

“There’s a story behind it~ Let’s just say I was granted authority? Haha! Hahaha!”

I’m not a low-ranking demon! This is so unfair!

Michelle scrutinized various parts of Demelie’s body with eyes full of suspicion, but soon nodded as if she had understood.


“Before you open the portal to the exit, there’s something you need to do first.”

What Michelle demanded from Demelie was not the portal to the exit.

The expressions of the students who had been silently listening to Michelle’s words also turned bewildered.

The girl from the Meinens family carefully approached Demelie and whispered something in her ear.

“…I’d like you to do this.”


Though she didn’t understand the intention behind this, Demelie nodded her head for now.

“You have to take responsibility for your own words.”

Yes, there was something that the current Michelle Meinens absolutely had to do.




Roel, who had been chatting while leaning against the wall near the entrance, yawned.

“Roerte, isn’t it about time we left? We’ve been here for hours.”

“Let’s do that. We need to prepare for the magic competition as well.”

Roerte’s group, including Tyr, who was lying in a hospital bed, were also students selected to represent the intermediate class in the magic competition.

From tomorrow, only the intermediate class students will be able to use the training ground again, right?

Just as they were about to move, with smiles brimming on their faces.



Roel and Roerte blinked their eyes.

Their friend who had been next to them until just now was gone.

They looked at each other, both equally confused.

“What’s going on? Where did they go?”


But by the time Roerte asked the question, Roel was already nowhere to be seen.

“Hmm? What’s happening?”


This time, Roerte’s vision flipped.





A slight dizziness and headache.

A vision that had tumbled once and an unfamiliar landscape unfolding before his eyes.

Although it happened so suddenly that he was at a loss, Roerte instinctively realized.

He had been teleported.


The person greeting him had a familiar face and a familiar voice.

White, glossy hair.

But the inside was a pale green, giving a very peculiar impression.

It was the girl from the Meinens family.

Michelle Meinens.

And it wasn’t just Michelle Meinens.

The failing class students, whom Roerte despised more than anything else, were looking down at him arrogantly.

“…What have you done?”

“Ask your friend.”


Come to think of it, Roel and the others had suddenly disappeared.

Were they teleported too?

Roerte began to look around urgently.

And not long after, his eyes widened.

“Roel! Ulpian!”

He called out his friends’ names, but there was no response.

They were all lying on the ground, having been thoroughly beaten.

Who could have done this?

There was no need to ask out loud.

Three steel spheres were orbiting around Michelle in different trajectories, like satellites revolving around a large planet.

“You crazy…! What the hell have you done? How cowardly were you!”

“The cowardly ones would be you guys.”

Michelle snorted.

“You guys. I heard you were loitering near the entrance.”

“What… What are you talking about?”

“Don’t try to deny it. It has already been informed.”

Michelle gestured with her chin towards her back.

Behind her…

‘…A demon?’

There was a demon kneeling submissively.

Although this scene registered in his mind, his brain couldn’t comprehend it.

Why was a demon kneeling before them?


Roerte didn’t answer.

Instead, he glared at Michelle with murderous intent in his eyes.

“You had no intention of clearing this dungeon, did you?”

“We were just taking it easy. Didn’t we say it was a handicap? It was still more than enough to deal with trash like you even if we started very late!”

“Don’t make such excuses. Why don’t you try to cover the sky with both hands?”

Not just Michelle, but the expressions of the failing class students beside her were also filled with anger.

As they say, a thief thinks everyone steals.

Roerte bristled once more for no reason.

“In the first place, all these things are happening because you failing class don’t know your place and act out of line, right? Who told you to interfere with the intermediate class’s training? You should be stuck in some remote classroom!”

“Interfere… Did you say interfere?”

“Yes! Interfere!”

“The baseline was drawn by you intermediate class students. We never once crossed that line.”

“…You acted disrespectfully.”

“Who was the one throwing various objects over the baseline and ordering all sorts of errands?”


“There was even sexual harassment. Is peeping at others’ underwear also part of the intermediate class’s training?”


Was it a minimal sense of conscience?

Roerte had nothing particular to say.

Michelle continued, addressing each point one by one.

“Anyway, we won this match. Don’t show your face in the training ground from now on.”

With each word Michelle uttered, Roerte’s face twitched.

Eventually, he shouted loudly.


His face was extremely rigid.

“It’s invalid! This was supposed to be a competition to determine superiority without fighting! But you beat up my friends! So of course it’s invalid!”

“Then what are you going to do?”

“What am I going to do…”

After hesitating for a moment, Roerte felt as if he had been hit on the back of his head.

It was strange.

Shouldn’t Roerte’s side welcome such a fight breaking out?

The opponents were the failing class, and didn’t he want to beat them up so badly?

Couldn’t Roerte just charge in and fight?

However, despite this, Roerte was clearly hesitating.

Those guys faced a demon, but they didn’t have a single scratch on their bodies.

Moreover, they even beat up Roel and Ulpian.

Is that even possible for the failing class?


Of course, Michelle Meinens was a bit of an outlier.

But hadn’t he observed enough that her legs weren’t healing?

There must have been reasons for why she still had the failing class tag attached to her.


Roerte gritted his teeth with a grinding sound.

“I’ll make you take responsibility! You started the fight first, so you can’t say anything no matter what I do after this, right?”

“We’ll see.”

“There’s no one here in the dungeon to stop a fight, and even if you go outside and say you were beaten by fellow students, no one would believe it. Consider yourself unlucky!”

“I’m lucky.”

Michelle slightly raised her chin.


“I said I’m lucky.”

One step.

Two steps.

Michelle started approaching Roerte.

“Roerte. That’s exactly what I wanted, this match to become invalid.”

She called Roerte’s name.

Am I scared?

There was no reason to be scared.

He was the ace of the intermediate class.

Recently, he had even cleared a dungeon and was showing prominence in illusion-type magic.

So there was no reason to be scared, but…

“You always say this. You want to kill the failing class but you spare them because you have a lot to do. You spare them considering your reputation. If it wasn’t for the academy, you would have killed them… Yeah.”

Roerte had unknowingly swallowed a dry gulp.

When the distance became about five steps, Michelle stopped.

“The one who’s been sparing you because they have a lot to do, is me.”

Michelle’s hair began to float up towards the sky.

“The one who’s been sparing you considering the reputation of the Meinens family, is me.”

Green telekinetic light was added to her pupils.

The surrounding pebbles began to float into the air.

“The one who’s been sparing you, bound by the rules of Rahel Academy… is also me.”

The telekinetic spheres began to orbit her body even faster.

Michelle showed a smile as if feeling relieved.

“So, I can’t help but feel lucky about this current situation.”

“S-stop spouting nonsense! You guys acted up first! Even now, you’re the ones who made the first move!”

“It’s not really important who did what to your group.”

Michelle raised her index finger and placed one sphere on top of it.

“…What’s important is what you did to me. Whore, you called me a whore, didn’t you?”

She extended her index finger, which had been pointing towards the sky towards Roerte.

As if about to fire at any moment.

“If the next head of the Meinens family is a whore, then go advise your twin sister like this.”

Complex magical formulas began to be drawn around Michelle.

Acceleration formulas were added on top, and mana was quickly filled into the circuit.

Finally, at the moment the formula was completed.



The sphere directly hit Roerte’s solar plexus with a heavy impact. At a speed impossible to follow with the naked eye.

“From now on, live exactly like a whore.”



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I Became a Demon Professor at the Academy

I Became a Demon Professor at the Academy

Score 9.6
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Artist: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
"I quit." After waiting a hundred years, I finally quit being an executive of the demon world. In a world where even the protagonist, the heroine, and the named NPCs are fated to die, a world where a bad ending is inevitable. I became a professor who teaches them.


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