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I Became a Demon Professor at the Academy – Chapter 14

.。.:✧ Full Moon - 2 ✧:.。.

Translated By Arcane Translations
Translator: Yuziro



“I feel like I’m dying…”

“The characteristics of the illusion series are that it’s not standardized, and needs to be used considering the other party’s conditions-”

“Lotten, is it going well?”

“There are no set strokes for the spell, and their shape and number also depend on the other party you want to induce the illusion to, Lotten, is it going… Huh? Isabel! You made me lose my place!”

Lotten irritably pushed up his glasses.

With his bright brown hair and glasses as his distinctive features, he was always calculating and smart…

Ah, describing a failing class student this way might seem a bit strange.

‘Among the failing class students,’ he was an exceptionally calculating and clever prodigy.

He was also Isabel’s friend.

Being from the same territory, they had known each other since childhood.

“I feel like my head is about to explode, I can’t do anymore~ Ahaha…”

“Well… I can sympathize with the absurd amount of studying.”

It wasn’t just Isabel and Lotten having this conversation.

Sounds of dying could be all around.

If someone eavesdropped on the lecture hall from the outside, they might be confused whether this was a place for wailing and chanting, instead of a lecture hall.

‘This professor is really unbelievable…’

Lotten pushed up his glasses again.

Is this torture or studying? Of course, he knew it was studying, but still, there should be a limit.

This was way too much, even for being excessive.

Lotten Ortiz.

Even his name that was written on the paper was now shaking, to the point of being indecipherable.

His eyes wouldn’t stop twitching, and his head felt like it was about to explode.

“I understand the materials are beneficial… But this is just too much!”

“I’ve only memorized three pages so far. It means we’ll have to stay here for ten days.”

The students kept groaning.

The problem was that they were intentionally making those sounds loud enough for Lotten to hear.

‘Why are you doing this to me…’

Of course, Lotten also had a rough understanding of why they were specifically doing this to him.

Michelle, who had the best grades in the failing class, refused to participate in group activities, perhaps due to her pride as a noble young lady.

As a result, Lotten, who was in a higher grade and had quite decent academic performance, naturally came to be regarded as the leader of this class.

…But still, even so.

“Ah~ Won’t someone tell the professor to go a bit easier on us~”

“Right~ It would be so cool~”

What power did Lotten have?

No matter how much they hinted beside him, there was nothing he could do.

Besides, now wasn’t the time for this.

If they wanted to go home quickly, they had to memorize even one more letter in front of their eyes.

Just as the boy was about to cover his ears with both hands, someone suddenly muttered in a low voice.

“It’s so noisy I’m going to die.”

The gazes of the students who had been whining at Lotten immediately turned in the direction of the voice’s owner.

Michelle Meinens.

The one who had made the lecture hall fall silent for a moment with her cold voice was none other than the girl from the Meinens family.

Silence prevailed for a brief moment.

It wasn’t because her words were intimidating or scary, but rather because it was an action that the usual Michelle would never show, so the sense of incongruity was greater.

Michelle was the type to ignore the failing class students outright rather than openly disdain them.

For her to step up and mutter such words…

It was enough reason for the students to tilt their heads.

Confirming the gazes directed at her, the telekinetic girl added a few more words while adjusting the bandages on her arm.

“That professor Adrian is in his office. He hasn’t left work yet. Go and ask him directly. If you’re not going to do that, memorize quietly. Don’t disturb others who are memorizing.”

Even Michelle, who disliked Adrian more than anyone else, said that?

The students’ heads tilted even more.

Ah, no.

She had been suspended upside down last time, so she ended up silently obeying Adrian’s words.

After all, she had even shown her underwear with a rabbit printed on it…

The students completely misunderstood Michelle’s true feelings, but as the saying goes, all roads lead to Rome.

The students had somehow reached the conclusion that they should just shut up and memorize.

But that’s when it happened.

Charlotte abruptly stood up from her seat and began walking steadily toward the front door of the lecture hall.

Hope instantly spread across the students’ faces.

That’s right, there was Charlotte!

After the duel between Adrian and Charlotte, Charlotte had noticeably become more obedient.

Therefore, among the students, when it came to the student closest to Adrian, they thought of Charlotte.

Moreover, when she fought with Michelle, didn’t Adrian only take Charlotte away?

But… no one was close enough to Charlotte to talk to her.

It’s okay.

There’s Isabel, the queen of friendliness! Isabel asked with sparkling eyes.

“Charlotte! Are you going to talk to the professor?”


“Oh, that’s great! Definitely, if you talk to him, Charlotte, he might listen!”

But Charlotte seemed unsure of her next words, so she fiddled with the ends of her hair for a moment.

“…I’m just going to ask about things I don’t understand.”

After adding only those words, she dashed out of the lecture hall.

But then, Michelle suddenly followed after Charlotte.

The remaining students tilted their heads as they watched the two leave the lecture hall.




The sun had long since set.

Charlotte, who had been walking down the corridor for a while, finally stopped.

At the same time, she turned around and asked.

“Are you following me?”

“…If you know, then stop.”

Michelle, who had been limping, approached Charlotte closely.


As Michelle reached out her hand, Charlotte unknowingly assumed a defensive stance.

At this hour when all the professors had left work and all the students had gone home, there was no one to intervene if Michelle picked a fight.

But the action shown by the girl from the Meinens family was completely unexpected.

“What don’t you know? I’ll teach you.”


Charlotte actually shut her mouth.

She understood what Michelle meant, but it was hard to accept.

“It’s far to the office. I’ll teach you.”

“You, Michelle? Why?”

If you ask why…

Michelle pondered for a moment.

It was complicated to answer casually.

When the bell signaling the end of the lecture rang, Michelle was still in the bathroom.

No matter how much attention she paid to telekinesis, there was a limit to supporting a living body part.

Because she was limping, she had no choice but to walk slowly in the corridor, and naturally, her return to the lecture hall was delayed.

‘He… coughed up a lot of blood.’

She had witnessed Adrian staggering with a tired look in his eyes and a pale face, wiping the blood from the corners of his mouth.

The professor was clearly struggling to the point of not even noticing Michelle, whom he had encountered head-on.

‘I really, really don’t know why I’m being considerate of that professor…’


She herself couldn’t understand why she was being considerate and caring for that professor, but she felt sorry for Charlotte for seeking out Adrian while he was resting.

It was impossible to express that feeling directly.

The girl made up an excuse.

“Why else? Because I pity you.”

“Mind your own business. And I don’t need it. I’m going to ask the professor.”

Charlotte lightly retorted and tried to go her way again.

“Why are you suddenly working so hard?”

“Michelle, you’ve always lived each day as planned, right?”

Michelle’s words were meant to stop Charlotte.

But instead, a question was thrown back at her.

“The things you planned must have happened every day without even the slightest deviation. Right, Michelle?”

“Well, yeah.”

“I’ve never experienced that even once. Not knowing what to do, I just lived each day as it came.”


“But Professor Adrian taught me. What kind of days I should live. Now I live each day knowing how I should live.”

She didn’t know Charlotte was that sincere.

Michelle’s eyes twitched slightly.

“…I’m going to work myself to death. I’ll repay the professor’s grace.”

Hearing Charlotte’s sincerity, Michelle’s heart wavered a bit too.

She had a much deeper mindset than Michelle had thought.

Michelle looked at Charlotte with sunken eyes.

“Do you really mean what you just said?”

“I mean it.”

And Charlotte answered with the most serious eyes above all else.

It was probably sincere.

Always being led by emotions, in other words, meant she couldn’t hide her feelings well.

For someone like that to say this much…

In the end, Michelle let out a deep sigh.

“Okay. Then it can’t be helped.”

“What can’t be helped?”

“Actually, Professor Adrian is in very poor health right now.”

Charlotte’s eyes widened as if surprised.

“Is the professor… very sick?”

“He was coughing up blood.”

“Ah… Then I shouldn’t go see him now. I can’t disturb him while he’s resting.”

“Of course you shouldn’t.”

It was fortunate that she was quick to understand.

She understood before getting annoyed.

Charlotte, with worried eyes, tried to return to the lecture hall.

But Michelle quickly continued.

“But if you’re really frustrated, there is a way.”

“A way?”

“First, let me ask one thing. Is it the theory that’s difficult, or is it the activation?”

“Hmm… It’s the activation. I understood it, but I’m quite frustrated because I can’t try activating it.”

“In other words, it’s something that can be solved with just a training ground.”

Charlotte tilted her head.

“But there’s no training ground we can use. The professor advised us not to use the failing class’s training ground for a while because the environment is too poor…”

“We can use the intermediate or advanced class training grounds.”

“…Is that allowed?”

Charlotte blinked her eyes.

“It’s in the Rahel Academy regulations. After 8 p.m., all training grounds within the academy can be freely used.”

Of course, at Rahel Academy, the students were semi-forcibly sent home at 6 p.m, so it was practically a non-existent regulation.

But thanks to Adrian, they had the opportunity to utilize that regulation for the first time.

Even the principal probably never thought there would be a professor like this.

Charlotte seemed only half convinced.

“But it’s just the two of us?”

“Doesn’t matter.”

Because there were two people who would definitely go.



“Woooow~~~ This is really amazing! Amazing!!!”

A training ground where students classified as intermediate level should have trained.

Isabel spread her arms and shouted.

Michelle’s prediction was spot on.

As soon as she proposed using the training ground, Isabel and Lotten had eagerly taken the bait.

“We get to use such great facilities! I really want to use only training grounds like this for the rest of my life!”

“Don’t get too excited. You’re always overdoing it, Isabel.”

Lotten interjected while pushing up his glasses.

“But isn’t it really amazing? I didn’t know the facilities would be this good! It’s my first time coming here!”

“This is just an intermediate class training ground. It’s probably nothing compared to the advanced class one.”

“Lotten, you’ve been to the advanced class training ground?!”

“No, this is my first time here too…”

Even though they were bickering, aside from Michelle, the three of them couldn’t close their mouths, amazed by the excellent facilities.

The wide area.

Neatly arranged facilities.

Bright lighting.

Fresh air.

No matter which aspect they compared, it was on a different level from the failing class’s training ground.

But Isabel’s curiosity didn’t stop.

“But it’s a bit strange? Why was this training ground open from the beginning? Did any of us use our student ID?”

No one bothered to answer.

They thought, ‘If it’s open, it’s open.’

What was there to be afraid of when it wasn’t even against the regulations?


Michelle parted her lips with a quite serious face.

“The thing I hate most is group activities. From now on, don’t ever involve me.”

Although her tone was a bit sharp, everyone seemed to agree.

In the first place, this training ground was so spacious that they couldn’t even interfere with each other once they started studying individually.

The four of them split up in the four cardinal directions as if they had made a promise.

Michelle tried her best to distance herself from the other students.

Soon, they reached a point where they looked as small as dots to each other.

It couldn’t be helped.

To practice Event Horizon, she had to be as far away as possible.

If the people with her got involved, it would be really troublesome.


Michelle suddenly stopped.

There was something that caught her eye. She immediately picked it up using telekinesis.

[ Yuria Howard ]

“It’s a student ID.”

Judging by the red border, it was the name tag of an intermediate class student.

It seemed the training ground was open because of this student ID.

But Michelle didn’t stop just because she found a student ID.


The student ID was completely covered in blood.

Not much time had passed.

Seeing the blood dripping from the lifted student ID.



Come to think of it, the scene unfolding before Michelle’s eyes was grotesque.

A path made of blood droplets stretched out in a certain direction.

Critical injury.

Injuries were common when practicing mid-to-high level magic.

Even Event Horizon, which Michelle was about to learn, could kill you if you were unlucky.

If it was an injured student, she had to save them quickly.

After all, a noble should know how to look after others.

Michelle’s footsteps became urgent.

She walked along the path created by the blood droplets.

And walked some more.


And finally, she found her.

In the distance, a female student was waving her body as if asking for help.

“Hey, you. Are you okay?”

There was no answer.

She was just waving her body.

“I’m asking you. Are you… o… kay… Huh.”

The way the female student’s body was swaying was a bit strange.

Her neck was excessively twisted, and her arms and legs were bending with cracking sounds as if they had no joints.

At the same time, she felt a direct sense that something was wrong.

Crunch— Crunch—

The girl was being entirely devoured by something.

Primal fear coursed through Michelle’s body. Her body soon stiffened.

Then, with a thud, the girl’s body was thrown in front of Michelle.

It was a body that had dried up and shriveled like a dead tree, as if all the blood had been sucked out.


Before she could even ask what it was, her mouth froze.

Those ominous red eyes, more than anything else, were now staring at Michelle.



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I Became a Demon Professor at the Academy

I Became a Demon Professor at the Academy

Score 9.6
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Artist: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
"I quit." After waiting a hundred years, I finally quit being an executive of the demon world. In a world where even the protagonist, the heroine, and the named NPCs are fated to die, a world where a bad ending is inevitable. I became a professor who teaches them.


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19 days ago

Adrian is in a weakened state and the demons are already attacking… this is going to be a hell of a ride for the four of them…

Thanks for the chapter!

17 days ago

This author is so inconsistent.
Two things:
Lotten, a chatacter in a fantasy world, completely different from our reality, can’t just say “all roads lead to rome”. Rome, most likely does not exist un this world”

Charlotte and her serious “eyes”. Ain’t no way the author forgets, that Charlotte has literally only one eye left, or atleast an eye patch.

This just breaks immersion in a story, that has an interesting beginning

Tfc btw

Reply to  Yikers
14 days ago

the nitpicking is crazy… who cares if they use common idioms, also you don’t know if the eyes thing is tl or author error. anyway, the details are so minor that they’re inconsequential. just enjoy the story bro it’s not that deep

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