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I Became a Demon Professor at the Academy – Chapter 2

.。.:✧ The Beginning - 2 ✧:.。.

Translated By Arcane Translations
Translator: Yuziro



They were quite high-level individuals.

Most people attribute the reason to why demons dislike disguising themselves as humans to the demons’ pride, or lack of strength.

It’s not an incorrect statement.

If they truly possessed substantial strength, they would have no need to disguise themselves as humans.

However, there are few demons who actually possess such genuine strength.

The most common reason is that they are unfamiliar with human ecology.

Their demonic nature is revealed through even the smallest habits and trivial preferences.

‘Yet those fellows seemed truly human.’

Through possession, I was fortunate enough to know they were assassins, otherwise the situation could have gone awry from the very beginning.

If a key figure at the academy had been assassinated, it would have inevitably led to the bad ending.

The mere thought was unpleasant.

Still, I managed to successfully stop them.

That’s what mattered.

Moreover, there were gains to be had.

Since those fellows seemed to make their best attempt, there were many useful items among their belongings, so I gathered everything that could be of help.

‘However, according to the original plan, there were supposed to be fourteen assassins.’

I failed to capture one.

I couldn’t afford to let my guard down until the end.

“Number 82, please come in.”

Finally, it was my turn.

From behind, Valerie whispered, “Fighting.”

I followed the guidance, entering the interview room with measured steps.

“Ahem. Hello there.”

The entire wall was a glass window.

The woman sitting at the desk with her back to the vast glass window greeted me with a half-yawn, half-greeting.

A woman with the appearance of a young girl, with violet hair, wearing an oversized pointed hat and robe far too large for her frame.

Violet Luavbrinse.

This woman was the principal of Rahel Academy.

Nicknamed the ‘Witch’ due to her hat and robe, her abilities were undoubtedly exceptional.

After all, only mages of the 7th rank or higher could become principals.

“Number 82… You must be Adrian, correct?”


The moment her pink eyes scanned me up and down, I couldn’t help but tense up involuntarily.

However, I mustn’t reveal any such signs. I stood firm.

Unique Trait: Infiltration

▶ Your infiltration abilities are greatly enhanced as a King.

▶ Your identity is not easily detected.

Once again, I expected the unique traits of a Vampire Kingto serve their purpose well.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you. But, um… you’re a commoner, aren’t you?”

“That’s correct.”

There was insufficient time to forge myself a noble identity.

To forge a noble status, I would have had to either create a non-existent family or impersonate an existing one, but even with the aid of my subordinates, two days was too tight a timeframe.

“Let’s see… according to your credentials, you have the qualifications to apply as a regular professor, so why did you specifically apply for the dropout class?”

I couldn’t simply state, ‘Because the protagonist is fated to be in the dropout class, so I applied for it as well.’

“A sense of duty.”

This should suffice.

It’s not a lie.

I do have a sense of duty to interact with the protagonist and key NPCs in order to reach the happy ending.

“A commoner with a sense of duty~ Hmm~”

Violet gave me a sidelong glance and a wry smile.

“The information on your application seems a bit suspicious too ~A mage who doesn’t specialize in any particular school of magic, applying for the dropout class instructor position solely due to a sense of duty~”

Violet didn’t harbor any particular ill feelings towards commoners.

She didn’t mutter those words because I was a commoner.

This woman simply doubted me.

She suspected that as a commoner, I had exaggerated my qualifications on the application in an attempt to secure a teaching position at Rahel Academy, no matter what.

It wasn’t surprising.

That was just Violet’s nature.

She was brimming with affection for Rahel Academy and pride in her profession as an educator.

This wouldn’t be easy to overcome.

As that thought crossed my mind, sure enough, Violet snapped her fingers.

“Let’s test your skills, shall we?”

Three incomplete magic circles appeared above her head, side by side – red, blue, and yellow, each from a different school of magic.

“As you can see, these are all incomplete spells. Fill in the missing components to complete them. If you succeed with even one, I’ll acknowledge you… Huh?”

A look of surprise crossed Violet’s face.

Even before she finished speaking, I had already begun tracing the missing components of the spells.

Unique Trait – King’s Evil Eye

▶ You gain double vision in darkness.

▶ By expending a significant amount of vitality, you can analyze any magic within your line of sight.

Magic involves understanding the underlying principles, and then taking the next step based on that understanding.

Dark magic, however, works differently.

You simply pay the price, and receive the ‘result’ of comprehending the target.

My heart twinges painfully.

Judging by the amount of vitality consumed, these must be quite challenging spells.

And she’s having me complete not one, but three of them?

Isn’t that rather harsh for an interview question?

The red spell is completed.

“Elemental enhancement, strength augmentation spell.”

The blue spell is completed.

“Elemental explosion, ice binding spell.”

The yellow spell is completed.

“Transmutation, squirrel spell.”


Violet’s gaze briefly wandered, as if she couldn’t believe her own spells had been completed right before her eyes.

“Um, well. Alright then.”

Violet snapped her fingers once more.

This time, a table and chair materialized in front of me, followed by several neatly arranged sheets of paper.

“The contract for the dropout class instructor is detailed right here. Would you like to review it?”

I nodded and took a seat, examining the contents.


A decent salary and reasonable benefits. Nothing unfair or exceptional.

“How about taking a look at the next page?”

With a flick of her finger, the paper flipped to the following page.

“This is what we offer for a regular contract professor.”


The terms were certainly extraordinary.

Although only a single page apart, what was written on this page was on an entirely different level from what I had just seen.

‘A monthly salary of ten million kanels.’

Kanels were the currency in the game world.

Even when I had previously played this game up until the ending, the most kanels I had managed to painstakingly accumulate was a mere six million.

In my original world, this would be equivalent to about a hundred million.

As a monthly salary.

‘In contrast, the dropout class instructor’s salary…’

Was a measly one million kanels.

While certainly sufficient for living expenses, it paled in comparison to the staggering ten million figure.

But that wasn’t all.

‘Bonuses for exams… Bonuses for holidays… Bonuses after reputation surveys…’

Well, I understood that the benefits far exceeded those of the dropout class instructor.

“Why are you showing me this?”

“I have a special proposal for you.”

“A proposal?”

“Yes. A proposal.”

This time, a newspaper landed on the table – the same one Valerie had been carrying earlier.

“Did you read this article?”

“I did.”

“We had identified some likely candidates, but unfortunately, they were all met with accidents. How about you join as a contract professor instead?”

There was no need to deliberate.

“I must decline.”

No matter how favorable the conditions, I couldn’t abandon my mission.

Violet tilted her head quizzically.

“Um… Are the terms not to your liking? Or did mentioning your commoner status offend you?”

“Not at all. It would be an honor to serve as a contract professor at Rahel Academy.”

“Then what is it?”

“As I mentioned, a sense of duty.”

A brief silence fell between us.

“A sense of duty… a sense of duty…” Violet murmured, tapping her index finger against her lips in contemplation.

“Alright then!”

She flashed me a genuine, bright smile.



After safely passing the interview, I spent some time preparing.

Eliminating potential threats, preparing lesson materials, training – by the time I had finished these various preparations, a week had swiftly passed.

‘Today, is it?’

Today was the day when students would attend their first classes at Rahel Academy.

From today onwards, the main scenario of this world would truly begin.

I stood in front of the academy’s classroom, observing each student that entered one by one.

In any other classroom, the students’ faces would surely be filled with anticipation.

The fresh innocence of the new students, not yet accustomed to the academy uniforms, would fill the classroom interior like a vibrant flower bed.

However, the classroom I was standing in front of was different.

It couldn’t be any other way – this was the classroom solely for dropout students.

Even as the time for being seated approached, not even half the seats were occupied.

The students entering all wore gloomy expressions.

And finally—

‘There she is.’

A young female student carrying the sorrow of losing her parents to demons.

One eye blinded.

That girl, emanating distorted hatred and depression she could barely suppress, entered through the back door into the classroom.

In this landscape that was a watercolor painting, she alone seemed painted in black and white monochrome.

She silently took a seat in the very back row.

‘Charlotte Forte.’

The one who would become the 10th-ranked Leviathan Archmage if the happy ending was reached.

The one who would directly bring about the destruction of this world if the bad ending was reached.

She had arrived in the classroom.

‘And according to the plan, that guy today…’

Would die in 21 gruesome ways.



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I Became a Demon Professor at the Academy

I Became a Demon Professor at the Academy

Score 9.6
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Artist: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
"I quit." After waiting a hundred years, I finally quit being an executive of the demon world. In a world where even the protagonist, the heroine, and the named NPCs are fated to die, a world where a bad ending is inevitable. I became a professor who teaches them.


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19 days ago

21 ways?! FromSoftware definitely made the game…

Thanks for the chapter!

18 days ago

How the hell you can die 21 ways just from the beginning?! You haven’t even level up or collect any items yet!

Last edited 18 days ago by AmicableKraken
Reply to  AmicableKraken
17 days ago

Not leveling up or collecting items is how you die

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not work with dark mode