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I Became a Demon Professor at the Academy – Chapter 42

.。.:✧ Hey, Include Me in the Failing Class Too - 3✧:.。.

Translated By Arcane Translations
Translator: Yuziro



‘What’s with her?’

Isabel was so surprised that for a while she could only blink her eyes.

It was natural for failing class students to have feelings of respect and gratitude towards Adrian.

But was there really a student who could boldly express her affection like that without even receiving his guidance?

Moreover, there was one more element that could shake the hearts of the failing class students.

How fast can rumors spread?

If we were to compare it to the speed of light… no, of course light would be faster.

Anyway, no one would disagree that rumors spread quickly.

The rumor about Tia being demoted to the failing class was no different.

They said she sent Tyr, a somewhat famous guy from the intermediate class, flying with one punch?

Whether that rumor was true or false, there’s no smoke without fire.

It meant that there must have been some truth to it for the rumor to be circulating.

And now, this incredible person was confronting Charlotte.

‘Her gaze is no joke.’

Apart from the friendly act of sharing her side dishes, the way she looked straight into Charlotte’s eye was incredibly serious.

The failing class students had already stopped eating their top-grade lunch boxes and started watching the scene as if it were a movie.

Were they competing over Professor Adrian?

What would happen if Charlotte didn’t back down here?

Was she going to fight Charlotte too?


And that was Charlotte’s answer.

Everyone swallowed their gasps.

It wasn’t even a ‘no’, but a ‘You can’t’.

The failing class students instinctively clung to Charlotte and Tia’s side.


Because they couldn’t let Tia just slap Charlotte’s face!

In the tense atmosphere, as taut as a thin thread pulled tight, Tia was surprisingly calm.

After pondering for a moment, she asked Charlotte:

“Why, can’t I?”

“I should be the one asking that,” Charlotte replied, not backing down and looking straight into Tia’s eyes.

“Why can’t I like Professor Adrian?”

“Can’t, say.”

“Then let me ask you this. What are you going to do if I keep liking the professor? Are you going to hit me?”

Whoa, whoa.

The other students grabbed Tia and Charlotte’s shoulders.

You’ll lose if you fight, Charlotte!

You have to participate in the magic competition tomorrow, you idiot!

Michelle pinched Charlotte’s thigh using telekinesis.

“No. No intention, to fight.”

But that’s how Tia answered.

Relief washed over the faces of the failing class students.

Yeah, even this peculiar kid must be afraid of expulsion.

The other side had taken a step back.

So now, if only Charlotte would back down, things could be settled, right?

Michelle pinched Charlotte’s thigh once more.

“Ah, why do you keep pinching me!”

Charlotte shouted, turning to look at Michelle.

All the students’ gazes turned to Michelle.


‘Why is she like this even when I’m trying to help?’

Michelle’s face showed bewilderment.

Shouldn’t she understand by now?

No, she understood, but she couldn’t give up on Adrian?

It was a strange situation.

Even Michelle felt a bit anxious about this point.

Anyway, the conversation between Tia and Charlotte continued.

“What if I do something, will you stop liking Adrian?”

“I’ll still like him.”

“No. That would be bad.”

The conversation continued after this, but most of it was like a clash between an impenetrable shield and a piercing spear.

The other students watching their exchange from the side felt drained.

Charlotte’s courage in not backing down against Tia was impressive, but there was an even more amazing display of courage.

“I can’t do that either. I’ll keep liking him.”

She didn’t seem to be aware of it herself, but she was continuously confessing her love for Professor Adrian in real-time.

‘Wasn’t Charlotte usually very shy?’

‘She’s been quite docile lately, even though she’s bad at hiding her emotions, right?’

The scariest thing about Tia was her unpredictability.

It was clear that her expression was serious, but that was all the information one could read.

It was impossible to predict what she was thinking or what she would do next.

This made everyone anxious, but Charlotte kept making Tia’s expression crumple.

You must absolutely win the magic competition!

That way we can eat these lunch boxes every day!

We can’t go back to our old life!

We won’t go back!

The door slid open—

“Nice to… no, as expected, not nice to see you. Really, not at all.”

The protagonist of the fiery conversation topic, Adrian, appeared.

As always, he stood at the podium with disciplined movements, his attire neatly arranged.

Everyone quickly returned to their seats and sat down.

Then, swallowing hard, they looked at Adrian.

Did the professor know they had been talking about him until now?

Of course not.

In any case, Adrian calmly went about his business.

With a snap of his fingers, all the windows in the classroom opened.

“This is why I dislike you all. Not only are you slow in activating magic, but you’re even slow in eating? Don’t you even have the ability to eat quickly and ventilate? I should tell them not to give you lunch boxes anymore.”


That can’t happen.

Please, Professor.

Everyone swallowed those words.

“This is a classroom, not a dining hall. Remember that, all of you.”

“Yes, sir!”

Everyone answered loudly while hastily closing their lunch box lids.

In the midst of this, Tia’s and Adrian’s eyes met perfectly.

“Ah. Right.”

The professor nodded.

“We have a troublesome one living with us now. Take good care… no, just avoid her. Try not to get too friendly.”

Professor, is that right?

Isn’t that promoting violence within the academy?

Of course, there was no one who could ask that out loud.

Suddenly, Tia raised her hand high.

For some reason, the other students flinched in surprise.

“What is it?”

“I have, something to say.”

“Go ahead.”


She nodded a couple of times and then pointed her index finger at Charlotte sitting next to her.

“She, likes you, Professor.”

The faces of the failing class students turned pale.

‘Did I hear that wrong?’

‘No, I heard it correctly. Is she crazy?’

Charlotte’s face turned red in an instant.

Even the great Adrian seemed quite flustered, his eyebrow twitching once this time.

The professor asked as calmly as possible.

“What do you want to say?”

“Tell her. No, please tell her.”

“Tell her what?”

“Not to like you. Tell her, she can’t like you.”


The failing class students’ eyes widened.

Tia tilted her head slightly.

Her gaze was directed at Adrian’s left ring finger.

The meaning was clear.

‘You’re wearing Christine’s ring.’

Adrian wasn’t stupid enough not to understand that meaning.

Seeing her act so brazenly like this…

‘…It seems she’s received orders to prevent contact with other women.’

Christine’s obsession seems to be deeper than I thought.

In a way, it’s natural.

Just as gold dragons are greedy for treasure, vampires are designed as a race with quite strong possessive desires when it comes to relationships.


How should I address this and move on?

Just as Adrian started to ponder.

“It doesn’t matter.”

Charlotte cut in.

“I’ll like you no matter what you say.”


The eyes of the failing class students were now beyond the description of being merely widened.

It looked like their eyes might pop out of their faces and roll around on the classroom floor at any moment.

“I will never like anyone. Everyone, open your materials.”

Adrian somehow managed to gloss over it and move on.

But there was a student who couldn’t help but be upset by those words, and of course, it was Michelle.

‘After seeing my underwear and touching my chest… you say you’ll never like anyone?’

Michelle raised her hand high.

“Um, about what you just said, we need to discuss…”

“Michelle, you’re getting points deducted.”


“How long are you going to keep interrupting the flow of the lecture? Know your limits.”


Once again, Michelle was the easy target.



“Tyr, are you feeling okay?”

“Of course I’m fine.”

Tyr gruffly answered his friends’ greetings asking about his well-being.

He wasn’t actually in much pain, but the embarrassment was greater than the pain anyway.

“I heard that Tia girl got demoted to the failing class.”

“I know that too.”

“What are you going to do now? It’s affecting your reputation as the ace of the intermediate class.”

When Roerte shot those words at him, Tyr’s expression crumpled.

Who didn’t know that?

‘What on earth was it?’


That girl’s attack had hit Tyr’s face before he could even notice.

There wasn’t even a sign of drawing a magic formula, so what on earth was it?

“Calm down, Roerte. Tyr just let his guard down. He’ll show them properly in the magic competition.”


Although Ciel took Tyr’s side, words of denial came out of Tyr’s own mouth.

“Losing in the magic competition isn’t enough. I need to properly embarrass all these failing class bastards, including that bitch Tia.”

The gazes of all the intermediate class representatives participating in the magic competition turned to Tyr.

Their expressions seemed to say, ‘What are you going to do?’

Tyr clenched his fist tightly.

He had to save face while getting revenge at the same time.

No, he would definitely do so.

“Just wait and see. I have a way to really make them eat dirt.”



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I Became a Demon Professor at the Academy

I Became a Demon Professor at the Academy

Score 9.6
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Artist: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
"I quit." After waiting a hundred years, I finally quit being an executive of the demon world. In a world where even the protagonist, the heroine, and the named NPCs are fated to die, a world where a bad ending is inevitable. I became a professor who teaches them.


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